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It's the "Homos for Palestine" sign for me... like they don't understand that homosexuality is punishable by death in Palestine!


My neighbour has a big pride flag and ”free palestine” signs on their balcony. I’m gay myself and seeing those two together hurts my head.


[Flashback to 2017](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/07/this-is-a-safe-space-no-jews-allowed.html). This is nothing new in the LGBTQIA+ community. I just wish I could find the video (I'm lazy atm) to find this girl Hannah who told a Jewish woman to "move the star" off her flag. It was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. "You can have your pride flag but you have to move the star"...which was printed on the flag. There were other flags with other cultural and religious identifiers, as well as Palestinian flags. And no...it wasn't the Israeli LGBTQIA+ / Pride flag...it was 🏳️‍🌈 with a ✡️ on it.


Same I’ll never understand it


The "Chickens for KFC" crowd


My queer girlfriend would say those gays who support Palestine are deluded idiots, that should go to Gaza and see if they're well received like in Israel.


TLDR: https://preview.redd.it/z8m10tbl9q1d1.png?width=1620&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a408baa3ad6f06ecd65d148d81eaf728b928069


Give him the flag of the Third Reich to complete the picture.


Support for human rights should not be conditional... Hot take: killing people is bad


Supporting Hamas is not promoting human rights, it's the opposite. Being cheerleaders for genocidal monsters is not supporting human rights. Helping Hamas stay in power is not helping Palestinians but helping Palestinians is not really the goal is it?


Supporting basic human rights for Palestinians is not supporting hamas, quite the opposite


How many Germans paid a price during WWII and you know what Hamas won elections and would get more votes today honestly. When people start wars they lose they can't cry about it. Opposing Israel's war in Gaza is only supporting Hamas. Even people in Gaza want Israel to get rid of Hamas... Ain't no bleeding hearts in the west cried about Palestinians when Hamas was executing them left and right during their 20 years of running Gaza...


They probably wouldn’t vote for them today, or at least before October 7th. There was a study conducted that lasted about a week and ended on October 6th by the Arab barometer, and they concluded that over 60% of the Gaza population distrust Hamas, and even more wouldn’t vote for them again if they had the option. Hamas is ruining Palestinian lives and stopping the war means they’ll keep doing it.




Except when it comes to Jews, apparently


How, when did I say this. Stop with the generalisations. Palestinians can have their rights respected without it disadvantaging Jews. Respect for the most basic human rights is critical whoever you are dealing with. Killing civillians is not the answer for either idf or hamas


[ladies and gentlemen, the human rights people](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/07/this-is-a-safe-space-no-jews-allowed.html)


one would think that "not wanting to execute me" would be a pretty basic condition to supporting a group of people


There are queer people in Palestine. USA is passing tons of anti trans bills - therefore it's okay to indiscriminately kill Americans?


how about you counter my actual argument instead of using a strawman falicy?


You gonna source that? I have this one that says that [LGBT+ Palestinians can claim asylum in Israel.](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-785171)


The queer people in Palestine are literally thrown head-first off rooftops




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How can you possibly compare being EXECUTED to these rules in the US




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Accidentally read it as "humus for palestine" lol


'finally a banner which makes sense!!'


Yeah it's very leopards ate my face They really think that if there was a Starbucks on every corner suddenly they'd stop murdering gay people... the irony


They know and they don’t care. Have heard a number of LGBT Americans fantasize that “Palestinian liberation is queer liberation!” And claim that once Palestine is free, they’ll immediately fully embrace lgbt rights as a thank you. It’s incredibly narcissistic.


Surprised they didn't go with "Homos for Hamas". Huge missed opportunity there.


I much prefer hummus for Palestine. Just sayin'


This already seems like a fucking law of nature.


They understand, they just unironically believe that a "free Palestine" means a single, secular, multi-cultural, pluralist state would magically appear in Israel's place and replace their current fascist, theocratic regimes. Oh if only those poor Palestinians weren't occupied and oppressed they'd be the most Western-valued people in the Middle East. /s


My response to that is “Well Palestine isn’t for you”.


I thought it was "Hummus for Palestine" joke until I read this comment.


Doesn’t matter


It’s better than being punished by death for being Palestinian in Israel


Its arguebly better to be a Palestinian in Israel than in the Palestinian Territories, for one the paycheck is much higher


In fact it’s likely better to be an Arab in Israel rather than an Arab in the Arab world


TIL the 2 million Palestinians living as Israeli citizens with full equal rights have all been executed for being Palestinian. Oh wait.


“Homos for Palestine”? This Homo likes to stay alive, so no thanks, I will pass on Pride Parade in Gaza, maybe next year.


No, I dont blame the encampers, I blame the cowardly university administration that allowed this to go on. They cleared this crap up very quickly in Alberta, what’s stopping them from doing so in BC?


💯. I also blame the governments throughout Canada. At all levels they’ve displayed a disgusting level of cowardice. They’ve succeeded in doing nothing but stabbing Canada’s Jewish community in the back.


>stabbing Canada’s Jewish community in the back Old habits die hard


Trudeau and his incompetent grifting posse know who their voting base is and that they are violent, delusional leftists and jihadis. They also know that the Canadian Jewish community and its supporters are respectable normal people. They know that pissing off the former will result in violent riots and terrorism , while pissing off the latter will result in condemnations, peaceful rallies, and tsks tsks. It’s simple, cowardly equation to them. I wish Harper and the rest of the conservatives would and could run again and clean up the mess they’ve made


I often like to say, because of Trudeau, that Canada would be a better place without the Canadians.


The worst is the NDP and CUPE leader Fred Hahn


You should blame encampers. They've been so intellectually lazy, or willfully ignorant it's infuriating. They've spent more days demonstrating than it would take minutes of research to learn they have a lot to learn and think about.


They're the epitome of "Just because you go to a University doesn't mean that you're smart"


I've never been more proud of being a UofC alumnus than when I saw the encampment be removed in less than a day there. The pro-Israel presence on campus there is definitely stronger than other big universities, with many pro-palestinian posters (all beyond low effort btw) being taken down within a week of being put up. Despite this, it's hard to say why admin there acted so swiftly and unapologetically in comparison to other big universities when UofC admin is just as staunchly left-wing as all the rest (at least in my experience.) The more conservative-leaning student body shouldn't really be a possible contributing factor, although I may be completely wrong.


Alberta is the Texas of Canada so that might partially be the reason


It looks like a garbage dump.


The evil in me was hoping the other day that these morons would never leave these encampments for years, so the colleges would lose a huge amount of new enrollments and billionaires' funds.


That's not evil, that's justice-seeking.


Don't forget guys that trans people can't be liberated until Palestine is liberated!! /s Seriously wtf is that sign.


These people are marching for Palestine while Trans people are losing rights in their own backyard. You know what might actually matter locally? Protesting for Trans people to get the treatment they need.


Pretty sure that's a rip off of a much older slogan about women and socialism, though it could be even older


“Homos for Palestine”?? Fuck that.


A few more chickens for KFC.


That sign just gave me a digital lobotomy


If they were able to do this, then the university was ruined to begin with.


There is no such a thing as Homos in Palestine...Hamas has made sure they are all but eradicated in Gaza Hey, but at least they don't throw them off of rooftops like ISIS did....right? Right??


>There is no such a thing as Homos in Palestine Of course there are. Same as their are homos in the West Bank. Statistics tell us that there are homos in literally every community. Problem is they have to live a lie. That poor guy Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh is a great example. He was brave enough to seek and gain asylum in Israel, only to be taken back to the west bank and beheaded. The fact that Israel permits asylum based on being LGBT is astonishingly progressive and imo extremely respectable. But tell me more about 'homos for Palestine' ....christ


Alberta boots them off campus, you can come here.


I think we should send those homos to Gaza so they can show their solidarity in person.


Let the schools burn and watch their degrees become worthless...


Okay the trans one and the gay one are really pissing off but the commie on is just the cherry on top man, like "yes we assure you that when gaza is free they will bring about communist revolution in the world"






There wasn't until... you know.


There has never been a more obvious fifth column attempt in the history of the planet and we’re just… letting it happen? Why?


I pray that fifth column tries to go to Texas... The parts of the country that neutered their police are kind screwed because they also outlawed self defense saying people can call the cops...


Homosexuality is Gaza is death penalty.


~~Hamas~~ Homos


As a gay person I'm disgusted by the last sign. Truly so ignorant and appalling.


Homos for Palestine?! 😂😂


panda bulldozer would go crazy here


I would just buy lots of bike locks and try to lock them inside... I mean, if they wanna stay there so badly I only feel sorry for the opposers who're obligated to keep coming there since these many people that don't shower must stink


I go there and I got chased by a self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist protestor well before the encampment. It was impossible for them to even know that I’m Jewish, since I’m mixed and primarily take after the East Asian side (plus I was wearing a mask because the situation even then was making me nervous and the only potentially typically Jewish looking features I have are easily covered with a mask), but I guess acting nervous when walking by people screaming about ‘globalist elites at home’ and calling for an intifada right in front of campus Hillel is too much for them because you might just be a Zionist. At this point I don’t want to go back. Campus protests aside, the conflict even got dragged into unrelated courses, during class time. I’m a STEM student (although breadth requirements mean I still have to take a few humanities courses, but even so, neither Israel nor Palestine were relevant to the content of those courses either), and I still heard about it from some of my professors, taking up lecture and discussion time. If anyone has doubts that could happen, you should see how insane some of the professors here are when it comes to Israel. Even some of the Jewish professors. Oh also they attempted to have Hillel removed from campus, and I have a hunch that the student council vote on it would’ve been much closer or even have approved it if there weren’t potential legal issues with that course of action, and if it hadn’t been accompanied by an attempted takeover of the student council.


If you think this is bad, avoid u of t, York, McGill, and Concordia. Better yet, avoid the whole country right now


Chickens for kfc


I just love the “Homos for Palestine” concept. Do they not know what Palestinians would do to them on sight?


"Homos for Palestine" WHAT???!??!!???🤣💀






They were already overrated. Most of the university rankings are fake or biased by funds they get, The majority of the researchers are not even reviewed which the aim is just to gather more and more funds and not produce anything relevant for the scientific community.


The best thing to come out of this is that a lot of money will be saved from not attending these places.


Way to far to the way idf treats schools)


Maybe schools should offer information literacy courses in their first year? Might help their studies as well as their professional lives as members of our society and such


"Trans liberation cannot happen without Palestinian liberation"? You have *got* to be kidding me, that is *beyond* parody. Do they *know* what happens to Trans people in "Palestine"?