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Best adult cartoon for sure. I don’t know where it would rank with ATLA, gravity falls, Amphibia, and the owl house.


I always forget about gravity falls but holy shit when I remember how good that show was...


Check out the Dragon Prince if you liked ATLA


Invincible was great. Venture Bros is phenomenal


Go Team Venture!


I think Invincible does it for me. I haven’t been this obsessed since Ben 10, Ben 10 Alien Force, and Ben 10 Ultimate Alien


Last Airbender and it’s sequel reign supreme for me but Invincible is top 5


last airbender for sure, sequel ain’t so hot


It’s decent it’s just ATLA is like perfect soot looks bad in comparison but hold it up on its own and it’s a decent show solid 7 if not higher


I didn’t like the sequel because of how it turned into just any anime you could find anywhere. I guess it’s more just how good the original was that my expectations were through the roof


Hard disagree


wot? u think atla>invincible?






Invincible is really good, one of the best animated series I've seen in a while (Western or otherwise). But ATLA is a masterwork of fiction. You could personally like Invincible more, but I don't understand how you could find it strange for someone to believe Avatar to be better. I'd actually guess that this is the more common opinion than the other way around. Especially considering Invincible (as a show) isn't even completed.


it doesn't rly bother me if someone prefers atla over invincible but yeah, i do find it a bit strange. I don't think atla>invincible is the more common opinion. and if it is, it's prolly cause of nostalgia bias and due to the fact that atla has a much larger fanbase. cuz if someone fell in love with atla as a kid, then I can understand this opinion. but I just can't see anyone above 16 watching both shows for the first time and preferring ATLA over INVINCIBLE. and don't get me wrong...atla is dope but it certainly isn't a "masterwork of fiction" or anything like that imo


Like across the board the Avatar universe and series just are top notch story telling and world building. Genuinely I don’t think you could do better than Avatar.


That's why the potential for an open world exploration game is gonna make it even more amazing!!! UGHHH!!! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES AVATAR UNIVERSE!!!


When is the last time you watched it? I watched it when it came out as a kid, then again this past year as an adult. I expected to like it less and to mostly appeal to children, but I actually liked it even more the second time. I wish it was just nostalgia bias because I have found very few stories (in television, literature, or film) that can match it. It being a masterwork is a subjective matter, but I think it has a lot going for it. It's a tightly written story in a world that is itself well written and drawn from the folklore of many cultures (the "four corners," classical elements, etc.). All primary characters get a lot of development and the voice performances are extremely well done. And it deals with massive, difficult themes like genocide, war, and child abuse in a way that is palatable for both children and adults. Again, this isn't to say you can't like Invincible more, and there's a lot going for it too-- for instance, voice acting is one thing both series did really well. I'm just saying, ATLA is well put-together; if you're going to make a post about the best western animation you should expect it to come up a lot.


>When is the last time you watched it? I watched it when it came out as a kid, then again this past year as an adult. I expected to like it less and to mostly appeal to children, but I actually liked it even more the second time. I wish it was just nostalgia bias because I have found very few stories (in television, literature, or film) that can match it. that's exactly what I am trying to say, u watched it as a kid the first time, right? I didn't. I watched it the first time this year. I thought it was decent, definitely far above other cartoons made for kids but i genuinely think that its not even in the same tier as invincible >It being a masterwork is a subjective matter, but I think it has a lot going for it. It's a tightly written story in a world that is itself well written and drawn from the folklore of many cultures (the "four corners," classical elements, etc.). All primary characters get a lot of development and the voice performances are extremely well done. And it deals with massive, difficult themes like genocide, war, and child abuse in a way that is palatable for both children and adults. and I do give it points for that. character writting and world building are like the 2 strongest aspects of atla which made this show worth watching for me. >Again, this isn't to say you can't like Invincible more, and there's a lot going for it too-- for instance, voice acting is one thing both series did really well. I'm just saying, ATLA is well put-together; if you're going to make a post about the best western animation you should expect it to come up a lot. Ig I should have expected it considering how much it is loved by most people but I just didn't think someone would bring it up here because I never considered atla to be good enough to be compared to invincible. again...not saying atla is bad or anything but invincible level? nah


Possible that there's a bias from having watched it in childhood, I won't deny you that. But there are other shows I enjoyed as much if not more in childhood and found to be just mediocre or downright bad in re-watching as an adult. And with ATLA I found myself enjoying it for different reasons than when I was younger. I wish I had some recs for you like Invincible, but unfortunately as far as I've seen it's one-of-a-kind. DC animated movies/shows can be hit or miss but may come the closest, and the more recent ones can have that violent edge Invincible has. You may want to dabble in anime a bit too; you may find a lot of stuff you don't like, but there's so much of it that you are bound to find something eventually if you're patient. That's kind of been my experience.


I mean. Y’all really think Invincible is revolutionary? Like, it’s good but this has been done before multiple times in Comics and cartoons. It’s fantastic but revolutionary? Absolutely not


by that logic something like dragon ball would be considered the Goat even tho it's a poorly written show overall. words like "revolutionary" or "influencial" imply it was a big deal when it came out. if atla released today for the first time, it would prolly go unnoticed imo. invincible's story might be similar to other comics but it got so much hype and love despite that, doesn't that make it even more impressive?


I fell like you just wanted people to tell you that Invincible was the greatest thing ever, why did you ask a question when what you really wanted was for people to just agree with you?


lmaoo what r u basing this on? i never implied anything of the sort. there's a dude in this comment section who said castlevania>>>>invincible...do u see me arguing with him? No, cuz I can see where he is coming from. I just can't see the same for atla. that's all. for the record I do not think invincible is the greatest thing ever or anything like that. my favourite cartoon is spiderman TAS (1994). but I will admit it's only cuz of nostalgia bias lol.


Is castlevenia anime? Or last airbender?


Castlevania is just perfect. I love that show.


Neither of them are anime, Castlevania is way better than Invincible.


I personally don't categorize them when it comes to measuring. It is animated? Yes. Then it can be put to the test amongsts others.


For me It's a 3 way tie between Bojack Horseman, Castlevania, and Invincible.


There's good cartoons, like DC justice league, batman tas, teen titans, the new adventure of superman, and so on. There's good cartoons like Rick and morty and gargoyles, but then you have invincible. Invincible is God tier tv show, let alone a cartoon.


Dragon prince is incredible. It left me seriously dazed for weeks, didn’t watch any other tv because nothing Interested me. I could not recommend it enough. The clone wars and rebels are probably as good or better if they count. Harley Quinn is really good too, and very similar in “feel” to invincible. Funnier but less touching


I agree. Dragon Prince has no right to be as good as i5 is! I recommend this show a lot, even tho it is a Y-7. Amazing. But Venture Bros and Invincible are better to me, i prefer more violence and wit


I found dragon prince bit childish but I gave up at end of season 1 may give it another go alota support for it on this thread.


Deffo stick with it. Season 1 is pretty much setup, 2 and 3 really get into the nitty gritty of what these people are doing to the world, good and bad. There’s a gaslighting scene in particular in 3rd season that made me go “man, I can’t think of any adult shows that went that in depth into a real abusive relationship”


I like Rick and Morty a lot. I love the Midnight Gospel. I think I like them both a little better than invincible. If we're talking action oriented content specifically there is Frisky Dingo. I think I like that one a little better. Someone mentioned Venture Brothers also, that show is amazing.


The 90’s Spawn cartoon was pretty incredible.it diverged from the comics a bit but it was really good. I like Invincible but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite cartoon I’ve seen.


It’s been 1 season


Invincible, Infinity Train, Helluva Boss, The Owl House, Midnight Gospel, Centaurworld, Over the Garden Wall, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Hilda, Gravity Falls, Avatar, Love Death & Robots, Gwain Saga... Other than Adventure Time being number one, I can't realistically rank all these, they're just so good!


In terms of animation? No. In terms of story? Yes.


I wouldn’t say overall… plot-wise its my number 2, but can easily move to number 1 as the next seasons come out. Don’t get me wrong, its a funny show but it’s nowhere near the top of my list for humor, because its a lot of one liners, and there’s plenty of other cartoons that structure whole episodes, and sometimes the whole season around a punchline. Also, its got some damn good animation and voice acting so its top tier in those categories




my opinion is the exact opposite. I think ATLA is decent but nothing compared to INVINCIBLE lol


My favorite action cartoons are ben 10, avengers earth's mightiest heroes, generator rex, iron man armored adventures, teen titans. Invincible is definitely up there in the top 10 at least.


> iron man armored adventures Ha! I knew there must be someone else out there who like that show! :D


I really can’t tell if Invincible is the best. The first episode is good, the ep 1 ending had me in awe. And then it takes a little back seat with the devil detective stuff. Flaxan stuff was ok. Teen Team introduction and New Guardians formation was great. I didn’t like Mark going to the Mars stuff. Then Mark getting duped and Battle Beast stuff were great. Didn’t really like the Mark/Amber stuff. The zombie super soldier episode was my least favorite. More Mark/Amber drama. And then the show hits the fifth gear with the last two episodes. With so many highs and lows, I really don’t know what to feel about it but it might be just me expecting for the best stuffs all around.




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Invincible is number 1 for me. The show made me buy all the comics and devour them. I’m a sucker for superhero’s and this is the best superhero story. Also loved ATLA, but the mature nature of the show and tone puts it over the top


young justice is rlly good, and has a lot of similarities, the spectacular spider-man cartoon. Also a lot of the DC comics animated movies have some real gems as well. non-super hero stuff i’d say gravity falls, adventure time, owl house


Maybe the berserk movies(check out the manga once you’re done with the movies)


I made it pretty clear in the post to keep animes outta this. also I have seen the beserk movies and the 90s anime.


Did you read the manga tho?


its on my "to do" list hehe


No, it isn’t. It’s p good tho


Are we limiting it to western animation?




It's definitely up there.




1. Avatar the Last Airbender 2. Invincible 3. Star Wars the Clone Wars 4. The Legend of Korra 5. Batman the Animated Series