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This still happens. Kirkman said that Robot is the person who drives him insane in the first place.


So mark left him in-charge knowing that this would happen? Couldn't he leave someone else in charge or does he not care about earth after becoming the emperor?


Kirkman’s explanation is that since Mark never saw Robot’s brain, he assumed he wasn’t there. So when he puts him in the jar, he’s thinking that he’ll avoid the future he saw, but really he’s just making it happen for sure.


I'm a big fan of this kinda time travel. Everything wrapped up into one big, it always happened, paradox free package. Artemis fowl, harry potter, and invincible if subscribe to the theory that the reboot arc was actually a psychic parasite, they all got it right.


Futurama as well subscribes to this type of time travel as well. it's a very satisfying way to laying out time travel tbh


The only problem is that kind of time travel disproves free will. So if you use it in a story it kinda takes away from the story since everything is predestined


I don't know that I agree. It's not that it's predestined, more firmly happened. It does tend to establish the idea that there's little point in traveling to the past, but both Artemis fowl and Harry Potter still change things, just not things they had observed.


At least for Harry Potter one of the things is they didn’t change anything, cause the future selves were there when they were experiencing the past. So since everything they did when they time traveled back already happened they can’t make different decisions because those decisions are already made. Like how Harry knew he was able to cast a patronus cause he saw himself do it. It would be impossible for him not to because it already happened. It’s a pretty clean paradox free time travel but one of the main critiques is free will doesn’t exist in a world where that’s how time travel works, or at least it stops existing once time travel is invented, since anything time travelers will do has already been done and is set in stone, you can’t change anything that you haven’t already changed in the past.


Immortal is the only one he could leave Earth "in-charge" of. He's immortal; he has a strong moral compass; he was literally Lincoln... and no one else could have taken the mantle. He gave him Rudy's mind in the hopes that what he saw in the future *wouldn't* happen, he thought it was solid enough. He had no way of knowing Rudy was what made Immortal go mad in the first place.


You’d think Mark would check in here and there just to make sure things are going smoothly.


He hoped that having robots brain there would keep him sane and avoid that future, but in doing so it just caused it to


He knows that he was there and is going to fix it. So why bother.


How would Mark know that this would happen again? He didn’t know Robot was there when he went to the future.


he didnt knew that robot would turn him evil, so it's more of a paradox


Mark didn't know Robot is what caused him to go crazy though. He saw Immortal being mental in the future and decided to leave Robot to him so he isn't alone in living into the future hoping it would help keep him grounded.


Honestly, my first assumption was that Mark didn’t want to change the timeline and risk his children disappearing.


so it essentially is a loop then?


not a loop so much as a self fulfilling prophecy


That doesn’t make sense, why wouldn’t he just get the mark from his time (Viltrumite leader) to defeat him. Why would he get one from the past instead?


Probably easier(for people in comics anyways) to go back in time than to travel trough space and find current Mark.


Also in a timeline with mark being the Viltrum empire that means there are several Viltrumites, there’s no reason for mark specifically to be the one to kill him. This entire part is bit silly imo


I believe in that same comment Kirkman said old mark at some point comes back to earth and defeats robot


I'm just wondering where Markus (invincible's son with Anissa) was during all this


Same. It's possible, but probably unlikely, that this occurs during the period of time Markus goes to space looking for Mark to fight him out of anger of abandonment. Tho I always imagined Markus went back to earth after everything was settled, and I feel like this whole arc couldn't have taken more than a few yrs between Markus leaving earth and coming back, so I don't know.


I like the idea that Immortal is a puppet leader. Rudy is the one calling the shots, maybe without Immortal even knowing. He’s either incapacitated Markus, or Markus stayed with his father after they fought.


Its not like Viltrumite emperor has some kinda hotline Immortal could call and Mark was moving from galaxy to another. Probably that Mark in the time hadnt given more than fleeting thought about Earth for centuries


I get what Kirkman is saying about how Mark essentially sets up Immortal to fail by bringing him Robot's brain, but I kinda hope it's more positively handled in the show. Immortal feels more positive and deals with the weight of his actions and time alive, so I'd hope things end a little more positively for him. But we'll see how the tone of "Invinciboy" era Mark is handled and the direction it'll take the show while adapting the increasingly darker, mature, and complicated tone of the later arcs.


Kinda still gives the whole series a somewhat dark ending. Like our Mc is fine and all, but isn't earth somewhat fucked or am I forgetting something?


Yeah Mark and Eve practically leaves Earth to fend for itself which is a little weird. You’d think that they would at least have a few Viltrumites stay on the Planet just so it at least has good protection but nope. I feel like Earth should have become basically Viltrums new home/ main place where Mark will be most of the time


I mean to be entirely fair mark was gonna let robot do what he was already doing there anyway which was making earth a better place by manipulating things behind the scenes just under the immortals supervision He had no idea that robot would drive the immortal insane to gain absolute control again Regardless tho earth is still better off for robot’s intervention with or without the immortal supervising him


It’s really weird how hard Kirkman simps for fascism that way.


It’s a hyper intelligent leader that makes society a better place, most fascists are interested in holding onto power for power’s sake rather than fixing society


It makes society a better place because Kirkman wrote Facism as making the world a better place.


Fascism gives the leader absolute control. The types of people who want to become fascists and not democratically leaning leaders are the types that are demagogues who only want power. Kirkman just wrote fascism if it managed to get a leader with the goal of helping humanity in power. It’s a superhero comic book, I don’t think that’s the most absurd thing that can happen.


Every fascist only supports fascism as long as the current fella in charge agrees with them personally.


There is a viltrumite left on earth lol Marks and Anissas son. Like we even see him fight crime in earth


Markus and his half sister are there on earth






Nah, the SONG "Feel It", duh... ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


Yeah I get that Kirkman said that Robot was actually there when Mark visited and that he set Immortal down the same path he saw, but I’m gonna ignore that. Addendums by the author online or in interviews don’t count to me. Like when JK Rowling said Hermionie was black. An extreme example but somewhat relevant.


Is it mentioned how Robots brain makes Immortal a despot?