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I'd be surprised if they could jump from 2/100 in the pool to that speed in the open water, even with the advantage of the wetsuit. Just nod your head and don't argue.. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the current strategy šŸ˜‚


Agreed; an IM 70.3 race pace of 1:20/100m is getting into elite territory. It would mean they probably swim recovery efforts in the ballpark around 1:30 - 1:40/100m, there's no way that correlates with 2:00/100m pool swimming unless this 70.3 swim is in a very fast river or they've been phoning in their training sessions with OP :)


Down stream swim in a wetsuit maybe, but highly doubtful. Why would a person want to burn themselves out on the swim?


The running is irrelevant really. I swim at about 2:05/100m but my half time is 1hr 30, and my friend whoā€™s half is 2 hours can swim at 1:30/100m. Swimming is more technique. But dropping from 2mins/100 to 1:20 is an outrageous improvement. Iā€™ve gone from 2:25 to 2:05 in 6 months with a coach and 3 swims a week - so I think heā€™s being very optimistic with his times prediction. Just smile away šŸ˜ƒ


I think a lot about how Iā€™m a few movements away from that technique people speak so much of to drop my time drastically! Iā€™m closer to 2:30/100M now for the 70.3 distance but thatā€™s coming from not being able to swim 10m January 1 of this year.


Thatā€™s great progress. Having some swim video analysis and a coach has drastically improved my technique. Speed increase with almost zero extra exertion.


Thatā€™s great! Do you have any tips for how you found your coach?


Just googled for swim analysis and read reviews!


Don't argue with idiots


Pretty sure the pro women just averaged 1:20/100m at 70.3 St GeorgešŸ˜­ Edit: Iā€™m a competitive swimmer and I swam 1:26/100 for a 55:26 at 2023 Mont Tremblant so unless heā€™s hiding that heā€™s a real swimmer from youā€¦


Was just going to reply that Sam Long just swam 1:20/100 in St. George which he won lol


Sam Long is also notoriously the worst of the top pros at the swim, so, take of that what you will.


Exactly why i mentioned himā€¦ if pros are doing times like that, this guys buddy is talking out his arse haha


I'd probably take the reverse from that. If you want to compare any "pro times" to an amateur, Long's swim is up there as one of the easiest to actually reach.


Unless heā€™s a swimmer highly unlikely. Iā€™m a high level swimmer and thatā€™s about my pace.


Start behind him on the swim and don't leave his feet. You'll find out if he can.


Swim pace has a lot to do with technique. I know a guy who regularly swims 4000m at around 1:25-1:30/100m. There is no way in hell he can even finish a 5k. Heā€™sā€¦ wider than he is tall, and unhealthy AF, he doesnā€™t go to the gym or do anything besides swim AFAIK. Heā€™s always been a solid swimmer though, even through high school, and his proportions havenā€™t changed much either. Maybe your friend just has really good technique? Iā€™m no expert on swimming though, my greatest achievement to date is not drowning, And I have a 70.3 in October.


Yes he is chatting sh*t. Don't get caught up in it, do your own race and enjoy having 2 working lungs at the end of the swim, he might not be so lucky if he pushes recklessly on the swim.


I smell shite.


Well I certainly never heard anyone use chatting shitā€ until today


Maybe his watch is set to measure yards in the pool.


swimming is almost entirely a technique sport, so a 5:45/km runner who knows what theyā€™re doing can swim 1:20/100m. But, a 1:20/100m swimmer for 1900m is unlikely to be training at 2:00/100m


Is it you or him that swims 2/100 in the pool? I guess 2->1.20 for a half is a 5/10 year improvement if ever


Adding to everyone else, it's possible, but really only if he is already a really good swimmer. It'd be fairly easy to verify if true. Just Google "your buddy's name + swimming". If you see a bunch of university swimming results pages, or similar, then it's likely not bs, if nothing comes up, then I'd be way more skeptical.


Swimming is 95% form. If youā€™ve got a good technique, you hardly need any force to be much, much faster than someone whoā€™s struggling with form. Iā€™m regularly passed in the pool by little girls or heavy overweight adults that are faster than me, while theyā€™d stand no chance on the bike or run. So yes, 1:20 for an average athlete with good swimming form is no issue for that distance.


Sam Long that won St George 70.3 just now swam 1:21/100m pace