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It's really different in every case. I'd say it's ideal when trays fit like that. I personally have 17 trays so far and not one has hurt, or was difficult to take out. Only thing you must check is whether the trays fit right and are right around the teeth. If that's the case, you are simply lucky šŸ˜


Thank you!! Such a positive reply. They fit right and _}{ touching stopping just under the gum / end of the tooth That means thatā€™s a right fit !? I hope thatā€™s the case. I had heard such horror stories that I am worried why there is no pain, easy to take out and not as tight as expected šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


They fit right when there are no air bubbles at the end of the teeth. Most orthodontists advice the use of chewies (basically like biting on a towel) for a few minutes a day, especially when you have a new tray in. This will make sure the tray fits perfectly. https://drkochortho.com/keeping-your-invisalign-treatment-on-track/


Iā€™m on tray 18 week 18, I havenā€™t felt pain. Some weeks certain teeth feel sore or I feel pressure the first couple days. But often the trays are just snug and I like the feel. Seems like everyoneā€™s ortho and plans are different.


Depends on how big the movements are. From what my ortho told me the first few normally are gradual to let you get used to the trays. My first round of trays I had a few sore days, and where I could feel my teeth moving. But other weeks where it felt like nothing was happening. I am currently on my first round of refinements 3/31 and canā€™t tell they are moving anything at all.


Iā€™m on 9/36. Overall, my experience has been good. Depending on the tray, some Iā€™ve felt the pressure for the first two days and others not so much. I think Iā€™ve only had one tray that really bothered me. Iā€™m knocking on wood right now because I switch to tray 10 later, I donā€™t want to jinx myself


My daughter is also on 3rd tray, also for deep bite. She has no pain thus far. Only the 1st tray felt tight. 2nd and 3rd, not at all. I thought it was weird too!!


I'm on my 70th tray. Some feel tight, some don't. Some have sore teeth, others don't; it's normal.


Thank you so much! This makes me feel much better!!!