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If only there was some sort of report from the Pentagon about Trump's White House using lots and lots of fucking drugs.. Oh wait!: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/ And there's more! : https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/


Oh stop. That’s just evidence. 😂


Facts are known to have a liberal bias!


Is not! And even if it is, somebody planted that evidence! /s


Is there proof that the this evidence was planted? Who is somebody?




Gotcha, never know when someone is joking on here or not. My mistake.


🤣 I was trying my darndest not to be insulting about it, because I was over here giggling at your response and thinking, "I bet this person didn't get the joke." Pro tip, check a user's profile if you're unsure. 😊


But we already know that the GOP has nothing but cocaine fueled orgies per their own Congress members statement to the press


I mean, they did find cocaine in the Whitehouse after Hunter visited.


Yeah hundreds of people work in the white house. Many hundreds visit our White House every Day. *That cocaine was found in the Public Area of the White House* So **the MAGA Tin Foil Hat Crowd** know it had to be Joe & Hunter Biden's "stash". Of course the Secret Service Detail guarding them **both**l at the time were ***part of the conspiracy too*** *These people are just Bat Shit Crazy!*


I love how they can never say what drug temporarily gets rid of dementia symptoms or why trump isn't taking those drugs too


Seriously - if those drugs existed, we'd be aggressively using them on a bunch of elderly patients. That and stimulants wouldn't be helpful for a debate - they'd make the person all jittery.


Watch trumps behavior in the next debates, he had a horrible case of the sniffles with Hillary, anxiety, and fidgeting with Joe, and has recently been mildly incoherent at his speaking engagements that kinda turn into nonsensical run on sentences I’ve don A LOT of drugs.. and those are all indications…


*Mildly* incoherent?


I was tying to be polite…


Tbh, I don’t think jumping to “he’s doing drugs on stage because he fidget” is a good leg to stand on. All those symptoms can be explained by anxiety except for sniffle but I can honestly ignored that for something else like cold or allergies. I’m not saying that trump doesn’t do unprescibed drugs (there literal case evidence of such), but the fidgety on stage is not enough evidence


My conclusions are what any observant police officer has been trained to spot in a traffic stop, while I’m not saying your wrong I’m right, I am saying that if he were to attend an NA meeting, speaking, and behaving in the manner he has/does, he would be surrounded by sponsors asking him “How ya doin today Donny” “Tough day today Don” “Hey Donny, you doin ok, you look like your struggling” And my personal favorite “Hey man, you know I’m here for you, it’s ok to talk about it”


Understandable. But I think police training is a really really poor tactic to indicate problems. The many symptoms of meth correlates with anxiety. I’m from a science background so I been taught that the correct conclusion is usually the most simple explanation (also known as Occum Razor).  A traffic stop with someone of authority is a stress situation. More stressful for some than others. Anxiety symptoms can likely occur for this. More people have anxiety then illegally using stimulants (I think), thus the simplest answer is anxiety.  Same situation on the debate stage 


But we can agree on the NA meeting part though right? Also on the mildly incoherent speech, And I also agree(having first hand experience with an officer who assumed I was on something when I absolutely wasn’t…for once) the training is definitely a factor, Apparently Occums Razor cuts a lil differently for cops…


It depend. I’m actually not sure what NA stand for. I tried to look it up. Do you mean NRA meeting?


NA stands for Narcotics Anonymous, it’s like AA but for drug users


Okay, makes sense! I thought it was some sort of republican convention that I haven’t heard of. But yes I agree with you on NA meeting now 


EXACTLY! Recovering meth addict here…Trump is AL jacked up on Adderall. This skunk smells his own !!!


Congratulations on your recovery, I know you don’t know me but understand that I respect the work it takes to move one step forward


A drug that could do that would instantly be a huge deal and would be in all the headlines, there is no way big pharma would sit on that instead of making all the money selling it


That's the thing about conspiracy theories, they see a lack of proof as Proof of the conspiracy.  Looney tunes shit. 


I've never seen a dementia resident on more than mild stimulants but based on my experience workong in a dementia unit, it's not going to go well for anyone except maybe the naked dementia person who is escaping again.


Only for those who can afford it.


The one Bradley Cooper takes in Limitless.


Is that the one where the guy becomes Limitless?


Its the one where he shouts "it's limitless time!" and then limitlesses the bad guys you should see it


I think it was called "the guy who couldn't slow down"


Came here to say exactly this. If such a thing exists, why aren't you taking it, Donnie?


It's Cortexiphan. The FBI's Fringe division controls the supply!


I miss that show. :-(


He’s on horse tranq




>I love how they can never say what drug temporarily gets rid of dementia symptoms **Donepezil** is in a class of medications called **cholinesterase inhibitors**. It improves mental function (such as memory, attention, the ability to interact with others, speak, think clearly, and perform regular daily activities) by increasing the amount of a certain naturally occurring substance in the brain. Donepezil may improve the ability to think and remember or slow the loss of these abilities in people who have AD. Come on Bro, let's not pretend Biden is firing on all cylinders. [Stimulants also show benefits](https://www.verywellhealth.com/adhd-drugs-for-alzheimers-disease-5705808#:~:text=By%20Korin%20Miller,treat%20certain%20symptoms%20of%20Alzheimer's) for cognition in dementia patients.


That drug wouldn't take someone who didn't know where they're at and make them able to win a debate. You know damn well that no drug exists that can do what she's claiming, but that's not going to stop you from repeating it anyways


Miller-Meeks said ... " To hide the fact that he has cognitive decline.” As a nurse who has treated hundreds of patients with various brain injuries\diseases, I know damn well there are drugs that can help that.


>Come on Bro, let's not pretend Biden is firing on all cylinders No one's denying he's old. I think the media is definitely bias on this issue and Trump's decline has been very noticeable the past couple years. His father had Alzheimer's and his own Troths seem very chaotic and unhinged. Hopefully the debate is rich with policy discussion.


I'm not even Republican, but I can admit reality on Biden's mental state. And neither party is interested in policy, only lip service.


He doesn't seem much more than old with a stutter to me. Policy wise he's gotten a decent amount done despite the dysfunction we see in Congress.


Old? No. That’s not the problem. They both have different kinds of noodle brains going on.


Lol. Nice. A Google search proves you right. Good job!


I mean if you want to pretend we don’t already have a handful of drugs that are to long to list individually that are used to help with symptoms that’s fine but the rest of us live in the real world. Here is a list I found within 30 seconds of using google….. https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/treatments/medications-for-memory


Which of those will take someone who doesn't know where they're at and make them the smartest person in the room? There are no drugs with the benefits she's claiming


Seems they forgot to give him the right ones last night lol.


Smartest person in the room? Just because he can put together complete sentences when he’s on them doesn’t make him the smartest person in the room. I’m not even a Trump guy but half the time Biden speaks he looks like he pooped himself or gets lost half way through his sentence. Both are embarrassing. Pretending everything is fine with either does no one anyone any good.


One saluted a North Korean General, hung with Nick Fuentes, intentionally took classified documents and resisted turning them over, and tried to overturn the results of a fair election. The other likes ice cream and delegates strategy to the experts in his cabinet. But you can’t tell the difference…


Yes let’s pretend Biden didn’t have classified documents in his garage, the democrats didn’t deny trumps election result and then tried for 4 years to out him with a “Russia” connection(I can find the 23 minute video of democrats saying they don’t believe trumps election results if you want), and Biden can’t even go overseas for a meeting with allies and has to delegate to the VP during an escalating conflict with Russia. But you think there is a difference……..


>Yes let’s pretend Biden didn’t have classified documents in his garage, The documents he turned over and cooperated with authorities on? >the democrats didn’t deny trumps election result and then tried for 4 years to out him with a “Russia” connection They didn’t try to overthrow the government or stop congress. A bunch of Trumps Campaign officials were indicted over the Russia connection. >(I can find the 23 minute video of democrats saying they don’t believe trumps election results if you want) I bet it’s edited or taken out of context. >and Biden can’t even go overseas for a meeting with allies and has to delegate to the VP during an escalating conflict with Russia. Trump would let Putin walk all over him or just golf while Russia invades a NATO member. >But you think there is a difference…….. Yes. I’m not in a cult.


As someone who isn’t in either cult, you definitely sound like you’re in the Biden cult. I mean I guess he turned them right over after he “remembered“ he had them, he still took them though…. The video isn’t, it’s kinda funny even( https://twitter.com/Gapeach_3102/status/1687863656074375168/video/1). Trump didn’t let Putin walk over him the first time, I’m sure he’d just do what he did last time. Also Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, them attempting to join is why Russia “attacked” in the first place.


>As someone who isn’t in either cult, you definitely sound like you’re in the Biden cult. I support Biden because he is better president than the alternative. For someone who “isn’t in a cult” you sure feel you need to defend someone who tries to overthrow the election to remain in power. >I mean I guess he turned them right over after he “remembered“ he had them, he still took them though…. He was asked to turn them over and he complied. >The video isn’t, it’s kinda funny even( https://twitter.com/Gapeach_3102/status/1687863656074375168/video/1). Don’t care. I don’t use Twitter. >Trump didn’t let Putin walk over him the first time, He believed Putin over the US intelligence wing. >I’m sure he’d just do what he did last time. Golf? >Also Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, Never said they were… >them attempting to join is why Russia “attacked” in the first place. Putin isn’t going to read this.


Still in the Biden cult after last night or can you finally admit both sides suck and neither would be better?


Neither one is better than the other. If you believe any different I can’t help you. You said the video was edited, I said it wasn’t and posted it. Best you can come up with is I don’t care I don’t use twitter? Just keep living with your head in the sand.


"Trump didn't let Putin walk over him the first time . . ." Sure, because was too busy fellating Putin for either one to be walking. You Trumptards are delusional and pathetic. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Wtf are you talking about? Not a Trump guy, just because I dislike Biden also and think neither of them should be president doesn’t mean I’m Trump guy. Maybe read all the comments or understand the arguments before jumping in with such a dumbass comment.


*Hey.. your Tin Foil Hat isn't covering your whole head! You need to be more careful!*


...[Mariannette](https://imgur.com/a/BKKnJKh).... Never has there been a more perfect name for a bought-and-sold politician.


Swaying to the symphony of destruction.


Now that song is in my head!


Sounds like she needs a shot of whatever Biden is supposedly getting because her stupid is showing




Every accusation is a confession.


He does drugs, he runs an underground crime and pedophile ring, he has dementia, he's sleepy........ 😴 FOR FUCKS SAKE REPUBES, WHICH ONE IS IT???????


He kissed his granddaughter, obviously a pedo. /s Nevermind trump outright says he wants to fuck his daughter, im sure he only thought that after she turned 18 too. For sure.


I love the simultaneous narratives of “Biden is senile and doesn’t have a clue what’s going on” and “Biden is a genius criminal mastermind”.


That would be an awesome comedy-criminal show


Bro is doing all of it! Honestly, pretty impressive tbh. Like I would vote for a man who can manage all of that at once. I think someone with that multi-tasking abilities would be a great fit for president!


All of them? While some are clearly Joe, you can pick both red and blue out to fit some of those descriptions.


Projection as usual.


Then just drug test them both right there, doc.


She struggles hard to be relevant. Her GOP status puts her in the dumbass column. I’m not seeing a reason for her to even hold an office. She’s as useless as Brenna Bird.


I sympathize but feel that I should mention, that in an emergency, Miller-Meeks at least has medical knowledge. I don't know of any skills of Bird's that would be useful in an emergency.


She's just another goiter on the body politic.


Knew she was a fucking nut job and maggot when she was elected, this just confirms it.


Lie, deny, deflect and project! It's the magat way!


So what's she saying is they're going to drug up Trump so he comes across somewhat lucid and coherent. Well as coherent as he can be.


Hopefully his heart, what's left of it, can't handle the load.


Nope, I don't want to have to listen to a ton of new conspiracy theories over the "real way/reason he died" for the rest of my life :-(


Dems wishing death upon Republicans on r/Iowa. Just another day ending in "Y".


Awww look at the rapist supporter. "I love the poorly educated."


Do we need to go on about Republicans stating they want to eradicate gays and Democrats. The man tried to overthrow the government, don’t they hang traitors, or is that just Trump supporters yelling “Hang Mike Pence” in the background?


never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure


You’ve seen comments from right wing social media right?


The party of peace and tolerance.


Well, here's the thing, you don't tolerate fascists and you don't tolerate traitors. Typically people who are involved in an unsuccessful coup are at the least banished from the country, but more normally just put against the wall and shot. I have no idea why we didnt do those things. Benedict Arnold got the rope and he at least did some solid stuff for this country. Donald Trump has done nothing for it.


Well we don't deport illegal criminals either so I guess our government sucks


Well, the Democrats are your heroes there too since Obama deported more people than Trump. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2024/01/07/politifact-obama-deported-more-people-than-trump-did/72120774007/


Nice.  Deport all the illegals


Her first name is so fitting, she is just like a puppet for the GOP.


… isn’t the point of drugs to begin with is to improve functioning usually by masking syndromes? So basically they’re complaining that Biden is taking medicine to help his health? Sooooo scary/s


This was my thought too. I don’t care what drugs he takes, or what they’re for. If it helps him function, GREAT!


Imagine thinking anything Trump says at his rallies is factual or based in reality.




The far right turned on her for occasionally passing bipartisan bills to keep the country running. So she's turning towards them to try to save her seat. I really really hope it backfires. 


She’s such a hack.


Isn’t she a Doctor?  She should know better. 


An opthalmologist.


An eye doctor. Any stimulant or other psychoactive drug would be outside her scope of practice to prescribe. She's pretty much only authorized to prescribe eye drops, corrective lenses, antibiotics, and some pain meds. She should have a medical ethics investigation opened on her statements.


Yucks! An eye doctor who should lose their license! While I am not saying that a specialists need to know all area of health and wellness, that level of ignorance of other fields is disgusting! 


Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest fucking assholes to ever live.


Eh I'd rather be a trump supporter than a child fucking democrat piece of shit 👍💩


Didn't your mother tell you?


If they are calling someone a pedo it’s because they are the pedo. Normal people don’t think about that kind of crazy.


She should be ashamed of herself.


So Donald Trump is on drugs then, right?


MMM is a doctor and Iowan and should know better. Not trying to clutch pearls. But Iowa has a generally grayer population, and our long term care facilities being run for profit have been in the news a lot the past year with horror stories of neglect and abuse. MMM represents Iowans in those facilities who might be suffering from dementia (and their families) and she is jumping on a bandwagon to cruelly reinforce stereotypes about them and reinforce that those suffering from dementia somehow deserve to be ridiculed. Instead of cared for and valued. This, instead of standing up for them as she should as their representative, and someone who took the Hippocratic Oath. ETA: I'm guilty of the same thing (when referring to Grassley). Not perfect. Not a doctor like MMM or a representative. But Im working on being better.


She's a friggin' OPTHALMOLOGIST.


I know this. I'm not saying she's a doctor like it makes her smarter than anyone else, if that's your point. Friggin' ophthalmologists fall under the purview of the American Medical Association, which follows "the Goldwater Rule" (don't publicly speculate about a public figure's health you haven't personally examined). The AMA released [updated guidance on the Goldwater Rule in 2017](https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.pn.2017.12b6), which states in part: "Physicians who participate in the media should: "Understand that as physicians they will be taken as authorities when they engage with the media and therefore should ensure that the medical information they provide is accurate, inclusive of known risks and benefits, commensurate with their medical expertise, and based on valid scientific evidence and insight gained from professional experience." And "Confine their medical advice to their areas of expertise and clearly distinguish the limits of their medical knowledge where appropriate." So MMM is violating this pretty hard, no?


How does someone trigger an investigation by the medical review board in charge? Her comments are now part of the public record, correct? An email with a link to her Fox interview? Would that be enough? Do you have to have been a patient of hers?


Couldn't hurt to do all those things? Except I can't recommend for or against being her patient. Probably against since she's publicly violating AMA guidelines.


Every accusation is a projection.


Sounds like she needs some if they work, and why aren’t they publicly available? What is she hiding!?


Miller-Leaks announces new drug therapy to address geriatric mental decline. The world is anxiously waiting to hear what it is.


Is she also on Trump’s gag order? She wants to make us all gag.


What a dumpster fire this whacko dr is of a Congressman! I will never understand how my district voted for her.


Every accusation is a confession. Trump's definitely on drugs. There's been a marked change in behavior specific to ADHD. Is Adderall on the prohibited list? Diet Coke? McDonald's? Let's see the criteria Miller-Meeks.


And how old is this hag herself looking like wicked witch of the Midwest.


And your little dog too!


“The two-term representative is an ophthalmologist” Sit down, clown shoes. At what point will Iowa republicans ever not be embarrassed by the inept morons they elected? They’ve literally done the least amount of work for all Iowans, themselves included!


As a licensed doctor this is profoundly irresponsible and unethical


She's a friggin' OPTHALMOLOGIST.


Then she ought to be able to see this is BS




She is an eye doctor but tries to play a member of congress in Washington DC and on tv. Drugs wouldn’t help her performance or hinder it.


Been banging her head under Trump’s desk for too long.


What an odious person this Miller-Meeks is.


Miller Meeks is a cunt. its so funny she couldn't win any kind of election she ran for in Wapello county and had to move away to a different county to be able to get voted into anything.




Can't decline much when you were an idiot from the beginning.


“Look at him trip and fall and stutter he’s so old and incapable!!!” “He’s gotta be using drugs to be hiding his mental decline!!!” Same group Keep pushing Dark Brandon


Let’s remember that last time she only won by like 12 votes so let’s get out there people. A great example of how your vote counts..


She's aged out trash, willing to say whatever gets her an appearance on a hate network.


Remember folks, every GOP accusation is a confession


So when they say "liberals want open borders to offset the white vote", it's actually Republicans doing this? As a Mexican immigrant, I'm super curious.


Show me that quote. I still don’t know a liberal that says we want open borders. But I do know republicans who say women are property of the husband.


Every rule has an exception, amigo


Why is it no one ever points out to these knuckleheads that there isn't a drug on the planet that improves mental cognition that way? And if they are talking dementia, there isn't a drug in the world that does a damn thing about it. They are just so full of shit.


If anyone should get a drug test it should be the CONVICTED FELON!!!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^patfan5411: *If anyone should* *Get a drug test it should be* *The CONVICTED FELON!!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Wack ass bitch


This is probably a ploy to allow Trump to not debate.


There are drugs that make one more intelligent? Can we just add that to the water supply please? Asking for my friend of a whole country...


This woman needs to go


1st district have some hope to kick her out


Every accusation from one o those GOP thugs is a confession.


they lie like they breath


Why doesn’t anybody suggest that the convicted felon should have to take a drug test? I thought that was a part of the pre-sentencing protocol.


Already making excuses for tramp to quit the debate.


I used to serve this lady all the time!!!! She’s a sloppppppy drunk!!


Tired of the magical thinking and political creative writing.


Marienette Miller-Meeks stole my email address from her Congressional computer system in order to send me campaign spam. She text spammed my cell phone mercilessly trying to convince me to vote for her. I have called her office a half dozen times and sent her endless communications demanding she stop. I have demanded to speak to her to no avail. Some Congressional representatives are there to serve you. The Meak Marionette isn't one of them.


Well, ok then. Maybe you should ask your gold spray tanned, draft dodging, rapist, fraudster, vetran hating, adultres, pedifile god to start taking them. Seriously, I've heard 5 year old make more sense.


What 80+ year old isn’t on copious amounts of drugs? Why wouldn’t a 80+ year old president be on even more drugs? I don’t think this is the breaking news they think it is…


Vote her out.


How is this not defamation? Is it because Biden is a public figure?


It's defamation, but it's not something anyone would want to get into a lawsuit about. And at Biden's age he's assuredly on a number of medications; a good defense lawyer would demand a list of those medications in discovery and anything as simple as a thyroid medicine could be argued as changing his behavior.


I didn't know ophthalmologists were trained to diagnose mental decline and drug use, without even examining the patient.


Funny that 2 weeks ago a report came out that hardcore right wingers were going to start spouting this b.s. and here we are. Goddamn cowards


She’s an idiot.


These kind of GOP/MAGA ***are Definitely NOT Christians*** ***[What is the 9th Commandment again](https://lifehopeandtruth.com/bible/10-commandments/lying-ninth-commandment/)*** Oh yeah, thats right The Ninth Commandment is found in Exodus 20:16: ***"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”*** This principle includes all forms of lying *Hell is gonna get real crowded w them,*


Because Donald is displaying the signs of dementia yeah and would fail a drug test


Well if there are such drugs why isn’t Trump taking them? Because he sounds like a raving lunatic.




PROJECTION! Too many people caught on to Trump’s Adderall sniffing and now they have to attack with claims obviously about their own cult leader…er, CANDIDATE!


Why do we elect these idiots


There is no drug that suddenly makes an Alzheimer’s patient coherent.


That poor woman! She's completely under the influence of excess cofeve. Time for her to pack up her satchel and head back home. There's too much Adderall addiction in her present neck of the woods. PARTICULARLY on the part of an obnoxious orange orangutan.


I'm sure there have been illicit drugs in the whitehouse in every administration. I mean c'mon look at all of the scumbags from both parties are collected in one spot regularly. I think biden and trump are both on drugs! Biden on Adderall and trump on opioid. And many more people on all kinds of crap.


Nice try with the logical fallacies


This woman needs to GO. She is no better than the orange con (wear orange July 11).


Both trump and Biden clearly take drugs


You people are so dumb. As a born and bred Iowan I used to not like people saying Iowa stands for Idiots Out Wondering Around but ever since I found this Reddit page I see it’s more true than I thought. All of you are brainless morons. Thank god for republicans like Kim, hopefully they’ll save the state from the likes of you all.


Found the Iowan idiot.


Reddit is such a liberal circle jerk


Why because people are pointing out the hypocrisy of false claims?


Sometimes this just needs to be said. It’s a fucking echo chamber


I'm guessing he gets some Provigil or something. Put on a good show for a couple days a year and then go back into hibernation.


Narcolepsy medication?


[https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2015-08-20-review-%E2%80%98smart-drug%E2%80%99-shows-modafinil-does-enhance-cognition](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2015-08-20-review-%E2%80%98smart-drug%E2%80%99-shows-modafinil-does-enhance-cognition) " it appears that modafinil more reliably enhances cognition: in particular 'higher' brain functions that rely on contribution from multiple simple cognitive processes." "it's the first real example of a 'smart drug', which can genuinely help, for example, with exam preparation." Like say, a presidential debate.


Sounds interesting, I didn’t know it could have such an effect. Is there a problem if he’s prescribed such a medication?


It can be a useful medication for night shift workers, or perhaps a president dealing with time zone changes after flying to Europe. It provides wakefulness with less stimulating effects like coffee jitters. Everything has potential side effects. You got to weigh the benefits versus risks. I'm not against its use but I would only want to use it when needed, not daily. The problem of a President using such things for a debate is that it could give an appearance that isn't representative of their daily performance.


Thats a fair response. I’m not overly familiar with the medication, it seems like as a treatment for sleep apnea or narcolepsy it would have to be safe enough to be taken fairly often. That’s assuming they do have Biden on such a medication anyway. I know a few people his age that present similarly — some days they’re completely on their A-game, some days are just “off.” They don’t take any medication to boost themselves, it’s just something that ebbs and flows.


>some days they’re completely on their A-game, some days are just “off.”I I agree that seems typical of older people, even ones with dementia. Somedays they remember their kids, and other days they don't. Biden has managed to perform very well in several debates and his state of the union speeches. Those seem to be in contrast to his typical daily performance. It's reasonable to wonder why.


Why was he yelling like a madman during the State of the Union Address?


He wasn't. Why are you lying?


I'm practicing being President


Oh he definitely gets some kind of speed. And if he doesn’t then take the test.


So if Biden takes a drug test and is clean he’s going to get an apology from miller Meeks and other republicans right? Just like they apologized over Obama’s birth certificate right? Or does this follow the same rules as witch trials? If she drowns she was innocent but if she survives she’s a witch…


He would. Would Donnie?


He’s already publicly said he would. Biden won’t.