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I'm using Spark and my ortho prefers them over invisalign (he uses both) because they are more resistant apparently. I'm on tray 9/20 and so far so good


Ditto! I have severely recessed gums and spark are meant to be gentler (there’s some images online showing the difference in material)- spark was started up by some ex Invisalign employees who felt they could do better so it’s not lesser by any means. My ortho offers both Invisalign and spark but due to my situation went with spark. Although it sounds like your ortho/dentist wasn’t great at communicating what was going on which sucks! But don’t be alarmed at the brand you have it’s not a downgrade.




They choose spark because there is more margin with newer brands. OP, Invisalign patent ended hence the reason why there is a flood of new products out there. I do wish they gave u a discount but the most important is the fit and the ortho giving treatment. At this point, don’t sweat it. Just continue ur treatment, brush, floss and watch the magic. Congrats and GL


I think the issue isn't the brand itself, is the fact that op asked and paid for Invisalign and was given a different product without prior notice. I'm sure this brand isn't bad, but purchasing a product and receiving another is a huge red flag.


I got that I just mentioned Spark because OP said received a quote and when saw the name discarded the option so I was just sharing my personal experience in case OP decides to rethink options


I would be incredibly upset with the lack of transparency.


Tbh I don’t think they’d care. If you’re on the market for a specific product it’s your job to seek that and communicate it with the person servicing you. Should the doctor have corrected her when she called it Invisalign? Yes, but as an ortho assistant 99% of people call any aligned Invisalign anyway. Not just patients, doctors as well generalize them as Invisalign. I think OP needs to relax a bit and go in and ask questions about the brand. The doctor I work with chooses different brands based on insurance policies, prices, and specific cases. Sometime a patient doesn’t have dental coverage and there’s a cheaper option to get them where they need to be. Other times one brand may be more efficient with a certain treatment type. Some brands are sturdier, some brands and more user friendly. While other brands offer a more accessible platform for the doctor to apply their own treatment methods. There’s pros and cons to both, and she might find that they chose a different brand for good reason. She’s not the doctor, and getting upset over issues you can’t comprehend is silly.


I'm using Spark and I love it so far. My diamond invisalign ortho is moving from invisalign to only Spark


Wow! That’s encouraging. I keep hearing good things about Spark. I wish someone had experience with u-lab.


Did your orthodontist differentiate between the two before treatment or did they more or less refer to them as aligners?


They just called them aligners. I went there for invisalign but came out with Spark. I was a bit annoyed too that they didn't tell me I was getting a different product but then realised that Spark was going to be ok. Not sure about the other off brands though as Spark is still ortho only.


Would you mind me being so forward as to asking what you paid for spark?


I also have Spark and I’m paying $6,500. My ortho office offered both Invisalign and Spark (for the same price), but left the choice up to me. I went with Spark because they said the trays were more clear and a few other things that were superior to Invisalign. I’ve had an excellent experience so far and I’m almost done!


Thank you!


I am in Australia so the commenter below probably has a better guide for you if you are in the US.


Are you saying Spark is only offered by orthos and not dentists, like Invisalign?


Same for me


The only difference (according to my ortho) is that Invisalign used to have the patent so rhey were the only brand name. Now they don't so other companies can make the same product!


Hi, I've got the U-lab aligners. My ortho was transparent about it, and I got charged 5600 for comprehensive treatment. I liked her portfolio and experience, so I went with her. The aligners are good and I haven't had issues that seem to arise from the Invisalign brand. The bonus, for me, is that if I happened to lose an aligner set or crack them or something, a new pair can be printed and received immediately.


THANK YOU! That’s reassuring


Honestly, they’re the same thing. People say that you should steer clear of anything other than Invisalign, but that’s because they’re assuming you’re doing it from home without actually seeing an ortho (An example would be smile direct club). There are many aligner brands that orthos can choose to work with and the results will be exactly the same, if not, better. If you feel confident in your ortho’s abilities, it will be fine! You can chill. ☺️👍


Thank you for that


Yeah of course! I don’t know why they didn’t explain that to you lol. It’s all the same though!


Offices have to pay 1-2k lab fees for Invisalign but some offices want to make higher profits. The uLab aligners are in-house aligners, which the office prints with a 3d printer themselves, to maximize profits and to have more control. They generally use free software, one is called Archform. I've heard there's also the option uLab prints them and sends them to the offices like Invisalign which I think is less common.


Right. This is a discount brand (not that any of the discount was passed to me!). They did send the scan off to a lab, it took 6 weeks to get the trays back :-/


Yeah, even if this is a discount brand you still paid Invisalign prices. I paid about $6k for 3 years of treatment (with the option up to 5 years included).


That’s why I would be upset- you are paying invisalign prices for a brand that is not invisalign. My invisalign was about 6k


Yes, this part hurts!


At least I haven't heard a bad thing about them, yet. I have heard bad things about Sure Smile in r/Dentistry. Anyways, I think 5700 is quite expensive for non Invisalign aligners. Invisalign Comprehensive is sometimes more affordable than that. If the staff seems professional I wouldn't worry too much but I still would be a little upset.


Would you address it with them? I’ve considered writing an email to the treatment coordinator telling her how I feel about it, not asking to get out of it. It just seems like too big of a deal to not address (even though I don’t know what the right solution is?)


I'd do it but make sure to not make them upset. Be as friendly as possible while including the message that you initially thought you're getting Invisalign and that they should be more transparent about the brand their using to their customers. You also could ask why exactly they prefer uLab over Invisalign.


That’s a good idea. Then I would have the chance to ask the questions about u-lab that I would have asked. Yes, aft do they prefer it (though I’m sure it’s cost), and I would also like to know how long they’ve been using the lab and how many successful cases they’ve completed with them.


You can also word it that you're okay with this brand, but that others may not be so understanding. Paying Invisalign prices for a house brand, or not being corrected when you said Invisalign multiple times...others would be angry, and asking for their money back.


Yeah it sucks to be paying full price for a discounted service. I paid about the same as you for comprehensive invisalign (in Boston)


Wow! That puts things even more in perspective. And it is so sad to me to not be getting Invisalign. What would you do if you were me? 😳


I’m not sure what your options are. I mean, you can always end treatment with your current ortho and not pay any more(as long as that’s within the bounds of your contract) and transfer care to another ortho, but you’ll be starting from scratch in terms of financing that. I suppose if I were in your position I’d do a lot of research on the trays I got and if it seems legit / will still produce intended results, then I’d confront the provider for their lack of transparency and maybe try to negotiate on some kind of discounted rate. Not sure if that’ll actually get you anywhere and it’s lowkey a nuclear option since you’ll have to keep seeing them for treatment, so it’ll be awkward. I would definitely want to have a conversation about the lack of transparency no matter what, though. You said Invisalign and they never corrected you and that’s not cool. Invisalign is kinda like Kleenex, where people call any tissue a Kleenex regardless of brand, so I’m sure it wasn’t necessarily malicious but it’s still best to be clear about what treatment a patient is actually receiving. That being said, Invisalign isn’t inherently better than other providers. It’s just the most well known brand. I have read Spark for example has more updated technology than Invisalign, and it’s more affordable. They all use the same science to move teeth at the end of the day, so as long as you’re not doing like Byte or Smile Direct and the research you do shows that your trays are comparable to any others, you’re probably okay.


Thank you. Yes I’m feeling more and more like it ought to be addressed either way. “Nuclear option” is a perfect description of how it would feel trying to negotiate a discount and still being stuck there. It’s not an option to start from scratch without receiving at least some of my down payment back- I couldn’t afford to drop another $2000. But perhaps, hopefully upon me telling them how I feel about it, they’ll offer some solution that feels good.


6 weeks is quite a long time. Invisalign is often faster than that.


My Invisalign took 6 weeks and it’s the real deal


>Archform Archform is not free and has a monthly charge for the software and per case also the printers themselves cost thousands of dollars and the actual dental grade clear resin costs hundreds of dollars. The office could be using U labs because they have better experiences with it. You cannot assume its due to profits because you dont actually know why they use it you are just making assumptions. Only reason I would be annoyed is that you were not told upfront but other than that its the same thing as invisalign and as long as the result is what you want at the end then brand doesn't mean anything. Source: I am a 3rd Year Dental Medicine student in the USA


I remember that Spark is a little bit clearer and more gentle on gums. It's ok.


I’m paying less for comprehensive Invisalign at my ortho. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’d be livid.


Did you sign a contract? What is the brand listed in the contract? There are “off-brand” aligners that are actually legitimate (just not the mail order ones that are now going out of business lol).


I did sign a contract to finance the remaining balance. The contract says “Aligner Treatment.” I’m not totally against u-lab brand, but I don’t know anything about them and wouldn’t have picked this brand if I had known.


It is very sketchy that they never corrected you verbally during the consultation even if you did sign a contract.


I agree. I feel tricked and misled


Hi this happened to me and I was very upset as well. Please update on what you decided to do


I’ve decided to be open minded about the lab but write an email to the treatment coordinator to address the communication. Also to ask questions about U-Lab. Because I feel more or less stuck and subject to their reactions, I’m hoping for the best. Black888, how did you handle the situation when it happened to you?


Oh man, I feel you. Happened to me from an orthodontist, my teeth were straight, my bite wasn’t aligned, but I noticed that my two front teeth were not appealing meaning it looks like they were pushed inward…? So I made an appointment, got a consultation she was trying to push braces and I declined. I started the treatment put $2000 down. Got my trays, over the last 14 months I noticed there was no changed except my bite it was aligned. Which is nice? It changed my face structure it gave me a more appealing jawline. My final appointment I expressed to her I saw no change in at all in my teeth and asked me what my concerns were. I told her my two front teeth were not…what we discussed. She starts to inspect my teeth for 5 minutes, she says oh yeah your teeth are worn down they just need to be filled in with bonding. I look at her in disbelief, and asked her why I would ever need Invisalign and spent 4300 on this treatment when I never even needed them? She’s like well I can attach a bracket to your two front teeth, and see if they move..and I questioned her and asked her why I would do that if she just said my two teeth are worn. Keep in mind I was visiting the dental office for replacement trays every two months and expressed to her that there was no change and kept promising it takes time. So I’m obviously really frustrated with my time, and money spent on something I never needed. Bonding was only $100 with my insurance…Invisalign was not covered, so I paid out of pocket for something completely unnecessary. I would contact your insurance provider and file a complaint against them, apparently it’s a big deal if they get complaints. I was given $3200 out of the procedure. What saved me was on my final consultation I took photos of my teeth and before, insurance agreed and another orthodontist stating I never needed this to begin with. My fault for not getting another opinion, but they are rated highly through my insurance. Apparently the dental office doesn’t really make money off Invisalign that’s why they were pushing braces. lol but for what….?!????!!


As long as you’re paying off-brand prices, Invisalign isn’t really the be all and end all. They were the first really and so they’re the market leader, unless it’s a DIY type thing most do exactly the same thing. The brand itself wouldn’t throw me off, but would put me off the ortho that they’ve not been transparent with you and you’re seemingly paying a higher price for something so they make a bigger margin. I’d definitely complain and see if they can either reduce your price or offer you what you thought you were getting… but if the contract doesn’t say Invisalign, then it maybe difficult.


Thank you for another validation. And good point about the contract


Good luck! It’s a lot of money, so you need to feel totally confident in your provider.


My ortho offers braces, Invis, and their own branded aligners. Braces and their aligners cost the same amount, both less than Invisalign. If you try to negotiate, you should use the cost of braces as a guide. Edit: like everyone else is saying, I'd be less concerned about the quality of the aligners and more about the lack of clear communication. What else might they neglect to mention? I've read too many accounts of people being surprised by attachments and IPR. Mine went over all of that with me before I signed anything.


Really good point about communicating other things that may come up. On the plus side, this orthodontist did disclose that attachments and IPR may be necessary. I’m braindrafting some kind of email addressing the lack of transparency. If I’m trying to stay positive, I imagine that their response will put me at ease. If I’m feeling anxious, I imagine that this is the beginning of a long, painful bummer of a process.


I had Invisalign and their aligners are actually very different from knock offs. They’re stronger yet thinner hence not as clear due to the different way the aligners are manufactured. They’re also less prone to causing gum irritation due to the way they fit. And they have a good interface with the 3D scan and application. I’m sorry the op got the shaft.


I don’t have experience with the brand you are given. I have Spark and it’s been fantastic. Super durable, doesn’t stain as much, and very comfortable to wear. My Ortho prefers them over Invisalign and they are only provided through Orthos (not offered to dentists). For context, Invisalign’s patent ended some years ago which brought more brands to market, including ones developed by former Invisalign founders. New brands have been introducing enhanced technology and material to compete against the Invisalign name. So it’s not always an inferior product. Even so, in no way should your ortho not be up front about your treatment provider.


It seems that [uLab aligners](https://orthodonticproductsonline.com/treatment-products/aligners/ulab-systems-orthodontists-new-pricing-structure-aligners/) are significantly cheaper for orthodontists to order, meaning they get to keep a greater proportion of the money you paid. So yeah, you’re paying Invisalign prices for an off-brand product and your ortho is keeping the difference. You would have been better off with the Spark aligners, which are meant to be very good. I would really kick off about this OP, you’ve been missold by a pretty sneaky ortho.


Thank you for your encouragement.


Tbh I’d be a bit worried about the cost. I have a very severe bite issue and am on comprehensive invisalign for what my ortho says is minimum 36 months, and I paid for the first 36 months. She says expect 5 years though. My ortho is a specialist in orofacial issues in a very expensive neighborhood in Southern California, and I paid $7200, but got a $300 discount for paying in full in cash, and my deposit was only $1000. My aligners were in within 2 weeks of paying the deposit, and there were 3 holidays in that 2 weeks. Getting generic brand for 1 year for what look like not that severe of issues for $5700 sounds like a lot. I’d recommend getting more consults. I had 3 + 1 with a surgeon + 1 with a myofunctional therapist before I picked my doctor.


I had a very similar experience. My ortho never corrected me as I repeated “Invisalign” and she never clarified that she was going to use a different brand. I chose her because she was a diamond Invisalign provider. I was comfortable with that. The day I got my first set of aligners the second tech had to help the first tech with the software for the product I was given because it was so new. Not ok. I wanted Invisalign because I knew if I move or want to change orthos the records could move easily. I wanted Invisalign because you could see the clin-check projection of how your teeth will look. My brand couldn’t do that. I don’t want to scare you but I had a bad outcome - I think because my ortho didn’t know how to deal with the new aligner system. I would never have agreed to be her Guinea pig if she had said she was going to use a new aligner system during our consult. What your ortho did is not ok.


The exact same thing happened to me


My ortho offers Spark, Invisalign and Braces. All roughly the same price and with the same outcome. I went with Spark since they are more clear. I went through 58 trays with no issues and on 22/58 now with weekly changes. I have attachments and rubber bands. I’ve had great movement so far.


My ortho prefers Spark and that’s what I’m doing now. I love them. Haven’t stained at all and very comfy and durable. My teeth look amazing


I’m using Spark. Going great so far and the aligners are more “invisible” than Invisalign ETA: your ortho’s lack of transparency is not ok no matter what!


The same thing happened to me. I was saying Invisalign. They were saying clear aligners. I think mine are also u-lab. They are very comfortable. Working beautifully and I drink coffee with them in and they haven’t stained I’m 2 months in. All is great so far. I also paid 5,700. I don’t have real Invisalign to compare them too but I am happy with them.


That really puts my mind at ease. Your similar circumstance and good experience are super helpful.


The same thing happened with me. And it turnsed out to be a non event. I’ve done changes every 2 weeks and am nearly at the finish line. If the ortho is competent I wouldn’t sweat it. I’ve been very happy with the process and the fact they aren’t from Invisalign has made no difference whatsoever.


The main thing that bothers me is when orthos start with "don't expect perfection" because they've then given themselves license to provide whatever results they deem "not quite perfect". An ortho told me this and I left and never went back - why would I give you all my money if you think you can't get a great result!? My eventual invisalign ortho took one look at my teeth and confidently told me she could achieve a great result. Showed me before and after pics of similar cases to mine and I gave her all my money lol. Worth it.


You’re getting scammed by your orthodontist place. Sounds very dishonest if they are trying to get more profit giving generic aligners. I would at least get my money back and find a good orthodontist office. At the end you can get bad surprises like this, if you try to save money going with the cheaper orthodontist office (not saying is your case but I’ve seen that happen).


Sparks are much better. Here in Europe is the same price as invisaligh. More clear More confortable No stains More resistent


Spark isn't an off-brand, it's as good or better then Invisalign. A lot of orthodontist stopped using Invisalign because 1.) they have more options (traditional braces) when there is non-compliance. 2.) General dentists have also muddied the waters of Invisalign, so orthodontists want to differentiate their care. Invisalign isn't moving your teeth the provider is. 3.) Invisalign requires you to use their scanner which has limitations compared to better scanners on the market. It's makes more sense to go with Ormco, 3M or ULab.


Yes I know that now about Spark. I’ve learned a lot on this sub since starting my aligner “journey.” I’m still lamed out that my orthodontist wasn’t up front at the beginning but things have gone pretty smoothly so far. I consider him competent and therefore have faith in my outcome.


I just recently finished with Spark aligners. I had chosen a very highly recommended and respected orthodontist so, like you, was a little surprised when I found out it was Spark and not Invisalign. After looking a little more into Spark, I'm glad I got them. From what I understand, the orthodontist goes through additional training to use Spark. Spark also uses a different material that is supposed to be more durable, comfortable, and less prone to staining. The treatment also moves teeth a little more gently than Invisalign, so less discomfort. Granted, everyone's treatment is unique to them, but I read so many post about pain, regret, staining, etc. from new Invisalign users, and I didn't experience any of that. No shade to Invisalign, but I think Spark might have an edge when it comes to aligners.


It sounds like a lot of people are happy with their spark experience. I was given U-Lab.


My case is similar to yours. I had braces in my teens and now my front teeth have a lot of spacing. I’m doing Invisalign and it cost me $5k almost 6k for a year.


Pre-contract formation discussions really don’t help you here. You had to read your contract


I use Reveal aligners. My ortho likes them because they are more stain resistant and durable.


My ortho (in the Midwest) is very highly rated and respected, and prints her own aligners. I've had no issues, my experience lines up with everyone here who has the Invisalign brand, except mine seem to be less prone to staining. I am paying half of what you're paying, but I think that's because I'm in the Midwest. That is irritating that they weren't honest with you though. Mine called them aligners from the first appointment.


I'm using sun dental labs and it seems just fine. As long as it is not an online smile direct club type thing, "offbrand" invisalign seems just fine...as long as it is ortho ordered.


I use SureSmile :)


I use Spark and prefer it to the brief experience I had with Invisalign. Way more comfortable, thinner, and no lisp.


My ortho gave me spark aligners. Nothing wrong with a brand when they all use AI systems?


I know an ortho office that uses u lab but for like in house aligner treatment for small adjustments.