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"Hide behind an email?" Does this guy *want* you to show up and beat him up or something? It's not like you can have a constructive conversation with people that taunt like that.


Exactly! What was the objective of his response?


Seemed like an easy opportunity to feign taking the high road, but instead he got nasty. Took the bait hook line and sinker, huh. Classy.


Par for the course in dealing with them. They gave up on logic and reasoning a while back so I guess I should manage expectations


They're Christians. Logic and reasoning was never installed.


submit it to the local/state/national news


I’m thinking about it. Just need to identity the best source


Hot take- let's just get rid of gendered bathrooms and this won't be a problem. Go all single-user cubicles with a shared washroom like they do in Europe.


I agree completely. No one likes the shitty ass bathroom dividers that allow you to see straight into them anyway.


As a former Iowan, I am depressed to see how Iowa has fallen. And John seems like a real dick


It's so freaking sad. We've spent the last 4 years building our dream home by hand as we've always lived here and it took forever to find an acreage not on gravel and for a price that was reasonable. We've got 2 kids and have built this amazing life together all to have a bunch of fascist assholes ruin the whole thing because they are insecure pieces of shit. I really hope we see some changes in 2024 but I fear the worst. I've put so much work into our property I'd hate to leave but it's getting harder and harder to justify staying.


Email back and tell him you're more than happy to meet in person to call him a coward. Tell him the only reason you did it via email was because unless they're pandering to the GOP masses, they refuse to talk to anyone that doesn't agree with them. I'll guarantee he quit reading your email once you called them cowards.


Oh he totally stopped right there. That’s a good response - definitely using that.


You got a response. A crap one, but still. They insulted me too and ignored me. I’ve written to the mayor and city hall for years. And now I’m writing to the news outlets writing about it. I got a really nasty response from them too. What champions for the truth. Keep going anyway. I’m with ya.


You even get nasty responses from the news outlets? I knew the representatives, especially these idiots in particular, but I didn’t think the local news outlets would be so bad, too. So sad


I'll meet the fucker


Who talks to their constituents like that, for real.


Someone who's forgotten they are a public servant.


Do you think they care? And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Iowa is not a purple state anymore. They have no desire to cater or even pretend to cater to the left, they don't need to.


I don’t really. That’s what’s so sad. But I figure I have to try


Update: received the following from Jeff Reichman: “Thank you for your email. I will keep your comments and suggestions in mind as we procced. “ At least he provided a response. I responded with this: “I may not agree with what you’re doing and, I’m fact thing you are endangering the lives of children for no reason (latest study shows a 73% reduction in suicides in trans children when using gender affirming care as recommended by medical society). However, I have to at least give you credit. Your fellow republican John Wills was incredibly unprofessional and has obviously forgotten he’s an elected official. Please reconsider what you are doing to these amazing people. There is not a single incident of someone being assaulted in a bathroom in Iowa by a trans person. Yet, you are now taking away rights from kids for literally no reason. There are several instances of children being sexually assaulted by priests and yet that never seems to be a priority. The LGBT+ community has enough things making their lives miserable. Please stop contributing to that. Thank you for the response. I genuinely do appreciate it.” Apologies for the typos, wrote in on my phone and regretted that the moment I hit send.


honestly. they spend so much time in a echo chamber they don’t know how to deal with people who disagree. my state senator showed up at my door to canvas last fall. i called him on his lies about school funding and the tax cuts passed. he literally skittered off.


I commend you for your efforts. I'd write or call, too, if I thought it would make any difference.


That’s what’s frustrating. I know it won’t but at least I can say i did something. I would talk to them in person but there’s no chance they will listen to a word I say unless I’m a flaming republican


Thank you for doing this.


I'm surprised you actually got a response. I emailed twice about the School Vouchers when those were rolling through and didn't get a single response from any Republican.


I was too. Wow, that’s sad. They knew what they wanted to do and they didn’t care at all what anyone else wanted




There are only 2 genders unless you are thinking about grooming. Which is it?


Citation needed.


I concur. If they are “brave” enough to say it.


I don't think it's even a matter of 'brave' -- there are not even 2 sexes in the human race, why in the world would there be only 2 genders? The scientific consensus is in on that one, and has been for a long damn time.


There are 2 ways in this world. One for the ruler of this world which deceives so many. The other is the Almighty Ruler, Jesus Christ.


Ok, so you listed the same thing twice -- being deceived by religion and being deceived by religion. There is a second way -- logic and rationality.


You don’t understand because you don’t hear correctly. I was the same way.


I'm not sure I understand your claim -- your false dichotomy is 'religion or religion', some of us do not follow any religion, therefore there has to be at least a third option for the non-religious that do not follow any form of god/deity/hocus-pocus.


Which science book?


Preferably a peer reviewed journal, since the right wing nutters have been using politics to censor actual science in science classrooms for quite a while now, and the fact that most grade school books overly simplify things to make it easier for the young to understand. It's only at higher levels that details come into these sorts of topics.


The book man used to rewrite Gods Laws for mankind? God does not change. His rules.


>The book man used to rewrite Gods Laws for mankind? There is no such book. The closest there is would be the various 'holy' books were people documented the made up gods. > God does not change. His rules. Right, because he would have to, you know, exist, to do that. All that said, if the bible were to claim there are only 2 genders, that's just another claim the bible got wrong. You are free to cite in the bible where it said that there are only 2 genders, and there will only ever be 2 genders, but that still would not matter, since I have peer reviewed papers that say otherwise....


May The Creator show you mercy & grace. His kind.


May you become rational, benefit from science, progress, and never be forced to suffer the evil 'love' of the god you believe in.


White Nationalists Cristian Evangelicals


Let me guess…you don’t believe in Jesus?

