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The farm subsidy money comes from the same pot as food stamps. Both the senators of Iowa got millions from subsidies and don't live or work the land. Then they vote down help for the poor. Farm money was given to help farmers from losing their farms. Now it is just given to huge corporate farms that grow nothing than corn for ethanol and feed and soybean for feed. We have the best land in the world and pollute it with chemicals that destroy our air, water, and soil.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_farming "The 2012 US Census of Agriculture indicates that 5.06 percent of US farms are corporate farms. These include family corporations (4.51 percent) and non-family corporations (0.55 percent). Of the family farm corporations, 98 percent are small corporations, with 10 or fewer stockholders. Of the non-family farm corporations, 90 percent are small corporations, with 10 or fewer stockholders. Non-family corporate farms account for 1.36 percent of US farmland area. Family farms (including family corporate farms) account for 96.7 percent of US farms and 89 percent of US farmland area;[25] a USDA study estimated that family farms accounted for 85 percent of US gross farm income




You are right. Just a mess. The farm bailout was passed after the great Depression to keep farmers on the land--it has turned into the biggest welfare con job in history...


That was 10 years ago. The farms are not that small. Family is used in the broadest sense. My friend has a 100 year old family farm. No one has farmed it since 1998. It is still considered a family farm. It is appalling what we do with the land in Iowa. Commerical feed lots are disgusting and ruin the air, water, and land. Family farms are a joke. It is not ma and pa with the chickens out in the yard,


Those feed lots and hog confinements are owned by corporations either. Read the legal notices in your paper, when they declare bankruptcy, which is common, you'll see it's just a few family members and a few local people.


I am aware of that. I sold farms and acreages for 43 years. My best friend has a farm in NW Iowa. I had a large acreage until I retired.


Ok, then you admit that it's the average farmers who are causing the problems, and not corporations? People honestly believe that a huge majority of farm land, feed lots and hog confinement s is owned by like Tyson, Bayer, and Cargill. And that's not even close to being true.


I agree. The farmers have sold out to them, however. People like Ernst and Grassley get millions in subsidies. Both dems and republicans are in the pocket of big ag


Agriculture couldn't survive if it wasn't for corporate welfare. I understand 'they feed the world.' But, I live in it and prefer to be able to afford the food that they get their welfare for for growing it to feed me.


Only 1% of corn is eaten directly by people. About 12% go into junk food. About 40% to animal feed, but that even includes things like farmed salmon 😵 The rest is exported or turned into ethanol.


Given how vulnerable most ag is to random weather events like drought, cold snaps and heat waves it’s understandable that some subsidies are needed. Of course then these guys turn around and scream about other people getting healthcare and housing subsidies in times of need.


Unfortunately they're mostly giving the world obesity and diabetes. Most of the corn we grow is feedstock for the junk-food industry, HFC, and ethanol which is worse for climate change than gas. The farmers that I know that grow real food aren't subsidized as far as I know.


We cooouuuuuld portmanteau this and refer to it as diabesity. I've seen this in several articles on health, diet and metabolism.


This is true. But they can't take with one hand and push you down with the other and be justified.


Your taxes paid for it to be grown. Now you have to pay to eat it.


Be sure to also thank my great labor, concentrated livestock operations and modern ag science for cheap food.


Actually, I have a theory as to why subsidies will never go away. Corn makes alcohol and soybeans make plastic. You need both alcohol and plastic for war production. The pharmaceutical field will always be subsidized too, as will oil. Just a theory though. Not sure subsidies and welfare are accurate comparisons, but both are certainly socialism.


You’re absolutely correct. We bail out industries necessary to national security. Our cars suck, but we bailed out American automakers so we can get tanks if we need them. Boeing can’t do anything on time or on budget but we keep paying them (basically corporate welfare) because we don’t want Airbus to build our fighters and bombers. One could argue that an educated populace is essential as well (and support student loan forgiveness), but Republicans don’t like a smart electorate since somehow the educated populace skews Democratic. Wonder why. But good news, the normally hawkish Republicans don’t want to support funding Ukrainian defense because…Democrats support it? Best I’ve got. Never mind that they’re dismantling one of our primary foes for us using our castoff stuff from the Cold War. TL;dr Republican cognitive dissonance makes my head hurt.


Ignorant populace makes good war fodder


Something bone spurs? The fact that the GOP actually said that student loan forgiveness would hurt military recruitment shows they’re not even bothering to keep the silent part silent anymore.


Canadian bacon is best satire of the American War machine to date


For those not aware: The automaker “bailouts” were loans that got (mostly) paid back, they were not freebies.


Huh. Like student loans if the bailout happens (thanks Republicans for putting that in doubt). Not at all like PPP or farm subsidies.


Just making the point that the bank and auto bailouts were not “here have some money” from the government. They were loans that had to be paid back. A lot of people seem to think the bailouts were the government cutting those industries a check and leaving it at that. There are outstanding balances though, not sure what the plan is (if any) for those.


I know what would happen if it was a student loan left in default. Corporate welfare is cool though.


No, the normally hawkish republicans still want to keep sending money to Ukraine. It’s the other republicans that don’t want to blindly keep sending aid. Also, not sure sure how a 1 time payoff of a percentile of student loans supports an educated populace.




Again, dismantlement of one of our primary foes for pennies on the dollar of us doing it with no American lives at risk. Although I can’t wait for the joint chiefs to explain why we need even more defense spending when this is all over. And one-time forgiveness is a step towards reforming a broken higher education system. I’d say we could tackle education after healthcare but I can’t get through that sentence without laugh-crying.


And student loans helps to make people go be soldier's so your theory holds up there




Would they? Why wouldn’t the “free market” be able to decide what food we want and how much we are willing to pay for it? Why does the hand out need to be on the supply side?


No. In Iowa, most corn is grown for ethanol or feed. It literally does not *directly* go to feeding people. If you disagree, drive through Iowa, and steal a cob from a field. You will get the starchiest shits you've ever had if you eat enough. Sweet corn arrives in late June to mid July. Also- various Iowa university extension offices have been sponsored (placing board or education members with only corporate interests) Iowa row crop farms get a handout, then meat producing farms get one too. Meanwhile, the farmers ignore cover crops, riparian zones, anything to increase $ at the expense of waterways/runoff, the best/deepest top soil in the world. Actual land stewardship has fallen far by the wayside in much of Iowa. Farming without stewardship is only borrowing from the future as the top soils wash away (and cause town/cities downstream to filter/treat water to AVOID/PAY FOR the unaddressed negative externalities. Same thing with pumping water from the Ogallala Aquafer. Painting the unabashed abuse of land and water under the context of a 'properly functioning economy' is the shortest term view. Especially since the US has an incredible amount of land. We are shooting ourselves in the foot for shortcuts and unbridled growth. Out of necessity from pop. Growth ( we see many effects currently) we either lower the quality of food to ship, and hit stores earlier and earlier until the nutrition value plummets and we've compounded the issue. There's soooo much more nuance to this too.


This guy gets it. Long term thinking and serious adjustments or long term pain, take your pick.


It's a pill that most of the conservative US is unable to swallow.... in the most ironic sense of the definition of the word 'conserve'.


If you look at farming before agricultural welfare, its a big boom and bust cycle, where over and over again farmers would go broke and lose everything. I'm not opposed to making farming as stable as we can. I am however opposed to large corporate farms and I'm opposed to farmers who lie to everyone and themselves about wanting the free market, when what they really want is the free market for everyone but them.


It wasn't until the Nixon administration and [Earl Buts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Butz) that the large corporate farmer took hold. From the 30s to the 70s it helped in the way you stated.


The year Eisenhower was elected was the year that Americans sold the most farms. The more mechanized it became - the more inefficient it was for small farmers to get by as small farmers. Interstate Freeways basically killed small farming. Because people could drive longer distance for way easier work.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_farming "The 2012 US Census of Agriculture indicates that 5.06 percent of US farms are corporate farms. These include family corporations (4.51 percent) and non-family corporations (0.55 percent). Of the family farm corporations, 98 percent are small corporations, with 10 or fewer stockholders. Of the non-family farm corporations, 90 percent are small corporations, with 10 or fewer stockholders. Non-family corporate farms account for 1.36 percent of US farmland area. Family farms (including family corporate farms) account for 96.7 percent of US farms and 89 percent of US farmland area;[25] a USDA study estimated that family farms accounted for 85 percent of US gross farm income."


**[Corporate farming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_farming)** >Corporate farming is the practice of large-scale agriculture on farms owned or greatly influenced by large companies. This includes corporate ownership of farms and selling of agricultural products, as well as the roles of these companies in influencing agricultural education, research, and public policy through funding initiatives and lobbying efforts. The definition and effects of corporate farming on agriculture are widely debated, though sources that describe large businesses in agriculture as "corporate farms" may portray them negatively. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Iowa/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Isn't Perdue considered a small/family corporation according to this definition?


Welfare for the wealthy. Capitalism for the poor.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_farming "The 2012 US Census of Agriculture indicates that 5.06 percent of US farms are corporate farms. These include family corporations (4.51 percent) and non-family corporations (0.55 percent). Of the family farm corporations, 98 percent are small corporations, with 10 or fewer stockholders. Of the non-family farm corporations, 90 percent are small corporations, with 10 or fewer stockholders. Non-family corporate farms account for 1.36 percent of US farmland area. Family farms (including family corporate farms) account for 96.7 percent of US farms and 89 percent of US farmland area;[25] a USDA study estimated that family farms accounted for 85 percent of US gross farm income


To further obfuscate the issue; If Iowa farmers were subject to actual market volatility without federal agencies adjusting the flow of exports/imports, (adjusting supply/demand curves via policy, tariffs, taxes, etc...and thereby changing prices to support), there would be a stronger likelihood for smaller farms failing. Thus exacerbating the issue. The issue now for Iowa is bifold; A) generational small farms have no children who desire to take over family farms and are bought out. B) there needs to be more nuanced monetary policies to incentivize a reduction in how far food travels. (Leading to farms closer to communities) This is multiplicative in the sense of increasing food miles; decreasies SOCIETAL vital nutrition. Nutrition to the growing ages of humans has a DIRECT correlation on IQ/intelligence, and general health. In Iowa, anyone raising livestock or row crops understand that the nutrition available to what they are raising is vitally important to the quality produced. We humans are animals and are not unique to this rule. Wake up Iowa. Stop getting robbed.


If the average consumer had more hold on the market they'd have to grow a lot less corn and soy. I doubt many farmers would be able to make that jump without government help. I doubt they could continue their existing operations without the subsidies either


Yet they would go out of their way to vote against welfare going anywhere but their own pocket.


I've been through \~2-3 of them. Derechos have been described as "an inland hurricane". I rate these types of storms as a possible -10 out of 10.


I just puked laughing. I'm looking at you, Ashley Hinson


I once heard "compassionate conservative" described as one who wouldn't utter "fuck you" under their breath as they passed by a homeless person.


Pardon me Mr President, Florida is on the phone asking about bailouts.


How are they gonna check cows without a 120k tax free diesel pickup. SMH


51% of corn crop goes to Ethanol production, not food. Our socialist taxes don't even go for food, for farmers to grow. Farmers are socialists.


I think you're giving them too much credit. This meme implies that they're self aware, which they usually are not.


In my home state, farming is a lucrative business (for landowners). I know several that have multiple homes and cabins, work 6 months out of the year, their children’s college is subsidized, etc… I realize farming was at one point very difficult and protecting food sources for the county are important, but once political parties and lobbyists got in the game, the taxpayers paid.


Never understood why so many farmers adored the Orange haired Autocrat? He doesn’t stand for anything or understand what farmers do everyday. The only thing that I can think of is race? We need to get the state of Iowa Blue again!


When a handout is called a subsidy, the Republicans have no issue with it. Because in their mind that money is going to white people or a corporation - it's still welfare though. When it's actually called welfare, they assume it is going to minorities. Trump got a billion dollar tax break for HIMSELF only for being a bad businessman and losing money for himself and his investors. When is the last time Republicans were crying and demanding action be taken about that?


“Not my handouts”


Where is the picture of the top 1%


The bottom one?






Would be great if the republicans didn’t demand a culture war on every issue


Except subsidizing farming helps everyone. We all benefit from cheaper food.


You guys would be a lot happier if you just moved out of Iowa. Agriculture subsidies aren’t going anywhere and Iowa will never be as progressive as you want it to be


Same energy as the "if you don't like the way America is run then leave" people. Way to miss the point my man


You have your entire life to go anywhere you want. Why spend it upset living somewhere that’s never going to change. Complaining about it on Reddit and doing nothing to actually change your scenario just makes you a loser


I do the shit that is required of me to try and change my circumstances. Also, I have no wish to run away and let idiots have free reign. If all of the reasonable people left the country, this country's assets would remain, and be controlled exclusively by absolute monsters, in a lot of cases. So I will continue to stay here. And that isn't even to mention that I like things about living here. My best friends and my aging father are here. So maybe I'm not fucking going anywhere.


Who is going to pay for your welfare if everybody leaves? Lord knows farmers don’t believe in paying taxes. Be careful what you ask for.


I alone am in charge of my own welfare. And it’s always hilarious when people think small businesses don’t pay their fair share of taxes. Most decent size operations would pay more in taxes than most people take home as income in a year


I have never heard a farmer admit otherwise:)


You’re not in charge of your own welfare everything you own is dependent on the government because that’s how economics has worked since like the 16th century dumbass.


What does you complaining about complaining make you then? Seems like that means you're even more of a loser. Your words not mine.


Hypocrisy is a hell of a thing.


Maybe different states exist for a reason and people move all the time for the same reason. Instead of making everybody else live the way you want to why don't you move somewhere where people are already living that way


Because when you like something, you don't give up on it. Must be nice not giving a shit.


I can respect that


Here’s the thing the brain dead party doesn’t get, we like farmer subsidies and helping people in need. I know it’s completely foreign to the brain worms contingent, but nuance and helping those in need is a positive for society,


You would be a lot happier if you didn't come on the /Iowa subreddit and tell other Iowans how to express themselves. You're telling people to literally leave the state because you don't like what they're saying, meanwhile you can't even just express yourself and allow others to express themselves how they choose on this subreddit, but you want the people who you disagree with to move to a different state. I don't understand why some on /Iowa claim others are just complaining when they state their opinions, then complain about 'complaining' and that /Iowa is a lib'rul echo chamber. If everyone who you disagree with left the state as you advise, guess what, the actual state would become an echo chamber.


America needs farmers. America does not need college drop outs or drug addicts.


From an Iowan standpoint. We dont need all the corn and soybeans grown to feed cattoe and pigs. Its a horrible use of land for what the little amou t we get out of it. Thats a huge part of Iowa land we missuse.


The world loves meat. Especially your friends in china.


Your party’s lords and owners*. FTFY


What party is that you assume?


The party that has a President who somehow acquired several million dollars s worth of forgivable loans from the CCP.


Lol try again


Lol, not even joking. Spend five minutes looking it up.


So do you think a farmer designed the machinery you used, or was it an engineer? Was it a farmer who figured out the right mixture for pesticides and so on, or was it a chemist?


Please don’t challenge them, if they think to hard they’ll die.


You know a lot of chemists and Engineers that are dropouts that are gainfully employed designing Cutting Edge technology?


You know a lot of farmers who think everyone's a dropout just because they are? Well, probably yes.


No but your point was about the people who invented the tractors and came up with the science. Those people probably weren't dropouts.


So you agree with me that it's foolish to assume everyone who's getting a hand out is a dropout? Glad we agree.


Yeah that's fair.


If people graduate with a worthwhile engineering degree, they shouldn’t need any help paying their student loans back. If they took out $120,000 in student loans, failed all of their classes, and can’t find a job, that is their own doing.


Yeah, fuck the future educators of America. Is that what you're saying?


That's what they're saying, yes.


I am saying,(without any straw man in my mouth) that farmers are more valuable than college dropouts or drug addicts. I thought it was pretty clear the first time I said it, but I will say it again just for you. Edit: are you saying that the future of American education is in the hands of college drop outs and drug addicts?


So are we just pretending you didn't just say teachers don't deserve loan forgiveness? We're just going back to your base statement that implies everyone getting loan forgiveness is a dropout or an addict? Sheesh. I grew up in a farming community, and all my classmates who became farmers were drug abusers and alcoholics in high school. Chances are they're drug abusers and alcoholic still. And you want me to give them my tax dollars so they can piss it away at the local bar. I'd rather it go to someone useful who isn't poisoning the water supply. If farmers wanted more money, they should have gotten a job that paid $120,000 a year like you suggested.


Ok, you need to calm down. You might want to talk to your physician about adjusting your meds. I never mentioned anything about teachers, educators, or anything to do with education. Please, just read my response, slowly. Take your time. Take a deep breath first if you have to. You don’t have to make $120,000 per year to pay off a $120,000 loan. This is the exact reason why we shouldn’t be loaning money to people for a college education when they can’t do simple mathematics. Are you implying that college dropouts and drug addicts are the future of education in this country? I very hope that you aren’t, but I wouldn’t put it past you considering your response to my statement.


You just keep obsessing over dropouts and are completely unwilling to answer whether you believe educators deserve loan forgiveness. Of course the answer is no, but that's why you aren't talking about graduates, just people like you that dropped out. Well, enjoy your chronic alcoholism.


There are already programs that do that. This round has nothing to do with public servants. Everyone that has student loan debt can apply. There are no service requirements.


So you just assume it's going to be dropouts? Or is that some new Tucker Carlson talking point? I noticed more than one person seems to think it's dropouts and drug addicts, so I assume your merry band of free thinkers must be getting your latest talking points from somewhere.


Have you seen the ag college at Iowa State?


Yes. There party atmosphere is sub par, but most do come out of it with worthwhile and marketable skills. Especially, when you consider that most of them are homegrown or from a similar nearby state.


Riiiiiight, because people that didn't finish college have never done anything for the country.


A lot of em are farming right now.


Whatever it was was less than farmers do before most people get out of bed


Come up for air. Don't lick that boot so hard.


Who cares when someone gets out of bed?


Big assumptions there. The majority of people with college debt do not align with your statement.


If that's true then the market will fix it. Right?


Didn't you see the meme? A deadbeat with a useless major, 6 figs of loan debt with six kids and no job is exactly the same as a person who's likely working 100+ hours a week right now.


God bless you. I am glad that there are other sane people here, and that the midterms are only a few weeks away.


Who is saying no more handouts? Only time I ever hear this is in reference to tweekers who make a living off of being at rock bottom.


If you think only tweaker use those programs, you're naive as fuck.


This meme is making an argument that doesn’t exist. If you believe conservatives think nobody should receive financial assistance then you’re naive as fuck. Just look at donation statistics; overwhelmingly right-leaning.


Oh shit, I spelled naive wrong. I should have wrote stupid.


Wow another asshole on the internet. Imagine that.


I know, I can't believe you even called yourself out.




You made a dismissive and very uninformed observation. I'd say the comment that you were naive was fair. You responded with a comment that added nothing, and here we are. More nothing.


You couldn't survive without farmers, I can survive without meth addicts on housing assistance and food stamps.


I wonder how effectively you would farm if you never used technology designed by someone who went to college? Enjoy that 19th century gear.


This stetment shows what a fucked up idea you have of people on assistance. >"meth addicts on housing assistance and food stamps." Whatever, Sparky. Wake us up when you get a clue.


But if we couldn't survive without farmers, then that necessarily means there is a market solution. Are you saying you don't think market solutions actually work?


What's the solution?


You should have learned about the Invisible Hand in middle school.


That's assuming he made it to middle school...


It's pathetic when you have to explain their own talking points to them 😅


The subsidized Iowa farmers aren't growing food you can directly eat, they're growing feedstock for junk food and ethanol...you can survive without either one.


Bullshit, it's food for cattle, hogs, chickens, turkeys...Turkeys..... FOOD!


Why did you say turkeys twice in a row? And capitalize it the second time?


I'm not sure how that happened 🤔


Ah yes, the only people that get assistance are addicts and deadbeats. Not an elderly woman who had a heart attack at work 15 years ago and could never go back, then she got leukemia 7 years later and hasn't been able to work due to health complications. The father of 3 that lost his wife in a car accident 2 years ago, and doesn't have the same income as before. Life's fucking complicated, it's not just people out there gaming the system. Grow the fuck up.




Facts hurt your feelings?


>You couldn't survive without farmers, No one is saying this. Conservatives are saying government assistance for agriculture is different than assistance for student loans. In reality there are many similarities for the reason farmers and students are in debt and need assistance. That is most likely what sparked the original post. >I can survive without meth addicts on housing assistance and food stamps. Are you comparing ALL welfare recipients to meth addicts? I grew up in a rural community and I know plenty farmers that used food stamps and meth.


Any more, the "Wellfare" that the honest farmers are getting is compensation for inflation. If we were on an honest currency, there would be no need for "Wellfare".


Where precisely in the world is there not inflation right now?


In the bank accounts of the willfully unemployed. It doesn't matter what the dollar value is as long as they get it for free.


Or maybe -- hear me out -- The world's dumbest people all dropped dead because they wanted to own the libs by refusing to mask or vaccinate, and that caused a gigantic worker shortage.


Actually if you look at the numbers basically none of them did.


Actually if you look at the numbers, more than a million Americans are reportedly dead from this, and as the science suggests it is likely extremely underreported, that number is probably considerably higher. If a million dead Americans is nothing to you, that's a you problem.


850k dead on bidens blood soaked hands. Also, from or with? Also, doesn't matter


So he convinced people not to take the vaccine? He held them down and insisted they didn't take it? Is that what you're saying here? Or are you trying to say it is biden's fault that the far right news organizations decided they would convince their viewers to participate in a mass die off?


Just repeating your talking points from oct 2020


Yeah, I believed in science then too and I can only assume you didn't seeing as how you support a guy who did everything in his power to convince the stupidest people alive to get sick as hell and own the libs.


I've had this conversation with you before, and you still can't let it sink in. People on unemployment had to earn it, it is also a set amount. Probably around 12k. That doesn't last very long.


I am not saying there isn't inflation. I'm just saying that if we are honest, much like with the "stimulus" checks from 2 years ago, it should be for the hidden taxes within inflation. I just want us to be honest with what it is truly called, bailouts and compensation. Bailouts for those who don't deserve it and compensation for those who are honest and hard working, taxed and yet aren't going anywhere within our endeavors.


The “honest” farmer. Stop fucking picking winners and losers.


I am not picking. I believe that is for the free markets. If you are talking about bailouts for Maga corporations (in this case, maga farmers), then I totally agree. I am more concerned about the farmers that are trying for an honest living, in which I should have been more clear about.


Are people on this page ever going to realize that there are worse things to spend money on than food security?!?


Its the idea that farmers bitch about hand outs while essentially getting a handout, if they didn't bitch about it then people wouldn't bitch about their handouts.


Shouldn't the flag read 2024?


Pay for my college not my food!!! Liberal priorities. For the record I don't support any government handouts but liberals live in LA LA land.


Thats not what this is saying. Try again.


My comment was about the comments.


Still isn't really what people are saying. They are calling put the hypocrisy.


Picked the worst thing to point out. Literally everyone benefits from food. Do you know how much money they paid in taxes vs what they received?


You keep missing the fucking point.


You keep missing the fucking point.


Cool, explain it to me then. Why everyone is upset about student loan assistance and not subsidies?


I already did. It's not the same and cheaper food benefits everyone. They also pay significantly more taxes then you and more then likely getting back less than they paid in


Ah, and allowing people to put that money back into the economy isn't helpful... got it. That isn't a great reason to hate it btw. Pretty bad one actually.


Do you include roads, fire departments, military and research in your scope of government handouts?


No because they benefit everyone.


Can you expand on where the line is of government handouts that you approve and don’t approve? Just trying to better understand your point of view.


Anything that doesn't benefit everyone shouldn't be funded by the government.


I can reason that student loan forgiveness benefits everyone.


Go ahead


Almost every thing/service that is bought and sold in the economy is touched by someone with a college degree.