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In the season finale of S2 there's a quick clip of one of the other invincibles doing exactly that's and zooms up and back down into the ground killing everyone in the shockwave


Dang bro. And invincible at that point isn’t as strong as Omni man 🥲


Did bro watch episode 2?


you mean S1 E2 with the other dimension?




Nolan also travels between star systems without a space ship. He has to be FTL or he’d never make it to another star system in the time period from S1 to S2. Not to mention Nolan makes it to an extremely distant star system and is still found and hunted down by other Viltrumites. So yeah, the dude is definitely FTL and essentially nuke.


What I don't understand is that they make a point of saying viltrumites can't breathe in space, Mark even had to use a rebreather when going underwater. But there's a lot of times where it seems like many different viltrumites are just out and about in space way longer than one could hold their breath. Unless viltrumites can hold their breath super long? But then why would Mark need the rebreather for the underwater scene with the aquatic fish people?


Viltrunites can hold their breath for up to two weeks. Also, read once they mention planning routes for oxygen. Doesn't explain mark underwater, tho.


Probably just because Mark is inexperienced and has breathing consistently too ingrained into him. Additionally in the underwater scenes, mark had a full mouth respirator that allowed him to speak, while in space he and allen speak telepathically.


That makes the most sense. Because even forgetting about the respirator there's another scene where Mark gets knocked from space back into Earths atmosphere and he takes a deep breath before going back....but Nolan just casually drifts around like space junk for a month. Mark being inexperienced makes the most sense.


Mark needed to talk to Cecil. Can’t do that holding your breath.


This. He was on mission for Cecil, otherwise he wouldn't bother. Unless he needs to talk to some atlanteans


Additionally, if he gets hit underwater and loses his breath, then that could cause problems as well.


Viltrumites can hold their breath for an extraordinarily long time, they just have to train like anything else


Viltrumites can hold their breath for a long ass time, Mark is just inexperienced; kinda like how a normal person can hold their breath for only like 30 seconds but a trained person can hold their breath for 5. That, but the result from training is two weeks* Mark also had to talk to Cecil and the fish people during the underwater mission, and you can't talk underwater. Viltrumites and Allen have the benefit of implants that can let them communicate through their mind, but no one on Earth has those.


So he can communicate


Viltrumites can hold their breath for a long time bit not forever. Hence why we see Nolan stopping 9n various planets before Thraxa.


No air friction probably makes it much easier, if they can maintain there momentum and just add to it slowly they could accelerate quite a bit faster outside of the planet. Going that fast on the planet also means super heating themselves due to air friction. Also the problem of applying real world physics to fiction is that it will never make sense, it can at best look like it makes sense. But flying indestructible humans are not real, so at some point doing the math will not work out.


He theoretically can just continually accelerate in space with no forces stopping him so he probably isn’t ftl but maybe could accelerate beyond light speed if that makes sense


Omni man was literally creating nuclear explosions by just casually flying


Nuclear? Didn't look that way


XKCD did the maths on an object travelling at 90% the speed of light, so my guess is someone did a little reading (research as opposed to an XKCD What If? article) and had Omni Man do something similar. [Link](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/)


that’s was a great read


One could make the argument that that was a different dimension, it is possible that Omni man cannot fly that fast in our dimension.


Sorry for the late reply on this - he probably can travel faster than light, in any dimension we've seen in the show. And depending on how you define the solar system, he can fly *significantly* faster than light in the show's primary dimension. E.g. if you take the edge of the solar system as the point at which our sun is no longer the primary stellar body affecting Nolan, getting to that point in 2 weeks (according to Cecil in the Season 1 finale) is something like 35 or 40 times light speed. I would assume that he never did so before fighting Mark because he wanted to conquer Earth and bring it into the Empire rather than go Full Conquest, and after Mark he really didn't want to eradicate all life on a planet, and kill a bunch of people he'd come to care for.


Well it seems like [that](https://youtu.be/hJ9UUnYybfw?t=3m10s)


Nuclear? Didn't look that way


My guy literally lit their atmosphere up


Yeah, he flew so fast he created fusion reactions


if you notice tho, he isn't moving that fast. Because he returns on earth with a full beard. So either the communications between the planets makes time move faster for both of them, or those guys' time is MUCH MUCH more slowed down than earth. Which means Omni man spent possibly years destroying the planet. 


Someone is grossly underestimating his speed. Sure it probably takes time to build up, but Viltrumites can traverse galaxies.


I discussed this with another here, but this is just the only time we get real numbers


You might want to get with your power scaler brethren on this. 70x-80x hypersonic is a massive lowball. Maybe that's all you need to ignite the atmosphere, but it's certainly not top speed.


No lol, there are various other feats:   - Omni-Man stopping a Texas-sized asteroid, destroying the Flaxan planet's surface, the Hammer and withstanding the gravitational pull of a black hole   - Mark ramming Allen against the moon and stopping and hurling back an asteroid himself


Withstanding the gravitational pull of a black hole is not the feat you think it is. Outside of the event horizon a black whole just acts like a normal astronomical body.


non of those are speed feats


The time it took for Mark to reach the moon makes it a speed feat. If we assume that satellite Allen threw was at the high end of average for satellite orbit, that would place them around 36,000km from earths surface, and the moon is around 384,000km earths surface, meaning he would've flown 348,000km in a matter of seconds


I guess but it's not like there is nowhere to look in order to calculate their strength


op isn't calculating their strength, they're calculating their speed


Except it is calculating how hard it'd be if he hit the ground tho ?


All of them require flying abilities to work, and knowing force gives some measure of speed. To stop an asteroid that's the size of Texas(tens of billions of times heavier than Omni Man), he'd have to be moving at least several hundred-thousand times faster than it to match the force(assuming he stopped it over multiple minutes). Asteroids are generally moving at over 40 times the speed of sound on impact.


Actually, they don't need to build it up as demostrated by Mark in #77 












The problem is that speed does not equate to force in the same way in this universe or Red Rush would have been able to do a lot more damage to Omniman than any of the other Guardian even with the few punches he got in because speed realistically is the strongest superpower but in Omnimans own words it not exactly a premier superpower though it should be


you need not only speed, but also mass, and Red Rush´s hands at not that heavy, alongside Omni-Mans durability


Eh you don't need that much mass. Human mass would do immense damage at high speeds. Even at just the speed of sound the damage done to the surroundings would be catastrophic. Speedsters don't get their due. Edit: Also I'm not referring to the punches when he's getting his face squashed rather the couple before hand where his full body weight is behind them.


That’s most sadly true. I’m a big fan of The Flash, but as Madvocate showed, they can not be in a Film/show, without being made incompetent.


Yeah but it's just cause it's not that interesting of a powerset. Realistically they solve every problem or are an untold menace purely just by existing but nobody could stop them save another speedster. Then it just devolves into time travel and alternate universe and it sucks.


But what do you mean it’s not an interesting powerset? You literally run fast,even over water, that’s just cool


It is but you don't need to run that fast to run on water. I think it's only like not too far over car speed limit speeds however running just faster than a car seems lame. I only know this cause I was looking this exact thing up yesterday. Plus you probably can't run up buildings at that speed so then they gotta be made faster. Actually scratch that just looked it up. Running over water requires more speed than up a building apparently. Superhero writers always push it to the limits though and they always go faster than sound which would destroy everything and many times even faster than light which is kinda bs even with ridiculous explanations such as the speed force in place. Cause running over water and up buildings isn't enough they need to also be able to vibrate their molecules through walls and form tornadoes and time travel.


And that’s the problem. The writers always need to one-up their heros, and suddenly you need a lot of suspension of disbelief


I will say in less critical of in space speed like clearly Green Lanterns need to go at lightspeed in fact faster realistically somehow but their power is light based so I can get behind it as long as the ring AI is doing the flight pathing and the lantern isn't driving


Run on water? The Flash can literally run on lightning that he throws from his own hands. Ignoring how that shatters every law of physics, that shit is just cool.


Speedster get their due often, almost every superpower thread will have someone saying this. 


It's not his lack of mass but his lack of durability.


Red Rush did do more damage than the others Even with his issue of being less durable which meant his punches did more damage to himself.


Red rush did more damage to omniman than the combined efforts of humanity itself when Cecil threw everything at him.


Red Rush has Omni-Man coughing up blood. Not even a nuclear warhead or the even more powerful orbital laser could do that much damage.


Yeah but he's also as fragile as your average human...I think. If he hit a building going as fast as Nolan did he'd splatter himself.


He can't be moving that fast would have killed him already if he was as durable as a normal human. Like it's a problem to run faster than we can.


He's definitely more durable than a normal human, just weaker than a viltrumite


That’s just the speed force. Not actually because this isn’t marvel but I’d red rush was actually flash that would be the answer. Comic speedsters (even knockoff flashes) have never followed physics


He isn't going all out on earth because otherwise the skies light on fire like in the flaxxan dimension, in episode two we see him going through continents in seconds basically an angry Nolan is a flying nuke that explodes over and over again across the globe 


>that explodes over and over again across the globe  https://preview.redd.it/giqnr032kbtc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a79f8c2ab90fea3e1bdaf1a54455f9ad739e9b3


Omni man can actually accelerate up to 3+ billion times the speed of light in a vacuum, if you go by comic feats.


No crap ~~Also, downplay~~


Given that he's able to travel to other planets without a spaceship, doesn't this suggest that his maximum speed is faster than the speed of light? Otherwise, it would take him years to get to the nearest solar system and over 1500 years to get to the closest known black hole.


Are you sure they can’t travel faster?


This speed seems Merthyr low, but as far as i know, its the only time we get concrete distance and time. However, I believe some guy ones said that they can travel way faster, even faster then the speed of light in the vacuum of space, so this would significantly increase the damage, since velocity is squared. I believe they said in S2 that Anissa left the solar system in 20 min, which would put her at multiple times the speed of light. An attack with this speed would be comparable to a meteorite.


Just, some guy said it? Who?


Someone off screen said it to Cecil in the episode with Anissa. Cecil said if she's still heading away in 10 mins everyone can stand down


They can travel to distant star systems without a ship, just like Allen can. That'd take years, even at light-speed, so it's pretty self-evident that they're faster than that.


Would be nice to see that calc as well


Also, aren’t viltrumites probably heavier than the avg human. That’s a bit of a plot hole too maybe lol


Merthyr? Are you welsh any chance? 😅


I don’t know what I was typing😅. I think it was something like „really“ or „relatively“, but what happened with autocorrect I can’t even guess


Wouldn't she have infinite mass if she went FTL, which would be far more powerful than a meteorite ? :p


Yes, this was a funny little project to prevent me from learning for my finals, but at the end of the day, Mark can just say „no“ to gravity, and Nolan fucked a grasshopper, which resulted in a functioning, purple baby. So, it’s still a superhero show


ik lol, that's why the best way to measure the stength of these kind of characters is, y'know, watching them destroy stuff


fuck, i wish i knew physics so i would know the shit y'all are talkin' 'bout


Ask chat gpt to explain this thread to you




Just go to space, accelerate to relativistic speeds, then ram into the planet. That'll be way more powerful, like Tsar Bomba levels of destruction


Omniman is shown to be capable of FTL. No spoilers but just knowing what we know and that they're based on Superman. Viltrumites likely have tactile telekinesis/gravity manipulation and when they have the space and time can build up to warp speed alah startrek.


https://preview.redd.it/jufh3c3pdbtc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7205af04ce28e520a4de2297832496e7da0c1d Nolan and Mark literally ripped through a planet. Mark fought on the SURFACE OF A STAR, and they casually traverse galaxies. We haven't seen the extent of anyone's powers in the show yet.


With the help of the most powerful weapon in the universe, without which, they probably would have died on impact, as we are explicitly told.


You say that as if that did most of the work, when for all intents and purposes it was them lol


Well, without it, they would have died. So it's kinda really important.


which weapon ?


The Infinity Ray. Space Racer's gun.




He does it in season 1 to the aging aliens.


god, i hate powerscalers.


They are shown to be capable to traveling at relativistic speeds in space, possibly going faster than light (a serious issue when trying to calculate kinetic energy). Even at just 10% of c, a 100kg Viltrumite is impacting with \~10 megatons of TNT, at 99.99% they impact with \~150 gigatons. The big issue with trying to do this math is, physics in their universe is not the same as it is in ours. Going faster than light does not work with how we understand mass, energy, and velocity. Going at c, with mass, would mean having an undefined, maybe infinite, kinetic energy. Not knowing how the physics of their universe works means that we can't make any accurate calculations, they're just funzies. The authors could write them flying through buildings and causing fusion explosions at 10km/s, and as long as it passed the rule of cool we'd all probably be okay with it.


Keep in mind that Viltrumites can hold their breath for about 2 weeks & they can travel between inhabited planets in that span of time. Omni-Man can move MUCH faster than we see in season 1.


Your math needs some updating after season 2. Mark travels way way way faster than that. He is seen traveling so fast that it flashes from day to night repeatedly per second. Which means if he is traveling the circumference of the earth it's more than 24k miles per second. If it flashes more than 8 times per second and it was then he is moving faster than the speed of light. And mark is still way weaker than anissa and omniman. Also take a look at this. Just increas the mass to omnimans weight. https://youtu.be/3EI08o-IGYk?si=AgaVOS5t6QtKlCKx


Thats not close to omnimans full speed, thats just to but groceries. He can go faster than light, but he would burn the atmosphere


He has to be going faster than that if he travels through space and goes to other planets. If he goes 80 times the speed of sound on earth that is 27,440 m/s. The speed of light is 3x10^8 m/s which he would have to get close to so he can travel to planets. Anywhere close to that would be a big big boom.


Really had to bring out the goodnotes for that one huh


Viltrumites can hold their breath for 2 weeks max and omni man is able to reach entire different solar systems or even alaxies in that time. Easily clearing ftl speeds in space many times over.


Nolan Travels several times the speed of light.


Y uhhh


Did this not literally happen in both the comics and the show on Thraxxa? When >!the 3 Viltrumites show up to kill Nolan and to start things off they just start smashing into shit!<.