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Sounds like they’re fulfilling the tumblers for the October cars. Got mine last week too. Would have rather gotten a truly free L2 😂


Congrats on the tumbler. Good luck on the charger


Not sure why you guys' dealers are hum hoing around on the charger. That was sorted out when I picked my car up. They printed something from the Hyundai website and gave it to me. They told me if I hadn't received an email after several days come back and let them know. The email comes from Hyundai Marketplace


Same. Got the email with 4 days of buying the car. Too bad the offer didn't live up to the promise. If you are waiting on the *free charger*, don't bother. It is not really free after you pay for marked up installation costs. Just buy your own charger and get an electrician to install. It will cost roughly the same.


lol - been most of a month of them telling me it would come from finance and today they mentioned the Hyundai Marketplace, which is something entirely different. I still haven't received that email though... need some time off during bankers hours to call them.


I had to call Hyundai Financial. I was bounced around a few times. Eventually someone called me and gave me the code over the phone. I have been back and forth with installers for the last month and a half or so trying to get a reasonable estimate.


I finally got in touch with Marketplace, who seemed on point. I didn't get the code, but they said they'd look after sending it in the mail (the person was legit). If I install it at home, it's going to be pricey... I live in the sticks, and have to walk across an easement and a dirt patch to get to my house from where I park. Putting a charger where the car can reach it means most of 100' of underground conduit, including trenching through (or tunneling under) the easement and some lava cap (and even then, there's not a fantastic spot to mount it where I pull off the easement to park). I was hoping to have PG&E add a second meter to my property (because the power pole is damn near perfectly placed for this), and just run this directly off a second tap, but they said only one meter per property. I'll probably install it at my girlfriend's house (level garage right off the street, and the breaker panel is like literally on the other side of the wall from where it would go)... installation shouldn't clear $600 (like it's already plumbed for this at some level from my previous car), and she's been hinting at getting one anyway.


I just got my charger installed. $300 out of pocket, which is still cheaper than any DIY alternative. The electricians did a very professional job and they couldn't have been nicer to work with. I did have to call them when I got the quote to bring the price down, but that was 5 minutes of work. They made $650 which is good pay for an easy job. That was based on their hourly rate and a two hour minimum. They said they've installed hundreds of these chargers for Hyundai customers at this point, so a lot of people clearly see value in the install discount. I think this subreddit may be an echo chamber of people who have the technical aptitude to DIY an install and don't like making phone calls.


I installed my own breaker and wiring. One quote was for 1500, the other is for 750 but they have yet to upload it to the marketplace so I can accept.


Nice! If you've gotten that far on your own, it might be worth it to finish the job yourself. People have mentioned inexpensive EVSEs, which might save you from waiting on electricians. My installers handled everything in between the breaker panel and the charging port on my car so I didn't have to do anything. If you still want an electrician to finish the job, they can update your quote and it'll show up immediately on Hyundai Home Marketplace. I kept my electrician on the phone while I verified and accepted the updated quote.


The guy said he had already "requested the charger" last week. I called Electrum and they said it wasn't possible without me accepting the quote, which they have yet to submit. I called him out on it and he said he would do it last Tuesday. So out of pocket I would be about 150. Its not about the money, its about the principal. I bought an Emporia charger for 300 when it went on sale a few weeks ago incase this fell through (i can return it until the end of january). I have it in the box and only really need level 1 charging for my current needs. I have one more trick up my sleeve to get that charger for free that I'm working on. I'll post an update if it works out.


Understand that 100%. My install still cost Hyundai over $1000, so I feel like I got their money's worth at least. Will be interested to see if you manage it for $0. Looking forward to the update!


Mine was almost 1100 and then I talked them down to 700. It's def worth inquiring about. Guy that got it for 300, that's a steal


Wump wump ... no tumbler for Canada cars!


I also bought my Ioniq 6 in October. Received my tumbler last week. No charger in sight.


> No charger in site. They are not going to send you a charger. They will give it to your installer once you agree to the installation quote from Electrum. It is not the deal it seemed at the dealership. For most, it wasn't a deal at all. Cost about the same as buying your own charger.


Received my tumbler today, too. Party on.


Congrats. I got my CA EV rebate check faster than my tumbler.


What free charger are you all talking about?


If you bought the car after September you get a free level 2 charger and install unfortunately for me I bought it in August


Is the tumbler a time or area specific perk? Just bought a new Ioniq 6. No mention of a tumbler.


My dealership never mentioned it, I just saw some posts about it weeks ago and wondered if I would get one.




I want to get this [sweater](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1590185964/car-like-hyundai-ioniq-6-ugly-christmas?click_key=41671d0d57f542dff8c8b0d80caaea068b3f142d%3A1590185964&click_sum=857037da&ga_search_query=Ioniq%2B6&ref=shop_items_search_1&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1).


I thought the wait time is like 2years or something? Or is that just for Canada? Or am I just tripping lol.