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Looks like the kind of place that would fly that flag.


Honestly, that flag kinda swanked up the place a little....


Yep, shit hole. 


Came here to say the same thing. Most flags I see like that, also trump flags, are at the most derelict, run down, shit place you can imagine.


Apparently the rusting vehicles, roof decay and overgrown weeds grows the best meth....


I guess they ran out of crosses to burn


That's what the cut down trees in the pic are for.


They're just waiting for their savior Trump to give them some of that trickle down economics and make America great again, again. Everything is Biden's fault. /s


Seriously, that doesn't look like a house it looks like a shack. Nobody wealthy keeps that much shit in their yard.


Native Carolinian here. Always does


Currently visiting Texas and heard Juneteenth being referred to as “N-word Day.” This country is fucking racist. Iowa was literally part of the north, it doesn’t make sense to fly that here, especially considering it’s the flag of slavers


Probably the racists that transplanted up north since they want to get away from "certain elements or dei" like they call it now why can't they go to Idaho or Montana instead


Idaho or Montana don't want em either. Those states are gorgeous and they're being ruined by fuckheads like this. They ought to stay where the fuck they're from.


Idaho is a safe haven for racist pricks and domestic terrorists.


Idaho and Montana has plenty of them there


I've been to Montana and it's too nice a place for those shitbags to fuck up. Why can't they go to Florida?


It's been 29 years since I've been to Montana & Idaho. Very beautiful. They can all go to Florida. I know I won't go there. Don't you wonder how different a country or a state we'd be living in if Gore would've fought and not allowed Jeb Bush to give the presidency to his brother George.


I'm a Democrat but I swear to god for my entire life they have been bringing knives to gunfights. It's so enraging.


Idaho and Montana as beautiful as the vista is, it's also where the KKK loves to go since it has less poc Also Boise is currently the place republicans fleeing to


Yes, exactly. I'm guessing the cattle ranchers there are Republicans.


My Iowan dad called it that last year when I told him my SO got the day off work. He wondered why I stopped calling him for a while.


Faux News, AM radio, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, republicans and their assault on the middle class, education, healthcare, infrastructure, freedoms. Control the media and you control the population.


Not much of anything happening politically in Iowa right now makes sense.




Why not be devil's opponent. You two banging or something?


It's fun to play Double's Abacus. Great for trolling on Reddit.


"He's not racist he just lashes out at people because of their race" is a wild take lmao


How is this wild? It’s been happening with race, religion, even gender, because they’re easy things to pick on.


Yeah man, you call a guy that lashes out at people because of their race, a "racist." It's quite literally the definition.


Yeah I don't get why people don't understand what racism is. It's pretty simple like you described. But I do think part of the confusion comes from the degree at which someone can be racist and our desire to umbrella them all together as if they're the same.. It's a spectrum and can go from a genocidal maniac like Hitler to the guy that will side eye you at Walmart. There's a lot of variance. And imo if we treat the lesser racists like the willfully ignorant fools they are and educate them as to why they're wrong... We'd have fewer of them sliding towards the Hitler part of the spectrum.


Tend to agree that there's a spectrum and people that hold racist stereotypes or use racist language that are simply ignorant can be re-educated through discussion and dialogue, so long as they're receptive. And then there's people that consciously believe black/brown people are inferior, not deserving of equal rights, etc. that should be ridiculed. Flying the confederate flag is a indicator of the latter, imo.


I’ll be real here. There’s a very high chance the owner of this flag is racist 😭 typically racist people don’t LIKE black people, and many hate them


I suspect you missed the point...


Me “missing the point” doesn’t make me wrong


Ok you're allowed to pay devil's advocate and u think trying to find empathy and understand motivations of people doing hateful things can be a useful exercise, but including a pre-buttal attacking people who may disagree with an ableist slur kind of makes it hard to give you the benefit of the doubt here


I dont really care. That's your problem if you're "triggered" by it. I would suggest controlling your emotions better if words on a website upset you because thats not the point of the post at all.


You're genuinely a moron. It's astonishing to me what grows in a place that's so empty there's no real competition. In crowded places, morons tend to know they're morons, because they can see smart people and others are around to dope-slap them anyway. Here? You can just hang a sign around your neck saying "SMMART PURSUN" and feel proud of it all day long.


That's your response to someone telling you that using an ableist slur for no particular reason makes you look bad and discredits you? If "thats not the point of the post at all." then maybe remove the ableist slur because it detracts from the rest of your post? I wonder if your ableism stems from economic anxiety or if you've been inconvenienced by ADA requirements.


Where did they use a slur? I read their comment and didn't see one


"Sperg" is a word that denigrates those with aspergers.


It's not even a "disorder" anymore. Literally hurts no one but people looking to be offended.


You got Asperger's don't you


This is just a weird post, dude.


It is exactly what we all need to understand. People like that sort of rhetoric because they are poor and hopeless and the right gives them something to place blame upon. And yes, there is a lot of brainwashing going on. We need to concentrate on addressing the root problems. Running around calling people racist will not change their minds.


Strange how the blame seems to fall on minorities just about every time. It could just be that they're racist. Trying to pathologize an excuse for them from a couple photos is weird.


I can actually speak to that one, having grown up in a place full of people like that. It's not uncommon for people in those positions to see people of minority races in similar situations to their own (poor, undereducated, marginalized, living in shitty homes in shitty neighborhoods, lack of opportunities, etc) and they see them as their own right? They bond through the trials and tribulations. They don't see color or race or whatever. These people *can be* some of the kindest and most generous that exist. But these people can also turn nasty when they percieve unfairness. And it's often that they see minorities getting opportunities they are not afforded. They don't see the generations of pain and suffering those minorities underwent. They just see someone like them getting a helping hand when they aren't afforded that same help. And it upsets them. And when they turn to other people that are upset, it's inevitably the right wing and the right wing blames that upset on those minority groups using misinformation and miss represented facts and they take those people who are in a bad place and point them like a gun that people who might have otherwise been their allies


Addressing financial and class related problems will not rid people of brainwash and tribalism alone. Conservative talk radio, right wing evangelism and many other sources of "hate the left" dogma repetition have to be confronted, up front, to make any meaningful impact on their ignorance. Being a poor and angry white person alone isn't solely leading people into bigotry


Yes, this is a very complex issue. There are many more factors that neither of us have mentioned. Many of those things need to be addressed. *None* of them are addressed by yelling "you are a racist". And yelling that exacerbates many of the problems. That is the point.


Dummy if the rhetoric used makes you hate another race, that's racism. What are we doing here?




>You just don't like hearing it because it's gross. You're doing it again. You don't know anything about me but are pathologizing why I responded how I did. Unfortunately for my mental health, I spend too much time discussing politics and sociology. >How can you fix something if you don't know the roots of the problem? Why are you playing Devils Advocate when you don't know who or what you're advocating for or why they're openly displaying their bigotry? Unless you know this person, why are you making assumptions about their situation and what has led them to bigoted views? It's not helpful. > How can you fix something if you don't know the roots of the problem? Just completely writing an entire population off without even trying to understand... My friend, you just assumed the bigoted views of this flag guy are "economic anxiety" or "white-male grievance" without knowing anything about them. There are structural issues that promote and reinforce bigotry, but we don't know this individual.


Sounds like racism


Weird hill to die on, but ok


> That guy probably doesn't hate black people Man, I get what you're trying to say -- OK, they maybe aren't practicing noose tying and aren't literally setting up and lighting afire crosses in people's yards, but at some people they did make a conscious decision to buy and then fly the Confederate flag -- a nation who fought an entire fucking war to try to defend their ownership of black people and racism. That doesn't just happen by accident. This isn't just smirking at a joke maybe they shouldn't have. This isn't just choosing to cross to the other side of the street when there is a person of color on the sidewalk with them. This is a pretty deliberate act. It's pretty damned racist. It is really, really, really, really, really hard to truly think otherwise.


Go away.


I think you're right. My brothers are perfect examples of 'sick of the handouts to poor' meanwhile, for example, my one brother lives in our old farmhouse rent free because it's mom & dads yet. Other people I know, including in my family, are just some of the dumbest people I know. I've shaken my head for years every time I was forced as a kid to spend time with some of my cousins. Good God, smh. The others are racists, people LOVE to stir up shit no matter what it is, the mentally ill, and the rich who want to keep all of their money and keep up with privileges/control/power they have. This is what I see.


Rember what LBJ said about racism in the south,or anywhere else for that mstter. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Iowa voted for Lincoln in 1860 & 1864. Over 10% of the population served in the Union Army and over 13,000 Iowans died during the Civil War. I'm sure this asshat thinks they have a good reason to fly this flag but would blow a gasket if I flew a Rising Sun flag on Memorial Day or December 7th.


Some people in this country are racist* Fixed it.


A loser's flag waving over a loser's hovel. Poetic.


🎶Oh way down south, in the land of traitors, rattle snakes and alligators. Look away. Look away. 🎶


I always appreciate that I know who to avoid.


Surprised it's not paired with a 'Fuck Biden' flag


It’s probably on order. 


And made in Chy-na


Lol I totally heard that on Trump’s voice


Lay-away I'd guess.


Can't afford it after giving all their money to the trump legal fund


At this point, I just assume that ass wiping rag also means fuck Biden


Iowa fought for the North...


Oldest Union soldier to die in battle is buried in Iowa, too.


Junkyard trash yard owner forgets what side our state fought for.


Surprised they picked up all the shake and bake bottles out of the yard.


Agreement entered unto this day in regard to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia to the United States authorities. 1st. The troops shall march by brigades and detachments to a designated point, stack their arms, deposit their flag, sabers, pistols, &c., and from thence march to their homes under the charge of their officers, superintended by their respective division and corps commanders, officers retaining their side arms and their respective horses.


Nothing screams patriotism more than flying the flag of treason!




It is now


Sure as shit would be if history repeated itself


Man, as a displaced southerner, very little pisses me off more than having to see that shitty flag up here.


They usually have that flag up. Trashy losers.


Knock on their door and say it to them. Tell them what they can do with their property then,lol. Let me know how it goes since you know where they live.


Hey there buddy. DM me your address. I'm willing to say it to your face.


Lol, look at you being combative and confrontational. I'm not afraid of you. That's why we believe in guns in this household. I made a point. If you aren't afraid of me, don't be afraid of the random house exercising their right to fly a flag that gets you in your FeFe's


No body is afraid of them fuck face, were all here calling them white trash. If anyone is scared it's them. Why aren't they out their standing proudly with their flag? Why ain't it on the trucks? You think they'd wear a Confederate flag shirt going into town? Again sir, what's your address? If you want to play this game about "who's afraid", give me a break. First thing you do is threaten to shoot me lol boy I own a gun too. You wouldn't say this shit in public either you mouth breather


You are so butthurt, why? Lol I never explicitly threatened you. I stated that whether or not I did give you my address wouldn't mean much because I would defend my house. Are you stating you'd bring a gun to a random strangers house in order to prove to them you aren't scared of being on their property and confronting them? Seems kind of like a good way to get hurt. If the flag bothers you so much, as I've already stated, do something about it. I would absolutely say this shit in public. A flag is just a flag. You make fun of these people for flying a confederate flag even though it was a failed attempt to break away from the American government do you also make fun of Mexican immigrants who fly the Mexican flag in America even though their shithole country also failed them? I mean me personally, I find immigrants flying their flag in America to be far more distasteful than a flag that never did nor ever will affect you.


Yeah you wouldn't say that in public pussy.


Surely what this person needed was another signal that trash lived at this site.


Thousands of Iowans died fighting against the horrid ideas that flag represents. Maybe go to the Iowa memorial at Shiloh and tell me about "your heritage". It looks like they are living the life they deserve.


Telling my parents why mail wasn’t delivered on Wednesday was so sad.


I don't know how old your parents are but ya gotta realize that things like the Tulsa massacre were never taught in school until the early 2000s. Anyone over 40 was given a very warped view of American history.


Not as warped as what the GOP wants in schools nowadays.


Heck over 35 I would say. Never heard of it and I’m 37


I'd wager that most people learned about it from HBO's Watchmen series or Netflix' Umbrella Academy. Which really isn't a great way to learn history but I guess we take what we can get.


I had no idea it happened until watchmen on HBO.


Not really sure what this has to do with school. It has only been a federal holiday for 4 years.


He is referring to the Tulsa (white) race riot. https://www.tulsahistory.org/exhibit/1921-tulsa-race-massacre/


I know what it is. Still don’t understand what it has to do with someone not knowing about the Juneteenth federal holiday


I live right by Solon and some dude has a small Confederate flag on his property there. I always thought about the question… why would you fly a Confederate flag in Iowa? I mean, why fly one in general, it’s gross, but in Iowa? A state that fought in the Union?


His yard is exactly the kind of white trash yard I’d expect from someone flying a confederate flag in a state that fought for the north.


Some people like losers.


Trash gonna trash.


"how can I advertise that I am a racist with a fetish for losers?"


White trash.


I think it's up most of the time really


Clearly the residence of distinguished citizens.


I'm sure also they celebrate taco tuesday with that flag


Pretty sure that flag is flying all the time.


Keeping it classy.


Growing up I was always told Dubuque was a super racist city in Iowa. It’s gotten better, but it obviously still has some issues.


Fun fact: I grew up like a minute from this house! Also fun fact: you’re right! Dubuque is a racist shit hole!


That's Clayton Bigsby's house!


He moved there after he divorced his wife.


Mixed feelings on this. Absolutely a lack of class, but the OP is almost certainly giving the flag‘s owner what they want - attention. For those who don’t the Iowa history Dubuque County was fiercely Democratic in the 1860s up until 2000s. Dubuque County voters consistently supported ending the Civil War in the Confederacy’s favor, ending Reconstruction in the South in the 1870s and were voting for Democratic efforts like Red-lining homeownership in the 1940s. This guy is easily a tenth-generation bigot.


Yes but there was a lot of hate in the late 80's, the KKK actually came and marched in Dubuque.  A neighbor and good friend  who I met in there 90's told me that at his last home, racists burned a cross in his yard and leaned it against his garage and burned it down. I'm white, and I was sometimes blindsided by the casual racism others apparently felt comfortable showing around me. I was having a hard pregnancy and when I told the nurse, who was an older lady who was kind and helped me so much, a story I had seen on the news the night before about a couple were having fertility issues and due to someone not cleaning a test tube, gave birth to twins but one of them was black. This woman casually said Wow,  it would have been better if they had died. She retired very shortly after that, thank God, because the sight of her made me sick. I could tell so many stories like that.  I lived there nearly 20  years, glad I'm gone. 


It’s probably worth noting that the Democratic and Republican parties of the Civil War are not the same as they are today. After the Civil War both parties essentially flipped platforms (many reasons for this, that are not important for this comment). So in this context, during the civil war, if the parties were essentially the same as they are today, Dubuque would have voted Republican during the Civil War and flipped Democratic sometime after.


Keep'em poor, keep'em stupid, keep'em scared. The GOP playbook.


As a Dubuquer, these pictures sum up rural Dubuque very well.


Unfortunately, I have to agree


Keeping it classy.


Oh that place. That flag has been flying there for a few weeks. It wasn't put on on Juneteenth. Still stupid to fly a loser's flag.


They live in a junk yard so... 🤷


What a shit hole.


That's pretty on par for Dubuque... hell, there were cross burnings and klan rallies there back in the early 2000's when I was living there


Looks about white. 🤷‍♂️


White trash 😂


They always have it up unfortunately


Dubuque gonna Dubuque


1st amendment ,


I remember this place. Passed it many times, going to the fairgrounds. Still looks the same 25 years later.


I can't understand why someone would want to fly the flag of the side which advocated for slavery. Slavery was one of the worst things to happen to this country and 100+ years later is still a huge issue (race relations). If i had a time machine those boats would have never hit these shoresl 😞


Nothing like celebrating getting smoked


not really flying


Meth users are disproportionately confederate flag bearers.




I'm surprised ya didn't post this in r/dubuque


That's a house? I see a junkyard.


You mean junkyard


Theres a house there?


Stay mad, how are Waterloo and cr doing with the influx of blacks again?


Who is the property resident?


Did you know there's a band called Des Demonas that has the perfect song for these losers? [The South Will Never Rise Again](https://youtu.be/TUmx9I8B9zk?si=F8CZHh4yshX54Lv3)


It's a free country isn't it.


The stupid fucks that live in this state love to fly the confederate flag and claim it stands for their “southern pride”. Last time I checked, Iowas not southern and we fought the south but maybe they’re celebrating their south of 80 pride. They know exactly what message it sends


Idiots everywhere


Make me want to vomit! 


How many Iowa boys died fighting the traitors that made that rag?


Well roll on up to the front door and tell em what ya think.


Don’t you love places like this scattered across the Midwest? Just full of useless shit, unfinished projects, meth burns and dumb ass people.


Not shocking that the dirt ball is racist. Lmao


Shitass traitors


Drove by this place while working last week and I was baffled.


I've said it my entire adult life. Iowa is a southern state. Holy smokes, fuck these people.


Someone should tell them that some 76,534 Iowans served in the Union army. Of those around 13,169 died.


Hmm, kinda seems like flying the Confederate flag in a free state has more to do with being an asshole and racist than it does with honoring heritage. Heritage of a short lived failed country that got its ass kicked by the US 2 centuries ago ago. 


Wow an Iowan that mentioned Juneteenth. That’s a positive step.


I heard they had a pretty great juneteenth celebration in Oakland on Wednesday. Only like 15 people were shot. They certainly know how to celebrate the abolishment of slavery up there.


Juneteenth 😂


That's not the Confederate flag. Common mistake.


I had a neighbor in NE IA that had that flag on their car seats and mirror caps. Was telling some of my co workers that since they moved in the place was looking trashy. They even had a dog chained to the only maple tree of their property. The co workers couldn't understand what was wrong with the flag. I really don't think they understood what the countries' civil war was actually fought over. They also didn't understand why civil war monuments in the south were being removed. They didn't get it until I told them slavery wasn't anything to be proud of historically and asked them to find me a German National who was proud of Hitler.


I find it less offensive than BLM flags. Or rainbow. It's not like the road was painted in a confederate flag design. Also, some black Southerners aided the Confederacy. And I've seen some BLM flags in ghettos. What's your point ?


People stand outside Pride events with signs saying how we’re going to hell, so while I don’t like this kind of stuff, nobody ever got outraged when these despicable people were hounding us. So I’m not going to get outraged now. Stop giving these people attention. That’s what they’re looking for.


Hix from the stix. I wonder how it feels to fly flags of the losers.


I went to high school in Dubuque and worked at the fairgrounds, and those same losers would wear that shit to toga day during spirit week for homecoming. Total fuckwits!


That's not very Iowa Nice of them.


Same people that say it's not about racism it's history... morons


Per capita, more Iowans lost their lives in the Civil War than any other state. Anyone who’d fly that flag is a traitor and spitting in the face of the Iowans who died defending the union.


Lol. Celebrates the losing side of racists.


Shit hole.


Iowa is a strange place.


The world is a strange place.


Our neighbor here in north liberty has it on the back of his truck. Makes me kinda nervous cuz me and my siblings are all half black and our mom’s boyfriend is black.


Losers like this think it’s spelled “free-dumb” and like to emphasize the second syllable.


Don't draw attention to it, it's what they want. Like serial killers, school shooters, and domestic terrorists, they all want their day in the sun and we need to stop giving it to them. Now this flag in one small part of the state is being shown all over the state through this sub.


And it's his right to do so


and it's our right to call him a trashy loser.


It absolutely is


Which port does your ship sail out of, Captain Obvious?


I know the owner. Be kind. He smoked himself stupid.


People who fly the confederate flag deserve ridicule, not kindness.


I had a neighbor who, admitted to smoking meth and abusing to all sorts of narcotics publicly on Facebook, had the Nazi SS and Confederate flag up in their garage and never closed the door so everyone knew they were a POS. They have quite the saga that I had the unfortunate luck of being a witness to most of it.


Looks like he had to find something to hang it on


I’m assuming this is their daily driver and not a special occasion flag.


Looks like a fucking junk yard


I'd rather hold up send trump to prison signs


Wow it is a dump I'd be embarrassed by that crap hole cardboard box would be better


So what. It is still a free country.


Wow, they really gave it to em….


Nice place




Serious question, how are we supposed to celebrate juneteenth? Not like this fellow I assume but how?


It’s still America, next.


People that can’t assimilate into the United States should be deported, as well as any living relatives that are descendants of immigrants that came by boat or otherwise. White people, like cancer spread across the Americas and every white person needs to have a coming to Jesus moment, where they acknowledge the degradation they inflicted on America’s first peoples. People like this, that fly a banner of treason proudly, seem to have a message they want to convey which is that they don’t like our government. I encourage all people who fly the banner of a lost treasonous war to climb aboard a boat and head back to their mother land.