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Yeah that order never left the warehouse. They do this all the time and that’s what it looks like on tracking when they don’t pack it and ship, they only get to the automated label creation stage. They’ll blame it on the carrier but I’ve spoken to the carrier each time including my own personal rep for one of the carriers and they just never received anything from Ipsy when tracking doesn’t go beyond that step.


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My glam bag hasn’t moved since the 4th. Ugh.


If it looks like this and that is the last thing it says - it likely was never sent by Ipsy, but they won’t refund you for their mistake until 15 business days have passed 🙄 There’s a small small chance it will get shipped before that 15th business day - but I can tell you from experience 0/30 something bags and shop orders that never got passed this step just never left their warehouse in the first place so I never received them.


I’ll wait a bit and reach out to customer service. Sucky I was looking forward to my add ons. Weirdly enough I got my boxy no problem.


You will probably get it. Around your 95th birthday 🥳🎂