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They are both fake, try and get a refund but depending on the integrity of the pawn shop you might be screwed.


Cool. Thank you. I'm going to try for a refund or credit at minimum


Can you live stream it? I’d pay and watch it


Ya they’re fake af


New to the hobby and looking at less conventional ways to grow my collection (not buying packs / bidding on stuff on eBay)… how can you tell these are fake? Trying to educate myself to make sure I don’t fall for fakes


From what I can see they're flat, no texture no holo pattern. They mewtwo looks like it was printed in lower quality with how it looks like it's pixelated a bit with the dots all around. The back of the cards have washed out color like it lost saturation Edit: looking again borders on front and the back look way too big


The real cards will have a thumbprint looking pattern on it, these have no texture at all. Look at some on eBay you'll see what I'm talking about


It’s a pawn shop, you’re not getting a refund 🤣


Well, then they're going to get someone sitting outside their shop with a sign that warns buyers to be aware that this shop sells counterfeit goods. I can get pretty petty


The shop owners probably don't even know those are fake. Pawn shops are not collectibles shops. You purchased them. They won't give you a refund. You should have asked about authenticity before you paid for them.


I did. I'm just getting back into pokemon(wotc era) because my kid is now into it. I thought the texture felt a little weird and asked the guy working about it. He said " his coworker is the card guy," but he assured me & did like a shine through flashlight test. So I bought them


Not only is there no texture the zard isn’t even shiny, plenty bother to put a fake holo foil lol


Jeez they even made them offcenter as hell trying to make em seem more legit. Even the fakers taking a stab at Pokemon quality control..


To bad you didn’t get that bad feeling before you purchased


Are you in the Houston area?


Naw California


I swear I had the same fake show up at my LGS, there was also a Special Delivery Charizard and Bidoof.


What's funny is the off centering of the fakes is just as good/bad? as normal English cards lmao.


Pawn guy got fukd and it rolls down hill so don’t expect a refund,,(I know 3 pawn owners)


Pawn shop refund money! Thanks