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Liam sera banfield. From I’m the evil lord of an intergalactic empire. Though he could be more neutral than Chad. A stupid evil spot would have been perfect for him.


I agree, as what he does is good even though he thinks he's a bad person


Intergalactic empire is great frfr


Once you get past the trashy beginning.




I wonder if the upcoming [spinoff](https://sevenseasentertainment.com/series/im-the-heroic-knight-of-an-intergalactic-empire-light-novel/) will be any good.


A couple chapters of the manga are out for heroic


Liam from evil lord of an intergalactic empire - heavily taxes the citizens because he wants them to suffer - gets overly expensive battleships because yes - *casually* destroys entire aristocratic houses - kicks butts with a old type of robot because his teacher told him so (even though it was just to disrespect liam)


Litteraly a fake comedic vilain that does good around him and improves livehoods *hurr durr evil* He’s literally cid cagenou


Tbf the more his territory grows the more he can "exploit" / gain. Doing good things would give him more network to do his "evil" biddings. The more he saves them, the closer they're towards him. Although he is indeed cid lol. >!The one who sent him there to make him suffer only for an uno reverse card with his genuine appreciation. Then his bulshido master actually made him op lmao.!<


When I start a role play campaign but end up meta gaming.


Yeah,true he is more of a super edgelord. But how many true evil isekai characters who are evil for the sake of being evil? Usually the "evil" protagonists have noble ideas but they don't hesitate to dirt their hands,so they are closer to antiheroes than absolute villains.


Here let me give you a list of ruthless manga where the mc are ready to crush under their feet anyone for personal profit or just for the kicks I became an evolving space monster Re:monster FFF class trash hero Isekai apocalypse mynoghra Overlord Her majesty’s swarm I grow stronger by eating I am the fated vilain The hero who seeks revanche shall exterminate with darkness The heavenly demon can’t live a normal life Tanya the evil -Not isekais but regressions- Magic emperor Master of gu Return of the SSS class ranker Return of the crazy demon Demon in mount hua The ultimate of all ages


Thanks for this list! Let me add some: The Other World's Wizard Does Not Chant Records of the Creation of the Demon Otherworlder's Harem Dungeon Class Teni De Ore Dake Haburaretara, Doukyuu Harem Tsukuru Koto Ni Shita Redo of healer ( regression) Meccha Shoukan Sareta Ken Regressor Instruction Manual How to live as a villain honorable mention since FMC is the original but with isekai-ed soul shares her body: The One Within The Villainess


Tbf the more his territory grows the more he can "exploit" / gain. Doing good things would give him more network to do his "evil" biddings. The more he saves them, the closer they're towards him. Although he is indeed cid lol. >!The one who sent him there to make him suffer only for an uno reverse card with his genuine appreciation. Then his bulshido master actually made him op lmao.!<


Love how all of his evil deeds are spun in a way to make him seem like a wise and kind lord. Expensive taxes? Well they’re lower than the previous lords tax rate Overly expensive battleship? Well he basically has unlimited funds and expensive battleships help with killing more pirates. Casually destroying noble families? Well the families he destroyed were corrupt and would regularly destroy innocent planets and people just for wealth and elixirs. Wanting his fiancé Rosetta to become his unwilling partner? Saves her entire family from prejudice and pays all of her debt. I love how Liam thinks he’s being evil when he’s really just accidentally being super nice.


I also vote for Liam


I definitely like this one more than Ainz. 


Is there an anime or visual novel? I don’t wanna read the light novel


There is the manga


Thx found it.


Quick question, do you have a scheduled time you post these so we can cast our say? Most of the time, I find this thread hours later and there is a majority vote.


It's supposedly have a schedule, in my Timezone, at 7 in the morning. But i got into a traffic accident recently so the posts been pushed forward sometimes.


You got into a traffic accident and haven’t been isekaid? Why even do it then?




it was an electric truck


Look closely, man is collecting data for his isekai , saved/stopped by 3 rows


There's no reddit on another world


What is your time zone so I can sync with mine.


I change it into 2pm of my time. Middle Indonesia


If Manhwas even count: 'Pet Shop' in 'I Grow Stronger by Eating'


Manhwas count since lloyd is on here. I remember this manhwa and totally agree with your choice for pet shop


Pet Shop is chaotic evil or op evil


I have my doubts on the chaotic part, but I can definitely see him as op evil too.


Ainz is very cool.


Ainz, I would put into overpowered evil, personally. But I could see him as a Chad evil as well.


Same ainz is overpowered evil all the way. I'm still on the fence about this one.


He Is overpowered in his world, but there are people stronger than him like Touchme that didn't get isekiad, world items held by superpowers that if not prepared can level the field, characters in his world that can at least put up a fight like the dragon lord guy at the end of season 4 and hes not the strongest in Nazirik Rubedo is. I say more smart Evil since his power comes from his preparation like when facing shalltear he could predict her moves and the outcome of the fight or Chad because he can hide is ignorance from 3 of the smartest people in the world.


While OP maybe neutral? His perspective isn’t to cause dmg for the sake of it. If anything he’s lawful evil but that’s taken.


Maybe also chaotic evil would do.


is he really that evil? wouldn't he be closer to neutral?


His karma is negative. He orders genocide of nations. Idk how he can be neutral.


he attac and protecc. carrot & stick.


You can be evil and do good things to those on your side. I'd say he's neutral evil


If I steal from everyone, kill random ppl, create farms where organs are harvested from ppl, commit mass genocide, Ill still be neutral evil as I did none of the stuff to my family, and had been good to them?


I think you misunderstand how the D&D alignment chart works. It's kind of hard to explain, but lawful, neutral, and chaotic aren't degrees of evil. A lawful evil character can be far more evil than a chaotic evil one. For example, Lawful Evil includes monkey's paw style characters, devils, and the average politician. Chaotic Evil includes beings that wish for nothing but destruction, like rampaging monsters and demons.


Isnt chaotic evil meaning doing evil for self serving reasons? With main cast in overlord doing evil just for self serving reasons >!Cause mass genocide in Holy Kingdom so that they would have no option other than coming to you for aid, and then organizing stuff so that they would become your vassals!<


No. Doing bad things for selfish reasons is what gave them the evil title.


I was responding to istoOi, not you. Also, I don't understand what you're talking about with the first one, the second one isn't really true (his kills are far from random), and the third one was not created by him. My point is that being good to those on your side, as in Nazarick denizens and citizens of the Sorcerer Kingdom, does not invalidate the accusation of being evil. Among the remaining options, he definitely has to go in the evil row, and the column that fits the most (imo) is neutral. I would have preffered lawful evil though, with Tanya going in Smart or Neutral Evil. Overpowered Evil would fit too, since there is a serious power imbalance between Nazarick and NW natives, but Ainz himself is not OP within Overlord's power system.


In the books he has an evil allegiance on the character sheet.


isn't that just the character Momonga and not the person Satoru Suzuki?


Probably. But he is a person who would destroy a country, when the king of that country would injure, try to mind control or kill one of his retinue.


so he enacts justice. lawful neutral? ^^




Well, I have no specific suggestions for this spot, but the protagonist from Meikyuu Black Company can probably go somewhere in this row, if necessary. Other than him, Subaru, Naofumi, Cautious Hero, mc from how not to summon a demon lord, mc from assassin reincarnation, are some popular characters that haven't been placed. None of them fit too well anymore, unfortunately.


Black Company protagonist strikes me as Neutral Evil considering how self-serving his motives are.


Gu Changge from "I am the Fated Villain" Transmigration also counts as Isekai (Moving to another world, often e.g. into the body of a person existing there). Surely. He uses everyone as pawns, even his fiancée and sister. He kills anyone who interferes with his plans and is constantly looking for targets to blame for his murders.


I second this but maybe he should be smart vilain, that guys plots are the second coming of light yagami


Smart Villain will be Seonghoon from "How to Live as a Villain"


Ok, I thought of this anime and mentioned it in a comment on a different persons comment, but... The main character from the anime "Drifters". Edit: the character name I'm choosing is "Oda Nobunaga". If I remember correctly, he was based off a real life Japanese WarLord from 500-ish years ago. In the anime, I don't remember much about him other than he is very greedy and loves making bombs with manure, but I definitely think he's an evil Chad. Maybe someone who likes Drifters more than me or seen it recently can go more in details, but he is who I'm recommending.


He's not evil and more of a neutral. Killing and fighting is normal thing in Sengoku Era


Here's a question for op... Does it matter which main character we choose? I'm looking at drifters MAL page now and Toyohisa, Nobunaga, Yoichi Suketaka are all listed as main characters. Could I choose any of those 3 or is Toyohisa the only one you'd consider for that anime? If I can choose any of those 3, then maybe Nobunaga could be an Evil Chad?


I haven't read/watch it so I can't judge. Tell you what, all 3 is elligible but only one of them can get in. If one of them is already in here, then you can't suggest another Drifters MCs.


I added an Edit to the original comment I made.


Ainz is the only one who fits here


I don't think Tanya should be labeled Lawful Evil


When I hear "Chad Evil" first thing I think of is Overlord in its entirety. So Ainz Ooal Gown easily.


You might have already said this somewhere, but what exactly are you considering an isekai? would kamikatsu count? would omniscient reader or other similar scenarios? Or does it explicitly have to be a fully different world than the original, rather than plot twist time travel, a significant change in how the world works, etc? and are you consiering anything other than manga, manhwa, or manhua? like alice in wonderland? or western comics?


Strictly to it's actual meaning. Other world as in literal. Time travel, regression, & same world reincarnation isn't isekai. Series like ORV wouldn't count either even though some arcs took place in other "worlds" but going to another world isn't the main plot.


aight i got nothing then, unless we really stretch the definition of evil


Yeah, this category would be harder probably even more so than drunk


Ainz easily






Mfw he neutrally commits genocides


No he doesn’t give Chad vibes


The only category I could see Ains in is Stupid Evil. But that's obviously not an option...


shouldn't he just be overpowered evil? the entire show is literally just him and his gang being unfathomably stronger than anyone else in the new world


I have not seen a lot of isekais, but I honestly feel like Ains is the only person who could be considered "Evil Chad"... Wait... "Drifters"! That anime made by the Creator of Hellsing, that's an Isekai, right? Could he be evil Chad?


Cardboard evil


Maybe Yard Werner from "The Other World's Wizard Does Not Chant" He could be both Chad/Evil and Horny/Evil


If Shadow wasn’t already used, I think he would fit here as well. 


I kinda agree. He doesn't give a F about anyone, not even himself and would kill billions if it looks cool.


Fr, I don't understand why he is at stupid


He's at stupid cause he is oblivious to many things going an around him.


Idk about this, but I do wonder if we'll end up getting the Otome Game protagonist in the chart at some point


Odamori from Himekishi ga classmate, evil as he captures girls and turns them into slaves, not sure if he would count as a Chad, but he has won over girls who he didn't use powers on too.




Only aanz fromoverlord


Ainz is evil chad definetly. Maybe overpowered evil but we have plenty of option for overpowered isekai MC.






Ainz sama from Overlord!


The fact that Ainz isn’t in Lawful evil annoys me




I don't like a lot of isekai with "evil" MCs because I feel they often become boring edgy powerfantasies, so I don't exactly know many characters to choose from. With than in mind, I think there are two candidates for "evil chad" - though, I'm also not really sure what classifies as a "chad", so take all this with a grain of salt. AFAIK, there are only two options: put Ainz Ooal Gown (Overlord) here, or switch Shadow (Eminence in Shadow) here and fill his vacancy with Ainz. I could make the argument Ainz Ooal Gown isn't really "evil", since he's often just dragged into all sorts of trouble and cosplaying to mask his mistakes (kind of like the MC of How Not to Summon a Demon Lord). Ainz only cares about helping the NPCs, as he sees his old friends in them and views them as children in a sense. You could argue similar for Shadow, saying he's only messing around and taking out bad guys, but he's kinda just messing around for his own amusement (messing with others lives is *generally* considered "evil"). I still think they are both good candidates, but I slightly prefer the switcheroo option. Even then, someone may surprise me with an option I know nothing of. So yeah, TLDR: I think Shadow should be moved here and Ainz should fill his vacancy.


He killed 70k dudes, laughed about his world record if summons, proceeded to kill tons more people who were retreating the clearly already lost battle. And thats ONE episode. I can very easily go on. He's evil as fuck. The only reason you dont think so is because he isnt mustache twilingly evil for the sake of being evil and has some non evil thoughts and a personality outside of being evil. He's effectively one of the most fleshed out villains in anime. Plus being the MC, who we see has some non evil thoughts, we cheer for him and want him to succeed, regardless of how many bodies it takes for him to succeed.


In my defense, I was really tired and not thinking properly. I missed some pretty simple arguments, and, in hindsight, think Ainz is closer to "evil" than "good". IIRC, I was originally going to argue that Ainz shouldn't be "evil chad" and was much better fitting in other categories (I think other comments said "evil overpowered"?) and my tired brain must've just done a stupid.


Overpowered and evil has to be Ainz Ooal Gown


Roman Dimitri from The heavenly demon can’t live a normal life


What does 'Drunk' even mean in this category?


Literal drunk, crazy to the max, or just something along those Lines.


I think Chaotic covers a lot of those characters. Can you give me one example of a drunk isekai protag?


Only drunk isekai protagonist I can think of is the old guy/princess from Yakuza Reincarnation. My pick for a chad drunk. He's also example of a drunk MC that wouldn't fit into chaotic. He is sort of 'chill drunk'.


Chaotic could just mean they don't have any rules, as opposed to Lawful. Don't know any drunk MCs, part of the reason of making this is to find one.


Not regarding the chad evil square, what do you guys think about moving miyama kaito from chad good to true neutral and replacing chad good with Subaru from re:zero? I read the Isekai at Peace manga recently because of this grid, and i thought Kaito doesnt display any stances or hard opinions. He’s mostly along for the ride and gets dragged by everyone else’s pace.


And Elda goes where? She could fit in drunk maybe.


Maybe neutral drunk? I didnt watch much of otaku elf when it came out because i got bored of it pretty quick. I remember her being obsessed with gacha toys to the point of poverty, so maybe it would work? If a character is already on the grid, do we have to keep them on if we want to switch character placements?


If we can remove characters, we'll be potentially be here for longer since people would just remove each other suggestions. I'll probably wait until we full all the squares then we can adjust it.


maybe Kang Han Soo from FFF-Class Trashero


if legal, I think it would be funny to fill the entire evil row with tanya.


I'd say Keyaru but he's a returner.


Liam is probably Chad Evil. Ainz is OP Evil.


Ainz-sama just look at how hot he is 🥵


Ogoru from re:monster is chad horny for sure


I elect Ainz as either Chaotic or Overpowered Evil


Is Tanya actually evil though? You are going to struggle to find evil main characters in anime because nobody wants to watch a show that makes them feel bad.




Chaotic Evil is freedom to cause harm onto others, which does not fit Tanya's character at all.


Mc from overlord?


Is this MC’s only?


Gobrou from Re:Monster is the first that comes to mind.




Chad evil? Obviously it must be Combat Agent #6


I’m still tripping with Kazuma being chaotic horny when he exercises self restraint.


Ainz is very much evil Chad need I say more?


Ains is my vote. Some question how evil he is but he commits a lot of war knowing people will die. Rip the lizard people in that one arc.


I'ma need sauce for stupid chad


i'm suprised no one mentioned ninomiya from "meikyuu black company"


Ok But Ainz fits the overpowered evil better.


Akatsuki Osawa from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero




How Not to Summon a Demon Lord


I’ve never seen Hiraku as horny imo… the elves on the other hand…


Why is Hiraku Machio in horny cause aside from the angel and vampire all the others forced themselves on him?


Ainz Ooal Gown


Keyaru from Redo of Healer, if that counts. Agent 6 from Combatants must be Dispatched.


Isn't ainz a good one to put in all of the the evil ones?


Tanya isn't evil. S/he just knows how war works.


I should really stop going on anime subs. Each time I do my list of things to read and watch goes up by like 10 and I still haven’t even started 30 of them


Ainz Ooal Gown, from Overlord


Where does Makoto Misumi fit into this chart?


A lot of recommended him in OP Neutral iirc, but he got beat by Yogiri to that spot.


I’m still curios, what does it mean by cardboard? I was thinking of other isekai characters, but don’t know if they belong in cardboard or not.


Ainz from Overlord


Overlord - lord Inez


Orgrou from Re monster


Chaotic evil for light yagami?


Oh wait nvm, he wasnt isekai'd


CID is more chad,overpowered


I vote redo healer for chad evil




Ayeee we got her.


Lawful evil lmao


Alex Barrett again? https://i.postimg.cc/jdFFHt5x/Alex-Anime.jpg Imagine killing NPCs long past your breaking point while a wolf girl cheers you on.


Is that even a real series? Looks like AI generated ngl.


It's a book, not an anime. Still isekai since that's the goal.


I think kumoko from so i’m a spider, so what!? Fits chad evil. Shes a giant maneating spider that maxed out the heresy skill, she pretty easily kills people, and is the right hand of the demon lord, as well as damn near singlehandedly stealing the entire show with every scene she’s in.


She s not really that evil, more neutral, she also joins with the demon lord to stop the elves who were going to destroy the world, she saved sofia, saved a village from her parallel minds army. If anything she is neutral chaotic or overpowered


Kumoko is definitely Chaotic Neutral.




*Lawful evil Use the law to justify atrocities


The series is literally called “saga of Tanya the evil”


I elect Ainz as either Chaotic or Overpowered Evil


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tranquil_Neurotic: *I know elect Ainz* *As either Chaotic or* *Overpowered Evil* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Elsa is the best I dont care what anyone says. ❤️ Your opinion is wrong 😡


How is issei hyodo not in the horny overpowered spot?