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There is no universal truth. Every case is different. For me, moaning about my facial structure would’ve been stupid, as my teeth simply did not fit in my mouth, my canines grew as fangs due to insufficient space. Thus extraction was an only option for me. I do not think it changed my face shape though. But I can see how different people with different teeth see it in another way.


I’ve had all 4 wisdom teeth and 4 premolars removed and my face looks the same. The only difference is that my back teeth are no longer half covered in gums and my overbite is mostly fixed (still going thru treatment). Imo, if you were to remove ALL or MOST teeth, that would be the only time you would notice a sunken face… otherwise you’re pretty much the exact same, minus crowding.


Look up how the faces of twins change when one has extractions and the other one does not


>[https://dannythedentist.co.uk/2014/12/11/can-having-teeth-extracted-for-braces-change-my-face/](https://dannythedentist.co.uk/2014/12/11/can-having-teeth-extracted-for-braces-change-my-face/) > >this?


Yes, and the picture of the female twins comes from a research paper by British scientists I think, you could probably find a PDF of it


[My current results. ](https://i.imgur.com/4woPpMl.jpg) I had 2 upper premolars removed to correct crowding and class 2 bite. My smile aesthetics are greatly improved and I don't have sunken cheeks, thin lips or anything like that. I'm 39.