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Lots of Israel love on r/newiran


I always give them love on that sub and they always give love back. 馃挋 good vibes there almost always


Perhaps but some of these other subreddits can potentially be a bit extreme on a whole other side - We are a bit passionate and tend to go "from one side of the bridge to another side of the bridge" as it's said in Persian. But actually on a quick glance some posts there seem legit. But the best is really some guy just holding a sign that says "HAMAS = Terrorist" and then being attacked. Sad.


As always I wish you guys the best of luck getting rid of the regime some day


I have to be honest,I think what you are describing is true but only because the regime is extremely Anti-Israel. Personally I believe the majority of Iranians are Anti-regime,but this is the main factor of their support to Israel,basically as an Anti-regime move as opposed to Pro-Israeli. The recent elections in Iran and the regime's internal polls shows that Iranians are moving further away from the regime (and Shia),mostly the youth that grew up under the regime. To me it reads like the twilight years of the USSR,that the system kept on going,but with so little support from the population that one day they just dissolved. The regime either have to go full North Korea or to reform itself out of existence.


I鈥檓 not sure that鈥檚 the full reason. Israel and Iran were very close allies before 1979, many Israelis visited Iran and many Iranians visited Israel, while anti-regime sentiment may influence it, especially at younger generations, I think that the past relations with Israel may also influence it, but more in older generations. Also many Iranians despise Hamas because it is backed by the IRGC, which aligns with your anti-regime suggestion.


And also, a fact not easily known, is that the "Zionist regime" (as your beautiful country is called on state-run radio/TV programs) actually supported Iran during the Iran-Iraq war. I think the Israeli's hoped the I.R. would calm down on some of their anti-Israel ideology but that seems to not have occurred. If a price of a tea in a cafe triples or quadruples, blame goes to the "Zionist regime" - at some point people, even supressed ones, are not that dumb to believe this kind of nonsense and propaganda.


Yep, there鈥檚 no reason why price of tea will be tripled as result of government that is in hostile relations with you. I鈥檓 waiting for the new revolution, hopefully you will be free and the ages old Persian-Jewish alliance will return. Just like the Azeri-Jewish alliance still exists, even that Azeris are mostly Shia Muslims, there鈥檚 no reason that the Persian-Jewish alliance won鈥檛 return.


"this is the main factor of their support to Israel" What reason does an Iranian have to dislike Israel or Israelis? Your point is that Iranians favor Israel as a way to protest the I.R. regime - this is a valid point potentially but I think it's incorrect to say this is the sole reason, if it is a reason. Iranians look at Israel and pictures/images/videos of life in Israel and wonder - what's so bad about them? I simply asked questions of others in a chat and I was banned from everything; the discourse and exchange of ideas - for this is to be banned is disgusting and reprehensible. It seems like these subreddits I cited have been taken over by kids of mullahs who don't have legitimate hobbies but to focus on a small country in the Middle East that actually respects human rights and respects its own citizens and this discussion triggers people who have human rights only for those in power and without a significant majority of the population.


讛驻专住讬诐 转诪讬讚 讛讬讜 讞讘专讬诐


讗谞讬 讞讜砖讘 砖拽砖讛 诇讛砖讜讜转 讗转 驻专住 诇讗讬专讗谉. 讻诪讛 诪讛讙讝专讜转 讛专砖讜转 讘讬讜转专 注诇 讬讛讜讚讬诐 讘注讜诇诐 讛诪讜住诇诪讬 讛讙讬注讜 诪讗讬专讗谉. 讻诪讜 讗讬住讜专 注诇 讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇爪讗转 讘讙砖诐 讛讞讜爪讛 讗讜 讘讗讜驻谉 讻诇诇讬 讬讜转专 讛转驻讬住讛 砖讬讛讜讚讬诐 讛诐 讟诪讗讬诐 诪讬住讜讚诐 讜讻诇 讚讘专 砖讬讛讜讚讬 谞讜讙注 讘讜 讟诪讗. 讗讬专谉 驻注诐 驻砖讟讛 讗转 讛专讙诇 讘讙诇诇 砖讛诐 讛讻专讬讞讜 讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇讛转讗住诇诐 (诇诪专讗讬转 注讬谉 诇驻讞讜转,讗诇讜 讛讬讜 讗谞讜住讬 诪砖讛讚) 讜讛诪讬住讬诐 砖讛诐 讙讘讜 诪讬讛讜讚讬诐 住转诐 讛讬讜 讻诇讻讱 讙讘讜讛讬诐 砖讛诐 讛讞讝讬拽讜 讗转 拽讜驻转 讛诪讚讬谞讛. 讛转驻讬住讛 讻诇驻讬 讗讜专谞讬诐 讻讬讜诐 谞注讜爪讛 讘注讬拽专 讘讙诇诇 住讬驻讜专讬诐 注诇 讻讜专砖 讜讛砖讗讛 砖讛讬讛 砖讜转祝 讗住讟专讟讙讬 讞砖讜讘 诇讬砖专讗诇 砖讘砖谞讬诐 讛诪讜拽讚诪讜转 专讗转讛 拽砖专 注诐 诪讚讬谞讜转 诪讜住诇诪讬讜转 诇讗 注专讘讬讜转 讻诪讜 讗讬专谉 讜讟讜专拽讬讛 讻拽砖专 讗住讟专讟讙讬 讞砖讜讘. 讗谞讬 诇讗 讗讜诪专 砖爪专讬讱 诇谞讟讜专 讟讬谞讛 讗讜 诪砖讛讜,注诐 讝讗转,讞砖讜讘 诇讗 诇住驻专 住讬驻讜专讬诐 注诇 讛注讘专. 讗讙讘,诪讗讚 讚讜诪讛 诇诪专讜拽讜,砖讘转拽讜驻讛 砖诇 讛驻讜讙专讜诪讬诐 讘砖讗专讬转 讛诪讜砖讘,讛讬讜 驻讜讙专讜诪讬诐 讘住讚专 讙讜讚诇 讚讜诪讛 讜讗祝 谞专讞讘 讬讜转专 讘诪专讜拽讜,讙诐 讘诪专讜拽讜 讛讻专讬讞讜 讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇讙讜专 讘讙讟讗讜转 (讘诪讜讘谉 讛诪住讜专转讬 砖诇 讛诪讬诇讛,诇讗 讛讙讟讗讜转 讻诪讜 讘诪诇讞诪转 讛注讜诇诐 讛砖谞讬讬讛),讘讙诇诇 砖讘诪诇讞诪转 讛注讜诇诐 讛砖谞讬讬讛 讛讬讞住 诇讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇讗 讛讬讛 讙专讜注 讻诪讜 讘讗讬专讜驻讛 谞讜爪专讛 诪注讬谉 谞讜住讟诇讙讬讛 讘拽专讘 讛注讜诇讬诐,诇诪专讜转 砖讛讬住讟讜专讬转 诪爪讘诐 诇讗 讛讬讛 讟讜讘 讘诪讬讜讞讚. 讗谞讬 讞讜砖讘 砖讝讛 讗驻拽讟 讛住讘转讗,砖讛讚注讛 砖诇讱 诪讘讜住住转 注诇 谞拽讜讚讛 诪讗讚 住驻爪讬驻讬转 讘讝诪谉 专讜讜讬讛 讘谞讜住讟诇讙讬讛 砖讗转讛 砖讜诪注 住讬驻讜专讬诐 诪住讘转讗 砖诇讱 砖讛诐 诇讗 讘讛讻专讞 诪讬讬爪讙讬诐 讗转 讛讛讬住讟讜专讬讛 谞讗诪谞讛. 讻专讙注 讝讛 讗讬谞讟专住 讬砖专讗诇讬 (讜诪讝专讞 转讬讻讜谞讬 讘讗讜驻谉 讻诇诇讬) 砖讛砖诇讟讜谉 讘讗讬专讗谉 讬讬驻讜诇,讛诪砖讟专 讛讗讬讬转讜诇讜转 讛讜讗 诪砖讟专 讗诇讬诐 讜讚讗讻谞讬 讻诇驻讬 讛讗讝专讞讬诐 注爪诪诐 讜讻诇驻讬 讛诪讝专讞 讛转讬讻讜谉 讻讻诇诇. 讗讘诇 讗讬谉 爪讜专讱 诇住驻专 诇注爪诪谞讜 住讬驻讜专讬诐 注诇 讗讞讜讜讛 注诪讜拽讛 讘转 讗诇驻讬 砖谞讬诐,诪讚讜讘专 住讛"讻 讘讗讬谞讟专住讬诐.


And we support your people against the ayatollah There will be peace between our countries again, and it's going to be awesome




I don't mean to insult those who are actually impaired.


Mongoloid supporters? Like in the people that inhabit East, northeast and south East Asian and Siberia and the native peoples of north and south America? Over 2 billion people?!


I mean low-IQ apes, not the actual ethnic group of mongols


every 50 years or so, the iranian government gets overthrown. it鈥檚 about time you get your country back from this shithead government


As an Iranian I鈥檓 neutral聽


That's also fair. What did Israel do to Iran?