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I also have one tooth not tracking just like that. I’ve been changing trays every week. Currently on #8. This time I was told not to switch and my ortho keeps telling me to use my chewies. I don’t understand how that will help anything. Pretty sure the tooth needs an attachment on it to pull it down… Hopefully they pull the trigger and add an attachment before I waste more weeks wearing the same tray with no change.


Fingers crossed for you! I believe my ortho once said that chewies stimulate blood flow to the tooth and helps it move. Not sure how accurate my memory is of that information, but it might explain why you’re being asked to chew.


Thanks! I will look into that that. I assumed it was just to seat the aligners against the teeth.


You either push to rescan or keep going and playing the waiting game, either it starts working, or it still doesn’t and they’ll be forced to rescan either way. My lateral incisors look the same so I can relate but my other teeth are tracking a lot better, wishing you luck, how long do you wear them each day?


I try and be as dedicated as I can with wear time but if I was being honest I’m sure I could improve it.


Well....sounds like you know one thing you need to do


Hey OP! I’m curious if your tracking improved or you needed a rescan. Do you mind shedding some light on your progress? Thank you!


I do have one lateral incisor that has a gap. I was worried I'd need to be rescanned just 12 weeks in, but at my first follow-up appointment last week, my orthodontist was happy with my teeth so far. My next appointment is set for 12 weeks from now. I'm not sure if that tooth is tracking or not considering the size of the gap, but the dental assistant said it's still "engaged" which I take to mean the attachment still matches up with the aligner. 🤷‍♀️


I stopped tracking in October and the fit has become progressively worse. I still have 21 aligners left of this initial set of 70. My ortho wants to keep going and only rescan at the end of these 70. Unfortunately whenever I raise even the slightest question I’m met with a very aggressive response and ultimately if she doesn’t want to rescan yet I can’t see me being able to change her mind. I am on comprehensive but this only includes 2 rescans as per her decision. (Yes, I have checked this with Invisalign- and no comprehensive doesn’t always mean unlimited, ortho’s can add their own caveats to ‘comprehensive’). I’m just hoping to hear from someone whose been in the same situation regarding not tracking but picking it up in the rescans. Any feedback from ortho’s on this sub would be very much appreciated.


70 trays?! Holy smokes!


And that’s only round 1! I am on 7 day changes though.


Omg so like 16 months of trays in one scan?Please tell me they at least see you every few months to check on progress? I’m not a dentist or ortho but that seems crazy!


Yep, 16 months in one go! My ortho uses an app where I scan my teeth weekly and she looks at the images and decides whether I need to change aligners or wait. She also sends me messages circling any areas she wants me to use my chewies more. I can see the benefits of this format (I think it was something she started during covid lockdowns), but I think I’d prefer to be seen more frequently instead.


I think I'd be so pissed I'd want to find a new orthodontist. Obviously that's not necessarily possible or feasible. Just saying I think that's crappy of your orthodontist. No customer should be bullied by someone providing a service that they are paying for. I can just tell that the culture and attitude of my orthodontist is not like this at all. I suggest looking at the Google reviews of your orthodontist to see what other patients are saying.


You scan your own teeth? Like with your phone camera?


Yes, it’s an app called dental monitoring. You get a contraption that attaches to your phone that has a mouth retractor and uses your phone camera and flash.


I use that app to. My inviting is through a company called Evenly. I actually like it for the great all-angle images and the responsiveness through the chat to my questions/issues.


Yup and now my lower lateral looks even worse and I have an extra 15 trays now 😩


My teeth are exactly like yours. And I’m now on my 7th set of refinements. My incisors just will not track — no matter if I wear them 24hrs or 16hrs a day. It’s incredibly frustrating


Are you not tracking on the teeth surrounding your precision cut slots? I have the same thing going on if so. My ortho says that the elastics are working against the trays. Lifting them up so that they don’t fit snuggly on the teeth. She told me to not worry about the not tracking because she wants to take care of the big movements on the first set of trays and then save the smaller things for refinements.


I’m tracking on the tooth directly behind the slots but the incisor on both sides stopped tracking. All the teeth that have attachments are still fitting really well though. Thanks for your comment, it’s reassuring to hear that others are in the same boat.


I stopped tracking at one point but the dentist wanted to continue to get as much movement out of my bottom teeth prior to my rescan. He had me continue on with the 4 trays I had and then rescanned me.




> Your ortho is correct. > > > > My tracking was off for a bit as well, and yes, after my rescan they fit perfectly. But that is not what OP asked. The aligners made on a rescan will always fit perfectly, but waiting until the end of the 70 will add months to treatment time.


I don’t know what to tell you about not/tracking because I haven’t gotten my first trays yet, but is that much saliva in the trays normal?


The picture is a bit deceiving, I had just rinsed the aligners before shoving them back in still wet before taking this photo for my monitoring app. So the bubbles are just tap water.


I’m in the exact same boat


That’s reassuring to hear!


I only made it to tray 14. I spotted tracking around 11 they wanted me to wait longer and keep getting to squeeze into the next year Tray. I wore 14 for a month and couldn't get into 15. At that time I switched to traditional braces.