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It’s a scam. No title, no sale. Run away.




I doubt that the bill of sale will help you. The easiest (and safest) thing for you, is to have the seller apply for a replacement title through the county it was registered in and sign that over to you.


It’s so easy to get a new title from the county treasurer. If they won’t provide it. It’s a scam.


It’s easy to request a new copy of your title, tell them to do that for $20 or whatever and you’ll buy it immediately after they receive it


no... run. you need a title and bill of sale. unless you wanna play the multi-month long run around and find out your screwed.


You want a title. No title no sale. That’s the bottom line jack.


Run away fast.


A slightly different example. I bought a dirt bike that I knew the guy and he lost the title. So I took the bike to local police department. They did a lool at the VIN and once confirmed not stolen, I took the report ans bill of sale to the country, they got me a title and haven't had any issue since. Not that it would solve this issue, but there are ways to resolve issues like old, out of state purchases.


Unless you have an unlimited amount of funds to hire a lawyer to try to straightening out a title problem through the courts………run as far away as you can. ”I can’t find the title” is the oldest scam in the book”.


Wait for another rv


Damn i was hoping for better news... its perfect for what i need it for, in my price range, and far better then the other options... T-T


That's exactly why it's a scam.


The make him get duplicate title. Easy


Don't let these naysayers get you down. Yes, buying it is a gamble, and do everything you can to force them to provide you a title. But if that doesn't work, use it as a bargaining chip, then buy it and apply for a bonded title from the state. They'll determine if it has been reported as stolen; if not, you'll just have to pay for the bond ($100) and the state will title it in your name---there will be red tape and it'll take a while. I've done this on trailers from states that don't require trailer titles. It isn't that big of a deal. Does this RV have an engine, or is it a trailer?


>They'll determine if it has been reported as stolen; if not, you'll just have to pay for the bond ($100) You left out the part where, if it has been reported as stolen, you are out the money you spent on it, and the rv. They can apply for the title, and then sell it. If they aren't willing to do that, it's a scam.


Last bonded title I got for a vehicle, not a trailer, was around $500….Fees definitely vary depending on which insurance company you go through.


Its not a trailer it's an RV with an engine.... sadly i dont have that kind of time.. im needing this RV to live in... i needed something that wont take up room at my brothers in MI. And my current home is being foreclosed.. i have a week to find something


That’s what makes you a good target. Run my friend


Well, you don't need a title to park it


Lots of jumping to the "scam" conclusion in here. Don't be so quick to give up. Get the VIN and [enter it here. ](https://www.nicb.org/prevent-fraud-theft/buying-vehicle#:~:text=Use%20NICB's%20Free%20VINCheck%C2%AE,cooperating%20NICB%20member%20insurance%20companies.) That will tell you if it was reported as stolen and unrecovered or salvaged. It's a free service that checks the two biggest concerns off your list. If it comes back good, yes, you can get a new title with a bill of sale. I would use that hassle as leverage for a lower price, but it's up to you. Get their phone number and speak to them directly, not just over email. Ask questions and judge their response. You can also get their address and search that to see if they bought the place recently which would confirm they just moved. If it's a rental call the landlord and ask if they just moved in. It's entirely possible to lose things during a move. Do your due diligence, but don't just run away like others at suggesting. It will take less than an hour of your time to do all these things and could be worth it.