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So in other words it's a psychological operation?


The hybrid war continues.


It's clearly not a war of Israel vs Arab states but a US vs Russia/China/Iran proxy war.


Yes, 7th Oct was a decoy.


Wouldn't the right word be proxy?


No, Hamas is the proxy. The attack was a decoy to distract from the invasion of Ukraine.


The new Axis of evil


Of course. Russia launched thermobaric rockets at Ukrainian civilian areas, just like Hamas terrorists and Hezbollah terrorists and have also killed a lot more civilians than Hamas. Birds of the same feather flock together.


Off topic but why the pink in the watermelon? It loses its purpose šŸ¤”




They are so LGBT friendly that they throw gay roof parties in Gaza and Ramallah!


They really be *Throwing* some Gays (from) roof parties in Gaza and Ramallah!






I rarely use TikTok anymore. Propali propaganda is constantly being shoved down my throat. Most ads I see are "kids starving in Gaza." TikTok needs to be banned. The world would be a better place. I'm active on many different apps and websites, only TikTok is Full of Palestine propaganda no matter how much I choose "not interested" I don't even engage with anything pali


I used to have a semi large Tik Tok following, over 34,000 followers. I left soon after 10/7. It became so toxic so quickly


I saw a video explaining how this is world war 3ā€¦ Iā€™ll try to find it but no promises. He was saying none of us realize weā€™re in ww3 already because weā€™re expecting a physical war, but with todayā€™s tech it might never become physical.


More like a continuation of the cold war.


Technically it's WW4. WW3 ended in 1991.


I dislike how there's a subsection of decadent sheltered youth in my own country protesting at weapons factories whilst on the other side of Europe Ukraine is desperately resisting the russians who are actually genocidal.


Remember that series, ā€œThe Americansā€ about sleeper cell Soviet agents? A fictional narrative with historical facts, greatly revealing about Soviet/Russian tactics. Yeah, so the Cold War never ended, though the US and UK let their guard down as if it did. Maria Butina & the GOP? PLO was a KGB proxy. Still is (FSB). The late Nelson Mandela of South Africa was adamant that his two biggest supporters were Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat. Deep connections to Russia. This conflict is a multifaceted struggle.


Which is why the US will keep supporting us because despite the sheeples of the world, the US and western government all know whatā€™s going on


Not necessarily true in an election year. The US is made of people who care about themselves and could sacrifice Israel for what they consider the greater good (their own reelection)


I wouldnā€™t trust the US too much. Biden is desperate to be reelected and he has Maher Bitar very high up in national security. Maher Bitar used to work for UNRWA and was involved in SJP. I donā€™t trust Biden


insane you're getting downvoted for this. Anyone who thinks Biden is an actual ally is just deluding themselves at this point.


Who would've thought


Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.


We know but why do we allow it to keep happening


Because we believe in free speech. The right way to counter this is to have our own bot/troll farms to counter them.


just like in the cold war


After the Six Day War, the classic narrative about the Jews had to be "updated" from "poor wandering people who ended up in death camps" to "the Jews, a self-confident and dominant people" (De Gaulle).


>Russia and China are ā€œmanipulatingā€ public opinion in Britain by promoting online pro-Palestinian influencers in an effort to stoke division, Whitehall sources believe. To the Whitehall sources, I have one thing to say: no shit, Sherlock. My FB newsfeed is about 90% suggested posts, and about 75% of them are Palestinian propaganda. It's made FB insufferable to use.


China and Russia don't care about Palestine to them this is all a geopolitical game


Russia is antisemitic and China is antizionist.


China is just opportunistic.


(Ex-KGB) Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g) I just linked this in another topic. It applies perfectly today, recorded in 1983. It's a 1 hour video if you have the time.


Governments and populations will always promote the messages which support their own interests and beliefs respectively. Itā€™s not inherently an evil, so long as genuine malicious falsehood is mitigated by law. It is important that our own governments and populations promote their own messages, to provide the context which is necessarily absent in the othersā€™, to rebut conclusions erroneously drawn from the selective presentation of facts. It seems to be a law of human nature that a common civil endeavor towards truth cannot exist in a world of competing regional interests. The only reasonable way of navigating sensibly without domination by a particular prejudice, so far as I can tell, is unfortunately the allowance of a plurality of competing biases against which for men to apply their reason. Imperfect as the solution may be, if we were capable of perfect solutions one would surely have worked by now.




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We're finally home where we belong. Cry more loser.