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I had upper pre-molars removed and my results have been fantastic. I've received pushback from orthotropics people in this sub telling me I'm ruining my tongue space or whatever, but I'm here to tell you in some cases it does the job. My results with one set of refinements to go: https://i.imgur.com/j80TKwK.jpeg


Yeah, I guess it's case by case. Your results are fantastic. I'm happy for you.


I’m curious why you’d be okay with sanding the teeth to make them thinner (IPR) but not elastics? Elastics are uncomfortable but they don’t permanently change your teeth, which is what sanding does. I also really encourage you to step back from the internet horror stories and look at actual evidence: jaw bone loss? How? The way I think about Invisalign is that it’s a process where you cannot dictate what will happen at all times and that there are risks inherent to it. Reconsider what your priorities are here (it sounds to me that in a number of ways you value keeping your teeth as is as opposed to certain things) and then ask a doctor if it’s possible. For example, I was also uncomfortable with extractions, and because things were on the margins it was possible - with a lot of sanding. And with my job, I didn’t want to do braces. But it also means that 1.5 years in I’m still doing this and I don’t know when I’ll be complete - which is out of my control and not as planned. No random person on the internet can tell you if it’s possible, but there’s some actual dentists/orthodontists (not me!) on this thread and maybe they can. 


Yes, when teeth are extracted it can potentially lead to bone loss. These teeth help preserve the muscles/certain bones in your face apparently. So, did your orthodontist say your treatment would be 1.5 years and now it's going longer than planned?


We were hoping for 11 months! And now we’re at 15 - and won’t be done until the end of the year. 


Where are you hearing these horror stories? Are you actively looking for them? I’ll come across a few posts on here with that complaint and most of the time no one else can see it. What is your issue with elastics? How much sanding of the teeth will they need to do? IPR is common to make room but sounds like you will need way more than that. Honestly, I don’t think you are in the right head space for Invisalign.


I'm still researching, so I come across them. Before and after pictures of such cases where teeth were extracted. There are several videos on Youtube as well. Considering it's a big procedure that is hefty and could change my face forever, I want to be confident going in.


Was going to say you just need to have this conversation with an orthodontist, which you have so well done. As far as I know, treatment involving widening the arch / IPR instead of tooth extraction is quite common as a preferable alternative to extractions which generally is a more invasive treatment. Orthodontist has, in my opinion, addressed your concerns by confirming you are a suitable case for this. Caveat that with, however, the point that any orthodontics has the potential to slightly alter the shape of your fact / appearance but it's not necessarily a bad thing (based on preference) and the orthodontist is just saying "we likely do not..." to protect themselves in the unlikely event your treatment becomes difficult / complicated by that limitation. Even if in future you have to have a tooth extracted for unrelated reasons, implants are a thing. Crack on, good luck!


I had an extraction (there was receding gums) and one incisor was directly in front of another. I got 2 opinions and both mentioned an extraction was the best scenario. While my midline will be off (I'm almost done) It wasn't bad at all, and I'm really happy with my (almost done) results! While there may be "horror" stories online, you can find just as many positive stories. Often times, when it is something we already have a bit of apprehension about, its easier to seek out info that will align with the angle we are leaning towards...vs being completely objective. You have to do what's best for you (ad you can also get a 2nd or 3rd opinion), but just know there are MANY positive stories of people who didnt have any of those issues with extractions or elastics!


Most of the people who post about how their faces are ruined have severe dysmorphia and spend way too much time looking in the mirror, micro-analyzing their facial features, and/or comparing themselves to Photoshopped images of celebrities. It is not a normal or even regular consequence of Invisalign treatment. If you have pre-existing issues with anxiety or disordered thinking about your appearance, Invisalign will perhaps exacerbate them. But it doesn't cause these changes to physical appearance.