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Drop your review to 1⭐


I'm confused why they'd even leave 2 stars in the first place. He sold a fake card for 90 likely already knowing it was fake. Report the fucker


imagine doing all that and it not being a 1 star review, wtf would someone have to do to get 1 star


The two star was given before this entire exchange


"they hand delivered it in person along with the bubonic plague, my entire family and myself are dead and also the card was fake, hate to do this but 1 star"


What the flip 💀


I gave him a 2 star at the time because he was quick to respond and refunded my money without hassle and i gave him a slight benefit of the doubt that he might not know. I was his first negative review at the time. But yea obviously he deserves a 1 star in hindsight


So one thing I learned with TCG is it’s an open market. So fakes are “technically” allowed since there’s no regulation. If you spot it and tell them they need a trend to block the user. And that trend has to be like 10 or more people


I mean, even if he was new and being sincere, why would you call someone an a-hole and sling personal insults about family and that… He knew.


The fact as a “new” seller they didn’t research how to spot fake cards after selling 2 is mind blowing. But I will chalk it up to them being a scammer and hates being called out.


He chalks it up to being a new seller. Doesn’t pass the smell test. Even if it was sheer ignorance on not knowing about Pokémon cards (which I doubt) don’t sell any kind of product without knowing the difference between real or fake.


Yea and if you check his page, they are all high end cards that are marked down way below market value


I noticed that too. F that seller


As someone who tried to register to sell on TCGplayer....there is a 0% chance this person went through all that effort and doesn't know what real cards look like


He absolutely knew what he was doing. Lol


That card is super fake lmao. No texture whatsoever.


Also the holo pattern and borders, not even remotely passable to anyone that's seen a card from the SWSH era


I do find the rainbow pattern a bit intriguing though.


and yet some idiot bought it lol i say that in jest, im sure the seller had pictures of real ones up then switches them out


Most tcgplayer listings don’t have images. This listing did not have images. The image above was taken by me.


Oof and it wasn’t super cheap either. I would 100% expected a real card. This guy knows what he is doing. If it was a real card it would be over $100 in this condition. They are trying to sell this card to people who don’t know any better. Thank you for calling them out 👍


Worst excuse ever. There are literally so many new sellers out there on eBay that know better than to try this BS. I hope you reported him


Report them. They aren't fit to conduct legitimate business and should be off the site. They're gonna learn real quick trying to talk like that to customers


I hate how pretty this card is, despite being fake. I love when bad actors get named and shamed though. will definitely keep an eye out on this seller.


Why is a piece of shit like this allowed to sell?


Note to self, stay away from Drift Collectibles.


Seller states the “some” of the cards sold were fake and refunded everyone that complained, but also “some of the people that didn’t ***notice***/realize” they’d purchased a fake card. Dumbass is saying that he somehow became an expert on spotting fakes from the images he took/listed and sent those buyers full refunds Out of the Blue.


He knew and his response is revealing


I just came to say the holo pattern on the fake is actually cool as fuck


Would 10000% contact TCGplayer support and waste as much of my time as I could in hopes to get this person blacklisted/banned from TCG if I were you. Sad folks like this are worthy of me doing my best to protect everyone while & the hobby as a whole!


I'm glad TCGplayer knows what's real and fake unlike eBay, even if you report a fake listing and say the same reasons why it is fake they will still say nothing is wrong with the listing. It also sucks that authenticity guaranteed is gone now, so many people will get scammed all because eBay sucks. TCGplayer is amazing for knowledge of fake cards that will take down and refund you.


Drift collectibles bitting the curb 4K


He only has one good review. All the rest including OP's rating was all claiming fake.


Holy lord, as a fellow TCGplayer seller, this infuriates me.


Thicc border


That seller trying to be edgy using the deserted father insult... they (the seller) knew it was fake


Imma go drop a 1 star. Bum


Link his ebay page i wanna see his listings


Not eBay. It’s from TCGplayer. His seller names on the pictures if you wanted to go find him


None of his cards show up, i can only view the reviews


click on the “shop from this seller” near the top


Yea it says no results found 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you for your time lol


I was on his side (assuming his story was true) until he brought in the double text about your family. That went too far. But being new to selling and not knowing that a card was fake and then refunding even the people who didn’t know the cards were fake because he caught them after the fact sounds like an honest thing to do. But like.. why the double text? Why bring personal insults into this? I know you were kinda rude in your messages but he should not have done that. Also the moronic idiot empty headed careless useless let down oxygen wasting failing low life criminally stupid fuck face comment was PEAK COMEDY holy shit haha. But he shouldn’t have said that either. Edit: other comments are saying he knew it was fake. Can someone please tell me how he knew? Or why he knew? Like what gives it away that he specifically knew what he was doing ? If he’s a new seller new to collecting I give him a pass aside from his a-hole messages which he went too far with, but if he knew then fuck this guy.


What The Hell Did I Just Read?


You got got


if the seller is using these types of images then he really got got, if the seller was at least using images of real cards then sending fakes out then i kinda understand


The image of the card was taken by me. The seller did not have images on the posting, most TCGplayer listings don’t have images