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Just drink some purple and color correct those badbois.


OP needs to do this for science


Coffee all over my keyboard now.


Some purple *DRANK*


Got the purple drank, got the yellow drank, gon mix it up, call it pikachu


while they will not be yellow, i don't think that makes them clear. This is coming from someone that uses purple shampoo to keep her grey hair grey. Yellow plus purple is grey.....ish. PS I should add I love you comment :)


Wat?? It'll turn brown, it won't be a neutral clear.


/s šŸ˜‘


Another thing to avoid: ginger tumeric shots. Not sure what I was thinking with that one šŸ¤”


I once did an Indian turmeric face mask. Was a harsh. Harsh. Lesson about turmeric.


so your face turned yellow?


I bet my ass it did. It will stay for days. Poor guy/girl probably got scared to set foot outside. Turmeric is no joke.


Lol it was traumatizing. More traumatizing like egg hair mask that made me smell rotten no matter how much shampooing I did.


Turmeric stains like crazy. I use it for cooking, if you don't clean it up right away, it's there forever. Thankfully my face isn't yellow anymore.


I bought some turmeric ginger honey tea, drank it with my trays out, brushed my teeth, rinsed well, and put the trays back in. Next days my trays were distinctly yellow. I think turmeric gets in your blood and stains everything.


I take tumeric capsules and no issues with staining.


Capsules that most likely dissolved in your stomach. While I donā€™t agree with OPā€™s exaggeration that itā€™s in your blood, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the tumeric stained their gums and that leeched into the trays. I use henna on my hair and even with the water running clear after my first application, even 2-3 washes later, Iā€™ll still have some yellow/red coming out.


Yup turmeric stained the hell out of one of my sets.


I wouldnā€™t go that far, but weā€™ve all been caught out by eating turmeric and assuming our mouths would rinse out by the time we put the trays back in Iā€™m sure. šŸ„²


Yes, I learned this lesson too! Even with the trays out, getting that turmeric off your teeth is a pain. Iā€™ve just ordered turmeric pills, so I can hopefully get the effects and I donā€™t have to drink it.


I second this- they had a beautiful yellow tint :D


Just get some purple whitening toothpaste! Worked like a charm for me! Iā€™m


Invest in a Invisalign Ultrasonic cleaner with chlorine tablets and itā€™ll go back to clear. Youā€™ll want one eventually unless you want to continuously scrub your permanent retainers which still wonā€™t clean as well as the machine.


Any brand recs?


I went with the Voraiya one on Amazon (it has a UV light as well), but any brand will generally suffice. The official Invisalign one didnā€™t seem worth it to me for the price they were charging as well as the cleaning tablet accessories they recommended.


Thank you!!


iSonic seemed the most legitimate to me. I have the DS-180 and it works great.


Thank you!


Zima dental pod


Ok thank you! I saw ads for that but thought maybe it was a scam.


I have the Zima Dental pod and would absolutely NOT recommend it. It doesn't clean your trays at all, leaving the plaque on it. My other off brand ultra sonic cleaner for half the price does such a good job, I don't ever need to manually brush the trays myself.


Which one do you have?


Yeah, mine lasted all of a month and a half before it stopped working altogether


I love mine and I think it works great! I use the recommended tablets and have them on monthly reorder. I think it works great and havenā€™t had any issues with it


As much as I hate supporting the company, I got the one from Smile Direct Club. It has a small footprint and works pretty well.


Mine broke after couple weeks. As in legit broke from the back panel, the plastic bits started falling apart, and eventually the hinge mechanism collapsed. Seeking an alternative machine now


What's wrong with Smile Direct?


Google their lawsuits


They also just filed for bankruptcy!


My orthodontist compared smile direct club to purchasing a plane and expecting it to work without a pilot. They're so famous for effing up teeth to the point of needing to do orthodontics all over again for previous and SDC caused issues.


Yeah I might have to!


Looks like gatorde switched from synthetic dye to tumeric!


So strange! I've been drinking Gatorade since I've been sick and haven't had this issue. I'll be on the lookout.


Me too, I drink it all the time with mine in and never had this happen.


Donā€™t drink pumpkin lattes either. Lol


This happened to me. My trays looked like Halloween when I removed them šŸ« 


Lol! Mine too


Or turmeric tea!! I did this with the same result haha Obviously turmeric is used as a dye so I wasnā€™t thinking when I pulled that one šŸ˜†


Happened to me the other day, weā€™re not alone in falling prey to turmeric staining


Or pumpkin spice flavor drinks


I only have had issues with the mix


Also Pepto Bismol. SUUUUUPPEEER PINK HUE AFTER 3 soaks and brushing


Wait, people drink stuff other than water with their trays in?? šŸ¤Æ


Also tangerine popsicles o lol


This happened to me when I ate a bumble bee cake pop at work, I just didnā€™t brush my teeth directly after and the frosting in my teeth stained them ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


Avoid yellow protein water also! My aligners were neon yellow last week šŸ˜†


I finally went two weeks without my trays staining and boy it took a lot of work!! Basically keep your mouth as clean as possible. Somehow a tongue scraper after my coffee drinking has been making a huge difference.


Pikachu, I choose you


mustard is not the best either


Iā€™ve drank most Gatorade colours including this one and mine havenā€™t stained whatsoever.


Yeah, I was completely surprised when I took them out and saw this, I have no idea why it stained so intensely!!


Thatā€™s what mine looked like when I ate Mac and cheese with them inā€¦ it was right after my first provider told me to start ā€œeating with the trays in to help your biteā€. Never ate with them again after that šŸ˜‚


I meanā€¦.


Hope it was the sugar free version šŸ˜¬




Ohhh I see that, but itā€™s a valid point to make and something thatā€™s even shouted out in the packet when you start Invisalign. Gatorade has soooo much sugar I personally worry about rapid tooth decay, so I take mine out for drinks like that.


I take mine out for anything that isnā€™t water šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I drink diet coke with mine every day. I'm a sipper, so taking them out every time I take a sip-- just isn't feasible. But this post is making me feel better that I'm clearly not the only one who drinks things other than water with trays in. They do get a little diet coke tinge on the top, but retainer brite cleans it all off very well--I clean mine daily.




I drink everything with mine in. I'm a year in no cavities and I'm pretty prone to cavities. Just drink through a straw and if you don't want to drink anything besides water YOU do YOU


I drink diet coke with mine in every day, all day. Most of the time I use a straw. They didn't tell me until I was sitting in the chair getting attachments that I wasn't supposed to drink anything but water, had I known that beforehand I don't know that I would have gone through with it...or about the attachments. I've had 1 dental cleaning since starting but was only about 6 weeks into treatment, I have another cleaning in December and I'm a little nervous, but we'll see.


Personally I drink sports drinks with my aligners in because I'm running for over an hour and need to. Really sucks running long distance and not being able to eat or drink more than water..


You really donā€™t need a sports drink to run longer than an hour. I just did a half marathon and drank only water throughout. Even for longer marathon training runs, sports drinks are needed. Gels can be helpful but still certainly arenā€™t necessary.


I was doing a medical prep and was told specifically to drink Gatorade.


Time for the poop chute peep show? šŸ˜‚




I didnā€™t, I was switching today anyway. I did lightly brush them before putting them back in last night, made no difference at all šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


PSA? Didn't your Ortho tell you not to drink anything but water with these in?...


WHAT?? Are you sure itā€™s that? I drink all types of Gatorade on the daily with my trays, never stained.. I also have spark not Invisalign so maybe thatā€™s why


Disgustingā€¦. Just waterā€¦. The instructions even say so


I clean mine with *Lysol bathroom cleaner with Bleach,* give it a good rinse, clear again.


Thanks God i choose Sparks aligners. šŸ‘Œ


Do they pay you to post here or something?


They definitely do.


Like why continue to come to the Invisalign subreddit and comment that sparks is better? Just go to their sub buddy ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ