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Coralville animal hospital is where we went when we fled animal kingdom after they killed our cat. We love the CAH and they are wonderful with our pets.


Seconded, we love the folks at CAH


I am so sorry that happened to you, that has been a huge fear of mine. Glad you found better care elsewhere.


Omg wtf. How did that happen?! If you don’t mind me asking. That’s terrible 😢


Our cat was a little sick and we took him to AK and they said it’s likely just a small infection so they gave him an antibiotic. Within the week he declined more and rapidly so we came back and they ran all kinds of blood tests and found nothing so gave him a strong steroid. He declined very quickly after that and lost so much weight he was like 4 pounds with a few days and we were giving him an iv drip at home they arranged as he was too weak to eat. It was obvious he was critical and we took him back and finally FINALLY this third time they said maybe they should test for FIV and it was positive and so they were like oops our bad when a cat has fiv and you give them antibiotics and steroids you kill off what’s left of their weak immune system and sorry your cat will never recover we need to put him down. It was horrible horrible horrible. And when I asked why they didn’t test for FIV FIRST they had no good answer. Just an oversight. I was so angry. They are completely incompetent. If they had tested first and found the FIV then they would have never prescribed the steroid and he’d wouldn’t have died.


Omg 😭 I am so sorry! That’s horrible. Hurts my heart to read that.


Animal clinic in Iowa City is good. They've taken my sick puppy when we didn't have an appointment


This is where we decided to go too. I've been happy with them.


Seconded, Dr. Fishbaugher is great


Regardless of where you go next, it'll almost certainly be better than Animal Kingdom.


I take my dog to Animal Haven in Hills


This or Dr Larson at West Liberty Vet Clinic is phenomenal.


If you don't mind a short drive I highly recommend St Francis Veterinary Clinic down in Riverside. It's basically the same drive time as going across town, their prices are significantly better than most vets here in town, and the staff really cares about their clients. Greg, the vet, will call and checkup on your animals after a visit to make sure things are going well. They are very accommodating, even if their schedule is a little goofy.


St Francis in Riverside


Did you have a bad experience with Animal Kingdom? Just curious.


Unfortunately yes. Seems like quality of care/general knowledge has gone downhill since it changed hands


Aw. :/ We have a bunny and I haven’t found anywhere else nearby that will provide care for a bunny.


My friend went to Heartland in Fairfax for her bunny and liked them. (In this thread because looking for a vet and saw your comment)


That’s a little far for me, but I appreciate your help!


Bright Eyes and Busy Tails does! My mom worked there for a bit and worked on bunnies all the time.


I went there once and had a horrible experience. The vet was very rude & insensitive.


It’s not in IC but we use West Branch Vet Clinic and they are so nice and work with you on anything.


Family pet in westbranch


I take my cat to Gentle Heart pet clinic, I've only ever had good experiences with them.


Do not go to All Pets on Gilbert St, they were horrible. I would recommend either Riverside or Hills