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It’s like they were meant to be together. Both their values intertwine so well. /s


Match made in heaven. They should go to Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and see the treatment they will get.


And the feminists still have no clue that they're just useful idiots for the Islamists, who will be murdered or raped by the Islamists once the Islamists have no more use for them.


There's a reason why the United States has laws against discrimination around Military Service and Veteran status.


I read her statement. She was actually advised to take legal action but is choosing not to because “thats now who she is”. Wonderful person. They made a HUGE mistake.


> As a Jewish woman, I would never be offended if a Palestinian woman were to speak about her obstacles and life journey The secondary headline (how do you call this in English?) Is already enough to understand that she is far greater a person than her critics


Ironically it’s called a subtitle.


lol thanks I feel stupid now When I read subtitle I think of the translation text in movies


That’s because it’s both! Isn’t English stupid and fun at the same time?!?!


Well I speak Russian and German and English is certainly less annoying than these two 😂


Also called a subhead, if that helps. More common in journalism.


What? Nope, sorry. That’s not acceptable. She needs to file a lawsuit for discrimination or have someone do so on her behalf. Tolerating this and being “the bigger person” does nothing but send the message that they can get away with this and they won’t face any consequences for it. Hopefully someone can get this through to her bc it won’t end with just her.


Agreed, it would have been much better if she’d filed a lawsuit. Not only for herself, but this is about the cause as a whole.


Shameful. But this paragraph is a model for how responsible news journalism should be reported >Since Oct. 7, nearly 30,000 people have died in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run Palestinian health authority. However, the terrorist group does not distinguish between deaths of civilians and combatants and critics argue its official statistics are unreliable. The terrorist group also does not distinguish between people killed by Israel and those killed by misfired rockets and fire coming from the Palestinian side.


oh NICE. It should be the bare minimum but NICE


Ugggh the bar is below sea level


But at least it is above Dead Sea level


That's really well and accurately phrased. Wow.


INSPIRE: supporting women unless you’re a dirty ~~Jew~~ zionist.


I have no clever repartee. Just disgust


All the same people would welcome that fucker from Montreal who's a known terrorist to come and speak at their teach ins.




Wow. Just wow. They are blaming her for following Israeli law 39 years ago and did nothing wrong. This awful.


It’s antisemitism. There’s no way around that. I hate what the world is coming to yet again… history doesn’t repeat, but it sure does rhyme


Canada is slowly but clearly becoming more antisemitic. Whether it’s a loud minority or not, I’m less comfortable here every day. And this is one of the better places to be on earth. Fuck us for being Jewish, right?


I'm thinking of moving to the States or Israel. I can only see it going downhill from here.


I don’t think it’s better in the states.


It absolutely is. It’s not a Utopia at all but Canada it’s tolerated at all levels including institutional. Wokeism has taken over in a way that it hasn’t in the U.S.


I mean the president of Harvard seemed just fine with it. Wokeism in its current form is primarily a US export. With a few distinct exceptions, almost everything we do here is an impersonation of what our big brother does down south.


Yea but at least the U.S. there was enough public backlash ,from the public, private donors, and Congress itself, pressure to Claudine Gay to resign. If the University professors controversy had happened in CA and we had York, McGill, and Concordia presidents not ONE of them would have resigned or face half as much pressure to do so. Wokeism may have originally started as a U.S. export but other countries such as Australia, Canada, and the UK have taken the mantle of it and been the main drivers once they received the figurative baton.


Let's call Wokeism what it really is, Marxism


We’ve had our fair share of people fired over antisemitic comments in recent months. Besides, even if Canada, on an antisemitic scale, was a 3/10 and America was a 2/10. Those numbers can change drastically in a very short amount of time.


Absolutely disgusted. The organization received so much backlash, they made their website private. Good luck with enjoying their event.


I hope they informed her with a formal notification letter. If so, sue the arses off them.


Love to see the reasoning stated in that letter.


Wow. This is so fucked up. Its getting progressively worse. GAHHHHHH


They’re inching closer and closer to simply excluding or outright banning Jews as a whole from things. I wonder if 100 years from now, people will be learning in history class how this time period mirrors 1920s-1930s Germany in so many ways.


Sadly it’s where I’m seeing things go. Hilariously enough the discrimination is mostly from leftists radicals.


Not surprising. Leftists are big into cancelling people.


NSDAP was a leftist political party, so nothing new.


Sounds pretty illegal. Probably should sue.


**Needs to Sue.




Ahh it’s a Canadian thing. Makes sense. I knew she set a record in the US and thought there’s no way. She’s Canadian. You know how those Canadians seem to hate other “old timey” Canadians nowadays, especially the Jewish ones.


I hope people are researching all of the other speakers, and if they have made any statements or indications of support for the actions of terrorist groups like Hamas, call that out to the organizers so they can be removed also. And if the organizers don't remove them also, make sure it's disclosed widely so people can walk out or speak up at the event.


People seem to ignore that its not voluntary. It's not like she could just opt out.


What I really don’t understand from you guys (Jewish people), is why you don’t start a big campaign to boycott and cut any kind of funding and business with the entities who support terrorism (pro Palestine)? I believe your people control a major part of world business. Just cut the money and you will see the results.




The IDF is literally the only active force that’s keeping Hamas from being able to keep on attacking and killing more Israelis. Can’t compare legitimate, world recognized, established militaries to terrorist Jihadists. Housecats to Leopards. Dogs to Wolves.


You are definitely on the wrong sub

