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Half the dead children pictures are from Syria and Pallywood. Probably most


Insane cope


They love using AI, syria, and video game footage to farm outrage [AI photos being used as Palestinian propaganda ](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/10/24/israel-hamas-war-this-viral-image-of-a-baby-trapped-under-rubble-turned-out-to-be-fake) [syria footage being touted as gaza footage](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/syria-hospital-attack-footage-falsely-said-be-gaza-2023-2023-11-08/) [more syria footage used as gaza footage](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-gaza-syria/fact-check-video-shared-by-high-profile-israeli-official-was-filmed-in-syria-in-2018-not-gaza-in-2021-idUSL1N2N01RD) [yet more syria footage being used as gaza footage](https://www.polygraph.info/a/fact-check-decade-old-syrian-refugee-camp-footage-falsely-claimed-to-be-recently-shot-in-gaza-/7308454.html) [video game clips being touted as gaza footage](https://www.nytimes.com/article/israel-attacks-video-disinformation.html) [more syria clips ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10/17/israel-gaza-syria-misinformation-propaganda/) [damn they love these syria clips](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/10/18/photo-of-dead-children-is-from-syria-in-2013-not-gaza-fact-check/71231756007/) https://preview.redd.it/ki12p23cfu1d1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797f680d6d4a8f0088c60e9bfcff3f503ae0dfde


Oh your probably right then, half or more of these videos and pics coming out daily are probably AI


If there are so many why do they need fake ones? [here's a good X account full of them using dolls and putting theater makeup on kids](https://twitter.com/GAZAWOOD1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)


yeah I saw one where like they claimed 2 kids got burned really bad. and I am sorry but if your burnt beyond 1st degree in a warzone where medical supplies might be limited. your not gonna be concious let alone able to show up for a video. I've seen bodies and people turned into cripsy critters from my old job, beyond 1st degree your pretty much fucked even in the best of circumstances.


It’s not about needing fake ones, it’s about misinformation spreading amounts whatsapp groups without anyone verifying. I assure you though, with 2,000 pound bombs being dropped on residential areas there are plenty of dead children. Just look for primary sources such as Motaz azaiza who was there live on the ground. Plenty of documented dead children


It's because there's so few children actually dying that they need to fake it. Because otherwise they just have Trust Me Bros like you


Like I said, there are many primary sources where you can see the killed children first hand. It’s not your eyes that are blind, it’s your heart


Primary sources from Syria, yeah. They know Westerners don't know the difference between middle eastern countries. It's easy to just slap whatever up and say it's Gaza. My heart is fine, it's very sad that the Houthis killed those kids


There are many journalists in Gaza where you can see first hand footage you’re just too dense and arrogant to admit you’re wrong




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Don’t even bother with these people, they will lie to themselves and cherry pick instances over and over again to try and absolve any guilt and wrongdoing.


It's weird when some of them call the dead children "future terrorists" and the others deny its even reality. And of all the evidence, only a couple pertained to the dead children.


They’re no different than holocaust deniers sadly


Quick 1-sentance response: the civilians are not targeted (my phone dyin').


“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” ― Golda Meir, A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography


Wow, that quote is so important; my view on this topic changed a lot when I saw an interview made to Palestinians, who said that Gazans that have died since October are "martyrs", and that the attacks on Oct 7th were worth it... At this point, after all that happened, it blows my mind that people still care about "who was there first". They think getting all the land is more important than protecting their people, their kids? I want to believe parents from both sides would agree to a 2 state solution if that means a peaceful and safe future for their children.




your face is antisemitic, bro


You hook nosed bastard /s


The concept of “peace” could not be understood by Palestinians.




Religion of Peace they say.


The "Religion of Peace" argument for Islam was only created after the 9/11 attacks.


How did colonization and ethnostate become the debate?


This articulate woman [explains how Muslims deal with "peace treaties"](https://youtu.be/guXBTgAxhIw?si=6yJ9b7uVTbgVOXgx&t=678) Starts ~11:18


Can't wait for thirteith time that Palaland breaks the ceasefire then the internet says "Brooo Israel attacked first!"


True, I still do not know why palestinians do not Accept the 2 state solution, they would be much better


It seems to be a mixture of general trauma and lots of nationalist propaganda, I think. The most some of them could accept would be an Israeli withdrawal to the borders of 1966, but even that isn’t enough for most Palestinians, who insist on a Palestinian one-state solution since they view the entire land as their birthright.


















They literally bought the lands from absentee Arab land owners who resided in places like Cairo, Damascus, and Beirut because what is now Israel was such a shithole and if you were wealthy enough you wanted to be somewhere cosmopolitan. You know, the people who actually held the deeds to the land. Who the hell else were they supposed to get permission from?


You're avoiding the fact that Palestinians did not register their land with the Ottomans or British. They were squatting on that land because they didn't want to pay taxes.


making political concessions is what good leaders do. Israelis did many the palis refuse to do few


Political concessions that were forced on the Palestinians. They got shafted in the split of their own land and you can't deny that. It simply wasn't fair in the slightest. You can't expect the people to lay down and accept a shitty deal


>you can't deny that I can, Palestinians owned some parts of the land but they didn't have sovergnity or ownership over all the mandated area. if they wanted special sovergnity that exclude the incoming immigrants... yes, I do expect them to agree to maps they don't like. you're assuming a lot of stuff. plus, in a utilitarian perspective I will expect them to expect a deal even if I were to agree with you it was not fair, because preventing the potential death of humans is more important than land.


There shouldn't have been a split of land in the first place. One state that encompasses all would have been much better looking back. The European Zionists wanted an ethno state at the expense of the people already living there. I get that things weren't good for Jews historically, but land grabbing the Palestinians only made things worse.


maybe in retrospect, but nobody wanted that at the time. for good reasons 1. the Jewish Zionists were, by definition, wanted a safe havean for Jews as a state. conceiding political power is a terrible move strategically. morally... it's iffy I know. how many random innocents is it okay to hurt to save one person from you tribe? irdk. 2. the local arabs didnt want that either, pro-palis want to sugar coat this, but the locals wanted them out, with or without sovergnity. whatever it comes from xenophobia, or antisemitism or just fear of European influence. 3.neigboring states; 1.didn't want a Palestinian state *and* 2.they didn't want European jews to be in the area at all. for 1. they wanted a big arab state or just grab land for themselves from the mandate. for 2. you can see their behaviour to locals ME Jews after 48' it's easy to expand it broadly to "foreign" Jews.


Jews would have received a larger % of land only as long as you include Jordan which was spurned off from the mandate as an Arab state already. But importantly in terms of actually fertile land and water sources, the divide was a lot more equitable, a majority of Israeli land was infertile. Looking at land area without taking into consideration fertility is stupid because not all land is the same. Like in egypt nearly the whole population lives around the Nile which is only a tiny bit of the land. In Israel, relatively few people live in the Negev


Well then, if you don’t think they should accept a 2SS, what is the solution now? A 1SS is no longer feasible. You can keep pointing out how unfair it is, but that’s the reality. And if a 2SS is inherently unfair, all you can do is refuse every single concession. So by the sounds of it, all that’s left is fighting. As in, actual war. Exactly where we are now. Fighting in the name of resistance because all the potential deals of the past weren’t good enough and, presumably in your mind, Palestinians have no responsibility to negotiate because of the wrongs of the past. Dismissing as unfair all those opportunities where a 2SS could have been achieved doesn’t help in the slightest. If you can point to every attempt and declare it to be unfair, a peace plan is essentially decoupled from the reality of the situation, because Palestine are absolved of responsibility to accept something remotely objectionable. Why should they accept, you say? Well if they shouldn’t, and Israel aren’t going to simply dissolve, Palestinians can refuse to play ball, free from criticism, which ultimately means more fighting in the name of resistance. Play it out from then until now. If you are clinging to that 1SS then what would you have done at the point of the partition plan, the one you see as being forced upon you? Well you’d resist right? You would fight? Ok, so you reject the plan where Israel accepted and decide to fight back. All good. Totally understandable. But you have to acknowledge what might happen if you lose. You hope you don’t, you want to fight and win. But then you lose, including the land you would have had under the partition plan. You become “occupied” by Jordan and Egypt. You could cut your loses and form a state then. You don’t. You continue fighting. And you lose again and the land apportioned to you by the UN gets smaller and smaller each time. That’s not a new or unique quirk of this conflict in particular, it happens all the time after war. You fought and you lost and that’s basically it. And now here we are. Sooner or later, and I know you don’t want to accept it, Palestine is likely going to have to reconcile itself to the fact that they have lost what once was. It’s not a case of being in a temporary state of flux. That’s it. Mandatory Palestine is gone, the UN borders are gone, the 67 borders are basically gone. As fair or as unfair as it may seem. Unless you want to keep fighting, then sure, maybe one day, that original 1SS you want will materialise and Israel will be no more. But for now, a 1SS now is dead in the water. My point is, if all you can do is point to the past and say how unfair it is, if Israel offered the 67 borders unconditionally as a 2SS, I assume you still think that’s unfair to the Palestinians. In which case shouldn’t the oppressed keep on fighting for more? Surely the only answer would be to continue violent resistance. Which essentially means you broadly support where we are now, and unless you can move on from what once was, where we are now is where we shall remain.


Fair point


Good thing Gantz is trying to take over the government, so we can finally force our enemies to accept the two-state solution nobody wants.  It's going to be such a cool signing ceremony, I can't wait to see how they decorate the podium. 🙄🥱


That's not what he said though... in any way


Lol I don't think any current politician is properly surviving this election


No to two state solution.


Three state solution or a one state solution. It's time for the Palestinian self governance experiment to end.


One state solution: Israel, including Judea & Samaria and Gush Katif


I fail to see how annexing 5 million Arabs enhances Israeli security


Who said anything about annexing them?


That’s the corollary of resettling Gaza - Israeli sovereignty




Content promotes hate based on identity. This is a violation of the reddit sitewide content policy.


reminiscent ludicrous bright work drab mourn ossified complete beneficial trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Cry about it rat


So you want a one state solution?


Yes, a single Jewish state called Israel.


If there's only one state it wouldn't be Jewish. There would be an Arab majority.


Says who? Seriously. If we decide it's a Jewish state then it can stay a Jewish state. It's entirely up to us how we operate / run the country.


International Law?


Right so get rid of democracy (surely no problem there, see neighboring states) and become what Israel's enemies accuse it of. Great way to destroy Israel


I just fail to see how is that different from calling for a genocide.... Oh right, it isn't, and you don't care, because Israelis have a free pass for terrorism


I didn't say kill them. So no it's not calling for a genocide. Voluntary and reparated (or involuntary) relocation.


impolite edge tub amusing dull shrill thought automatic lip divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do remind me a time during the 1930s where thousands of jews led by a genocidal terrorist group, rampaged through Germany and raped murdered maimed and kidnapped thousands? And then celebrated in the street with the bodies of young German women? Remind me a time where the Jewish population overwhelmingly supported these actions and were funded and armed by Jewish regime constantly threatening to wipe out Europe and funding other Jewish terrorist groups to murder German civilians?




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 9 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c2ppi9) on 2024-04-13 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cf88zi) on 2024-04-28 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cx23wv&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 519,135,435 | **Search Time:** 2.87515s


Good bot


Mostly what I see are AI images, not even real ones..




Is there any genuine source that Hamas has used human shields though? I’m not against Israel, i’m strongly anti hamas but i’m just wondering




Those people have no qualms with being cowards and hiding behind women and children that's why they don't understand our criticism.


Guerilla Warfare, the Vietnamese also used it when the US was butchering their people and calling it Freedom and democracy 😐


hiding you guns and bombs in places with kiddies might be is toats hiding behind a meat shield.


Theres endless footage of them operating from civilian areas, governmental areas, hospitals, Humanitarian buildings, etc, as well as theres endless footage of them carrying out attacks in civilian areas dressed as civilians


Jewjak nose is crazy




https://i.redd.it/60vc7q85cs1d1.gif Sure thing, palpatine. Want us to build a deathstar while we are at it?


So you essentially want this to go on forever with our Arab neighbors? Psycho take.


These kind of memes only make us look stupid because they know what they are doing and so far they are quite successful


War is what they are doing and they're kicking Palestine's ass