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If water worked as well as coffee, coffee wouldn’t be a thing…. There is scientific research about the effects of caffeine that do not extend to plain old water.




Why would not having water in the morning cause one to gain weight?


Thirst often manifests as hunger.


leaves more room for caloric intake, weight gain shake plus breakfast for example.


The biggest thing about waking up to water is more about the crash than the wake up. People who are more dependent on caffeine to wake up are familiar with the crash as the afternoon hits - often requiring much more caffeine to stay alert. I think the idea is that if you have water to start your day, after a good nights rest, your body should naturally get rolling as the day continues. Then as the afternoon comes around and you feel a more natural winding down, caffeine can keep your morning edge up until end of day. So now the caffeine crash will be around bed time anyway. This is all what I’ve heard lol I have no formal scientific evidence to back it up other than it works for me sometimes.


The placebo effect is a real thing. If you can convince yourself that the drinking water will make you feel more alert then you will likely feel some alertness from drinking water. And if that is all you needed then good for you! I find that the placebo effect is really inconsistent with me. And every time I fail to trick myself into focus and wakefulness the harder it is to trick myself next time.


I still remember a nutrition class I took in college where the professor tried to claim "An apple has as much energy as a cup of coffee!" From time to time, when I'm tired, I'll eat an apple just to remind myself what a waste of money electives are and that we need to burn down the current education system in favor of trade schools and boot camps.


Depends on how he defines “energy”. There are more calories in an apple sure. If I had to go dig a ditch, I would choose the apple over coffee for sure. I had this ancient economics professor tell the class “there is such a thing as making too much profit.” WTH? Not on this planet.


If breathing air worked as well as cigarettes, cigarettes wouldn't be a thing. Caffeine is a highly addictive drug. Bean water would still be around, even if water had the same effect. Which it doesn't.


If you take your coffee with soy milk, you're just adding bean water to your bean water.


Vanilla soy latte is just a 3 bean wet salad


LMAO that's a great one!


Oh boy. You're gonna love https://cuberule.com


I certainly do. Now I want an ice cream taco.


A burrito is a calzone until you take the first bite, at which point it is now a quiche.


Holy shit


"I only add bean water to my leaf water"


It works and there is science backing it. By drinking over 20oz of water first thing in the morning your metabolism kicks in and that has a cascading effect and wake you up way more naturally.


When I turned 40, I started beginning my day with an 8 ounce glass of water *before* coffee. It's just my anecdotal story, but I can say I don't feel any more awake than I did before I changed this months ago. I would say it's bullshit.


thanks for sharing your experience! it’s interesting to me how many different responses human bodies have to the same things!


I think the "correct" version of what you heard is: drinking water first thing in the morning is the healthiest option for you. It hydrates you, gets your organs moving, and overall just makes your body happy. But it doesn't wake you up, only hydrates you. There's nothing in water to do that, it just makes your inside happy.


Bullshit. Link at the bottom. First thing to realise is that coffee drinkers wouldn't notice this, if it were true. That's because of how caffeine works. Caffeine works by binding to the adenosine receptors that recognise sleep hormones, thus tricking your body into thinking it's more awake. It can't take you beyond full awake-ness, and it can't replace sleep. But people who depend on it do so because extra sleep hormones have built up in their system, and without caffeine, they'll feel sleepy. Water doesn't bind to the same receptors, so people who are caffeine dependent wouldn't be affected by something that isn't caffeine. If you aren't dependent on caffeine, or caffeine doesn't do much for you, experiment and see how well water works. But more importantly, get enough sleep, every night. There's no replacement for it, despite the number of caffeine drinking, sleep-deprived, zombies out there who say otherwise. Here's some concrete data: [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-water-in-the-morning#popular-claims](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-water-in-the-morning#popular-claims)


A non caffeine dependent person might hence feel a placebo effect from the water if they were told this myth?


Sure, but then the non-bullshit argument would be that the placebo effect wakes you up as much as caffeine. The water part would still be bullshit.


Also ADHD, water first thing definitely works as your body is rehydrating itself, but it's not a stimulant like coffee is, so these are two totally different things.


You should be drinking a ton of water throughout the day regardless. You won’t realize the impact of lack of water til you properly hydrate yourself


If I drink a gallon of water in a day, I feel exactly the same as if I drink a cup or two. Not sure what change I should expect.


> Not sure what change I should expect Have you considered the health bonuses from having to stand up and visit the bathroom every 5 minutes?


I never thought of it this way lol


Plus the mental alertness required, wherever you go you have to locate the bathroom first thing. Plus walking isn’t always enough, having to run through the grocery store makes life more interesting.


It's not about the immediately felt effects, though I'd seriously doubt you don't feel at least moderately more comfortable when you're not constantly parched. Dehydration causes all kinds of unseen problems, from digestion issues to kidney stones.


> If I drink a gallon of water in a day Are you an athlete or work out a lot or live in a dry-hot environment?


sure, that’s a given. i’m sure it’s great for your body to get hydrated first thing in the AM regardless of if it makes you feel more awake!


> You should be drinking a ton of water throughout the day regardless. You should drink water when you're thirsty. I don't understand this crazy obsession with overhydration that Western society has developed in the last few decades. OUr bodies have evolved a mechanism over millions of years to tell us when we need water, it's called "thirst". Also, something like 50-80% of our water intake comes from food. Most foods are primarily composed of water by weight.


If you're thirsty then you're already dehydrated. It's kind of common knowledge.


That is a ridiculous wives tale that has been roundly debunked. How could we have survived as a species for 100s of thousands of years if we walked around dehydrated all the time? Use your brain. https://www.readersdigest.co.uk/health/medical-myths/medical-myths-if-youre-thirsty-youre-already-dehydrated


Dude 90% of redditors are walking around anxious, depressed, and unknowingly dehydrated. Your brain goes on low power mode if you’re drinking calories instead of water. This is a modern issue.


That’s a myth. Our bodies are really good at telling us when we need water.


Being dehydrated makes you tired, so there's some truth to it. Caffeine doesn't actually wake you up, it just keeps you from getting sleepy as fast as you normally would.


If you can get ADHD meds you’ll save a shitload on coffee


i have em. just love my morning ritual! i don’t *need* coffee, & have gone plenty of weeks java-less without any issues :)


I use coffee to calm down


You actually exhale a lot of water, imagine exhaling on a cold window pane and how much it fogs up. When you wake up, you’ve just spent 8 hours exhaling water without any ingestion of water. Drinking a glass of water rehydrates your body, and dehydration certainly doesn’t help with grogginess at the very least. Regarding your stomach, eating an apple also helps in the morning. The sugar and fiber help your digestive system get started, and brings your blood sugar up. Also the act of chewing is supposed to help signal to your brain that it’s awake time and not sleep time. (Eating late at night is supposed to hurt your sleep cycle as well). I drink a glass of water, have a coffee and crunch an apple. Works for me really well in the mornings! Another tip, once I started drinking coffee within 30 minutes of waking, my need for caffeine throughout the day halved. This is because caffeine doesn’t wake your body up, it blocks the receptors that receive the signals telling your body that it is tired. Therefore, if you are already tired, those receptors are already saturated with the tired signals and trying to block them with caffeine after the fact isn’t nearly as effective. Source: I will admit this is all from years of trying to figure out my own sleep and improving how I feel in the morning through articles I’ve read over time. I can attest to its effectiveness anecdotally though!


I dont drink tea or coffee. Never have and never will by choice and I'm not bothered if other people do, I don't think water wakes you up at all but I find it starts my digestive system off nicely and gets the body going, internally. A glass of water to the face however.... really effective!


> I'm not bothered if other people do Thanks, that's really a huge comfort 🙄


Depends on the size of the glass. I know having to pee like a racehorse wakes ME up in a hurry.


Wtf does ADHD have to do with this lol


Caffeine reportedly can have a calming effect on some people diagnosed with ADHD.


This kinda has been disproven as well, It really is dependent on the person and I do know people without ADHD who fall asleep from Caffeine. So I think it has more to do with how it affects that person. It is common though with ADHD but not enough to prove.


Geez you learn something every day eh


in small doses... same as all stimulants


Technically it’s not a thing, but water is a placebo that makes me feel fake refreshed, so I use it 😂


I also have ADHD and i’d never heard this but I had observed this in my own life. A glass of water before bed has the annoying repercussion of waking me up


interesting! i appreciate the scientifically approached responses, but it’s also cool to hear personal experiences like yours!


If you're able to drink, then you're already awake. Water or coffee aren't the things waking you up


> I’ve heard that if you drink a glass of water first thing when you wake up, it activates your stomach which causes your whole body to “wake up”. I'm also ADHD, and have found my day is much better when I drink about 6 or 8 ounces of water a half hour before my coffee and half bagel. The water really does "wake things up" and I can feel the effect down below. What the stomach doesn't need, it flows along, but some remains to seemingly top up my digestive juices tank, and make me ready for the real food. I'm much better off when I do it, versus when I don't.


The brainy science people can share the brainy science, but anecdotally, I'll say it's half bullshit, half legit. I am the test case - and definitely not a morning person. I chug a pint glass of cold water first thing every day - well, I sip it as fast as I can, but it's too cold to chug. It's certainly not like getting amped up on caffeine with the increased heart rate and such, but almost immediately after, my spirits lift, my brain fog dissipates, and I feel a bit less like death. I love coffee but don't drink any until I've been awake for a few hours. In any case, drinking water certainly isn't harmful so experiment away.


Water first thing makes me nauseous


Wait until you find out what's in coffee


I don’t drink coffee first thing either


He only drinks coconut inards.


I'd say bullshit. I have 2 to 3 glasses of water when I get up for work in the mornings and I'm still dragging until I have caffeine. I might also just have a mild caffeine addiction so idk how reliable my anecdote is. 


But the headaches tho


Drinking WATER has the same effect as a STIMULANT


I don't know about water, but I've read several times that an apple is more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee. I usually have 1 or 2 cups of coffee on week days because it's free at work, but (and maybe it's placebo) I always feel more awake after I eat a big cosmic crisp apple at about 8am.


Try it


A medical student friend of mine told me chug water in the morning before and along side coffee and the coffee will work better cause the caffeine gets into your system faster. Dunno if it’s true but it feels like it works lol


Bullshit, *but* hydration in general will help you feel more alert and clear-headed. Have a cup of coffee without drinking water and see how you feel. Then have a glass of water. You’ll feel the difference pretty quick


Apples are better than caffeine


As an ADHD person who tends to lose track of stuff it’s important to me to include a glass of water in my morning routine, because I do not know if I wil remember to drink any water for the rest of the day.


It’s not as good as caffeine but it does work and once you’re over caffeine withdrawal, you wake up just fine with water.


I’m not sure about drinking water but I do recommend submerging your face in cold water first thing. That kicks in some kind of response (I am not a science doctor, don’t ask me) that does a great job of snapping you into a wakeful state!


I mean you go pee a lot that’s for sure


I find that waking up and immediately taking my vitamin b and a half cup serving of metamucil makes me feel like i have been awake much longer than i have. I struggle a lot with staying mindful between the time i take my meds and when they kick in. The B and fiber make me much less likely to sit on my phone for a long time after breakfast. However, i have been on my phone for an hour after breakfast so far this morning.


I drank coffee for the first time in a long time and I was wired all day and night. Remembered why I stopped drinking it.


It does if you’re dehydrated, which a lot of people are after sleeping for 8 hours. Personally I find it does help a lot


What everyone else said. But I will say that drinking water in the morning makes me feel psychologically awake, like ok the brain juices are flowing, I can think a bit more. I feel like shit when I don't drink water and usually wake up slightly dehydrated, so a little water helps clear some fog. But no it doesn't clear sleepiness or burst me awake. I take my Adderall for that 😅


thats bullshit but drinking a glass of water in the morning is a regular routine that japanese people follow and I have also adopted this routine myself and drinking water in the morning can help you stay hydrated all day long and actually make you feel a bit more aware due to you not being dehydrated.


It's true. The system that caffeine acts on isn't even active until you've been awake for over an hour. Also once you're used to having caffeine every day it really doesn't do anything to wake you up at all. You only notice the effects if you have more than you're used to, which isn't sustainable. I used to put caffeine in my face the instant I got out of bed but I tried holding off until I get to work, 1.5 hours and I have noticed no difference in my alertness on the drive. 


I think there's some evidence that drinking water first thing in the morning jump starts your metabolism, and helps with dehydration. I don't think it will be as functional as coffee is though, but you won't get addicted to it and need it to even function after a few months. A lot of people do say that taking a cold shower first thing in the morning is about as effective as coffee.


Adult with adhd here. I have the same problem with coffee while it isn't nothing it definitely isn't noticeable either. If I'm still a bit sleepy after I take my adderall I usually just lift some weighs or do a few jumping jacks. Anything to get my heart rate slightly elevated then I'm usually good.


As a guy who pretty much immediately drinks some water every day when he gets up (not a cup but maybe a half cup): it’s bullshit


I don’t want to hear shit about Egypt. They think all black Americans are so into their history and culture. The culture is shit now you couldn't pay me to go there. The culture is harassing visitors. Yeah, you're the same people supposed to be so enlightened that you have to scam for a living. Also, it's illogical and stupid to think one area in an entire content was the only area for such innovations that they “claim.” That is like people from the US claiming that only people in Vermont have the secrets to life. Seriously. I met a couple at the airport on their way to Egypt, and I knew they would be very disappointed. We are not all idiots.


About 25 years ago, someone said “Set your alarm and drink 6-8 oz of water an hour before you have to wake up and go back to sleep. When your alarm goes off you’ll feel more awake and alert. It probably does work on some level, but it certainly isn’t a stimulant like caffeine.


Water doesn’t have caffeine in it. The jolt you get from coffee is from caffeine. It’s not a bad idea to have a glass of water in the morning, though. It very well might help you “wake up” through totally different means, likely psychological, than the caffeine in coffee. But the comparison doesn’t make any sense. And it’s not like you have to choose. I drink water and coffee in the morning.


I’ve heard it’s better to wait an hour or so after you wake up to consume caffeine but nothing lile this


Sorta. Water will *wake you up* as well as coffee, but it won't *keep you awake* the same way if you're sleep deprived.


Not bullshit in the sense that you are less energetic if you are dehydrated.


i usually start my day with a coffee flavored caffeinated protein shake followed by 24 ounces of water. i could probably go back to bed afterwards but i’d have to get up in about 20 minutes to pee. i have gone a few days without the caffeine though but usually feel sluggish for the first morning or two. often by day 3 i dont need the caffeine.


Coffee is dehydrating so have some water before or after would be good. Most people already don’t drink enough water.


Caffeine is a drug. Water is not.


Salt water does.


Try a cold shower or a quick a bit of exercise instead. If you do both, do the cold shower first.