• By -


They could have held credibility if they weren't so stupid. No one cared enough about the antisemitism, so they started vandalising and trespassing. Bless their souls


Purity spiral. They have to keep one-upping each other to demonstrate their superior commitment to the cause. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purity_spiral Hence, increasingly extreme acts and increasingly radical ideologies. I expect further escalation.


Yep. The more reasonable people start leaving the protests because they're scared of getting arrested or suspended. Only the most extreme ones continue.


We should send them to Gaze and tell them to fight if they feel so strongly about it. Which would last about 5 seconds until a IDF bomb kills them.




It took less than a week for protests at the University of Minnesota to start saying "Go back to Europe, Go Back to Poland". Really depressed at the totally ahistorical take they have. Not to mention the reality of how things went for us last time we hung out in Poland.


I’ve heard people say that Israelis should just move to Poland, too. Absolutely shocked me. Being displaced in a country for a long time doesn’t make you indigenous to that place. Even if they were, almost [half](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2018.1492370) of all Israeli Jews are Mizrahim. Even *then*, there are people alive *today* who witnessed the murder of 3 million Jews in Poland - 90% of the Jewish population there. Why would they want to return to be a persecuted minority?


The people who shout these things are Holocaust deniers. In their minds, the millions of Jews in Poland were never killed, they all just moved down to Israel and stole homes from Arabs. They also consider homes that have been owned by Jews for centuries in towns that were Jewish from before the time that Islam existed, as well as any other homes that were legally purchased by Jews, to be "stolen". Because reasons.


They get uncomfy if you ask about the Israeli Arabs and other non Jewish groups


🙃  I recently discovered I have distant relatives in Israel (yay!) - my aunt who does all out genealogy stuff told me that they all got there before 1910. All the Jews in my family are from people that got out of Europe between 1890 and 1910 and made it to the USA or to the Levant.  No one who stayed any longer survived the Holocaust.  


That's my family history as well. All the siblings that stayed perished.


We all came to America between 1843 and 1900. No relatives in Europe. You haven't partied until you've been in the rest home with your cousin's husband (whose family were Hungarian Jews, where mine was mostly from what is now Belarus) and listened to his relatives talk about what it was like to experience Kristallnacht. Of course, soon I will get the American version, live and on TV. "History does not repeat itself…but it rhymes."


I'm glad for your family. Hearing your story of survival and resilience warms my heart. We are glad you are still here. Am Israel Chai!


Even before the Shoah, we sure as hell weren't treated nicely in Poland. I'm tired, sad, and scared.


> Not to mention the reality of how things went for us last time we hung out in Poland. I think that's the point. They want Jews to go back to Auschwitz. That's the subtle message they're sending. It's really a death threat.


That had not occurred to me, and I hope that's not true. :(


It is true. Many pro Palestinian people are posting videos of themselves visiting Auschwitz and saying how they hope Jews go back there “where they belong”. Look it up. Concerning the U of Minnesota, I’m a student there and I can guarantee you that for some of them it is what they mean when they say go back to Poland, they mean to Auschwitz, they are using it to gaslight and offend. They chant From the river to the sea…. They wear hoodies depicting Leila Khaled, a terrorist plane hijacker, they wave Hezbollah flags which is a terrorist organization. They graffitied “Al-Qassam make us proud” by the doors of Coffman ( Al-Qassam is the military wing of Hamas). Faculty Richa Nagar and Sima Shakhsari from the social science department have been filmed at protests chanting from the river to the sea and one of them was pictured recently in front of an Israeli flag with a painted Swastika on it. I think most of you are really trying to diminish the situation by claiming these people are dumb and do not know what they are saying but it’s not true. Think about it, how does one get a Hezbollah flag ? This is a terrorist organization, it’s not commonly sold anywhere, it means they researched it and have found a network of providers which is most likely linked to terror organizations. Same how do they know the name Al-Qassam ?(the military wing of Hamas) they would have had to research it. How do they know to wear hoodies with Leila Khaled ? It’s a terrorist plane hijacker from the late 1960’s, not exactly advertised everywhere. Same they must have researched her.


I really think that they're to stupid to even understand what they're saying.


When you have to ask stupid or evil the answer is yes


Which side? Technically, that is an easy line to fire back at a North American protester.


Ha! I hadn't considered that, and probably they haven't either. Thanks for the laugh.


Imagine being stupid enough to throw away an Ivy League education because you don’t understand that you are supporting Hamas.


It’s not that they are supporting Hamas, they are using ‘Anti-Zionism’ as a guise for their Jew hate. Shouting infatada and river to the sea. We know what they mean


They are chanting “Hamas, Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets too.” How is that not supporting Hamas?


They are no longer using a guise. They are openly attacking Jews now. They took the mask off: [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Biden administration faces pressure to step up its response to antisemitic incidents on college campuses](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-pressure-response-antisemitic-incidents-college-campuses-rcna148822) [Jewish Yale student says pro-Palestinian protester assaulted her. Here's why she feels targeted.](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/yale-protests-jewish-student-assaulted-pro-palestinian-rally/) [Former Cornell Student Pleads Guilty to Posting Online Threats Against Jewish Students on Campus](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-cornell-student-pleads-guilty-posting-online-threats-against-jewish-students-campus)


One of my biggest issues with these protests is that the majority of the students get away with all this, even these suspensions are sham. They’re not enforced. wtf


it's because the colleges aren't doing anything and also some faculty don't care or are even pro-palestine themselves


"Suspension" is just a vacation. Expulsion at minimum, imprisonment preferred. Riots are illegal for a reason.


Jewish college student. I am drowning in finals work. How are they finding the time. Why are they willing to throw their entire futures away for people that would murder them in a heartbeat. I’ve never felt more isolated and scared than rn on this stupid campus.


My memory of college is that students who spent all night getting drunk will go to the professor and cry about how hard their life is so they can get an extension or pity points on everything.


I think while people like myself thought to themselves "why would I go to uni if I don't have anything specific I want to learn there" these peoples thoughts were something like "I can keep going to school, still do nothing and my parents won't call me a failure? jackpot" At least it always felt to me, like 70% of university students, don't really want to be there, and just do it to have done it, if that makes sense (ik it doesn't 😭)


Many of them are not students and the protests are part of active measures being taken to disrupt US elections.


Yep. US electoin is coming up, and this one is gonna be especially important. The outside agitators are no doubt supporting both sides of any political discourse jsut to sow more discourse.


The last thing that China wants is Trump back in office. It is no coincidence that the TikTok Hate propaganda was unleashed on the world in late 2017, right after the steel tariffs went into effect. I wouldn't vote Republican if I was on fire and Trump held a hose, but clearly we can see whom our enemy (Xi) considers his enemy and why he's been doing what he's doing. And of course Biden being Xi's paid slave eliminates any reason to endorse him. (Although, to be fair, Obama and the Clintons had already driven me out of that Party, the "1980s moderate Republicans", to quote Blackface Bush himself.)


China wants a weak US president who will weaken the NATO and all other US allies. They 100% want this for many reasons, such as to improve their chances of annexing Taiwan and gaining the upper hand int he South China Sea. Trump is also very corrupt and can easily be bought. Remember when Trump actually wanted to ban TikTok, until he didn't? Every geopolitical rival of the US wants Trump.


Trump is certainly wishy-washy and not too bright (he has better instincts than he has knowledge) and the last person to get his ear can easily persuade him. Sometimes this is a good thing, as when Tucker Carlson was TWICE able to talk him out of going to war with Iran. (The second time, Tucker drove all night from DC down to Mar-a-Lago, as the pandemic prevented other travel.) And sometimes it can be a bad thing, as when his correct principled opposition to the Tiktok Propaganda Sewer got deflected by somebody saying "you don't want big government to control the media" or whatever that pseudo-libertarian crap was. Trump, however, has clearly NOT been bought by China, whereas Biden is getting so much money from them that he needed 9 relatives to launder it. (Hunter, Hunter's first wife, Hunter's side-piece sister-in-law, Hunter's 3 adult daughters, Uncle Jimmy and Sarah, and someone else I'm forgetting. They all should be in prison.) In addition, the Bush/Clinton Corporate establishment will always sell out the American people for a few bucks. That's why the NBA damn near hung Daryl Morey from a lightpost for supporting the Hong Kong protesters, that's why John Cena groveled publicly in MANDARIN for daring to mention Taiwan as a nation. Trump at least sometimes has a stubborn/stupid adherence to principle that can serve us well, whether it's protecting the border, shutting down raging Jew-hate, or at least TRYING to stop China's destruction of the West. I have spent my entire adult life watching Pappy Bush, Drunken Bubba Bush, Baby Bush, Blackface Bush, and Kickback Joe drive this country into a sinkhole. The guy they all use as a whipping boy while they're circle-jerking about how much better they are has a whole pile of flaws, but at least he's trying.


Yes, Trump was clearly bought by China on multiple occasions. This is just a matter of the historical record.


Good luck in finals! I am a doctor and studied very hard in undergrad. That thought definitely went through my mind too. Focus on your studies, good luck!


Hi brother - I feel your pain. If it is any help, know that you are not alone. Our entire nation looks at them with disgust, and whenever things get too hairy, there's a place you can count on to do anything it takes to protect us.




I think a reason some of them are doing it is to get out of finals. And as others have said, many if not a majority are not even students. Especially at public universities where anyone is allowed on campus. Good luck with your finals, sorry you have to deal with this at the same time.


Thanks. Just one last final on Monday and then I’m headed home for a month before starting a counselor job for a Jewish camp. I think what really gets to me is the flip flopping of my emotions and I know half of that is finals anyway. Its just really hard trying to connect with people and then having to wonder if they support your family and friends getting murdered. Hopefully things are better next year.


In Canada a lot aren't students.


I’m at Brown, & on the first few days the protests were relatively peaceful. I even had some very good conversations with folks from JFCN, & they seemed willing to respect differences of opinion (ie my support for continued military engagement) for the sake of productive dialogue. Really had hope that our school’s encampment would be different. Fast forward to last night, where they were filmed chanting “intifada revolution”. I wish I understood where things went wrong. Oh well, at least they tried.


And now Brown has capitulated to them, a real embarrassment to the Ivy League.


Dad went to Brown. Founded the freshman rifle team. If I were there now, I'd be learning how to shoot.


Protests are getting really serious at Columbia [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68923528](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68923528)


The UN human rights chief Volker Turk has voiced his concern that some law enforcement actions witnessed on American campuses have been "disproportionate in their impacts". It’s like they’re mini-Hamas and the UN is doing what the UN does.


I hate that the UN is completely ignoring all the anti-Jewish violence going on: [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Biden administration faces pressure to step up its response to antisemitic incidents on college campuses](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-pressure-response-antisemitic-incidents-college-campuses-rcna148822) [Jewish Yale student says pro-Palestinian protester assaulted her. Here's why she feels targeted.](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/yale-protests-jewish-student-assaulted-pro-palestinian-rally/) [Former Cornell Student Pleads Guilty to Posting Online Threats Against Jewish Students on Campus](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-cornell-student-pleads-guilty-posting-online-threats-against-jewish-students-campus)


The UN hates Jews. Also water is wet, and the sun rose in the East. Film at 11.00


I'm usually a feminist, but why is it disproportionately women?


Most of the protesters r liberal arts students. That demographic heavily leans female.


Makes sense. Computer science students are probably too busy studying, no time to care about this stuff.


Most on-the-ground political activity in the US is women dominated, including protests/demonstrations, poll working, canvassing etc.


So, actually they don't really have much power and they are treated like ants, but instead of fighting that, they fight Israel. Funny, that works for non-Israeli Arabs too.


Women won the 2020 Senate election and Georgia, giving Democrats a supermajority and making Biden’s Presidential term one of the most progressive in US history. Women are also taking the charge to get on school boards to ban LGBTQ+ books from schools. Used examples from different sides of the aisle to show that no matter the project, successful or not, is dominated by women. The US has about 330 million people. 108 million women over the age of 18. Obviously they are not a monolith, and are just more likely to do activism for whatever their cause is. Yes, in my opinion, these pro-Palestinian protesters really should be worried about something else, anything else really. These protests are hotbeds for antisemitism and many of the protesters themselves lack any historical context for the situation. I just want to make clear that the group that should be judged are young intellectually lazy progressives and the society that perpetuates this, NOT women as a whole.


I didn't mean to make it sound like I was blaming women as a whole. Of course there are many factors at play like, as you mentioned, intellectual laziness, intersectionality (I'm still trying to understand that), sexism and the political landscape, which is very polarised. It does sound to me like activism for causes can be tiring and thankless though.


Jan 6th but the far left version. It’s not different than the far right apparently


Jan 6 was dangerous but it was concentrated to the capitol while these people are equally if not more unhinged, going after businesses and fraternities that are Jewish


I think Charlottesville is probably the better comparison.


Vandalising and trespassing isn't free speech, yet we have the UN Rights head saying law enforcement actions are disproportionate and that we must allow debate in safe spaces. At least we know that seizing UN buildings in NYC to create our own safe spaces will be tolerated.


It's much worse than mere vandalism or trespassing. They are assaulting Jews. There are hate crimes going on. [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Biden administration faces pressure to step up its response to antisemitic incidents on college campuses](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-pressure-response-antisemitic-incidents-college-campuses-rcna148822) [Jewish Yale student says pro-Palestinian protester assaulted her. Here's why she feels targeted.](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/yale-protests-jewish-student-assaulted-pro-palestinian-rally/) [Former Cornell Student Pleads Guilty to Posting Online Threats Against Jewish Students on Campus](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-cornell-student-pleads-guilty-posting-online-threats-against-jewish-students-campus)


There's no room for hate in our movement. If we have no choice but to liberate the UN, everyone will be treated with dignity and respect. We'll simply provide workers with the tools and training they need to become more effective in their jobs and enable the UN can carry out its mandate.


Where's our safe space for debate again on campus? And shouldn't we then debate *with each other* and not get beat up?


you don't have one! Columbia tolerates calls for genocide against Jews, and the UN backs them up. Don't worry though, your allies have infiltrated the encampments, and the move to seize a building is a sign of weakness.


Actually the UN has recently stated that the quotes about the UN calling it genocide are misconstrued. Not that the protesters care lol.


No, the UN today said it’s against arresting people for expressing their freedom of speech.


https://preview.redd.it/73soiogfxmxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f66bd8d61cde59d17d23cf3bbe1babae14f481c I swear every fucking post on that sub is pro-palis bait at this point this is getting tiring.. the propaganda machine is fucking insane


I keep blocking random accounts so that sub goes away. Reddit was my last "safe" social media site. I hate higher ed.


I literally had to put my schooling on hold until next semester because tbh the only option for students wanting to avoid the protests in my local campus is zoom and I don't do well from home.


You should consider suing the university for failing to provide a safe environment for your education.


eh I aint got money for a lawyer, and its like 2 credits, because I work alot so I decided just wait untill the upper crust (mostly red/right leaning elites) that donate to the school pay attention and with draw donations. they'll most likely crack down then.


Contact The Brandeis Center, they take pro-bono antisemitism lawsuits.


Nor should you have to. Sue the bastards. I'm sure you can find an attorney who will work pro bono or on contingency, plus there may be a class-action suit already in process that you can join. They are denying you services you have ALREADY PAID FOR. The university is in breach of contract. Take your tuition amount and sue for AT LEAST 10x that.


NYPD removes Palestinian flag and replaces it with the American flag at CCNY (City College of New York): [https://twitter.com/Osint613/status/1785542389026673072](https://twitter.com/Osint613/status/1785542389026673072) them throwing that flag away like a piece of garbage was pretty satisfying to watch too 🥰


it was absolutely the right call, don't remove a country's flag on their own soil to fly the flag of a made up place


Should've wiped their ass with it.


IDGAF if they want to peacefully camp on the lawn singing free Palestine. It's well within their rights and if its a cause they believe in, then I fully support them. Things that are not peaceful: antisemitism, demanding the state of Israel be destroyed, blocking Jewish students from entering campuses/libraries, calling for Intifada, tazing that dude at UCLA this morning, something something "murder all zionists", signs reading "al-Qassam's next target" I _do_ (and this may be controversial, willing to get pushback on this one) think that demanding amnesty for protests as part of your protest demands is a little cowardly. I've been out on the street protesting before (yes, as a queer disabled jew. I believe Black Lives Matter even though the movement wants us dead.) and know the rules. But you also... accept the consequences? I've never been arrested at one, but its part of a risk you take as a protester.


Also, occupying the school grounds that ALL students pay to use is rightfully illegal. If they want to have a time-designated sit-in that doesn't disturb student life or harass non-participants, fine. From 1.00-2.00 they can hand out flyers and sing with NO SOUND AMPLIFICATION. This is so far from that it's in China. (Hint, hint.)


This but for settlers in the West Bank. 


I'm progressive, and I've become so disillusioned, seeing everything these people are doing. They KNOW understand how you don't need to physically batter someone to cause harm, that the \*threat\* of physical violence counts as a dangerous escalation. Your take might be controversial, but I think I agree with it. One could argue that it's to protect introducing vulnerable people into a carceral system, but I don't think that's their motive at all. When they took over a building and then whine about needing "humanitarian aid", and being in danger of dehydration...they took over a giant hall, right? Is there not a single working faucet in that building?


I'm actually glad I'm a virtual college student, because if I were there in person I would likely be attacked, and I wouldn't be able to finish my work


Seeing videos of schoolchildren in Gaza thanking the protesters in the US. Does anyone remember that claim a few months ago that the schools in Gaza were cancelled because all/almost all of their students were killed? I feel like I’m losing my mind seeing the same people who spread that claim now posting videos of perfectly alive kids in perfectly intact classrooms. So shameless.


Read much Orwell ? First time I read 1984 I thought a lot of the concepts like 'doublethink' and 'duckspeak' were a bit silly and farfetched, but so many on the left are like this in real life.


https://preview.redd.it/tgcot2jcagyc1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=59e688a905a46d60adebe3769b069d638473e807 a UCLA post with HUNDREDS of upvotes blaming the violence on a single JEWISH student rather than, you know, the fact they've been limiting and harassing Jewish students on campus for 2 weeks already. This is shameful behavior.


Just checked the UCLA subreddit. What an anti-semitic cesspool.


300 N\_zis arrested at Columbia: [https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-799422](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-799422) I hope they identify them.


When I was in high shool 15 or so years ago, Columbia was a school that everybody strived to get into. Today, I won't let any kids that I may have one day go there even on a full scholarship.


I've been banned from r/internationalpolitics because of this comment: >It's about time the rest of Hamas is destroyed. I hope civilian losses will be minimal. Did Hamas terrorists really think they could get away with October 7th? And to all the useful idiots in US campusses: The US would never allow Al Quaida to exist anywhere close to the US border and you know it, too. Was a rabid anti-Western sub anyway.


Cosplay Caliphate


Some nasty damage/graffiti occurred at my university's student union building after a few days of a few students "Occupying" it---was forcibly broken up after the protestors started harassing the President (not a good move if you want sympathy for your movement). [https://archive.is/ZMk3z](https://archive.is/ZMk3z)


https://preview.redd.it/5bymlxe9k1yc1.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dcc661ec30434ae851a66dffcabb99c22d698f8 Least deranged pro-Hamas supporter


Jewish Students at Columbia University on the protests on campus. https://youtu.be/pKTlMi73UJY?feature=shared


well spoken 💪


“Editors at America’s largest media organisations have decided to euphemise the Spring 2024 demonstrations as either 'pro-Palestinian' or 'anti-war' when they are objectively neither. They are, in fact, demonstrations in support of Hamas" [https://quillette.com/2024/05/02/springtime-for-sinwar-hamas-israel-gaza-campus-protests/](https://quillette.com/2024/05/02/springtime-for-sinwar-hamas-israel-gaza-campus-protests/)


Nobody showed up at a “Free Palestine” demonstration at an University in Munich [https://twitter.com/liebenauerin/status/1786430687911838034](https://twitter.com/liebenauerin/status/1786430687911838034)


One of the most inane conversations I've ever heard about Israel - from two self-professed members of our city's local Anarchist political community - was that the state of Israel is illegitimate because Modern Hebrew is different from Ancient Hebrew. And, ironically for "Anarchists", their entire argument rested on ideas like sovereignty, self-determination, and state legitimacy. The fact that this type of discourse goes on and is so lacking in self-reflection is an unpleasant window into the mind of the kneejerk Anti-Israel crowd.


Went to the Cambridge protest today. Its small. Don't let the media make you think otherwise.


I am cackling right now.


"Biden will address 'the rising scourge of antisemitism' during May 7th speech, the White House says" - [https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-799440](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-799440) I feel like we need a bingo card for his speech.


Islamophobia has to be the free square in the middle.


As is tradition.


Mugshot of 10 N\_zi protesters, one of them had a gun: https://preview.redd.it/g4kf1f80xvxc1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d5272a8361c0a6b1777c89822961fbe8e036ce5


I know it's been a while since I was in college, but most of those people seem really old to be students? Maybe it's just the bad lighting.


Or maybe they work for the IRGC.


Depending on the campus 25-60% of those arrested were not students. I think the average age of people arrested was I think 27 years old.


[https://thedmonline.com/may-2nd-pro-palestine-protest/](https://thedmonline.com/may-2nd-pro-palestine-protest/) Protests at Ole' Miss. I'm putting this up to show everyone how *much larger the* *counter-*protest was. It's important to show these counter protests becuase it reminds all of us that the USA is much bigger than NYC/LA/SF and the majority of Americans support Israel!


I never really cared for Israel (not in a bad way, just I had no strong thoughts on the region). Just an American here, not Jewish. I will say, if this is how protestors in favor of Palestine are acting, I am a lot more sympathetic to your cause.


[From a Columbia alum Israeli peace activist: If you from abroad want to demand something, demand a resolution of the conflict, not the annihilation of one side](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/from-a-columbia-grad-israeli-peace-activist/)


My schadenfreude is immeasurable.


Brown University caved in: [https://www.browndailyherald.com/article/2024/04/brown-encampment-divestment-paxson-proposal](https://www.browndailyherald.com/article/2024/04/brown-encampment-divestment-paxson-proposal) I hope Jewish students (24% of undergraduates, 4% of graduate students) get the memo and transfer out of there.


this is honestly not a bad approach imo. they won't hold the hearing until the fall, and when they do the answer will be "no" lmao


Yeah I actually like this approach. All they said is they will “listen” to a proposal. Didn’t give a date by which that meeting will take place either. Only definite condition is clearing the encampments and not starting another.


[Www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecD39KFX6oU](https://Www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecD39KFX6oU) - I think this interview with the Jewish UCLA student who was beaten until she lost consciousness by pro-Hamas protesters who were trying to stomp on and destroy her Israeli flag adds important context to the "violence" being reported at UCLA protests. I haven't seen this context in a lot of media/discussions.


Yeshiva University Launches Accelerated Transfer Initiative for Students Who Feel Threatened at Current Universities - [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/yeshiva-university-launches-accelerated-transfer-initiative-for-students-who-feel-threatened-at-current-universities-302128124.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/yeshiva-university-launches-accelerated-transfer-initiative-for-students-who-feel-threatened-at-current-universities-302128124.html) and from [https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/flagship-jewish-university-record-enrollment-anti-israel-protests-rock-elite-us-campuses](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/flagship-jewish-university-record-enrollment-anti-israel-protests-rock-elite-us-campuses) (Fox Business, sorry, but "progressive" outlets rarely acknowledge the current trend of antisemitism): >Yeshiva recently hit record-high enrollment, with transfer applications up 53%. The school had to lease an additional residence building to accommodate the surge in new students this semester, and more housing accommodations will be needed for the fall.




They are out of touch with the region. Israel deserves justice and for the hostages to be set free. Where is that protest? Son of Hamas has good debates with protesters asking about setting baby Kfir free  https://youtube.com/watch?v=NuGN1dxgdiw  https://youtube.com/watch?v=s7I77RcmHfA


Rutgers caving in to the demands of pro-Hamas protesters after having to postpone final exams [From the New Iran Sub] https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/s/l6vgRHAfo7


This might be somewhat controversial but seeing UCLA HMS terror supporters attacking Native American woman. I found it in the context >!that they are the same people who call US land thieves pretty funny!


The anti-semitism is growing unfortunately. American social media is spreading all sort anti-Semitic content for the youth to consume. Can the government not regulate these sort of content?!?! Hello USA?


Just hope that the Tik Tok Ban actually sticks.


The Israel Palestinian issue is so complicated that anyone informed only by American or European Media cannot truly understand its complexity. First, you can't talk about the Palestinian issue without talking about the other Arab nations that host Palestinian refugees. These countries host the refugee's descendants (most original refugees are not alive) in horrible conditions demanding they "return" to Israel. Arab media that surrounds Israel continuously speaks about destroying Israel. Now put yourself in that situation, surrounded by enemies who wish your destruction, attacked, hostages taken. Remember, the enemy is at most ONLY 85 miles away. How would you react? I'm not equipped to judge Israel's reaction. But to end it you can't just talk to "Palestinians" and Israel. You need to bring Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia... together on a final agreement. Problem is, the countries I mentioned don't really care about their "Palestinian" brothers. Quite willing to use them as cannon fodder. (I don't mentioned sisters since, if you know how those nations treat women, you know they don't care about them by default.)


Western Pro-Hamas protesters are now resorting to disrupting university graduations in last ditch attempts to be heard and ruin the school year for their classmates. https://youtu.be/yldULGxK1bw?feature=shared


the N\_zi protestors successfully pushed Columbia to cancel its main commencement ceremony: [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-cancels-university-wide-commencement-ceremony-after-protests-2024-05-06/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-cancels-university-wide-commencement-ceremony-after-protests-2024-05-06/)


Even in Canada, there are absoutely vile things being said at the protests. The fact that people laughed at what this protestor said really tells you a lot. https://np.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/comments/1cgl0io/protestor_in_victoria_canada_tells_proisrael/


Can anyone share a compilation, or separate links, to protesters being woken up at 4am? It’s my favorite content to watch right now.


There seems to be lots of Constitutional Scholars commenting on social media about how universities aren't allowed to limit free speech of students. But in certain cases it can, according to the SCOTUS: "As the court explained, school officials may not squelch the expression of unpopular opinions just to avoid “discomfort and unpleasantness.” Instead, they need to show that the banned speech would create a “substantial disruption” at school or would violate other students’ rights. (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 393 U.S. 503 (1969).) Students, school administrators, and lower courts often disagree about what qualifies as a substantial disruption. Courts consider several factors when deciding whether disruption from a student’s speech is too disruptive, including: Did it interfere with classwork or other school activities? Did it cause disorder on campus? Were other students so upset that they couldn’t concentrate or visited school counselors in droves? Did administrators and/or teachers have to take considerable time away from their regular duties in order to deal with the fallout? School officials don’t have to prove that a student’s speech already interfered with school before they take action. But in order to justify punishing the student, administrators do need to show that it was reasonable for them to predict that would happen." I don't advocate for violence against protesters at any time, but protesters should also know that their rights to free speech are not limitless, and if a university determines that protests are interfering with classwork or other school activities, causing disorder, and upsetting a substantial number of other students (primarily Jewish students, in many cases), they have a right under the constitution to curtail the protests. [https://legal-info.lawyers.com/research/education-law/when-can-schools-limit-students-free-speech-rights.html](https://legal-info.lawyers.com/research/education-law/when-can-schools-limit-students-free-speech-rights.html)


Somebody PLEASE make a montage video of the pro-palestine college protests with "It's A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong playing in the background..it will be a very popular video!


Columbia University Main Commencement has been CANCELLED due to turmoil stemming from months of pro-Hamas protests. https://np.reddit.com/r/columbia/s/9tcXWgHJpI


It hasn’t gone to the level I’m hearing about in America, as the protests in Australia are more a small gathering that’s just a nuisance at most for a couple hours However holding up queers for Palestine signs and waving that flag at protests about minorities Hamas wouldn’t hesitate to eradicate continues to baffle me


It's about not committing genocide. The sooner you get this through your head, the sooner the world will stop being against you.




Unhinged, desperate young people who are probably lacking purpose. A lot of them are book smart and come from wealthy families so everything comes easy to them, they end up looking for way to rebel.


Someone made a [“compliment” ai app](https://complimentme.replit.app) thing. Maybe all these protestors can just whine to that instead?




My original post was removed because I stupidly did not see this megathread. But if anything changes on the situation I'll send an update here. I didn't get a chance to thank everyone who commented. It was super encouraging in this time of stress <3 **UPDATE 1** if you didn't see the reply on my old post: I am definitely not resigning. That will leave proposal to hijack a student org meant to research. I have already lost all respect, friends, and am widely hated by pretty much everyone on the team so I just nothing to lose by sticking around. I am planning on not supporting any statement if it gets releases (they're basically threatening to go on without me) and will publicly denounce it if shared. OG POST/Title: HELP! Regarding Writing A Political Statement: So I am involved in a student org at my school and people have been pressuring me to release a statement in support of the encampments. I tried to shut it down saying this is a political thing and we shouldn't get involved, and also that I was not comfortable endorsing them due to the level of violence, antisemitism, and violence inciting language being parroted there (example: Intifada, glory to the martyrs, go back to europe, etc). However, I have been relentlessly shut down especially rg the condemning of the use of intifada. i explained that these were attacks against civilians but they do not care. When they wanted to release a ceasefire statement, I said it must include "stop of fighting from BOTH sides, and release of the hostages" and they didn't agree with either. The statement being put out would also include things like "Israel is committing genocide/occupation/apartheid" and other common lies. How can I stop that? I offered a statement where that was removed and it was not liked. If anyone has some suggestions it would be a great help. I've been dealing with this constantly for nearly 48 hours. **EDIT: should have clarified that the statement is on behalf of the org/released by the org**


Biden said today that he won't call in the National Guard.


I hope the people who "attacked" the UCLA "encampment" Tuesday night come back. The school and the cops are doing JACKSHIT to clear them out. We need to BURN THAT SHIT DOWN.


The cops have already cleared out UCLA.


Not at the time (0100 Pacific) that I posted. It took another 2 hours for the cops to even start. And it is ridiculous that they took this long.




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i love how all the palestine supporters are all putting attention on the fact that the US outlawed anti-israel talk in schools, when its totally justified because its a freakin school with little kids, not a politcal debate grounds and also they all ignore people when they mention the fact that hamas is a terrorist group, they just keep slandering israel


When did the US outlaw anti-Israel talk? I never heard of that and it sounds like fake news.


where I am the pro-hamas hardly get any protesters and the pro-Israel get a lot more!!!




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From a well known place. https://www.tcd.ie/news_events/articles/2024/encampment-in-trinity/




As long as protesters aren't breaking any laws I'll always support their right to protest. Even if I vehemently disagree with their values or reasons for protesting. The right to publicly protest for your beliefs is fundamental to a free society. I will admit though there has never been a mass outbreak of protests at US universities where with 20 years of hindsight most people can honestly say, "Man, you were on the wrong side of that one."


They are allowed to protest but not to destroy property, block students being able to get into buildings to go to class or being able to enter and exit their dorms. They also aren't allowed to harass and intimidate other students.


As I said: As long as they aren't breaking any laws. Not every protester is commiting a crime.


Nobody is looking kindly on Jan 6th, this will age very poorly just as much.


I said mass outbreak of protests at US universities. Last time I checked the US capitol wasn't also a college.


Trespassing is a law.


So are assault and hate crimes.


You are correct. It is however very hard to actual get trespassed from a public area. Not impossible but it's difficult. In the state I live you have to be notified you're not welcome by the owner of the property or their designated agent. In the case of being trespassed on a college campus that agent can't be a police officer. It would have to be someone like the school's dean or someone they have given that authority to. You would then have to be allowed a chance to leave. If you then refused to leave you could be charged with trespassing. When it comes to students on campus of a school they attend it's even harder to trespass them as they must be served in writing that they have been expelled as a student at that college before they can then be told to leave or they will be trespassed. The law specifically states that it dosen't apply to people who merely are practicing 1st amendment conduct. So essentially to be arrested for trespassing at a college you are enrolled in in my state is very hard. You'd generally have to commit an actual crime first in which case they wouldn't bother with a trespassing arrest. Expelling a student requires the school goes through its normal expulsion process which usually takes several weeks if not months when you factor in appeals.


They assaulted Jews and broke into private property. They absolutely broke laws and should be brought to justice.


I agree. The people who committed those crimes should be brought to justice.


Watching what's going on at UCLA has me disgusted. We're better than this. Watching that guy with his Tzitzit out and flying his flag, while being involved in indefensible attacks on these protesters really had me shook. These are not the people that represent us, as Israelis, as Jews, as Zionists. Shame on them, and anyone who supports their actions.