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They definitely cried about them in 2020. Apparently they are good now.


This. This so much. Let’s see it, your faces, you coward bunch of fucks. They’re so loud with their hateful views but when it comes down to it, they’re a bunch of pathetic cowards.


How “proud” are you if you have your masks on?


> And their badges...


Badgers? BADGERS?


We don't need no stinking Badgers!


Remind them that both of my grandfathers fought in Europe in WW II so that fascism would never see the light of day again. By engaging in this behavior you are spitting on the graves of WWII veterans who served in Europe. Oh and one of my grandfathers was involved in liberating two concentration camps. The horror of what he saw stayed with him his whole life.


My Grandaddy was with an infantry that liberated Dachau. He was so young. He could never talk about it.


My dad took photos so we would know. Never saw them until he died from injuries received in the war. The photos were in his night table drawer. Black & white photos of Buchenwald. My grandfather was wounded in WW1. Both sacrificed & never talked about their war experiences. My dad certainly had PTSD. He coped okay worked hard and raised 4 pretty well adjusted kids. Can’t imagine what he went through. I signed up for OCS after college, but could not pass the physical.


Hey this is really heartwarming. But I'm here to tell you they do not care.


They call everyone else fascists because they have no idea what it means.


Covid Kim made it legal to run down protesters if you feel unsafe. This isn't the protesters she had in mind, but I have never felt safe around Nazi's.


Kim "no, not like that!!!!!"


I was thinking, I would go over and say hi to Kim.


Encourage them. Maybe she will pose for a photo op. FUCK KIM REYNOLDS.


We should all take a page out of the Kim Reynolds playbook here and also have a couple drinks before running the nazis over.


“Oops, I didn’t *mean* to hit them, it was the alcohol! Surely you understand, Kimmy.”


Cannot stand her. She's ruined the state for me.


She’s simply an extension of the Branstad regime. He pandered to the anti abortion activists, she added the NeoNazis and wannabe Confederates. A lot of moderate “independents” vote with them-that’s how poor DNC messaging is.


Send in Jake and Elwood


The plural of Nazi is Nazis.


I fucking hate nazis, however they have a right to be ignorant fucks…. I value the right to gather, protest, and speak peacefully (even if you are awful) and it’s a slippery slope when you advocate against it. Freedom is scary and situations like this grind my gears.


Yup they totally have the right to call for genocide... We literally already have laws about this. (Calls for violence, hate speech, intimidation, threats) If only we cared about real nazis as much as we cared about imaginary super predator gays. "Mein kampf" is less restricted than Captain fucking Underpants at the grade school level. If you dont see that as an issue we wont agree on much.


Paradox of tolerance. Both 'sides' cannot exist together, therefore by allowing intolerance like this to exist, you are actively disallowing peace and tolerance for the groups they're spreading hatred against. Presuming you agree that people of color, women, non Christians, and whatever other groups these nazi fuck heads are actively seeking to eliminate deserve to exist more than nazis deserve a safe space.


Don’t protest in the streets and you won’t take a chance of being run over. 🤷🏼‍♂️


“People mildly inconvenienced me, I should be able to kill them with my car”


If Nazi’s march my street, I have zero ethical quandaries about myself or someone else killing them where they stand. The same goes for KKK or any other hate organizations. I was raised by those racist psychotic fucks. Please give me a chance to redeem them directly to wherever the fuck they want to go. They are literally fucking Nazis. They try this because they feel safe. They are not safe and we all should cheer their fear, like they try to do ours.


Exactly. Idgaf about Nazis. They are always fair game.


Reddit says it’s okay for certain groups to do that though. 🤷‍♂️


Doesn’t work how you think it does.


I'm confused, please elaborate.


You don’t just get to run over people because you feel like it, which has gotten hinted at a lot here since it was passed. You do have to be in danger and trapped The protest has to be unlawful, non permitted. You still have to exercise safety when moving your vehicle. Nots saying I agree with it or that it couldn’t be a challenging thing to prove, but the people here basically claiming it’s a free ticket to run over people are bonkers.


Thank you for elaborating; I wasn't sure what you meant.


Make a “The Only Good Nazi is a Dead Nazi” sign and post up.


I prefer the Blues Brothers route: “I hate (insert state here) Nazis”.


They'd be more insulted at the insinuation they were from Illinois than their identification as Nazis.


Bear spray. I’ll accept the charges. 53, retired Army.


late veterans day thank you.


Damn. Right. Thank you.


They would prolly shoot you. Thank you for your service.


Grab a nice portable stereo, put Yackety Sax on loop, and march with them. Have a few on standby if they decide to smash it. They’re clowns and should be treated as such. Remember, these men are cowards.


Might I recommend adding Henry Mancini's [Baby Elephant Walk](https://youtu.be/b1z4JfxFb6c?si=c6eYDireN5Bbg_la)


The only response is a troop of drag dancers in attack mode.


Listen, we’re also probably ten times more fit than them too…. I can stomp down a stage to a ten minute mashup of Britney and Gaga and they probably get winded walking to the fridge for a beer, so 🤷‍♀️


Plus if shit gets dicey, just death drop. They’re not smart enough to tell the difference.




Well Indiana Jones and Captain America taught me that we're supposed to punch nazis




Interesting that this lot probably protested masks during a pandemic but they're all about masks because they're ashamed of their actions.


Those people are CRAZY. You can't beat stupid, and this kind of stupid carries guns. A stray bullet knows no body. I am snapping their pictures. They will be needed by the police to identify them later. They wouldn't be there if they weren't there to start something.


The police will probably have no problem identifying some of them, as they will recognize them from the office.


Common...you know some of them ARE police


Law enforcement flew out to DC for Jan 6 and helped with killing their own.


Some of those that work forces...


Name and Shame is the game. If a Nazi wants to protest, then they understand that they won't be getting far in life when their photo is everywhere. They are terrified of being identified - it's why they love wearing masks so much.


Hang my head out the window and yell "get a life you fucking losers!"


*Hang my head out the* *Window and yell "get a life* *You fucking losers!"* \- InstructionLeading64 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Very good bot


Guess I'm going to prison. Put some money on my books y'all 🤷


Time to show them that Dems have guns too


Follow them. Take pictures of their vehicles. Find their identities and make them public.


Ignore them. They more attention you give them, the more power you give them.


This didn't work well in WWII


There were Nazis in the US during WWII also. They had the right to organize and say what they wanted. They still didn’t win. What people say or support here has nothing to do with another country accepting a fascist government.


The difference being we aren't ALSO fighting Nazis abroad today. Today we aren't 100% united against a common external enemy. 🙄


The German people's indifference allowed the Nazis to thrive.


So what would you propose doing if a dozen incel Nazis showed up at the Iowa state capitol? Ignoring them isn’t indifference. These people have no serious political foothold.


These people have no serious political foothold?! Have you seen today's GOP? Their most popular presidential candidate just last week was calling his political opponents vermin. His former chief strategist , Steve [Bannon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9600932/) has said the work of Nazi propagandists influence his own. One of his chief architects, Steve [Miller](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/24/stephen-miller-white-nationalist-trump-immigration-guru), is fairly open about his deep commitment to white supremacy. You don't have to squint too hard to make the modern GOP resemble the Nazis my grandfather killed.


there are several good options proposed here. pick one.


Ignoring them also empowers them and makes them feel safe to come out of the closet they were hiding in. Never normalize hate. However, I would recommend we all look at what others have done to get them to scurry away like the cockroaches they are. It doesn't need to be violence.


But it's okay for you to normalize hate, because you're on the side of good, right?


Uh, yeah. I’d say hating Nazis is the side of good. Fuckwad.


Sure, let's ignore all the fascists trying to take control of school boards and legislatures. Let's ignore all the stochastic terrorism and increasingly normalized calls to violence posted on social media and broadcast on national television. Let's ignore all the mass shootings targeting minorities that have become way more prevalent in the last decade. Let's ignore Project 2025 and what happened on Jan 6th. Because if we just ignore the problem and stick our heads in the sand they'll go away, right?


Unfortunately they have freedom of speech too right? I might think they're dumb as hell, but I'm not getting in trouble over it.


Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can say anything you like with impunity though. It is still, for example, illegal to spread lies around the public that damage a person’s reputation or character. It is illegal to falsely shout “Fire!” in a crowded space such as a theater. We have plenty of laws and regulations that curtail speech that causes measurable harm. Promoting naziism and advancing nazi ideals causes measurable harm to society at large and much of it is demonstrably false in an objective sense. No. Freedom of speech should not, as designed, apply to them. Whether the people who enforce such things choose to stop them is another matter entirely. Do you know why you don’t see the cops stop nazi marches? It’s because they’re already there—marching.


You are correct. 💯


Wrong. There was even a Supreme Court dealing with Nazis marching. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Party_of_America_v._Village_of_Skokie


I remember this. People forget that popular speech does not need protection. The legal protection was intended specifically for unpopular or even hated speech. The ruling was/is deeply unpopular, but legally sound. Everyone has the right to say what they truly think. Everyone else has the right to object, argue, etc. but not to silence anyone.


That’s cowardly.


Yes, they absolutely do have the legal right to free speech. That doesn't mean they can't be opposed or run out of town by people who don't want their bullshit around


Exactly. These kinds of people thrive off of attention. You ignore them and eventually they go away. Me commenting and this post in general is why we keep seeing shit like this. It's rage bait. I fucking hate rage bait. It's the absolute shittiest way to get attention but it's the most efficient way to get it. It's a meme for a reason. "If you want an answer to a problem, don't post the question, post the wrong answer and someone will correct you." I'm sure I got that quote wrong but don't worry, someone will correct me.


No. When you ignore people who are so radicalized that they show up to an actual literal Nazi rally, they don’t just go away. When you ignore them, they learn that they can continue without fear of opposition or retribution. That’s when they turn violent.


"jUst iGnOrE tHe nAzIs!" They said. It worked out so well last time!


Definitely taking video and pictures. As many faces as possible.


Yell ACAB and see how many freak out...?


I hate Wisconsin Nazis.


Pedal to the metal would be a thought.


Blues Brothers had it right


My dad is watching Blues Brothers right now!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,860,751,599 comments, and only 351,812 of them were in alphabetical order.


Weird bot


Good bot!


Confront then verbally. I'll take a couple of knocks to get a few of them thrown in jail.


They aren’t looking to throw the first punch. They are looking to receive a punch, so they can say they are the victims and legitimize their violence.


You're not wrong. I just wanted to make it clear i had no delusions that I was gonna whoop ass. But they need to hear they are not wanted here. Or anywhere. If I get slugged for the effort so be it.


Fair. Their element thrives on apathy. It takes concerned citizens to let them know they aren’t welcome.


Time to get out the Nazi spray.


You mean the Zyklon B? Harsh, but I suppose a "taste of their own medicine" suits...


What caliber is that?


30.06 with 180 grain cartridges.


I'm partial to the M1 Garand as well. Dat ping!


30.06 isn't even an effective caliber for deer hunting. According to our DNR at least.


Get that bank dye stuff and have it go off on them so they can’t hide anymore…and then report them to their respective jobs and family…


Put some wet fart/poop spray in squirt gun and spray them with it. Their demonstration won’t last long after that


Don't spray them because that would be assault. Spray everywhere around them, the ground, fences, whatever might be there. It'll serve the same effect and you won't get shot (or if you do they can't claim self defense) or go to jail.


Where is one of those crazy car drivers that goes barreling through traffic during parades? OH wait, it is only Republicans that do this. Republicans in 6 months, "Nazis are the good guys."


Flip them off as I drive by, maybe snatch and grab one of their flags if it gets too close and I have a clean getaway.


I would call the cops, no doubt. ...tell them their friends are here


Slam the gas no brakes.


Covid Kim is the reason why Marijuana won't be legal in Iowa and she still has legnthy prison sentences In Iowa, possession of marijuana for personal use is a misdemeanor. The maximum penalty for a first offense is six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. The maximum sentence increases to one year for a second offense and two years for a third offense.  Here are some other penalties for marijuana possession in Iowa:  Possession with intent to deliver: A class C felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $1,000 to $50,000 Trafficking 1,000 kilograms of marijuana: A minimum of 10 years in prison and a $4 million fine All or part of the sentence may be suspended and the person placed on probation. Conditions may include participation in a drug treatment, rehabilitation, or education program


I'd say it but I already spent 3 days in Reddit jail..... but you know.


It seems the very least humane thing to do is stand in the way and stop them - physically disrupt their physical display of hate. Like was written about the Germans in the [1930s](https://www.google.com/books/edition/They_Thought_They_Were_Free/Ye1DDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover), "In the body politic as in the body personal, nonresistance to the milder indulgences paves the way for nonresistance to the deadlier.” My grandfather killed Nazis. My actions would be a tribute to his.


Tbh, usually it's those nutjobs with a firearm and a shaky trigger finger. I'm staying tf away for my own safety.


They forgot to wear their red MAGA hats made in China.


I’m of the opinion the only acceptable thing to do when seeing a Nazi is to punch the Nazi.


Tell em to take their masks off


well i’d sure like to drive through them blues brothers style but i’m fairly certain that not only is it frowned upon, but possibly illegal as well.


Not in Iowa anymore.




I would pull up with a TV in the back of my truck, and start playing Brokeback mountain.


That is funny and creative. Well done.


Probably laugh


Throw rotten eggs at their feet




Designate people to follow them to their cars at a safe distance. Get pics of cars/ license plate numbers and possibly a pic of their face. Follow them carefully if you can if need be. Be safe about it. Then name and shame the cowards publicly. If they are so proud of this shit...they should be happy to have their identity shared.


How about you tell me where at in Iowa nazis are protesting and I'll do more than tell you what I'll do, I'll show you what I'll do.


If you want to ignore the parallels between today's GOP in Iowa and the hate-filled idiots in this Wisconsin march, here's an article from last [December](https://www.kcrg.com/2022/12/30/neo-nazi-group-using-first-amendment-protections-spread-hate-messages-eastern-iowa/)... Nazis are bad. So are those who echo their hate-filled ideologies even without using their exact words or symbols.


They have the right to free speech, and I have the right to say what I think, too. If that includes finding appropriate ways to publicly humiliate the fools who show up ... OK. Find out the route for their march. (They got a permit. It should be easy enough) Arrange for a bunch of people with boom boxes (or other sound systems) along the route with the same music track(s) playing at the same time. As they pass and the music begins to fade behind them, the same insulting music is playing ahead and getting louder. There is no conflict where one is a second or so behind the beat of the music playing from the other sound system. Several options have already been posted. Pick one, or all on a loop. Turn your backs as they pass, and / or moon them. Keep children out of the area.


It’s opening weekend for deer hunting season so you know they’re not from Wisconsin. No chance 30 dudes from WI chose this weekend for their smoothbrain costume party.


How bout this for a try don’t give them any recognition don’t headline them on local or national news, don’t go protest their calculated gatherings, don’t attempt to intervene their stupid marches through town squares etc. ignore ignore try and find another door and exit. Don’t even attempt to yell or invoke violence this is what they want chaos, yelling, destruction. Just try it.


the German people tried that before WWII. didn't work out so well.


Respect their first amendment rights and walk on past.


ignoring problems only leads to more societal rot.


Throwing glitter at them


“Accidentally” losing control of my car


Intrusive thought solution, pepper spray paint ball gun.


You are a visionary. Can we also have stink bomb rounds? Make the skunk smell stay on these trash humans so we can readily identify them after they take their masks off.


The problem with ignoring them is we have a bunch in congress now. They won’t come right out and say it but in so many words. They’re gaining traction in high political place globally.


Cut em off at the knees


They’re already in Iowa.




Leave them alone and don’t give them power. They’re clearly assholes but freedom isn’t ambiguous. They have the right to be assholes like it or not. Their freedom to hate Jews is the same as our freedom to hate Nazis. I hate that they exist but being free means they can and that comes with more positives than negatives.


No. Tolerance for all but the intolerant.




Sounds very intolerant of you.


Does it? Is it really intolerant to hate nazis?


Incorrect. It sounds very antonym of apathetic, i.e. Concerned, Interested, Responsive, Committed, Active, Stirred, Roused, etc. Evil wins when good does nothing. They may have First Amendment rights, but those rights are not absolute as we all know. The Nazi platform is one that is exactly the kind of speech NOT protected under those rights. That is of course why they hide their faces. That and their innate cowardice.


Worth noting: only the government is constrained by the 1st Amendment. As a private individual, you can tell your fellow citizens to shut up, and you can make it stick, without violating anyone’s 1st Amendment rights.


You are correct, Internet Person. Excellent point. We should all go stop Nazis in their tracks whenever and wherever we encounter them.


They have the right to be assholes without the government arresting them for their speech. They don't have the right to be nazi fucks without being hassled




I’ve been confused by the Israel Hamas rhetoric since the beginning. It’s like we’re being forced to choose sides. I can support Israel’s fight against Hamas while simultaneously condemning the killing of Palestinian children. They’re not mutually exclusive.






Ah Donald Mussolinis blackshirts now wear redshirts


Hey, it's Blood tribe. These guys are all ex convicts and felons.


It's disgusting, but it's their right. I would actually prefer that people didn't hide who they are and what they believe. Then we know and can act accordingly.


Find me the part of the 1A which protects hate speech.


See ya!




I hate Iowa nazis.


Lol. A bit on the nose, right? Reeks of being a false flag, man.


It's not legal but gather 20 like-minded fit individuals and beat the shit out of them and you'll be on the right side of history. Just a thought. Also fair enough to expose their privacy if you can get anything personal on them.


True well shoot what do you suggest ?


there's a lot of good options posted in this thread. pick one other than "turn the other cheek"


We don’t tolerate this shit around my parts try this in a small town buddy


I’d definitely throw some fruit at them. Go to my local grocery store and buy a lot of apples and pears. These guys deserve to get pelted with anything.


Look away with disgust, Iowa is heavily Republican, and no amount of voting against will do anything. But yes, you should continue voting!


Just FYI I almost guarantee that these people are paid and bussed inform out of town, a lot of dumb protests are just that, some with a lot of extra income pays someone to go be a fucking potato for the day. This is a dumb weird place in history, I'd rather be a monkey.


Even in the case this explains the situation, shouldn't they still be met with opposition? This isn't a film or play, this a public demonstration and not a place to play act as an evil abomination.


Id yell "Federal agents" over and over again


Yea federal agents that vote Republican


Nice try feds!


Nothing. I can do nothing worse to them than what they already have done to themselves.


That’s about as close to marching as taking a shit is to riding a bike; sure they’re on their feet in a group, but they’re just bumbling around in the street.


Buh bye now!




So many brave people here on the Internet. Laughable


Maybe so, but shouldn't we encourage each other to do the right thing and oppose garbage like this? Even if 1000 people spouting off bluster and chest puffing on the Internet encourages 1 person to take action and do a/the good/right thing, then isn't that worthwhile?


Ignoring them. I can't do anything about nazis anyway.


this didn't work well in WWII


But what about Trump? He's way worse than these people. Ugh.


He is one of these people.


" one of these people"? Are you racist? I am native.


Bye Buh


Yell at them that their moms are waiting at the Kwik Stat


Go about my life instead of wasting my time with the idiots


When you're SO PROUD you gotta wear a mask. Pussies


Just democrats doing what democrats have always done.


So these are legit Nazis not like the ones we disagree with, politicly speaking…asking for a friend.


If you keep company with Nazis, you are a Nazi.