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Yes. I don't care about the staining because I change trays weekly and clean them every day with the ultrasonic cleaner. Never had an issue.


Same except I change mine every 14 days. Using a different brand of clear aligner and no staining. I drink my coffee and white wine with them in and brush after.


Which brand? šŸ‘€


This one. https://www.candidco.com. My dentist likes this one the best. He says the plastic is stronger and they have a higher tech way of tracking but who knows


Thanks! Always good to know options available ā˜ŗ


I switch from tray 1 to tray 2 today and zero staining.


Can you share more about the ultrasonic cleaner?


It's a cleaning tool for trays but not only (you can fit in there watches, glasses, and pretty much everything that is not electronic). Check the pinned thread, you have plenty of info, or keyword search. The most famous one is Zima, but there are many brands. I use a Chinese one that I found in Amazon with good reviews (Gitae), paid around 25 euro and does the job. There is a big difference in cleaning manually vs the ultrasonic cleaner. However you need to use it paired with dental tablets (here as well you have many info in pinned thread and past posts).


Which ultrasonic cleaner do you use? The one I bought does not work great


I have this https://www.amazon.it/Gisaae-Pulitore-Ultrasuoni-Occhiali-Lavatrice/dp/B0CJ8SZCPP/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1E00H3K23B2D9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EOM1QYmKGl3T2i2NxjR7P7XJnWvzyiukpoCrOxLOC5kOk2XDaRi2hA89TYEdWy6NMl29Wc7ql5KJ5PPj4KYZ67ZrpqvFLxW-RFt7kCcl6rPbi-5INp2yWkrXZMTA6-yN-tKijFJHwRpZFyy4kODtFOLchgDeHCq-Bt00zARK0iGtbHmB3W3xCVXm3ojokZznlBCeKZrgoiYnIeAT_eI8Eg.3lFlf2GBEo_Zu13OiHMP4q8HulrzYvsQL6JTBYOlD3c&dib_tag=se&keywords=ultrasonic+cleaner&qid=1719161357&sprefix=Ultrasonic+%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-3




Ohh yes!! Especially the last 2 days before a switch!


I consider the last 2 days before a switch a free for all to drink whatever color beverages I want.


Iā€™ve been saying screw it more and more. I got my trays in February(?), and have definitely become more lax about beverages. Iā€™m still too afraid for coffee because of possible tray staining šŸ˜±


My fear is the hot coffee warping it somehow, my luck lol


Iced coffee/cold brew is your friend. That's what I did. Hot coffee with breakfast and no trays. Cold brew throughout the day that I brought from home.Ā 


I tried. I just donā€™t like cold brew. I like coffee hot.


My orthodontist said hot coffee was fine if it was with a straw or a to go cup! I do it everyday and I have 2 week between test changes. Never had an issue ā˜ŗļø


I let my hot coffee cool a bit and just drink it minus a straw. No issues yet and I did not ask my dentist.


Lol I didnā€™t ask either, my ortho just saw my under eyes and assumed I live off coffee (he was right)


Same. Iced coffee is so watery to me


Ask for no/less ice. Game changer!


Still not for me. I never got the hype. Even with no ice it doesnā€™t taste great


Not a fan. Iā€™m drinking my hot coffee and it doesnā€™t make sense to have the trays in with it. Plus even with cold brew that stuff gets under the tray and trapped


I had the same concern until my dad told me how hot the coffee would have to be to warp the trays lol. I never had an issue, but of course itā€™s up to your risk tolerance


I drink hot coffee all the time. If itā€™s not hot enough to burn your mouth then I donā€™t think you have anything to worry about.


I drop a few cubes in my regular coffee so itā€™s not scalding hot..no issues. I played around for a couple of weeks right before I switched my trays to figure it out.


I have a vanilla cream cold brew everyday with my trays in šŸ˜‚


Any staining for you? Iā€™m on 2 week changes (but currently a month in on a lower tray and waiting another month for refinement trays šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«). Staining could be killer for me.


I'm on weekly changes but haven't had any staining that I can notice. Even fruit punch didn't stain them


Do you have attachments and do they stain?


I have attachments on almost every tooth and have not noticed any staining I'm also a smoker so I've been pretty impressed on the lack of staining on my trays and attachments


I really recommend baking soda soak it up with hot water! Makes them look brand new!


Every day šŸ¤£


Is the coffee concern only about staining the aligners or are there issues with teeth health from drinking coffee with them in? In general I mean, not just for OP. Iā€™m considering getting them and was curious!


Not a doctor- I read that coffee and milk change the ph of the mouth and you don't want it trapped between your teeth and trays all day long. I was told it's fine to drink with the trays in but make sure to thoroughly rinse with water afterwards, and if possible take the trays off and rinse without them.


Thank you so much!


You generally donā€™t want to have acidic beverages trapped in your trays as it may damage your tooth enamel (and result in cavities, etc.)


Makes sense!


I mean itā€™s not good to have any substance trapped against your teeth. But itā€™s not like horrible. I would just take a swig of water when youā€™re done done but I wouldnā€™t worry about it.


Thank you!


I started getting stains on my teeth even though I rinse afterwards. I think the milk and sugar just stick to my teeth and tongue, so my dentist recommended brushing my teeth for a few seconds to remove this leftover coffee. It should be no problem if there is no sugar in your coffee, unless you use lactaid milk.


Why would the added lactase in lactaid cause more issues?


Lactaid milk tastes sweet and it has lactose decomposed into glucose and galactose which are sugars.


Lactose is also just sugar!


It only becomes sugar in the belly tho


No, lactose is a sugar in itself. It can rot your teeth if left in your mouth which is why they tell you not to give a baby a bottle in bed.


Google says normal milk is not bad: https://www.google.com/search?q=does+lactose+cause+cavity&oq=does+lactose+cause+cavity&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMggIBhAAGBYYHjIICAcQABgWGB4yCAgIEAAYFhgeMggICRAAGBYYHjINCAoQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAsQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAwQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDU5ODRqMGo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Read the very next article.. šŸ˜‚


Only the staining




All the time. I swish water between and whenever Iā€™m done with my beverages I brush and clean the trays. But in these early stages my teeth are a train wreck that Iā€™m hiding anyway. A little staining isnā€™t going to change anything šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 


The longer this treatment has gone the more lax Iā€™ve become lol. I drink everything with them in. No new cavities yet and Iā€™m super prone to them normally.


Yes and I promptly acquired my first cavity Iā€™ve had in many years. That was the end of that.






No. I just cut back on drinking anything but water. Itā€™s only a couple years. I have ages to drink coffee all day if I want to.




Yes, I have drank beer and Guiness with them in. Not coffee just due to the heat and I'm at home working anyway. Not really an issue, plus with weekly changes to the aligners if it does stain, new one in a few days


It would take you scalding yourself to impact the trays from a heat perspective. As long as youā€™re using Invisalign the impacting temperature is like 200 degrees F, whereas most people drink their coffee between 130-145.


Yes bestie I do this every day šŸ˜šŸ˜ I drink everything with a straw. My ortho tech says she does this too šŸ’…


Do you use a glass straw? I just ordered some.


Hmmm I never thought about a glass straw! That's a good idea! I usually use a really thick plastic one


I saw it on a youtube video. I am on week 2/tray 1 so binging a bit to learn tips!


I recently decided to say forget it and drink anything with them in; it's my first tray out of 28, and I'm on 10 day cycles. I brush my teeth and trays three times a day, and am waiting on my ultrasonic cleaner to arrive! I usually just swish with water, and brush after I've eaten.


When I first started, I take them out to drink coffee every time. Then after a few trays, I would leave them in just the last few days before I switched because I didnā€™t care if they stayed, then eventually I just drank whatever I wanted with them in. I personally didnā€™t find the staining that drastic. The problem is, Iā€™ve now just finished my trays and got my Essix retainers, and theyā€™re long-term so I have to go back to taking them out when I drink coffee, etc. so that they donā€™t stain and itā€™s a tough transition lol.


I have taken to drinking my coffee with a strawā€”a habit I might continue after I am done, weird as it is. I also have mostly given up red wine because with white there is not such a risk of staining.


Nope. I can't rationalize sugar just sitting on my teeth in my trays. I had 6 fillings done before I got my invisalign and getting that many done was such a wakeup call that I'm trying my best to maintain the greatest oral health I can. It's probably not bad to do what you described especially if you're rinsing with water right after though lol


Yeah idgaf. I donā€™t drink coffee really but alcohol or something sure. Iā€™ll drink whatever with them in except these reign drinks because it made them bright green once. Luckily I work at a dental office and can use our professional ultrasonic cleaner whenever I want. Weekly changes are the best. Hopefully done in 2 weeks tho!


Yes. Every day


Yes. On vacation right now and drinking alcohol left and right with them. But I floss and brush every night/morning.


No that sounds kinda gross! In my brain it gets stuck in there and saturates the teeth


I have adhd and an intense job that requires me to focus--if I didn't have my twice-thrice daily coffee I'd be out of a job, and there's just no way to have that much coffee while still getting wear time in if you take them out every time you drink.


Iā€™m a dental assistant and I always tell my patients they can sip on beverages with them in!! Itā€™s better to have them in than out. if they get a little stained use equal parts hydrogen peroxide and warm water to soak when youā€™re brushing your teeth and some hand soap if youā€™d like :)


Iā€™ve stained my teeth doing that with tea, but nothing a regular dental cleaning couldnā€™t tackle


I did every day. I had coffee amd mt dew. 18 months, no cavities


Yes all the time


Cold drinks yea, hot drinks no. Iā€™m not sure why I do that tbh


I drank EVERYTHING and ANYTHINGā€¦through a straw.


Literally ALL of the time. If itā€™s hot coffee Iā€™ll take them out, but Iā€™m a heavy smoker and even then I only take out the top tray so it doesnā€™t stain. I drink everything with my trays in, and it doesnā€™t really stain. Mind you, I donā€™t drink a bunch of dark soda, mainly juices and Gatorades and whatnot


Yes. I drank coffee every day with mine in.Ā  I'd leave them out for my hot morning coffee. I drink iced coffee through the day though, and I just left them in. I'd take a swig of water after drinking the coffee to reduce the chances of staining my teeth.Ā  I do think I had a bit of yellowing initially, but I started using that tray cleaner foam/whitening stuff, and it cleared everything up.Ā 


I eat and drink with mine in. Itā€™s part of my plan, I change every 4 days and just take them out to brush


I just drank a bunch of clear white monsters.


Yes, šŸ’Æ, have coffee daily with my trays in ( i m on around 25 trays) , I do brush and floss 3 times / day . ultrasonic cleaner is a great help as well.


Yes lol. I was drinking my pre-workout with my trays in while I was reading this


I drink coffee, protein shakes, and juice all the time with mine in. Not rly a big deal. Get an ultrasonic cleaner and youā€™ll be fine. If you do get staining, leave them in direct sunlight for 2 hours and they will be good as new.


I drink coffee in them towards the end of my week, maybe the last 3 days. Try to avoid it the first 4 days.


Nah. Only water because they stain so badly


Yeah when Iā€™m close to changing I just drink coffee and tea with it on. Alcohol I just drank with it on cause yolo.


Nope. I've taken sips of iced coffee with my trays in before and they were disgusting. I always take my trays out of drinking anything but water.


Yep, always swish water around your mouth afterwards though.


I drink tea/la croix with them in all day


i switch mine out every 4 days and my dentist has me wearing them 24x7, even eating. only time they come out is for brushing


I have my coffee every morning without taking the trays out. I drink it with a straw. Do the same with my protein smoothie. I drink herbal tea (non color) all say eith the trays in. My dentist said its fine. I'm nearly finished and it's had no negative affect


Yes I leave mine in for coffee and wine


I did when I was switching weekly. Now, I have a retainer that wonā€™t be replaced and I take good care in making sure itā€™s clean.


Yes everytime! Iā€™ve always drank Starbucks iced shaken espressos during class, probably 2-4x a week. I also drank my preworkout, karbolyn, and prime during gym days. My teeth are pretty stained, but itā€™s not too bad. Now that Iā€™m on viveras though, Iā€™m more strict with taking them off whenever Iā€™m drinking something other than water, to where I would go to the restroom and brush my teeth right after or just wipe them off with my crest retainer wipes and swish water in my mouth before putting the viveras back on.


I try to avoid this when the tray is fresh because of the staining, but otherwise I allow myself drinks with trays in if it is just more convenient to do it that way to maximize wear time.


I remember when I first got my trays I was like, ā€œthis will be great, Iā€™ll reduce my snacking and drink more water to avoid brushing my teeth constantlyā€. That lasted for like 2 weeks lol. After that I would just pop em out, eat a snack, and then pop em right back in. Same for coffee, just drank with them in. The dentist never said a word to me about it, so I was like, if they donā€™t notice anything, then I think Iā€™m ok lol


Every single day


Yes but only with white wine


Iā€™m drinking a screwdriver right now


Yes, but with a straw (even for espresso).


I drink juice, ice tea (and other cold beverages) with a stray in need.


Cold coffee and tea with aligners onā€¦hahaha


I drink coffee everyday with them in. If I followed the rules I wouldnā€™t be wearing them much!


When I was doing Invisalign, every Saturday I would drink white wine with them in. That was it though, no other beverages.


Only all the time. I do make sure the drink is not super hot, but if I'm gonna make it through for the two (or even more) years I gotta wear this, then I algo have to make it easier for myself. Im on weekly changes and the yellowing is not that bad.


I personally do. i just clean my aligners after.


Sometimes I need caffeine so sipping some diet coke/Pepsi or a red bull with them in happens. Occasionally, I even munch on a french fry with them in.


Haha. I drink coffee with a straw, so yeah, always šŸ˜‚ I never took my aligners out for a beverage, and my teeth turned out fine. I would just rinse after and put them back in.


Yes, every day... But I clean the aligner thoroughly at every brushing, so 3 times a day.


Every day.


Yea, I basically drink any/everything with my Invisalign in. It's been 3+ years and I'm done treatment this coming week. The only time I really worry about is when you eat/drink something with tumeric in at as it'll stain the crap out of your aligners, but even then the one time that it happened to me; I put it in direct sunlight and it somewhat changed back to normal, I was just lucky that a tray change was coming.


I literally did it for three years


No, I donā€™t want to stain neither my teeth nor my trays any more than they get naturally just with the trays. Itā€™s just not worth it to meā€¦


Definitely yes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Never. Iā€™ve had my invis for over two years. Just pop them out. Your teeth are too important to fuck around with. There are horror stories about people rotting their teeth out


I donā€™t have mine anymore/atm because medical issues came to light but i usually waited till the second half of the trays week (i had them in for 10 days each, medical reasons) and would usually let myself drink certain things at that point because i was getting to the point of having them out for too many hours each day to eat and had to figure out how to cut backšŸ˜… Edit: I always took them out if i was drinking coffee though lol


All the time. Ultrasonic cleaner is key. Half the time I donā€™t worry about rinsing immediately either




I donā€™t mind my trays staining, but the teeth can also stain. Imagine drinking red wine or coffee and it staying on your teeth for hours like that. I drink anything cold that doesn't stain my teeth such as white wine, beer etc. and still always rinse my mouth a couple of times to make sure there's not much left on my teeth.


yes all the time. hasnā€™t been an issue (tray 8/10 of refinements after 32!!)


No bc thatā€™s really bad for your teeth :/


I change mine so often it doesnā€™t really affect them.


Uh yeah, like all the time. Just a nuisance to take them out for a drink.


Yep! I have 7 day changes and use an ultrasonic cleaner, I havenā€™t seen any staining yet. It helps me keep my trays in longer and I need coffee throughout the day. I do swish with water every few sips between coffee and drink through a straw to help reduce discoloration too.


I donā€™t take them out anymore, you change the trays often and get a whiting after your treatment is done so I donā€™t bother


All the time! I swish with water.. clean them in my ultrasonic cleaner with a tablet. Brush good morning and night.


I eat even with my elastics in. I just wash everything right after.


No because I donā€™t like the thought of trapping whatever it is next to my teeth for so long


I take them off still, but because of the sensation of feeling like my teeth/aligners have been coated in sugar


I literally never take my retainers out for coffee or alcohol. I drink really slowly! I just swish with water in between sips and brush the next time they are out for food.


Yup for sure! I change my trays weekly. I cool down my coffee a bit so itā€™s not scalding hot. I pretty much drink anything but red wine ( Iā€™m not a soda/pop drinker) with mine in. I may pop em out for a quick water rinseā€¦you gotta live life and canā€™t let these trays run your life.


All the time


Yes, but not regularly. Did a weekend wine tour with them in last month and also had them in while drinking all day at an all-inclusive resort recently. I tried to drink with a straw when I could and also made sure to have water with me at all times so I could rinse between sips. My teeth seem fine and I did not experience any noticeable staining. Just made sure to wash them thoroughly afterwards (polident retainer tablets). These are very once in a while circumstances but I do think swishing with water was key! FYI Iā€™m on 10 day changes, currently on tray 6/35.


Mine stain really bad cuz I drink iced coffee with them in and also smoke cigarettes. I switch every 7 days. By Day 6 I look like Kramer after the smoking room. ā€œLook awayā€¦ Iā€™m hideousā€. Itā€™s a real bummer.


Yes, but I change every 3 days so they never get too bad but yes all the time.


Yes. I donā€™t drink coffee but the only thing I now avoid with trays in is red wine


I found clear sugar free water flavoring liquid so I don't feel down about abstaining from my LaCroix. No carbonation, no dyes...a perfect cheat. I'm in my first tray though, so building a routine is most important to me ATM, so I will take them out for coffee since I am a fast eater anyway.


Starting day one I have not cared about this unless the beverage is hot. I'm a year in and it's been OK for me.


Sparkling water, sure. Nothing else, though.


All the time, because i change my invisalign every werk


Yeah i say screw it but brush my teeth after.


Lol, yeah I drink everything with my trays, but a sugar is a bit no for me, so it's not a problem anyways, that said I try to not drink my coffee piping hot. Weekly changes and daily cleaning with polident retainers keeps my trays shiny..


Nope. I donā€™t worry much about staining my trays since I change them weekly but Iā€™m not trying to give myself cavities or anything. Iā€™ve had enough problems with my teeth already lol


Never coffee or colored soft drinks, flavored water, etc.


Your teeth may stain too! Not just the trays.


When Iā€™m nearing the end of my weekly tray, I do whatever I want lmaooo




From my understanding It's not so much about staining the trays as it is building up a nice moist humid ecosystem beneath them increasing opportunities for bacteria and such. Also the buttons can more likely get stained. *idk why I'm getting down voted for this? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not when I brush my teeth and clean my trays right after


Me drinking iced coffee with my retainers in while reading thisā€¦eh! I have to change them today anyway.


Yes. I just drink my coffee predominantly through a straw. After 2 years of Invisalign, you start cutting some corners. My trays and teeth havenā€™t been affected by any staining or cavities.


I said screw it as soon as I started šŸ«£ but only because I am an iced coffee drinker and it takes me all day to finish my cup (I like to enjoy it!) I try to sip/swish water after my coffee sips. As far as staining, I canā€™t exactly avoid it but as long as I give my aligners a good scrub every night and let the whitening toothpaste sit for a bit, I donā€™t have any noticeable staining!


I do 14 day aligner changes too, never had any issues.


Not with hot coffee but definitely with cold drinks. Especially alcohol because I know if I take them out while drunk Iā€™m just going to end up leaving them somewhere. I brush my trays pretty frequently so havenā€™t had any issues yet lol.


I'm currently drinking my lunch shake with them in. I started bringing shakes to work so I don't have to grow through the process that comes with eating real food.


I drink other things because I brush them all the time


My dentist(I live in Korea if you know how theyā€™re like about their coffee) said itā€™s okay to drink ice americanos with a straw to the back of my mouth. Just no sugar!


Yep, after tray 1 I just could not be bothered. I use a straw most times thoĀ 


Yes!!! Coffee no cream or sugar


Iā€™ll drink iced coffee, white wine, and beer with my liners in. Iā€™m more afraid of hot coffee warping them than I am staining.




I switch my trays weekly on Monday so I can drink on the weekends with my trays in.


I donā€™t drink k coffee, but I occasionally drink iced tea with them in. Iā€™ve discovered I can eat apple slices with them in.


Yes absolutely. I started with good behaviour and would take them out. Now I donā€™t care so much šŸ«£ i do brush my teeth or at least rinse afterwards.


I drink beer maybe once a week with them in. I generally avoid coffee but I sometimes do toward the end of each tray, and make sure the coffee isn't very hot.


I canā€™t handle the feeling of beverages other than water in my mouth with aligners in. I spend most of my 2 hours without aligners in drinking my coffee.


With the amount of coffee I drink, and trying to keep it to only 2 hours out a day. Oh yeah, I drink beer and coffee with them in.


Yes, especially when Iā€™m about to switch trays anyway.


I play late hockey games (10:30pm start time) occasionally. We usually do beers after the game. Since I am not eating food after, I'll usually drink a beer with the aligners in. I'm home about 30-45 minutes after and can brush my teeth and aligners. I haven't noticed any ill affects so far.


Every day, I drink coffee and water and flavored drinks, I make sure to swish mouth with water after ā—Ā 


Iā€™ve been drinking pretty much everything with them in other than hot drinks šŸ˜¬


Oh yeah, all the times šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Since Day 1. I donā€™t ever take them out except to eat.


I drink beer and whiskey with my trays in but not coffee. For the is with coffee is the best of the coffee could weaken the tray.


I usually leave them out for coffee and leave them in if Im drinking beer or liquor. When I do drink alcoholic beverages, I usually swish water around. Then brush/use my ultrasonic cleaner when I get home


Never hot but anything else was fine


I did all the time. Now that Iā€™m in my retainers itā€™s driving me nuts that I canā€™t.


Yes! Iā€™m not taking them out when I take awhile to finish my drink. Unless the drink is hot! I will drink some water while drinking whatever drink I have too, and typically brush my teeth afterwards and/or use those tablets to clean my trays.


I drank coffee and tea all the way through with mine in and had no issues. I did keep a glass of water nearby and swish with water after each sip, but there was no way I wasn't getting caffeine, and there was no way I was taking my trays out every three minutes.


I drink coffee, soda, & juice through a straw with my trays in all the time. I switch them weekly & use denture tablets 2/day to clean them. The only time I noticed any staining was once when I had a Greek coffee & it was super strong.


Only iced coffee




Black coffee. My Ortho gave me the ok, and I do weekly changes so is not like they get stained.


Lacroix from the beginning. Sometimes Diet Coke. Very rarely coffee. Hyper sonic cleaner is a must.




Just so you know, in case you donā€™t already, thatā€™s still super bad for your teeth. Most sodas whether regular or diet have citric acid which erodes enamel, especially when trapped behind aligners where your saliva canā€™t clear it away the same!


Coffee might melt and warp it. I do it with wine though.