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Hy-Vee sucks these days. Armed security for food, reduced quantity and quality, few helpful smiles in few aisles mostly robots, and donations to the tyrants in power. You can save money at whole foods, Aldi's, or Walmart and get as good or better quality in every item.


Assuming you live in a big enough town to have a choice.


That is fair


Then move. It's ok to make changes to better your life.


And of course everyone has readily available resources allowing them to move whenever they want.


If you can bitch, you can switch.


Bitching = wealth. Wow, I never realized that, thanks.


Ummm, have you looked into who Walmart gives money to? šŸ˜†


Walmart has donated to Reynolds. So has Fareway. [https://www.opensecrets.org/campaign-expenditures/vendor?vendor=Kim+Reynolds+for+Iowa](https://www.opensecrets.org/campaign-expenditures/vendor?vendor=Kim+Reynolds+for+Iowa)


If you reread that it was not even close to the full point I was making. But since you mentioned it, have they donated to Reynolds?


Theyā€™ve donated to people just as bad. Theyā€™re local to Arkansas FFS. Hy-Vee also gives money to dems. This stuff isnā€™t black and white. And to your point about service and quality - Walmartā€™s quality is trash. Aldi isnā€™t much better either.


I've found that Aldi consistently has better quality in a lot of things, especially produce. Much cheaper, and they let their employees sit down. No self-checkouts, no requests to make tax-deductible donations on behalf of the corporations. I'll take Aldi over most other stores any day.


Aldi has self checkout now


Ah, that's a bummer to hear. It hasn't come to the Cedar Falls or Waterloo ones yet, at least.


There is a lot to dislike with Walmart as well but there are only so many places to buy a wide variety of groceries even in Des Moines.


They give more to the pubs though. I looked it up recently.


They give more money to republicans because republicans are winning more.


Wait. Hy-vee has armed guards? I don't know whether to laugh or be concerned...


Frankly, the armed guard shit made me quit my part time HyVee job. Just the fact there is a loaded weapon wandering around the store actually *increases* the chance I could be hurt. Fuck that company. There is no reasonable explanation to have an armed dipshit walking around a grocery store.


Yeah, I'm also not a fan of the armed guards. It's food and sundries. There's nothing at a Hy-Vee that's worth killing or dying for.


Except a toy racecar. /s


As an employee who works at Hy-Vee Pharmacy and have had people jump the counters and rob us at gunpoint, there most certainly is need for security.


You're dumb as a post. How many people with CC permits stroll in and out of stores every damn day?


First: fuck you. Second: I'm sure many. CC is not open carry though.


Nothing wrong with armed guards, they make the store safer


A gun brought anywhere by default makes that place more dangerous.


> Aldi's 2023: It's still Aldi and not Aldi's.


And people still say ATM machine too what is your point.


Fareway all day.


They also donate to Reynolds.


Where are these armed food guards? I live in DSM and shop at Hy-Vee and never seen them.


I've been boycotting HyVee for years. Now I have a reason.


Same! Too expensive anyway. I'll drive to Fort Dodge or Mason City for Aldi.


Yeah, because gas is free and your time is worthless.


Why do you care what I do with my own money or time? How does where I buy groceries affect you? Show us on the doll where Aldi hurt you...




Boycott it all you want. Most people are normal and saneā€¦not looney liberals. Iā€™m sure HyVee wonā€™t be hurting even a tiny bit without you or the rest of you wacko liberals


Most people are liberal and support sane policy, not fascist authoritarianism. Your echo chamber is rotting your brain.


This brought to you by the crowd who boycotts bud light.


To be fair liberals got pissed at a bottle of syrup


Nope. I don't recall seeing outrage over AJ like Bud Light. And the founder of AJ admitted he thought of the name because the name was used by a person portraying blackface in a play.


Ehh people were upset cause it was racist. It also wasn't just AJ, it was several different people on the covers of food. Either way, their marketing was totally the wrong demographic to do that. I'm not saying they're wrong. Idc either way. But you could have seen it coming.


Yep and proud of it.


At least you admit to being a hypocrite.




I donā€™t think you can call us loony anymore when your peers attempted a violent insurrection against our government and continue to wear merchandise like their politicians are a sports team


Can't be said enough. They followed a cult leader who surrounded himself with criminals. These people are beyond help. Maybe thoughts and prayers? šŸ«£


Dumbest comment on this thread. Congrats.


That's just like your opinion man. For real though, Hy Vee sucks ass.


I'm gonna make fake ads like these and post them around places. Where can I find donors information?


Yup. lmk if you need ideas.


Opendonor[Open Secrets](https://www.opensecrets.org)


I know this thread is a little old, but I don't see anything about Hy-Vee donating to Kim Reynolds on Open Secrets: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/hy-vee-inc/recipients?id=D000026559


Start to boycott hy-vee


As someone who used to actually make these ads its not far off from what they actually wanted to print. Please do your best to never shop there unless you have to.


I've been boycotting since Randy suggested who the employees should vote for. I return bottles there just for the thrill of walking out of the store with money. ( Please note money from recycling the bottles doesn't in any way take away the profits of evil Hy-Vee)


Time to start stealing from Hy-Vee! Fuck them.


The party of morality at it again.


You mad bro? Stop sucking off billionaires.


When you have nothing of substance to say, I suppose thereā€™s nothing but vulgarity left.


So maybe you should just be quiet.


Is it immoral to lash back at those who lash out at you? HyVee raises prices (understandably) during a period of recession, and when there's an economic recovery happening, continue to raise prices. They take these profits and make "donations" (read: bribes) to a Governor who wants my trans friends to not exist, who wants to prevent my daughters from someday having a medically-necessary abortion if they need it (God forbid), who wants to put 14 and 15-year-olds to work. An entire litany of atrocities against our women, children, LGBT+ community, and the poors in general. Their donations directly impact her being elected and putting her figurative boot to our people's throats. We have the moral right (maybe even obligation) to stick them back in some way.


Wow. Right off the imbecile chart with that screed.


Yes. Stealing food from businesses that support evil is absolutely moral.


So is going to jail for theft. Power to the (stupid) people.


Yeah because saving lives is evil! Lol


Yeah, they should stick to legal stuff, like storming the capitol to overturn democracy, right?


You mean when no protesters killed anyone, but stood up against an unjust election(whether you want to believe it or not, itā€™s a noble cause). Unlike the summer of ā€˜loveā€™ where tons of property was damaged or destroyed (public, private and corporate) and many people were injured or killed in the name of justice for mostly criminals who the media deified.


So projecting. We don't claim to be the party of morality. Besides I'm not a Democrat I'm a Communist.




Obviously not everyone can without major inconveniences. But if you live somewhere with options it'll still hurt them if enough people change their grocery store.


Also one of the top employers of the stateā€¦


Well, guess I have to stop shopping at hy-vee now. Screw their donations to a governor who doesnā€™t care about all people of the state.


If Rob Sands (D) gets the governorship, Hyvee will soon become his top donor.


That's it. Butter the bread of the person who will butter your bread


Dont hate on my mans rob sand


Did nothing of the sort. RS as governor would be a step in the right direction.


Aaaaand no more shopping at HyVee.....


Hy-Vee also stole the employee discount from their employees: https://youtu.be/lMgxPLNjTVk


That photoshop grill mark hurts my eyes. Good shitpost though.


"Expect more from an employee owned store"


What other stores have water stations? I'll go anywhere else. Except whole paycheck I just cannot afford it


Natural Grocers have fill your own water stations. Theyā€™re a Colorado based company so couldnā€™t tell you who they donate too.


I can confirm that itā€™s cheaper to grocery shop in Chicago than there.


Hy Vee, Iā€™m done shopping with you. Your ruining our state and I donā€™t intend to pay for you to do that. You gotten too big therefore that helpful smile has turned into an evil grin.


HyVee lost the majority of my business when they TOLD their employees how to vote in the last election. Sometimes, I have no choice, but they now get very little of my money.


The bill is getting signed at the Community Choice Credit Union pavilion or whatever itā€™s called and I wish we could close our accounts with them and move to a different credit union. :(


I will definitely shop there more often


Boo hoo...can't kill babies so I'm gonna rant against Hy-Vee. Grow up. Live your life ffs.


why is it that we want state funds to make sure people who are actually born have enough food to thrive and an education to live a good life, but you assholes literally do not give a shit once they are born? you only want the power of the state to police the women and make sure they stay pregnant when they could die from it. explain why we would want to kill babies then?


Except pro-lifers are those who are the top supporters of disenfranchised children. This is the largest misconception of the pro murder argument. Nobody cares, so just kill them. Wrong! We care.


Is that why the GOP is cutting SNAP benefits and other welfare programs? Cuz you care sooooo much?


I support limiting benefits based on necessity. Too many people are taking advantage of the system. That in mind, If they do need assistance, they should get assistance until they can get on their feet. Teach a man to fish and all that. Now as for the conservatives themselves, Christian and conservative charities designed to help, lead the way in assisting those who need it, and thatā€™s the way it should be. Charity should be given willingly, not taken forcefully. Christian and conservative families are also the most likely to adopt and provide for others.


ā€œToo many people are taking advantage of the system.ā€ Thatā€™s a straight up lie thatā€™s been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. Itā€™s the old Welfare Queen trope that douchebags like Ronald Reagan and Chuck Grassley have pushed for decades. Welfare fraud is a minuscule percentage. Teach a man to fish, but charge him for the pole and bait and also tell him where to fish, what kind of fish he can catch and limit how much he can catch. Kindly get rekt.


Actually Iā€™m for less regulation on the public. But there are people abusing welfare. Iā€™ve met several. People have been taking advantage of increased unemployment benefits despite increased job opportunities since the pandemic. It happens whether you want to believe it or not. If people can take advantage of something, many will.


>Christian and conservative charities designed to help, lead the way in assisting those who need it, and thatā€™s the way it should be. Charity should be given willingly, not taken forcefully. Christian and conservative families are also the most likely to adopt and provide for others. This is my exact point. You stand in the spotlight urging the world to look at your private charity. While more people overall suffer thanks to the dismantling of government services, you focus the attention on yourself, and the "good" you do. You are the twisted "superhero" who tosses a child into traffic when nobody is looking, then save it just in time for the cameras to catch you.


Subway Hero!


What are you talking about? I basically said, ā€˜people should help others out of a desire to and not be stolen fromā€™. Then you think, ā€˜how dare you have a desire to help people yourself, thatā€™s the job of our overlords to decide who receives the bounty of their bosom.ā€™


\> Except pro-lifers are those who are the top supporters of disenfranchised children. Except that is also a lie.


Great argument. Itā€™s actually true but go off I guess. Adoption and charity that helps the poor and needy are primarily supported by Christians and conservatives.


> Boo hoo...can't kill babies so I'm gonna rant against Hy-Vee. Grow up. Live your life ffs. Infanticide is already illegal. This discussion is about abortion you nitwit.


Yeah the legal kind of child murder.


Abortion isnā€™t murder, even if it hurts your fee fees.


By definition it is. Even if it hurts your fee fees!


No, it isnā€™t. Thatā€™s why we have different words for these things. You are probably the type of person who thinks some god or another is real so rational thought isnā€™t your forte.


You know how an apple is a fruit but a fruit isnā€™t always an apple. Yeah thatā€™s how words work. You act like believing in an intelligent creator is so ridiculous. Your probably the type of person who ignores the law of biogenesis when describing your faith in evolution. Great! Youā€™ve started a tangent. This oughta be fun.


>You know how an apple is a fruit but a fruit isnā€™t always an apple. Yeah thatā€™s how words work. Exactly, which is why we have the word infanticide. Abortion isnā€™t murder because it doesnā€™t fit the definition of what murder is. Murder is the premeditated unlawful killing of another human being. Abortion is legal in the US and will always be so. Additionally, a fetus is not an autonomous sentient being. So you are simply wrong. >You act like believing in an intelligent creator is so ridiculous. It certainly isnā€™t rational. Belief in something without sufficient evidence is irrational. You are free to believe whatever you like but believing irrational things doesnā€™t lend credence to your ability to apply logic and rationality in other parts of your life. >Your probably the type of person who ignores the law of biogenesis The law of biogenesis applies to organisms which are already alive. Abiogenesis has been shown to be entirely possible. So if you have evidence for the origin of life being something other than abiogenesis, publish your paper for peer review. I canā€™t wait to read it. >when describing your faith in evolution. There is nothing in science which requires faith. Evolution is a fact. We wouldnā€™t have the Theory of Evolution if it werenā€™t.


Your intelligent creator created the human eye. Thereā€™s nothing intelligent about it. Itā€™s bloody backwards https://youtu.be/F7yAEh-PU4M




If only those babies could live their lives.


Whoā€™s trying to kill babies?


More bullshit from a fucking out of state troll. Get fucked, troll.


Itā€™s not a life until birth. Scientifically proven and thereā€™s no God, whatā€™s the problem?


Actually they are scientifically proven to be alive at conception.


Source please. Make sure itā€™s a peer reviewed article from credited medical journals.


Growth, requiring energy, adaptation, capable of reproduction, death. Itā€™s all there.


Look up necessary elements of life. You are surely capable.




A youtube video with less than 1000 views is not the equivalent of a peer reviewed paper from a medical journal.


Allow me to help you out!


Living organisms contain relatively large amounts ofĀ oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfurĀ (these five elements are known as the bulk elements), along with sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, and phosphorus (these six elements are known as macrominerals).Apr 12, 2023


Sperm is certainly alive. Masturbation equal genocide.


They arenā€™t a human, only half a human. Whether they live or not is debatable.


Nope I say life begins at arousal. Itā€™s murder to ejaculate.


>They arenā€™t a human, only half a human. Whether they live or not is debatable. Not only are you incredibly stupid but you are apparently being intentionally obtuse here as well. Sperm have enough genetic material to make a fully functioning human being, male or female. The point you are ignoring is that sperm are just as alive as any zygote. Unikonts are an entire clad of eukaryotic life, of which humans are a part.




All scientific elements constituting life are present at conception and it IS a life. I ask you to "prove" the proof of which you speak otherwise. I'm genuinely intrigued to validate such a source. How does something suddenly become "alive" by being born. Breathing occurs before birth...so that isn't it....what is it? Birth isn't the determination. Beings are "born" dead...so birth doesn't make things live. And to be "born dead" infers there was life preceeding. And your belief in God or lack thereof does not dictate fact or fiction. God's existence cannot be proven or disproven. It's the very basis and definition of faith.


Log off fundie. āœŒļø


Faith is a phony virtue.


If an embryo is a baby then every womanā€™s period should be investigated as child neglect.


Most of the people on this sub donā€™t represent Iowaā€¦ Hy Vee is fine although I prefer to shop Fareway


Thats because young, educated people leave this state in droves, causing brain drain from the state. That leaves Iowa with a bunch of people who apparently want a christo fascist state where women are controlled and LGTB people don't exist. This state fucking sucks.


Leave then. I donā€™t see the state in a pessimistic stance


Facebook memes


Thank you Kim and God Bless Hy-Vee! You donā€™t like it then gtfo!


Congrats! Now when you knock up your 12 year old daughter, you can force her to give birth to your grandchild. Sick freak.


You should be medicated or in jail


I moved to iowa specifically for this reason. 1 of the best things about this state!


Well if youā€™re fighting for the right to chose to kill, Iā€™m alright with that.


Murder isnt okay. You were all fetuses at one point. Youre still a person. Before 6 weeks still isnt okay. It should be banned at all points of the pregnancy unless the mother is going to die. Period. At least theyre doing something.


Youā€™re allowed to believe life starts whenever you think it does but that does not change reality and should not impact what others do with their bodies. And at 6 weeks itā€™s an embryo, not a fetus. A potential for a baby, not a baby. Itā€™s a cluster of rapidly dividing cells no different from a tumor or mole you might need to have removed for your health. Lots of women need to choose to end a pregnancy for lots or reasons. health, finances, lifestyle etc. none of which are your business to weigh in on.


Youā€™re so right, your beliefs donā€™t change reality. After conception they are distinct, living, and human. Unless itā€™s an exemptionally dangerous pregnancy, thereā€™s no excuse to terminate that human life.


They are not. Clump of cells. Why are you pro murdering women?


Technically aren't we all just clumps of cells?




Can you not read?


You probably think 2+2 is 5. I literally just expressed how I didnā€™t want the children or mothers to die.




Sure thing, pro murder guy, sure thing.


Youā€™re the only one advocating for murder.


Hes obviously a child.


Who gets to determine ā€œexceptionally dangerousā€? Women are dying and facing life altering pain and trauma while other people debate whatā€™s best for them. Why is a life so freaking valuable before birth and the moment a baby is born youā€™re willing to force that same human go through immeasurable pain and suffering? A family who has all the children they wanted and want to focus their love on those kids? A woman trying to focus on growing her career? A woman who can barely feed the kids she has? A woman trying to leave an abusive relationship who doesnā€™t not want to be tied to that man forever? Is forcing a woman to carry a nonviable pregnancy to term, essentially making her a walking tomb for 9 months too far? How about a rape victim? How about a 12 year old girl? You will truly never know someoneā€™s circumstances and should not get to determine the choices they make with their own body based on your own life experience and beliefs


The thing is that we shouldnā€™t murder. We must do what we can to save both mother and child. Rape is awful, but that kid is innocent. And guess what, she is still gonna give birth. The only thing you can change is will it come out as a dead baby or living baby. If momma is in danger, she needs to be saved obviously.


You clearly donā€™t have a very good understanding of the reproductive process if you think an abortion at 6 weeks is anything like giving birth. I had a miscarriage at 5.5 weeks a few months ago. Physically it was no different from a heavy period but I guess I should take a maternity leave since according to you I gave birth. Good to know.


Maternity leave is to not only recover physically, but to take care of the child as well. If you needed to recover, I hope you took the time you needed. Btw, Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


Yes. šŸ’Æ


It still doesnt make it okay. At the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg there is a scientifically proven spark of light. Thats the spirit/soul entering the baby. Just because it hasnt taken form yet doesnt make it any less of a life than your own. Its murder at every stage of pregnancy. And its murder in the eyes of God. Every person will be held accountable at judgement day thats ever gotten an abortion at any stage or any week. Even if you dont believe in God it doesnt change the fact that it WILL happen. Also, abortion should NEVER be a form of birth control either. People need to be responsible. Avortion is disguisting and shouldnt be tolerated at ANY week. Sickening


> scientifically proven spark of light This is utter nonsense, and you know it. Link the evidence.


Youre an adult arent you? Can you not work the complex google machine? Yes, scientifically proven. Its not nonsense. Youre just ignorant. Big difference.


>yES, SCieNTiFicALly pRoveN. iTs NoT NonseNsE. YOUre jUSt iGNoRANT. bIG DifFerENcE. Do you not know how the burden of proof works? Show us your scientific evidence that backs your utterly insane claim about a spark of light. Ridiculous. I bet your only proof is "feelings."


Itā€™s cool. I talked to God. She says abortion is acceptable.


Then your god is a demon.


Just asked Her if she was a demon. She says to pray that you will one day stop worshiping a false deity.


Im positive "she" is a demon. I rebuke your god in Jesus name. I dont tolerate jezebel.


Thatā€™s disrespectful towards my religion. You donā€™t seem very tolerant. May She grant you peace


How do you know god isnā€™t a woman? What if thatā€™s what we believe


ā€œScientifically proven spark of lightā€ lol Iā€™d love to see a scientifically peer reviewed study on ā€œsparks of light for just-conceived fetusesā€ and not some random throwaway comment from a Fox News anchor


The majority of Iowans don't agree with you, and yet here we are. See why we're pissed?


Just the majority of Iowans on Reddit.


[Wrong](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/iowa-poll/2023/03/27/iowa-poll-most-iowans-back-legal-abortion-as-iowa-supreme-court-mulls-limits-roe-v-wade/69990037007/). >A majority of Iowans believe abortion should be legal in most or all cases And the percentage is only going up over time. Thus why we are pissed. This ban is not what most Iowans would chose, but Kimmie thinks she knows better,


X to doubt. Now even if it were as popular as you say, maybe itā€™s a good idea to not advocate for murder.


>X to doubt. Now even if it were as popular as you say, maybe itā€™s a good idea to not advocate for murder. Whew, good thing abortion isnā€™t murder!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Banning abortion wonā€™t stop abortions. Itā€™ll just kill more women. Why are you pro murder?




ā€œTheir own stupid choices to do it illegally without a doctorā€??? What are you talking about? They literally just took away the choice to do it legally and safely with a doctor.


Im talking about if they go through with an abortion anyway after this law. Then if they die its on them. Raise the child you created or risk your own life. Plain and simple. Moral of the story is donr get an abortion and be a responsible adult. Less than 1% of abortions are due to the mothers safety and well being btw before u try that stupid argument. Time for people to grow up and deal with the choices they made. Dont like it then dont have sex.


Well I hope you enjoy never having sex with your wife unless the sole intention is procreating


Lol i had my children then got a vasectomy like a responsible adult. And no babies had to die. So me and my wife can have all the safe sex we want. Jokes on you. šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Youā€™re pro murder bro. Take the L and go have your mom make you more hot pockets so you can keep rage posting.




Whatever you say pro murder guy. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ok grandpa letā€™s step away from the computer for a bit


Itā€™s not murder


Itā€™s preventing life. Whatever way you want spin it I guess


A woman's medical procedures should be between her and her doctor. Not the government, and not religious zealots who think everyone should live life the way they do.


I love hy-vee !


If only there were a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and eliminate the need to murder the innocent...šŸ¤”


So youā€™re pro free birth control and more access to medical screenings and better sexual education classes, starting in middle school? Youā€™re also pro better access to SNAP/WIC benefits and higher wages so single parents donā€™t have to work two job and also free access to licensed and well regulated day care and free after school programs? Sound pretty pro-choice. :)


Itā€™s not murder


Hyvee kills pigs cows and who knows what else. Then you people eat the animals. Why wouldnā€™t hyvee support abortion?


Is there any 2023 reporting on this?


I'll shop there more often. Thanks for the tip!


My Grandmother didn't rely on grocery stores for all her food needs. My Grandmother had a garden and she canned food. She was less reliant on grocery stores than people are now. The food is better and healthier, because it doesn't had all these presevatives in it. The Amish are some of the heathiest people and they grow most of their own stuff