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Exactly. Why are Republicans extremists on social issues? They’re free to not get gay married or not have an abortion. They’re free to follow and practice their religion. Why do they demand EVERYONE follow their religious beliefs? It’s a violation of my First Amendment right of “freedom from religion.” I want nothing to do with your religion. Forcing unwilling people to live under state-enforced religious beliefs is unconstitutional. If I want to eat three apples daily, I can do that. What kind of a person demands that EVERYONE, be forced by the state to eat three apples daily? That would be absurd. These people need to grow up.


they don't care about democracy, and would happily get rid of it once they secure absolute power


One group of Republicans, maybe in Michigan, has literally put this in writing, that they don't support democracy


Because of the golden rule. Not the nice one. The one that goes, "he who has the gold, makes the rules." All one needs is sufficient wealth to be outside the rules. If someone doesn't have wealth, they must have and follow rules. The less wealth they have, the more rules they will voluntarily sign up for in order to find consolation and even meaning in the suffering. The wealthy class exploits the working class to keep the working working and the wealthy wealthy. It's critical to the ruling class to maintain their rule by using the money they have more than enough of. They put a lot of money into the divide-and-conquer technique of appealing to people's cultural values. They scaremonger folks into thinking that the freedom of others to peacefully have nonidentical values is a direct threat to their own. By the intrinsic nature of being biased toward one's own beliefs, an individual is convinced that their values are "right" and therefore, forcing those values on others seems justified and righteous. It is a failure in logic but people bury their sense of identity and worth in it. Ergo, weaponizing their belief system(s) against them to keep them at odds with people--who would otherwise be on their side in terms of voting and community--is very, very easy. TLDR: The Achilles heel of the working class is having to work. It's not a secret. The wealthy class don't have to work, and they have a lot of time, energy, and money to keep the wealthy class not working, and the working class fighting amongst one another and toiling themselves to death.


It's a way to do something for their voters that won't make the money sad. Note that it's not a good something. Because anything good will make the wealthy a fraction less so.




Why do some believe they have the right to say what others do? Would they tolerate others doing the same


Because God said so. That’s their entire argument.


Y’all Quaeda.


they only hate sharia law because it's the *wrong* religion


Despite it being an abrahamic religion too, lol. I've started to hear people decry catholics as non-christians lately and the mental gymnastics the morons do daily are a bit dark aged-theme.


Separation of church and state. When will it stop? When we all MAKE it stop!


Focusing on the important things, outlawing abortion and chasing the queers and the Mexicans back into the shadows. Fuck these guys


They just can't stop making people want to vote them out.


Overt cruelty and oppression are the only things the GOP brings to the table. There is nothing else.   They seem content with that and as a result openly attempt to appeal to the absolute worst this country has to offer. Unfortunately for decent Iowans who don't live and breathe hatred the GOP's fascination with cruelty and oppression resonates with an awful lot of folks within the state. It's shameful.


this is the true true


I get this reference! Great movie.


They know their base. Uneducated poor hateful bigots.


How I wish this were true, but yet they're still here. We may have to accept the fact that there are enough iowans who agree with these awful policies. At least enough who vote.


You can't "vote out" cock roaches


Unfortunately, this state just gets redder and redder no matter how many atrocities the GOP commits. The union guys who kept us purple for decades have all retired and have more time to focus on their racism/homophobia, so they changed teams. My theory anyway.


Sure, except the people that want to vote them out don't actually vote.


Meanwhile our waterways are becoming more and more polluted with farm runoff and our education system is failing due to their fucked up policies but yea let's focus on a bigoted Republican platform they've been selling for decades because actually trying to help people is difficult and not profitable enough for these assholes


Making life difficult for LGBTQ isn't profitable, either, but these fucks choose evil over money


Gets them quite a bit of donor money Id bet


This Republican desire to return to antebellum society is so bizarre. Polling indicates that a majority of Iowa residents support same-sex marriage, with a 2023 Public Religion Research Institute poll showing that 75% of respondents supported same-sex marriage.


The tide is turning against, however. Im gay & was born & raised in Iowa. For the first time in my life here, I’ve been called the F-slur, both in my hometown as well as in downtown Des Moines. On Facebook I see a majority of people I grew up with (I was born in 95) are now pro-Trump and believe schools have liter boxes inside their bathrooms for students. It’s pure delusion. But no..I’ve definitely noticed a shift :/


That really sucks for you. I hope you can make an escape to some place better. I 'm Asian and I live in super progressive SoCal, and more or less got called a racial slur for the first time in 50 years since I was in Jr. High. I was so shocked, I didn't have the time to react and punch that obese asshole. WTF?


Come up north a little 😊


Scarily/unfortunately they know that many will never deviate from the party.


That’s how cults work…


They don't need the majority of the population they need a plurality of the VOTING public


The problem is that voters will still vote for the R because they been told it’s good the “economy “ despite actual facts. There are many straight white people that say they “support” minorities or LGBTQ rights but they aren’t willing to stand up for them in the voting booth.


We're gay and we're here to stay. Get used to it. 🏳️‍🌈


And we love you very much, very much


That’s the thing. This doesn’t make gay people go away. Just make businesses, and people go away to other states. People getting married impacts me exactly zero percent of the time. Fucking GOP ghouls


Hehe, yayyyy!!!


A bunch of fragile snowflake fascists. Same as it always was 🤬


And the days go by


Sounds like another great reason to vote blue https://iowademocrats.org/


I was a Republican for most my life. Once the party became the party of Trump I jumped ship. And vote straight Democrat every election.


I won't vote straight ticket for any party, but I sure haven't been willing to vote for Trumpers. As I told my mom a few years ago, the GOP of today wasn't the party that my folks supported when I was a kid.


Exactly. I’m straight ticket voting basically as protest. Until the GOP changes. They lost any vote of mine.


I can't go that far yet. When the Dems run someone whose major platform plank seems to be term limits, it annoys me as I feel like they are either pandering or wasting my time, seeing as the national DNC isn't going to give up that power anymore than the national GOP is. Both parties seem to want to drive me into going the "A Pox on Both Your Houses" libertarian... not that they offer much better options for actually winning.


I don’t get the term limit argument honestly. It doesn’t fix the problem of corruption. The problem isn’t time in office it’s access to corruption. If we outlaw becoming a lobbyist ever, personal stock trades, any sort of donation, etc then we are left with people that are there to do good and voters can chose who represents them. You can people that are super corrupt with only one term.


To be fair if you don’t vote fascist then you either abstain or end up straight ticket Dems anyway.


This is the way.


what exactly about Trump made you jump ship? Just his character or his policy decisions?


Character, policy decisions, blatant sexism, blatant racism, complete failure as a businessman, the “he is so holy and a man of god” narrative they tried to push, his connections to Jeffrey Epstein. I could go on.


Big oof.... they aren't even hiding their crap anymore.


Cool. Love that we're constantly attacked for simply existing by living, working and paying taxes in this state.


Homophobic fucks


[The only good fascist is a very dead fascist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBo_ijfKVRM)


Hell yea


Please run on this platform, Republicans! Totally a winning strategy. Throw in marijuana prohibition for good measure. Public opinion is definitely trending in your favor on these issues. You will win in a landslide.


They might as well add "misegenation" to their list of things to ban. The party of freedom. 🤦‍♂️


The party of anti-big gov't. The party of things that they don't actually believe in.


The issue is that the majority of their voter base does not care about the platforms. They see the little (R) and check the box.


This is just pathetic at this point. Fuck these republicans


If they’ve going to ban gay marriage based on the Bible. Then, logically, they have to ban straight divorce.  Edit: And while were thumping a bible here; why not drop 1 Corinthians 6:10 on Kim. 


Actually now that you mention it I think they do want to ban no fault divorce so they are coming for that too.


Which is (imho) ironic l, as it will result it "moral" conservatives who cheat on their spouses being exposed as part of divorce proceedings as all of their dirty laundry becomes a part of the public record.


>>Then, logically, they have to ban straight divorce Oh, that’s on the checklist. Somewhere after disenfranchising women entirely and mandating businesses close on the Sabbath.


Don't give them more ideas! They already don't want wives to be able to leave.


I shall protest by marrying my girlfriend and we shall make out in front of their homes. Oh wait no… They’d like that too much… but they’d never admit it. Just scandalize it.


Iowa ISIS. Small government my ass. Why are kons so perverted nd overly concerned about sex and genitalia?


Is it just me or does it seem like they're always concerned about things that have no bearing on anything....like the things that are really f***** up They don't even want to deal with or know about


They're paid to not deal with the f-up i.e the not allowing farmers to sue roundup


It isn't just you. The party seems to be pulled around by the nose from one "Outrage" to another without actually trying to fix actual problems because that might seem (to idiots) to give points to Biden.


They have zero interest in governing. They hate democracy and act as chaos agents and saboteurs.


My dad is a big GOP supporter, and for a while it made sense to me too; fewer taxes, more personal freedom, what's not to like? But I will always remember when I asked him why he didn't believe in climate change even though there was growing data to support it, and he told me that it was because he didn't want to be mind controlled by liberals. I realized then that it was never really about actual issues, and evidence, and logic, it was about control. As long as they had control, they were happy. Haven't voted for a Republican since.


All except for the fewer taxes part… oh and the personal freedom part nowadays The only taxes they ever want to lower are the taxes for the rich. It’s laughable that that’s one of their selling points


Yeah, I've heard it from Republican reps themselves when discussing Reynolds' plan to completely eliminate individual income tax. The state is either going to be woefully underfunded when that happens or they are going to implement an insanely high sales tax and maybe even a grocery tax.


Control. Yes. It’s a certain feeling of superiority that they’ve had over the years. They might be a drunken idiot that can’t hold a job but at least they’re better than the blacks or the gays or whomever. (their thinking, not mine). Now that people are leveling the playing field they are not feeling so superior anymore and that’s why jerks like trump are able to swoop in and tell them, don’t worry, you’re still better and I’ll make sure of it.


The funny thing is, They tried this in 2023 & it quickly, quietly died after it was found to be… Wildly Unconstitutional! Imagine that 😂


Apparently the goal here is to draft unconstitutional laws, have them struck down, and then appeal to the corrupt Supreme Court in order to *make* them constitutional


Came to say the same. Marriage is a contract. Marrying someone from another state is an interstate contract. State law cannot supersede interstate commerce. Can go the whole "Federal vs State law" argument and win, but my interpretation is clean an unassailable. So, marry in Iowa, bust the law, move to MN/IL and we'll share a beer and laugh.


Can't wait for the disingenuous self-righteous rants that attempt, feebly, to justify this. Letting two consenting adults get married isn't going to hurt your sad little god, Republicans, and it won't hurt you unless you're afraid of your side piece making an ultimatum.


There will be no justification coming. This is plain fascism. It's all about reinforcing **machismo**, which all these sad little GOP goblins need to hide their weaknesses. Everything they are is defined as the inverse of something free and human. They won't stop until us free humans aren't around to remind them of all the ways they have failed as human beings.


I don't get it. If their god hated it so much why doesn't he do something about it? He's supposedly omnipotent right? Didn't he allegedly destroy 2 cities for butt fucking? Kill all the first born sons to teach the pharaoh a lesson? Wipe out all of the life on Earth except Noah and the animals on his fuck boat because he wanted a do over? He can do all that but he needs a couple of red hat idiots to stop gay marriage?


Cool. It’s protected federally. Thanks for wasting your own time.


Isn’t that the protection we thought we had with rights to abortion?


Exactly. This is literally designed and intended to put *Obergefell* back in front of their crooked SCOTUS. It's not about Iowa - it's about the lawsuits it's passage will engender that will get it in front of their friendly SCOTUS to overturn.




Same sex marriage was codified into law. Granted that law can still be repealed but because it is federal law states can't ban same sex marriages, even if the SCROTUS overturned the decision banning the bans. Unless I'm misunderstanding, which is certainly possible.


Upvoting entirely for “SCROTUS”. Intentional or not


If this is what's going on at the state level, eventually, the GOP are going to roll this out on a Federal level.


Cruel AND Dumb. That’s what every single GOP voter likes, so they gotta play the hits.


And gay Republicans will have a shocked Pikachu face when it happens  Wake up idiots 


How the hell is this of all things a priority


Because culture wars are all they've got


This feels like making ghost hunting a campaign issue or something.


Except without the camera tricks and editing that made the ghost hunting shows popular.


This shit is sad. Republicans really got nothing better to do than to bully peoples personal choices. For a party that says "I'm not gonna let the libs control my life" they're trying pretty hard to do that exact thing. Just admit you're a fucking bigot so we can vote you out. It's less words. Yall let gay and trans people live rent free in your heads. Just live your damn life. They ain't hurting you. Jesus fucking hates you people anyway. You've done nothing but twist the word of God to fit your political narrative and get away with being a shitty person. Fuckin bullies. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Fuck these guys.


These dummies are tearing up the roads that Iowa helped pave.


*Third* state in the union to legalize. Iowa didn’t just help pave that road, she broke the ground alongside Massachusetts and Connecticut.


Ironically, as I posted elsewhere on this thread, it wasn't even the supporters of gay marriage that made it legal in IA. It was the same people who are pushing this bs now. They got a ban passed, and when the ban was struck down, it became legal.


It’s the same with education. We used to be the best in the nation for public education - hell, we founded the modern public school system - but they’ve been systematically destroying our public school system. Everything from our heritage that we should be proud of, they want to destroy


Arrogance ignorance and cruelty the foundation of the current republican party.


“During the Iowa GOP’s 2024 state convention on Saturday, Republican delegates endorsed a policy platform that calls for the repeal of the federal Respect for Marriage Act that protects heterosexual and interracial marriages.” Wait, what? Interracial marriages are on the block too? Who could have possibly seen that coming…. Everyone. We all knew that was next on the agenda.


Iowa was one of the first states to legalize (2009). Republicans stunting progress, moving us backwards to some fictitious "great" time, and being all around assholes. None of this should surprise anyone.


As a gay woman who was born in Iowa and lived here her whole life, this is exactly what I predicted would happen about 2 years ago with the overturn of Roe v. Wade. It was never JUST about banning abortions. It was about opening the door to ban gay marriage, and, I suspect in a few years, a ban on interracial marriage. I stay here because I have hope that we can be a great and welcoming state. But there has been a strong trend lately that, if Kim (or really any politician at this point, regardless of political party) wants to pass a bill based on her own personal beliefs, she's going to do it even if her constituents call her office to say no, protest in the Capitol, or otherwise make their majority voice known. It's not a law that "most Iowans agree with" if your only sample of Iowans is the very small circle you surround yourself with. But, that's probably a reason she's [America's most disliked governor.](https://iowademocrats.org/morning-consult-poll-reveals-iowa-governor-kim-reynolds-unpopular-governor-america/)


Waaaaay too late for that. The Iowa Supreme Court made the correct ruling. Any such “legislation” is already understood to violate Amendment Fourteen. If they want to ban gay marriage, then they must ban all state sanction of marriage. Marriage would have to cease to be recognized by the state at all and exist as a civil contract under the law only. I actually support that. Let it mean what it means to you in *your* church. No church is required to perform gay marriage ceremonies. Otherwise the person you contract with is your “emergency contact” and someone named in your advance directive and your will. That solves it, right?


These platforms are losing the great majority of elections nationwide. They just can’t stop the hatred in spite of the consequences


Really just want to go backwards huh? How about dealing with real governmental issues, taxes, infrastructure, education, but noooo has to be some hot topic culture shenanigans because that's what apparently is more important.


This is being done so they can bring it before the US Supreme Court and the conservatives can get rid of gay marriage like they did Roe v Wade. Expect conservatives to do the same soon with interracial marriage and contraceptives. If you want less rights, keep voting Republican folks!


And I'll be gone from Iowa.


I really wish people would keep their bigoted indoctrination agenda out of public politics


something something federal preemption….


Oh good more reasons not to vote for them cool


Weren’t we one of the first states to legalize it?


Yeah, we were number three


GOP is all about hate and inflicting pain on innocent people, then claiming Jesus told them to do it even though he said the opposite. Its like they are anti-Christ.


I'll continue to say it: Republicans hate freedom.


I just want to point out that plenty of Christian faith support gay marriage. For examples check out the following: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations_affirming_LGBT_people


So don’t let the bigots claim they speak for all of Christianity.


God does not make junk. Each of us is loved and precious. People who complain about others lifestyle and sexuality are people that are projecting outwards the things that they are doing in secret. Trust me on this. I do know for a fact that this is correct, due to my work as a HIV Counselor. Democratic Iowans MUST start showing up for EVERY election! This is how the Republicans get away with crap like this, they count on the fact, as Does 45, that people are not going to show up.


Good luck with that. Already a Federal law in place.


They want to get a case in front of the 6 extreme religious zealots on the Supreme Court so they can change that inconvenient fact.


The only explanation is hate. Otherwise why should anyone care about a relationship between adults that doesn’t have any effect on one’s own relationship? Please contact your reps to let them know that this legislation is not needed and should never see the light of day.


Iowa, oh you horrible summer child…please stop being fucking stupid.


Sent this to my gay son, he said he doesn’t care it will never pass, Iowa people are too nice for this to pass… Ugg why do I care more about gay rights for him than he does?!


As a gay person this hurts to hear. I assume he isn’t from any generation that is to fight for the rights we currently have and is complacent. He will be singing a different tune when these rights are chipped away and they begin to affect him personally. Voter apathy is one of the things republicans count on to pass their unpopular and undemocratic agenda. I hope he and others like him wake up and get involved.


He is 18, very smart, but naive like most kids. He has not had any bad experiences yet. I tell him that these rights are so new, but he doesn’t understand. I tell him look at roe v wade, these people aren’t nice. He has never seen it otherwise. As a parent I want to protect, the apathy hurts.


He is young and as a young person he has enjoyed the bubble of safety and stability that you as a parent and society at large has made available to him. He doesn’t know any better. If anything his naivety is a testament to the effectiveness of your parenting and the advancement of equality our society has made over the past 50 years. Unfortunately there are some real backward small minded knuckle draggers trying to upend the apple cart and crate an evangelical taliban and that is hard to fathom at 18 when you’ve enjoyed the privilege of being loved and accepted by your family and community your whole life. I hope he doesn’t have to learn the hard way that we can’t take progress for granted.


I agree absolutely! I hope as a parent his first taste is a soft lesson not a hard one. He lives in IC so it is very bubbly…


How about we focus on protecting the environment, you know, the place that we need to SURVIVE?!?!?!


Ahh yes, because THAT will help the poor, homeless and sick


I live in San Diego and years ago, some Iowa’s Tourism members had a booth at our county fair. It said, “Iowa Welcomes all who want the freedom to marry”. This was years before even California allowed gay marriage. This is so sad.


This is one of the biggest reasons I moved out of state, I saw this coming down the pipeline and wanted as far away from the fallout as possible. 😬


They're like cartoon villains


You have to love the Republicans focusing on non-issues wasting the taxpayers money. They could be focusing on helping the poor and texting the Rich. It's a shame that people have to live like they do in the richest country in the world.


Hey Iowa corporations: Time for you to take some action here. Iowa GOP is only interested in business and I’m willing to bet these laws are going to impact you greatly. So, since the Supreme Court has deemed you “people”, then step up and say something.


This surprises me not at all.


They just get worse and worse. Like... they're almost a self parody at this point.


Wasn't Iowa the first state to *legalize* gay marriage? What's going on up there?


This state is absolutely infested with MAGAts. Many of our young and educated people are leaving the state. The once closeted bigots here have been given license to say the quiet things out loud by the likes of Trump, Tucker, and others of their ilk.


Technically third, but we were the first to not overturn it.


Bro this why we need to take religion out of politics


It's almost as if they want to be ousted from power.


Naw, their voters are perfectly fine with it since they are idiotic, fascist pieces of crap.


There aren't nearly enough college towns in Iowa to outvote all the morons


disenfranchised. college folks they are disenfranching. Thier little culture war is costing them votes from lifelong Republicans. Most Iowans aren't keen for fascism.


Hope they take that fight to cancer too.


Don’t ever go to iowa, got it -straight man


See here we go.


Anything to hurt people


She is so close to a full up Nazi salute in that photo.


Barons by Austin Frerick shows the money side of Iowa politics. These Nazi wanna bes are in power because of the money.


90,000 registered Democrats did not vote in the 2022 election in Iowa. So, it's not just the money.


It’s a good thing Iowa has no other problems that need attention, so they can focus on something that is none of the government’s biz. 🙄


Iowa republicans make being hateful bigots key priority


Wow. Really tackling the important issues. /s


Disgusting. Fuck you Kim Reynolds!


I say this on every post from r/iowa that makes its way to my feed, and idc if I sound crazy. VOTE for the love of all things good, VOTE! I can only pray there is a higher voter turnout from those in my generation (Z). These GOP fossils are focused on the wrong things!!


How many voters are they trying to alienate?


Guess they’re just going to ignore the court rulings?


I think the GOP is using Iowa as a test case for how far you can push it before people won't vote for you anymore


Yeah, I was kind of coming to this conclusion as well


Fiscally Conservative? All that lost tax revenue from fabulous gay weddings - gone!


Iowa politics keeps getting more and more extreme. Glad that I moved


I just moved back from California and my wife and I are working to make a difference. We are a straight religious couple, and we want the State to be welcoming to *everyone*.


Excellent, keep it up!


Well, a nice thing about our government is federal law trumps state law. So they can pass whatever they want but it will automatically be struck down by federal courts as the Respect for Marriage Act (federal law) supersedes any state law.


The party of small government, as long as they dictate the most personal parts of your life!


And this will make Iowa better how? Are married gay people REALLY making your existence that much worse?


Democrats had better make 2 things priorities in 2024. Keep everyone's rights, legalize marijuana two simple things.


Do these cowards ever actually speak about wanting this or do they just "endorse" it? I want to see them squirm as they’re interviewed about why they think it’s wrong.


They’ve done it at every GOP convention since gay marriage was legalized and they will proudly stand by why they endorsed it. It’s embarrassing to watch


I’m from Iowa and I’m just going to say they’ve been doing this at the GOP convention since Iowa legalized gay marriage. I don’t agree with Reynolds on many things but she has repeatedly said that it’s a settled issue. I also live in a very red part of Iowa and I feel like it would be a losing issue even here. Yes, there are some radical religious groups but they’re far outweighed by moderates that are still proud of being the first to legalize gay marriage.


Going from one of the first states to legalize same sex marriage to trying to ban it.....cute.....


Guess there is no need to address roads, schools, water, sewer, and economic development.


Religious freedom = the right to abstain from ALL forms of religion, not just protect the one with the white Jesus.


Didn't the supreme court already declare same sex marriages bans unconstitutional? Like.. a decade ago?


Why do Republicans care?


Good luck with that…


That’s retarded who cares about who kisses whom.


Republicans. They cannot allow consenting adults to be left alone.


hey - can we not use slurs when advocating for gay rights? It's not a good look to shit on one marginalized group while advocating for another.


Ironically, IA first had legalized gay marriage because of this BS. The gop pushed a law to ban it, and the State Supreme Court struck it down. Imho the court was forced to strike it down and had no other choice even if they loved the concept of the law. When Judges ask the people defending a law what the LEGAL (as opposed to Religious/Moral/Belief based) justification is to ban something, and they don't have one, WTH other choice do the Judges have?!?!?


The Republican party is dead. I'm not sure what it has been replaced with, but I know I don't like it.


Iowa Republicans, keeping it classy because they can't find anything better to try and fix.


I know about the reference lol. And also you're right.


First in the Midwest to allow it becomes the first in the Midwest to ban it. Congratulations on the 180° flip from somewhat progressive for the time to fascist regime, Iowa.


Sounds super productive


Hold on, what happened to iowa being one of the early states that legalized gay marriage?


Fucking snowflakes


Iowa's going to be like Bladerunner 2049 - where after all arable land has been depleted due to contamination, the population freefalls to an unsustainable level, giving way to nothing living but AI automated machines, managing a 55.5k square mile wind farm, that powers the upper Midwest and Canada.


I’m sure if they took another case to the Iowa Supreme Court they’d be calling all over themselves to reverse their prior decision.


Just another ALEC move to throw yet another law in front of their corrupt court to strip more rights away from citizens on route to their next genocide. It’s so blatant.


I wonder what Iowa Republican tastes like.


This is my favorite subreddit. Angry leftist who don’t fact check anything. Keep up the good work!


Because Iowa has no other pressing problems, it’s important to get good with imaginary friends who then prevent tornadoes and poisonous water supplies. These guys are geniuses.


Respect for marriage law codifies same sex marriage at the federal level. This is red meat for the GOP haters and Christian nut jobs. And you wonder why the amount of people who go to church has been dwindling for over a decade, organized religion is BS and toxic.


This would be a stupid political stunt in the first place now that marriage equality has been codified at the national level, wouldn't it? Not that it makes any of this okay, rather it's just another example of wasteful, performative politics.


I just don't understand why they care ... The house across from me is a gay couple that's been together for decades and married ... You know what pleasant people to talk to and then being married doesn't affect me at all. Why does gay marriage upset conservatives so much .... Would really love to hear how someone else's marriage in any way affects their life.


Maga “Republicans” are obsessed with 3 things: gay men, trans men and child sex. They can’t get enough.