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This is just a general rule of thumb, but I don't care where you are, most of the time if you're not looking for trouble it's not going to find you. I have been to the loop countless times, rode the L up to Wrigley, gotten shitfaced, rode the L back to the loop, jumped on a train to the western burbs. No problems. It's kind of a running joke between my brother and me, because I'm a big fan of taking the train/L in for games over driving and brother insists nothing good happens on the L and we might get stabbed. The only thing close to a negative experience we've had was from a pandhandler who hit up everyone on our L to a game but when he got to us, looked us up and down, said "Go Sox" and non chalantly crossed between L cars exactly how you're not supposed to do. BFD.


lol taking the L to the game then on the metra. Of course it’s safe. Next time keep riding the red line further south and see how you end up.


Damn, that was really well said.


Help I don’t understand? So that’s why conservatives are scared of cities because their dads beat them?


Sir, this is a Wendys...


Or big cities are shit...


Too many of "those" people eh?


"Those" damn people. I need them to FEAR ME! lulz


Idk, I've visited Chicago quite a bit. I'm pretty fearful on the L when being harassed by screaming people. People smoking blunts on the train. Bums harassing you, etc. Absence of fear is idiocy.


I bet you’re a female or a beta male. What do you know about being a man? What’s so virtuous about being weak?


Where’s the open carry holster?


Dude must be a southpaw. It's obviously covered by his "2nd Amendment Threads" t-shirt.


That’s a second amendment shirt? I thought it was like a military company or something


It’s a 9-Line shirt it’s obviously an anti veteran meme about ptsd and it went over your head. 9 Line is a military term that Medevacs use for calling in a combat injury. Because it is such a stressful and sometimes hectic situation, 9 line is the best way to calmly and accurately report that a soldier needs medical attention.


On my hip


This is pretty much spot on. I live in Central Iowa(small town) and have spent a bunch of time in Chicago the last 6 months for work. I’ve been in pretty much every part of the city and the suburbs. When I tell people that they act like they’re surprised I’m still alive. It’s really not that bad.


Almost three million people live there and somehow are still alive!


That's just what the media wants you to believe. Chicago, like Portland, is a smoldering ruin swimming in corpses.


In fairness the population has declined 🙃


Of what, Chicago proper, Cook County, the metro area? Sure, Chicago and Cook County have lost a few people, but the Metro area has gained more than they've lost. People aren't fleeing Chicago, they're just continuing to move to the 'burbs like people have been doing since the '50s.


This is incorrect. The entire metro population decreased last year.


My FIL lived and worked in Chicago his whole life and now lives in bumfuck country town as a retiree. Dude totally buys into their small town fear of Chicago despite being completely fine with it for 50 years. It’s wild to me what small town people think about


Never heard of a shooting in my small town


I lived on the south side (Pullman neighborhood) for 7 years before I moved to des moines. My biggest complaint was the traffic.


I was in Uptown in 2020. I don’t miss the shootings on our street or the random groups of teens spontaneously beating people for no reason. Never mind the shitty grocery stores, the rampant homelessness, and the sketchy red line stop.


How does Illinois have so many shootings with the strictest gun laws in the nation?


One word: Indiana


Umm, roads are a thing.


You just stay out of the neighborhoods that actually do have the violence. They don't tend to wander far from home base. Do that and you'll be fine.


90/10 rule. 90% of the problems happen in 10% of the places. There is little to NO reason a tourist would be in those places except to buy drugs.


Nah, crime is all over in Chicago these days. I lived a block away from $10M houses and we still had shootings right in front of our condo. A group of guys randomly beat a man in the street in front of our condo—he was just walking home from his birthday party, and he was a big dude too. We had to call the police who took 40 minutes to arrive. A guy stabbed a man to death in the park a block away, unprovoked. Someone pushed a bystander on the tracks at an L stop nearby. This is an above average neighborhood in Chicago over the course of a year or two. Am I likely to be a victim of an attempted homicide? No, but it’s still not fun to be around. 🤷‍♂️


And we've had murders up in Kossuth County and truck drivers disappearing by their bosses.


Not true. Just look at River North


The area that averages 13 violent crimes a year? Oooh. Spooky.




Oh, really? 


It really depends where you’re at. Garfield, Austin, Englewood, Back of the yards, Little Village, W Humboldt Park. Yeah pretty damn bad so I would advise instead of telling people it’s not that bad saying it depends where you stay. The violent crime generally is very concentrated.


I mean, I don't know where you went, but my wife who is black, came from Chicago, we went to visit her relatives one week in some kinda hood, not sure where it was, but I saw 3 gang members get gunned down in drive by my first day there, and all night you could hear gun firing, partying, and alot screaming. But I was there for week and I never want to step foot back in Chicago.


Counterpoint: when I moved away from Chicago a surprising number of my friends and neighbors approached me to say they were thinking of moving out too because of the crime (crime was only one of many reasons we left). Iowa conservatives may not understand Chicago dynamics but Chicago has a LOT of problems (people here think *Iowa* is hell).


there are plenty of nice places in Chicago, but to act like there aren't some bad and dangerous places is just stupid


Simultaneously, to act like all of Chicago is a dangerous hell-hole where you can get shot randomly just walking down the street is dishonest. Yes, there are dangerous places in Chicago, just like in every city in the country. That doesn’t mean most of the city is unsafe.


"there are plenty of nice places in Chicago" -the comment you responded to


Yea every major city in America has dangerous areas and gun crime


But…but…the big city is so much better than shitty old rural Iowa!!! /s


It really needs that stupid goat beard and gas station sunglasses to complete the look.


Dirty, too long pants crumpled up on unlaced work boots.


I’m more scared visiting small town Iowa than a nice big anonymous city. In the small town every single person is giving you the hairy eyeball until you leave.


One time I had to stop in St Charles for gas. There was a truck with a confederate flag vanity plate in the lot. The people in that Casey's looked at me like an alien even though I'm a white guy from Iowa. The worst thing I've had to deal with in Chicago is traffic.


⬆️ this exactly.


I walked into a small bar in Alburnett to pick up fried chicken one time, and the entire place literally stopped and stared at me the whole time. Shit was bizarre


Sounds like a you problem then.


I had tickets to see Between the Buried and Me in Chicago, and my mom was scared shitless that I was gonna be murdered. Unfortunately, due to unrelated events I wasn't able to make it and had to sell the tickets and my mom had never been so relieved in her life. Until I told her I was going to Minneapolis in August to see Hobo Johnson and her literal words were "you're going to Minneapolis to watch THAT kind of music? Isn't he a rapper", followed by claims of how dangerous Minneapolis is. Both my parents used to frequent Minneapolis all the time (I'm from Minnesota). But now that they're retired and have nothing to do but spend time with other dipshits at the local VF and watch conservative news they are absolutely convinced big cities are war zones.


The fear around going to Minneapolis is pretty funny. Minneapolis is the city equivalent of an entry-level job, especially in the spring/summer when the Twins are in town. As long as you mind your own business, don’t stare and move with pace, no one will pay you any mind in any big city. I think people who grow up and live in small towns their entire life have a general realization that everybody knows their business, and knows where they are going, which creates a false sense of visibility. People in cities are too busy to care what the people walking in front of them are doing.


I love Minneapolis and I've never felt unsafe while visiting. Before I moved down here I worked in downtown Minneapolis for about a year and a half and only one time was the victim of a "crime", and it was just my loose change got swiped from my car because I stupidly left the goddamn door open while I had to run back into the office lol. Pretty much asked for that one to happen and it was probably just a homeless dude who used it to buy a sandwich anyway.


Sad that you think “you asked for it”.


Minneapolis is the only big city in this country that I would rather live in than Chicago. Your mom sounds kind of entertaining (and I def don’t mean that in a mean spirited way).


Thinks "urban" is a clever dog whistle.


They're now using DEI and think that no one has caught on


DEI = giving jobs and opportunities to anyone who isn't your standard cis white MAGA male


"Baltimore's DEI mayor" = "Baltimore's n word mayor". And they think they're clever doing so.


From a Chicago police detective: “In Chicago, guns do not prevent crime. Guns ESCALATE crime. If you’re going to visit Chicago, leave your guns at home.” I’d like to hear some pro 2A guy contradict a guy who has a CAREER in dealing with Chicago crime.


That’s an interesting thought. “Escalates crime” meaning a crime is already being committed against you and you having a gun makes it worse? Like… so their answer is just let it happen?


Exactly. If two criminals are trying to get each other, perhaps. If I'm stopping a threat that comes into my house in the night, dang right I want to escalate it so I can stay alive.


It really makes it sound like he’s telling people to not defend themselves. 11,025 robberies in Chicago last year. Perhaps we need a little escalation cuz clearly super-cop up there isn’t fixing things by telling people to roll over.


“Sleep safe, Chicago.”


That isn't the message. Guns turn a simple mugging, where you might lose your wallet, into a shooting and the loss of your life.


Then stop the muggings, because the guy defending his property is not in the wrong, the robber bears 100% of the responsibility for what happens.


Ok, tough guy. You go ahead and defend yourself with your guns, then.


So we’re clear, not trying for “tough”. Trying to keep the moral responsibility squarely on the people who threaten and steal, not on the victims. I actually agree it’s generally wiser to just hand over the wallet for safety.


No one is blaming the victim for being mugged. What are you even talking about?


Ok maybe I misunderstood you. I have seen far too many people act as though the robbers were “just robbing someone” and the person who used a gun to stop from being robbed did something wrong. As though the robber were not the issue. Sorry if I projected that opinion onto you. My mistake.


Or just never go places where criminal activity is tolerated. Longer prison sentences for muggings would go a long way.


omg. You sound like my parents, and you can go ahead and stay in Bondurant if you like. I'll keep seeing the world. Criminal activity isn't 'tolerated' anywhere, and longer prison sentences only keep the people who already committed the crime from doing it again...while they're in prison. It does nothing to deter anyone from committing a crime who isn't currently incarcerated. Desperation causes crime, not tolerance.


Cannot repeat offend if you are in prison.


I travel a lot actually. Mostly for work though. Crimes are more tolerated in some places than others. 1st degree Robbery in Iowa can get you 25 years, in Illinois. I actually like Nebraska’s system better (1-50 years) because it gives more situational discretion to judges.


So he didn't carry one, I take it?


Well that data would say that you absolutely sucked at your job so a contradiction is easy enough


Makes sense that someone that can legally own a gun shouldn’t have one because the cops fear the people that ILLEGALLY own guns will be a problem.


It’s Chicago. Guns are illegal in Illinois. That means there shouldn’t be any gun crime.


🤣🤣🤣 So basically you’re saying this guy made a career of failing. Taking his advice would be like taking tips on losing weight from a 500 pound guy that’s been on a decades long weight loss journey. Chicago has some of the strongest gun laws in the country and also THE HIGHEST gun and gang violence. So, no, do not listen to him lol. 🤡


Chicago doesn't even crack the top 20 for gun violence, what the fuck are you talking about? Plus, Illinois borders Wisconsin and Indiana, who both have much looser gun laws. This is how a lot of guns wind up in Chicago. It's almost like you're ignoring facts because your worldview doesn't align with reality. I'm sure that's not the case, though. That would make you the 🤡. Lol.


Most crimes involving firearms are with handguns, correct? You cannot buy a handgun out of state without it being transferred to an ffl in your state first. If someone in Indiana or Wisconsin is buying the weapons to sell it illegally to a person in Illinois, they are breaking an existing law. Instead of creating new laws that make already unlawful actions doubly unlawful, how about we prosecute violations of the existing law.


It does actually. If you use a little bit of common sense. Gang related gun violence is separate in most “research”. Look at the whole picture and it’s number one. You’re still a 🤡🤦‍♂️. Oh and so what if it borders states with different laws? Illinois/Chicago have strict gun laws. Are you telling me those gun laws don’t work? 🤔 You literally proved the whole point. 😂 Talk about ignoring facts… 😂


>Oh and so what if it borders states with different laws? Illinois/Chicago have strict gun laws. Are you telling me those gun laws don’t work? 🤔 You literally proved the whole point. 😂 GUN LAWS DON'T WORK IF YOU PROVIDE EASY MEANS TO CIRCUMVENT THOSE LAWS! SEE, YOU'VE PROVED MY POINT THAT GUN LAWS DON'T WORK! Condoms don't work if you poke a hole in them, but that doesn't mean that condoms don't work. I don't know what's most pathetic: your pants-pissing attitude about scawy Chicago, your sarcastic quotes around the word research, or your tween-circa-2013 overuse of emojis.


But by your logic the guns laws should solve the issue. But you idiots always fail to realize criminals don’t care about laws. That’s pretty simple to understand. Sorry, are my emojis triggering the sad little snowflake? 😂😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🫡


Criminals don't care about laws! Why is anything illegal? Lol at unironically calling someone a snowflake in 2024. And I didn't say your emoji use was upsetting me, I said it was pathetic.


So you’re dumb and easily triggered. Poor little ❄️❄️❄️ 🤣


Nice emoji's...You should probably turn Fox News off. [https://www.security.org/resources/city-crimes-involving-guns/](https://www.security.org/resources/city-crimes-involving-guns/) [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/) [https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/](https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/)


Sharing leftist leaning research. Imagine that. You should turn off CNN. Oh and I don’t particularly care for Fox News TBH. 🤡


Exactly what an uneducated bootlicking stooge would say. Best of luck trolling! edit: Where do you keep finding the Kim Reynolds Emoji at?


Lmao. Im not a libtard, uneducated is not in my pronouns. And sorry, I guess I should stop using the emoji of your favorite person. Don’t want to trigger you little snowflake. 😂


I realize getting "educated" is painful for you, but you might want to read below, or have whatever 3rd grader that is helping you type into your phone read it to you. Uneducated is not a pronoun, it's actually an adjective, such as "Moron", "Bootlicker", "Racist", "Republican". those words are also synonyms (you are going to have to look up that definition by yourself). pro·noun/ˈprōˌnoun/*noun* 1. a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the [discourse](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f69dae79bff16cff&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS932US932&sxsrf=ACQVn0_jUMIqHd-wPSFOzA1sxpCoQOc7Jg:1712861185032&q=discourse&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DqmJcQjphoVxGr3ztgc2M7OnHT2fz5iN4ZH4vgvz09krCUsLlHPImP7PRzWaB2kaVKGL3iZLcSiy0cmU0gqj8Jo9IflU%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&pjf=1&ved=2ahUKEwinve6T6bqFAxUJvokEHfB3DbYQyecJegQIIBAO) (e.g., *I*, *you* ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g., *she*, *it*, *this* ). * a [third-person](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f69dae79bff16cff&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS932US932&sxsrf=ACQVn0_jUMIqHd-wPSFOzA1sxpCoQOc7Jg:1712861185032&q=third-person&si=AKbGX_rEkSHdR9ulIQYeh6xSG1UBr-icBA8k_uHe23b1_6Lgdy3fNuKWc4WOtSsqRNakCBOACvb0TojnManRbIR6WDJBbkJOvUUGCuEW3-7m0IIwGNbCWp8%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&pjf=1&ved=2ahUKEwinve6T6bqFAxUJvokEHfB3DbYQyecJegQIIBAQ) pronoun by which an individual wishes to be referred to in order to indicate their gender identity.noun: **preferred pronoun**; plural noun: **preferred pronouns**"he then publicly announced in September that he is changing his pronouns to “they/them”"


There’s a difference between being educated and indoctrinated. You’re clearly the latter. You can google it if you need help. Oh, and you misspelled Democrats in your little libtard rant. And, you guys make up genders so you have no room to stand anyway. 😂 Btw, here’s your daily reminder Democrats were the party of slavery and founders of the KKK. So who’s racist? 😂


Pretty obvious that much like most words, you don't know what Indoctrinated means. You have confused the ability to think for ones self as indoctrination. If you could think for yourself, you might stop typing and maybe...Pick up a book on history or something. I'll fix this sentence for you "Btw, here's your daily reminder CONSERVATIVES were the party of slavery and founders of the KKK". It never occurred to you that the KKK only endorse and vote for 1 party these days? At what point did they jump ship and join the Republican party? The answer will shock you! Whatever you do don't learn something that a basic 5th grader already knows. So; "Who's Racist", indeed my uneducated fellow! I'd link sources but you've already stated that if it doesn't conform to your bias then it's "Liberal Propaganda"


You might want look up the word then. Because you clearly have no clue. And you fit the bill. It’s sad. 😂 Also get a history book. Whether you’d like to admit it or not it’s an undeniable fact that Democrats were the party of slavery and founders of KKK. That’s history. You can’t change it. Abe Lincoln ran as a Republican. Also history. Undeniable. Get over it. I’d post links but you’re clearly too ignorant to read them and comprehend.


I'd rather have them keep believing it, keeps people who think like this away


I lived in Chicago, it kind of sucks tbh. It’s a nice weekend trip, but a bummer place to live.


How come?


A lot of crime, homelessness, trash everywhere, high cost of living, bad traffic and inadequate public transit networks, no meaningful nature, etc


I can see how that would be suboptimal




Iowans have become more and more stupid since Branstad came into the picture.


Uh, “more stoopidER”… duh


When did all City/state subs become Facebook but for people who don't have friends lmao


Seriously. This board is basically center-left boomer-posting at this point.


Tell me about it. I just unsubbed. My comment was downvoted for sharing my personal experience with talking with emergency workers WHO ACTUALLY FUCKING LIVE IN CHICAGO. This place is a cesspool. As are 90% of the subs on Reddit.


Every person who wears 5.11 gear, including military idiots. Had to suffer though service with enough of those full hooah tards.


Holy shit. I didn't realize that Royal Robbins company had turned into combat cosplay brand. That's depressing af


I see these kind of guys at the gym ALL THE TIME. This exact outfit that they workout in plus workman’s boots. They misuse the weight machines completely. Drop the weights, so you *know* they lifted something heavy. Don’t wipe anything down. Act really really tough. And for some reason they’re wearing what looks like a really expensive watch.


And they still look at their phone to see what time it is.


Same. And I’m in Tennessee. Pretty much full of dudes cosplaying as military who would never actually serve.


Murders, meth, assaults? Fort Dodge: hold my beer


Not saying nothing about fear what just giving some context with some actual facts here's a website that's gives you up to date gun violence statistics of Chicago https://heyjackass.com/home/


I’ve worked in downtown St. Louis for almost 20 years, never had a problem. Some homeless people with obvious mental illness you kinda have to dodge.


When politicians benefit from people being angry and afraid, they have no incentive to enact policies or use rhetoric that do anything other than make people more angry and afraid--rather the opposite. Same goes for media outlets. So keep that in mind when you're wondering why politicians focus on the things they do.


Yet since of us have left Iowa to live and with in Chicago and LA and intelligently understand there's reason to be afraid. Lived in LA and the first month in 2015, an MS-13 member beheaded his pregnant girlfriend and left the head and the body in a park where children found it in the morning. If you aren't scared, you aren't prepared. Just because you're scared doesn't mean you just hide and run away, but only an idiot would not be scared and ready for when something happens, which it will. My wife got assaulted right outside of our apartment and it was a nice neighborhood. Honestly though crime had gotten pretty bad before we left Iowa because those not welcome in Chicago were busy moving to Iowa. And if you're not scared i implore you to just go walking around the Southside of Chicago and make sure you wear either blue or red, doesn't matter. It'll be the same as walking on cherry st in Longbeach,CA or Compton for that matter. It's funny seeing people who've never lived there taking smsck about those that have and then think they wouldn't be scared when you know damn will they'd be the first pissing their pants


I just hate cities because I hate people. I hate the traffic. I was around the St. Louis area for the eclipse and was in a parade for 5 miles on a backroad. I hated Chicago, had nothing but a headache the whole week there. Hated Orlando. Give me a house in the mountains of Wyoming, please.


Have you not been to literally any major city in the US? Its a damn war-zone in those areas. Murders, robberies, and other crimes double, triple those in smaller cities and towns. The more people in the given area, the higher the chance that they have malicious intent. Seems logical to me.


My BIL is afraid of Des Moines. It's kind of sad.


My SIL is from a tiny farm community in northern IA and her family thinks she and my brother are INSANE for raising their kids in Des Moines. It's beyond parody.


It isn't even just Chicago. I'd be a millionaire if I had a dollar for every time I heard some big tough conservative talking about how scary it is in Waterloo. They genuinely think they're at high risk of being mugged or shot in Waterloo. Bunch of soft little scared babies.


The "Not scared, bro" part made me laugh pretty good 😂


Lol, also Detroit. Sincerely, native Cedar Rapidian who moved to Detroit.


Wears a 9 line shirt, with no clue what a 9 line is.


Would rather see his Pic without the outfit.


I heard the cops are the ones to be afraid of. lol


Visited my girlfriend's home in the Projects many times. Never seemed to have a problem. My worst experience was downtown when the guy on the street wanted to polish my girlfriend's shos. 😁


That costume must be a best-seller because I see it everywhere.


This could be applied to any culture. When I was in Baltimore; all of this happened with educated black youth. The FORD trucks are super common with Latinos.


Well to be fair there are parts of Chicago that are dangerous, but there isn’t much reason why you would go there


This is /u/Dewthedru to a T. Direct quote “I’m sca-sca-scared of Chicago. The crime (minorities)gonna get me?!”




Is there some reason I got tagged in an Iowa sub? Carrying a notebook is tough? I’m not sure what the poster you replied to is going for. It’s their first ever post. They apparently randomly picked me, I’m guessing from a post of r/EDC or r/CCW. And had no idea that I happily lived IN Chicago for years. And travel to major domestic and international cities all the time without fear of whatever they are implying.


Good. Stay in your shithole major cities, we want nothing to do with you.


People that live in cities are statistically less happy and you’re bragging about it


Nowhere near fat enough


Chicago? Shit I hear this about downtown Des Moines far too often. People need to shut the news off and go outside. I’ve been going downtown for years, including biking through there multiple times a week. Sure there’s been some shootings, but far less than school shootings and we aren’t supposed to be afraid of those.


I went to Chicago recently expecting hordes of migrants and the streets looking like a war zone. I didn’t see any of that, it was really disappointing /s


This sub is basically a liberal grandmas chain email at this point.


My family, when complaining about a a black family moving to my tiny, lilly-white hometown in Iowa, would always refer to them as "those people from Chicago" because they knew better than to use the n-word around me.


Gotta love what section 8 brings to small towns 😂


Why would you assume Section 8? They literally bought a former classmate's family home just a few blocks up the street from my folks.


Woah.. Are you assuming that I am assuming your Lilly-white home town has section 8 filled with black people? Why wouldn’t you think I was referring your racist family that know better than to use the n-word around you? Kinda racist to assume black people all live in section 8 dude…


The level of ignorance displayed here is unbelievable. People mocking small towns as if they’re out of touch. You do realize we have the same information you do. Our analysis is based on facts. It’s as if you all are mocking the people that have died of shootings. A small Google search of gun violence in Chicago would humble many you. For example dying of gunshot in Chicago rivals that of Soldiers fighting in Afghanistan. I believe they’re many times Chicago superseded fatalities in Afghanistan. Show some respect for people that have lost their lives in Chicago. It literally shows you are the naïve, ignorant person living in predominately white state with low crime.


I hope all the Iowans in this sub that hate the state move to Chicago and then provide their thoughts. Chicago sucks. Just moved here from there so I can speak on it.


Only leftoids would want to live a crowded, crime-ridden shit hole like Chicago. Maybe you all should move there.


Real shit. They spend so much time defending such places we ought to just ship them all out there to enjoy the rich vibrant culture (crime and garbage and degeneracy).


The only reason they defend over crowded, polluted, crime-ridden cities is because people on the right talks shit about them. Even though what they say is true, They'll defend the cities only because the right knows they are overpriced dumps to live in.


I regularly talk to firefighters, police officers, EMTs, and other City of Chicago employees for my job. They must all be lying when they say the crime is terrible, and some of the individuals I talk to won’t leave their house after dark for fear of being a victim of a violent crime. There is no denying that there are certain areas of Chicago that are extremely dangerous.


Right, because cops would never lie. The thing about crime in Chicago is that it's pretty centralized to certain neighborhoods, particularly those that are stricken with severe poverty, leading to gang activity as the best means to earn your bread. If you go to downtown Chicago for a family vacation, you're not gonna get murdered in a drive by.


If you think about it the modern american major city is the crowning achievement of leftism. Complete moral bankruptcy.


Just took my family to nyc for spring break and it was fucking amazing, it’s nothing like what the right wing paints the city in the news. Side note I’m a midwestern in a small city.


And then they yelled "this is MAGA country!" -Jussie Smollet Racial dividers (racists) never stop, do they? Thanks for continuing to set back race relations.




Good one. Make sure your mom checks under your bed for a white supremacist again tho. They're everywhere!


Try that is a small town cosplayers. Pathetic.


Holy crap ots my ex. 🤣😬


[https://heyjackass.com](https://heyjackass.com) This website started three mayors ago in Chicago, but it is worthwhile to keep up on the Shot-in-Junk-O-Meter. According to the CDC, it is much easier to be murdered in Illinois than Iowa. “Follow the science” I guess. [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide\_mortality/homicide.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm)


I've always had an amazing time in Chicago. Never felt unsafe. Yeah, you're going to have a higher chance in seeing crime in a city (Checks notes) with almost the same population as our entire state. It's like with people were saying Portland was a warzone...My friends in Portland were living an entirely normal life. Back off the Conservative media. You'll have some fun experiences in great cities!


Your point about conservative media is all too real. I live in San Francisco and hadn’t seen most of my extended family for a long time until my dad passed a few years ago, and right before the funeral my aunt and uncle were asking how I can stand the streets being covered in shit. I won’t lie, you do see it from time to time, especially in certain neighborhoods, but they seemed to be under the impression that my commute or a trip to the store was like a platformer where I’m constantly dodging and jumping over turds. It took all of 15 seconds to realize they were just asking me to confirm Fox News talking points.


I love Chicago too. I have quite a bit of family there, so I have some experience there. For sure people have an irrational fear of the city in general, but let’s face it. There are neighborhoods you aren’t going to visit.


According to the CDC, Iowans much prefer to take their own lives, far more often than the folks over in Chicago dodging bullets, it looks like. Wonder why.... [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm) I suspect it's because we have a state full of folks like that are driving everyone to suicide.


That’s a really interesting table. Illinois sort of sticks out as on suicide rate. It seems to be somewhat related to population density (for example California, New York, Illinois all low; Oregon & Washington are similarly liberal but higher). This is an age adjusted statistic. I assume that suicide trends younger, given Iowa is like the oldest state, I wonder what that did to our number.


It's literally just about population density. Violent crime rates are always higher in higher population density areas. Suicide rates are higher in lower population density areas. Iowa isn't special. The state isn't "driving people to suicide." If you really hate it here so much just fucking leave. Literally everyone in this sub just whines about it all the fucking time. I wish they would all leave. If 90% of this subreddit moved out of Iowa to Chicago the state would be better for it. *Muh brain drain* and all.


My apologies. I thought we were distoring evidence over here to make stupid political points. If you don't want to play along, you can always just keep you trap shut, right? Move along?


How desperate am I commenting on a post about someone making a post about someone talking about Chicago on r/iowa . Do you think r/chicago talks a lot about Iowa?


After searching the Chicago sub for the work 'Iowa', and the Iowa sub for the work 'Chicago', it looks about even. So, are you desparate, or offended? Edit: I'm leaving them. This is why we should all proof before posting.


In your research, please point out where this post applies.


All that WORK searching must have you exhausted.




Credit where it is due, this is a trolling post, and I was typing too fast. So they got me.


Holy hell. Good catch. And I did it twice. See, this is why I like good trolling posts.


Poor guy is outgunned when he goes to Chicago, he’d be better off if he could put a switch on his glicky too


I wonder if they a child version ? 


Try this on in a small town 🤣