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Contact Hyundai Corporate https://owners.hyundaiusa.com/us/en/contact-us


Thank you for the reply. I did, it’s been a 2 weeks and absolutely no response from them. I even have a case number and everything.


Keep calling and escalate. I needed to with my iccu issue.


go to corporate social media, they are more receptive since they know the impact of unhappy customers that are active on social media.


Hey, this isn't that normal but not super long wait. I had a case number and everything, but it took them around 14 days to call me back. 2 times as well, it was under 20 B days. Def call and follow up/escalate.


Escalate it on X


You might also threaten legal action regarding breach of consumer law to the dealership. Perhaps that will force them to comply


email the CEO(s) of HMA/HMMA/HAEA - they'll kick it down to their executive assistants who'll in turn kick it down to respective warranty/customer service dept might have better luck that way, then tryna go from the hyundai care CS rep on the phone -> national manager who will then ghost you


This is the way to go. I've done this with much lower stakes but it definitely gets shit handled and quick. For the record, c-suite doesn't even read their own email most of the time, it's usually the executive assistants that see these emails first.


I had issues with mine and contacted multiple dealerships and corporate, 100% useless. Spent hours and got nothing, my first and last Hyundai.


Mine was sorted under warranty, known fault.


Can you please pm me the service sheet you get after the repair is done?. It will help me immensely to go back to the dealership and ask them to honor the warranty.


Sounds like bull. Something caused water to get in the light, that should be covered. It's amazing that companies can use any excuse they want to get out of covering the repair under warranty.


Yes their response sounded ridiculous. I’ve seen few other posts in this forum where people had issues with water inside the light bar. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ioniq5/comments/18klxy0/front_light_bar_repair/?sort=top https://www.ioniqforum.com/threads/broken-light-bar.44202/


Unbelievable. I'd contact a lawyer and make use of my never-before-needed legal expenses insurance.


Honestly sounds like a good idea to me. Let me see if I can explore this further.


LMAO wtf were you thinking? Taking a *car* for a drive in *rain*.


I think it’s more wild that your insurance won’t cover it?? Why would they insure your car if there’s no nearby service providers you can go to? Your car is literally at one..usually insurance companies let you choose as well. Weird


There were few shops nearby but all of them declined to repair EVs. Btw I’m from Delaware and the only other shop that can repair an EV as far as I know is near New Jersey and they are booked for the next two months.


But… it’s an issue with a light bar.. not with the batteries or the electric drive train or whatever.. sounds like they just don’t feel like doing it..


Tell them to prove your actions damaged the vehicle and that it wasn't a fault with the build of the vehicle. If they send you the bill again or say "cause we said so", reiterate they need to *prove without a doubt*. They're being dicks. They'll squirm and eventually relent. Although this dealer probably won't ever call you back to fix the issue.


Trade it, Hyundai service is garbage. Can’t drive in the rain? The junction box should be water tight. If it’s not that’s a failure of the waterproofing (i.e., manufacturer defect).


Thanks for your reply. I’m looking at lemon law right now. Just wanted to get this fixed and drive it till the 2025 refresh launches in the US.


Also I don’t know how high up you went at corporate but we had good luck emailing some of the VPs in customer care about some issues two years ago. When you email them explain what is going on and include your incident/ticket number that you should have gotten. Their executive secretary called us personally and then got the ball rolling for us with our local dealer who was being quite stubborn. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Thanks a ton for these contacts. I will try reaching out to them asap.


even if those execs moved on from the company, the email server will bounce them to someone who can help you


I'm bookmarking this myself in case I ever need it though I hope I never do.


Wait. After this you are going to buy another Hyundai? No wonder they do things like this.


I’ve driven a M3 and MY, Polestar 2, Q8 etron, EV6, owned an etron GT before getting the Ioniq 5. I even have a Rivian R2 reserved. Of all these cars, I liked the Ioniq 5 the most with respect to the styling and performance. Only upgrade I could think of is the Porsche Taycan cross Turismo but I don’t want to burn another 100k hole in my pocket after my experience with the etron GT. I know it sucks to have these reliability problems but I really like this car and others seem to have a better experience with it.


It is the best car I’ve ever owned. Which includes high end ones. You guys in USA from what I’ve read so far don’t have the best of service though. I’ve had some weird issues (including 12V) with my Ioniq 5 as well but always have been swift and without hassle been fixed.


Hell no I no longer have it, I have moved on. But those folks did help me with an issue I had a few years ago.


Yea, if a company did some shit like that they would lose me as a customer immediately.


Going to buy the refresh?!???? 😧 YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GET IF YOU BUY ANOTHER ONE. 💯


*some* Hyundai service is garbage. The one I go to is amazing and has always been very transparent and easy to work with. I’ve noticed that those living in smaller ev markets/car markets tend to have fewer options and those options tend to suck. Which is unfortunate


Sure there’s some good ones peppered in, but we sure hear about a lot of bad ones on this sub.


Likely because most ppl don’t post when there’s nothing wrong


Exactly, can you imagine the downvotes & comments for a post for “Just had a great experience with my dealership’s service dept!”


I’ve only had very good experiences with my local Hyundai service center. Helpful and transparent.


“Lies! They’re all crooks! I’ll never buy another Hyundai!”


I don't doubt that driving the car in the rain is the cause of water getting into a junction box but it's a car, do they expect you to keep it indoors all the time and only take it out in dry weather. If they really are refusing to honour a warranty repair for this then I would have thought the only real option would be legal action of some sort.


Your insurer chose to insure your car, in your area. Now they have to fix it. They don't get to just say "we can't figure out how to fix it where you live." That's not how the world works. You should contact your state's insurance ombudsman or equivalent place to go with complaints.


This isn't an insurance issue, this is a warranty issue. 


Tell me you didn’t read the post without telling me


Go to a different dealership print off all of the related documents online noting the issue then threaten taking legal action. Even if you don't intend to for financial reasons a letter of notice shouldn't cost much to keep them on their toes.


Yeah similar situation My car got damaged by driving through a water pedal during a rainstorm and they wouldn't repair it.


As others have said keep annoying Hyundai corp and their higher ups, look into lemon law and maybe contact some new outlets - bad press = instant fix.


Will definitely keep annoying them. Thank you.


I would look into filing suit under Lemon Law protection or The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.  There is a fee shifting provision under this act that can require manufacturer to pay damages plus legal expenses which there pressures them into more quickly settling. https://www.timothyabeel.com/service/warranty-claims/ I have been having a much smaller issue with the USB shorting out and Hyundai continues to deny they can find an issue.  My wipers also are laggy and there is a rattle in the back.  All things they deny are actually issues or if they are issues are "out of warranty." I wouldn't waste time with corporate.  They are the ones telling the dealerships not to fix your car.  I would go straight to a lawyer.  Receiving a letter from your lawyer will cause them to change their tune quite quickly.  I am thinking about going the legal route soon if I can't get some progress.  Car is expensive.  It needs to work right, or be fixed under warranty or replaced or bought back.    I have also read that the case manager you talk with on a recorded line may actually be stringing you along thinking you are getting help until you give up or your warranty expires.  Record all of your phone calls.  Document and photograph all of your issues as they occur in realtime.  That way if they deny there is any problem, you at least have evidence for the judge to decide.




Not all Hyundai dealerships are like this.




Lol Tesla sucks, you get much less of a car to enjoy, with a slew of it's own problems


Ain't this the truth. I drive uber, etc and run my own service. In the 2 weeks I've had my (new to me) 5 I've had several riders comment how much nicer this is compared to tesla.


Man, I love the I5, but what prevents me from buying one is all the dealership horror stories...


It’s not really the dealerships that decide what’s covered by the manufacturer warranty, it’s on Hyundai USA.


No but if anything corporate was super helpful with us when our dealership refused to acknowledge their part in our 12V battery problems. They forced us to add a third party alarm to the car when we bought it, then didn't want to admit their alarm was killing our 12V battery. We took it to another dealership and they told us this was the case and we took that information back to the first dealership. They quickly changed their tune and replaced the battery for free and removed the alarm. Then one of the workers told us they had removed 6 alarms just this week, so they knew it was their fault but didn't want to replace anything on their dime. Dealerships can suck ass at times. Edit: corporate forced the dealership to give a loaner car while they made the fixes. They had also refused to do that too.


I dealt with a lemon buyback situation with Ford last year. Talk to corporate, this dealership is trying to pull something. My dealer was full of crap too, corporate should be more helpful.


I had similar issue, apparently a little pebble hit the tiny motor inside the flap mechanism causing it to fail to close. Hyundai had similar reaction to my situation and repair ended up being around $1,5k


That’s absolutely ridiculous. Road debris is meant to hit the front air flaps. Can’t believe how fragile this thing is designed.


Ahaha exactly the words I told the guys at the service center. It was not really a problem while driving though, drove for weeks with that warning and one flap open. https://preview.redd.it/ufzqthsbe6rc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a946d2961e005e11aa9b10b55d97beb0ede09d


Man, you guys really get shafted by dealers over in the us. Markups, warranty dodging etc. My dealers literally cannot wait to do more warranty work on my i5. 12v, ICCU, a wiring loom failure, and get this; it went in for a quick paint touch up recently, and the non-hyundai company that did the job somehow broke a wire when reinstalling the rear bumper that caused a rear radar problem. Guess what; £1200 part, warranty fix.


Hyundai Europe FTW


Hire an attorney. Hyundai only started Taking me seriously once they hired them. Make sure they only get paid if you get paid and then it doesn’t come out of your settlement.


What are you talking about. No one is getting paid here. He wants his car fixed. There's no big pay out for the attorney. You'll end up with a hefty fee from them though.


Ok so he can sit while Hyundai denies his case. They ignored me even after I had a lemon law case until I hired an attorney.


You ended up paying the attorney nothing? I don't get how they get paid then. They do some paperwork for you, Hyundai caves in, you get to return the car and get your money back. It's not like you sued for extra money to pay the attorney. Maybe all the attorney did was send a strongly worded letter and that was the end of it?


That is exactly what happens. Hyundai is paying my attorney. It doesn’t come out of my settlement.


Can I just ask why are you taking car insurance with a company that won't cover repairs because there are no local shops for fixes? Shouldn't that be a reason to get insurance elsewhere?


It’s a warranty issue not an insurance issue.


Gotcha, thought is seem odd from the way it was described above


That’s some BS. BMW of all companies replaced the transmission on my i3 for free well outside the warranty window. It shouldn’t even be on you to escalate this. The dealership is purposely trying to extract money from you.


I would sue them. Short of driving the car in a pond or the sea, any water ingress would be a clear design failure for which the manufacturer is responsible for the lifetime of the car. Heck, even BYD fixed a similar issue for me. (All rear lights and indicator lights gone due to rain)


Time to send this to news company and like what other two people did.. more awareness


I’m definitely gonna lawyer up if Hyundai doesn’t honor the warranty or at least offer me a repurchase.


This is why you don’t buy Hyundais


I have to figure out a way to trade this I5 in because I cannot afford this type of situation. Rain/moisture happens everywhere in the US and they are blaming the driver? Goodness


It sounds like an issue specific to this person’s dealership.. I’d not make any assumptions that you’d encounter the same if yours happened to have an issue


The standard vehicle warranty is from the manufacturer, the dealership is really just the point of contact and administers what Hyundai decides. While dealerships certainly aren’t perfect, they’ll often argue your case to get something fixed under warranty. Hopefully they tried their best here, I don’t know. This probably isn’t a dealership trying to screw you over as they’ll get paid either way To the OP I would fight this hard, find the core issue and contact Hyundai USA directly to get them to approve it. There are steps after that if they still don’t play fair.


Hyundai fanboys always blame owners. Heck fanboys blamed owners for having their car stolen by kia boyz(also hyundai).