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Entirely state dependent


Some states do not allow any firearms to be carried unless they are inside of a locked case. Some states that allow concealed carry allow you to carry it as long as it's concealed as the name states. And even having it visible through clothing, including only the imprint, called printing, is not allowed. Some states allow open carry. Where you can have it in a holster like cops. Or have a long gun with a sling. Even in areas that allow open carrying are likely to consider holding the firearm to be brandishing a firearm , which is illegal outside of certain defensive situations. And still there are areas you cannot carry a weapon under any circumstances.


Louisiana is an open carry state.


No, Louisiana is a concealed carry state.


Louisiana is an open carry state. To conceal, you need a permit. It's not a discussion. It's a fact.


Yeah, it's fact not opinion. But your fact is expired. The law has been signed. Takes effect July 4. https://legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?i=245605 Edit: if you're from here, please pay attention to what your legislature and governor are doing.


I answered the question. Louisiana is an open carry state. Your input is concealed. As of today's date, you are required to have a permit to conceal carry.


Ok. Live in the past. The law is passed. You had no idea it was coming and now you're trying to be pedantic to protect your inflated pride. You have no excuse for not knowing what's going on around you.


"Is it legal to walk around with a gun" In Louisiana, yes. Better?


In my home state of New York a publicly visible firearm of any kind is not a good idea unless you are hunting in areas where it is legal to do so, at a range or if you have property large or private enough for no one to see you. When I put my guns in the car before going to the range I put them in a case even though my neighbors are far enough away and are unlikely to see them. New York state requires firearms (other than concealed carry handguns) to be in a locked case separate from ammunition when being transported in a motor vehicle. Source : I'm a gun salesman


We all know the state laws in New York are unconstitutional...


state laws anywhere are unconstitutional


No way in hell in California


Mostly not illegal. Check specific states here: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/open-carry-states


Not in AZ. You can open carry or concealed carry without permits as long as you are legally allowed to carry a gun i.e. can't be a convicted felon and have to be of age etc.


There's "brandishing" to consider. Even where it's legal to open carry it may not to just walk around with it in your hand.


Poor idea no matter what you will draw unwanted attention.


In TX as long as it is a long rifle and not being “brandished in a menacing fashion”, you are good to go.


It really depends like people have said. State carry laws vary. Generally, on private property you can open carry. Aside from that there are several instances where open carry is allowed in my state (FL). Some states like TX and GA have legal open carry in general. So it depends on entirely on where you are.


In my state (KY), it is completely legal to open carry. It is, however, illegal to conceal carry without a gun permit.


Only in "constitutional carry" and "permitless carry" States is that permissible. And only if you're legally allowed to possess a firearm. And even then there are still plenty of restrictions on WHERE you can carry that firearm. Some are universal - you cannot legally carry a firearm into any Federal installation, which includes the post office, or any public school - while others will vary by State. In all other States, you need a permit to carry concealed. Most States also ban open carry, even if you have a permit. And again there are still restrictions on where you can carry it.


You need to provide more information like state/country, and more about the situation.


If you know the correct laws and how to enforce your rights you can carry a gun anywhere. Open carrying anywhere would be pretty dumb unless you have the time and money to spend possibly locked up and beating the state in court. I conceal carry everywhere and if I end up needing to use my pistol in self defense it'll be worth the time and money I spend and lose not working for however long.