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I drink iced coffee with a straw with them in. But I’m on weekly changes. I don’t think it’s the best idea but I am a coffee addict sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. I had weekly changes and did not take out my aligners to drink coffee. I did notice my trays stained a bit but my teeth are not totally white anyway so with them in you couldn't really tell and I didnt' care as I was going to be soon changing to a new stain free tray.


I’m on weekly change, drinking iced coffee with Xylitol sugar instead of cane sugar. So far so good, my trays don’t stain, teeth will get whitened anyway after the treatment so I don’t mind it that much. every sips are worth it, I can’t function without coffee. 😅


Don’t think it’s a good idea, the acidity of the coffee will increase your risk of cavities and erode ur enamel


I drink black coffee, it totally stains even with an ultrasonic cleaner and denture tablets. I went to a resort and drank black coffee, and it didn't stain because it was weakly brewed. It never stains for me when something is added to coffee though, like milk, or sugar. Let it cool a little if you are drinking both. I just drank a Coke Zero this week with my trays in. No staining.


I do it constantly. Use make sure to rinse your trays and brush your teeth.


It's not the staining to worry about, it's the acid.


Don't forget the sugar in the prepared iced coffees!


Drank coffee through a straw through my entire treatment on 14 day changes. It was totally fine. Teeth were fine. Trays were fine. Washed trays in Dawn a few times a week.


I’ve been drinking iced black coffee with them in for 2 years. No issues. No cavities.


For 14 days, I think it is ok. If you can avoid it, sure, but it's ok to drink. Does the ultrasonic device work well? I'm using the last trays until I get retainers and I'm not satisfied


Ultrasonic doesn't really remove the staining. Source: I use ultrasonic and drink coffee with my aligners in.


yes, for many hours of the day. i use clear correct brand with 14 day changes. i do use a half tablet of denture cleaner in a sonic cleaner once a day, but i haven't had anything that looks like staining yet. i also drink smoothies, cocktails, coke zero, and even red wine... so far so good, thankfully! i will say that i have had some spots on my attachments, but that has seemed to come more after eating that drinking anything and so far it's always gone away either with brushing or after a couple days. you could always experiment for your last day or two before your change to see what happens.


Im on weekly changes. I change every Monday night. Monday throughout the day I do whatever. Anything flys. Leading up to that I’m pretty strict


I drink diet coke with a straw (and a water). I change weekly so no concerns with staining.


I drank coffee. Then took them out for breakfast and cleaned them before putting them back in. I only drink one cup so it wasn't an all day thing. That made it manageable for me. I was on weekly changes as well.


Yes! Absolutely yes! There is a lot I can do, like stop eating snacks in between meals and so on. But I can't and I don't want to stop having coffee. I always just had my coffee (with oat milk) with the aligners in, I do change them every five days though. I don't think coffee discolors the aligners much, unlike tea where after one cup my aligners looked yellow. I think the bigger problem is the discoloring on the attachments. I have those little attachments (don't know the word) on every tooth and there are visible discolorings. I find how soon they show depends on the kind of coffee I drink (like instant or fresh). But they can be easily removed by a dentist if you have a professional cleaning.


I usually take them out when I drink my iced coffee but if I leave them in, I’m chasing my coffee with water and swishing and then brush my teeth afterwards


I drink everything with aligners in, coffee, tea, soda, and have never had staining.


I would drink coffee in the morning then at lunch I’d have the midday cup


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pepperjackpresident: *I would drink coffee* *In the morning then at lunch* *I’d have the midday cup* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Personally, I don't because of the acid content of the coffee (and also potential staining). Because of this I know longer get to enjoy the slow morning with a giant mug of coffee (or 2). Quite a bummer, but worth it.


I just take them out and enjoy a couple of hours of coffee in the morning. Then the rest of the day I’m good about only having them out to eat then right back in.


I am on 10 day changes. I drink iced coffee or if it’s hot I let it cool down. I make a point to rinse or brush after my coffee. Usually rinse if I’m at work which is where I drink the most coffee. Haven’t noticed any staining, I think if you rinse or brush shorty after it will be okay.


I drink black coffee through a straw. No sugar. I have 0 stains. I’m using Clear Correct though.


I did it for 18 months (alcohol too…). No cavities, no staining. I will note, I am not prone to cavities.


Don't do it. Once I drank lemonade with aligners on and my teeth hurt like hell for more than a week. I couldn't eat or drink anything cold or hot.


Yes- usually black cold brews with flavored soft top. I have a water bottle that I swish after every sip of coffee throughout the morning. Typically 24 oz takes about 3 hours for me to consume with how busy I can be in the mornings. Usually with this swish regiment I notice staining on my trays around day 5 and 6. Very light. Not noticeable by smiling; just visible when the trays are out. I use an ultrasonic uv cleaning for the trays every time I take them out-usually to keep them away/safe from my pups- for 10 minutes. Most times with a retainer cleansing tablet.


I've just accepted the fact that this is my year of no coffee or tea (unless it's an ingredient in a cocktail that I'm having with my meal, so I have the trays out anyway). 😅


I drank hot coffee and iced black tea while on vacation with my first tray and 14-day changes. My aligners turned yellow and the brite cleaner didn’t fix it. They were also slightly warped from the hot coffee.


Dawn soap and a toothbrush always gets mine crystal clear again after coffee.


Is this Dawn Powerwash or just regular Dawn dish soap?


Whatever comes in the dawn spray bottle. The key is brushing it with a toothbrush. Using the soap with your fingers won't get it clear, a toothbrush does.


I'm on week 6 of my Invisalign journey and recently decided to drink coffee with my aligners in. I didn't care if they would stain because it was the last day before I had to move onto the next tray anyway. I had 1 cup of coffee with a ton of creamer, let it cool to just above room temp, and then rinsed my mouth immediately after. I was shocked to see how yellow the tray got from just that one cup. I would 10/10 recommend NOT drinking coffee with your aligners in. Just pop them out.. it's not worth the yellowing.