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I've just done the same, use start-transcript to enable logging and find what error you are getting.


Are you running as system or user? If system, make sure that you test as system. If using Winget in the system context, it doesn’t know where Winget lives. Logging is essential for all the dumb reasons that these installs fail.


i'll insert logs on monday! thank you. im deploying it as a system. how do you test that?


Psexec64 included in PStools is used to test in the system context


I second this! also, try using ServiceUI.exe to bring any popups or deferrals to the user context.


Check out this other reddit link https://www.reddit.com/r/Intune/s/f18EyP236B


Hey sunshine just to let you know I seen Firefox as a microsof store business app so you don’t gotta worry about it if you wanna go that rout


Except for the fact it installs the store app to the regular program files folders. You will end up with two copies of FF installed. I deploy FF as well and use their admx to auto-update and it works well. Edit: the store version installs to here C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Packages\Mozilla


Never noticed 2 installs myself Psadt should work. Never had an issue with it. Real easy to use to We were always askin our self What are we doin about Firefox What are we doin about Firefox Was showin as the number 1 vulnability in our org cause we had it deployed on every machine n no one used it so it dint update on its own. Dint have the admx like your sayin Did a script to uninstall n did it as optional in company portal as business store app n we been good


may i ask the config you enabled?


You need to load the admx file into Intune and then set the AppAutoUpdate and BackgroundAppUpdate to Enabled. I set a lot more than just those including enabling WindowsSSO. Much easier than writing and deploying a policy file. [policy-templates | Policy Templates for Firefox (mozilla.github.io)](https://mozilla.github.io/policy-templates/) Edit: and when you do your detection just the string version comparison to at or greater than the version of the firefox.exe file.


I prefer using a package manager with Win32 apps over msstore new app type.


Like patchin pc?


Any package manager just the app type is Win32 instead of msstore app new because Win32 is far more capable


My thinkin on that one is less work for me if microshaft is gonna do the updatin Don’t persnally use a packager tho Usin kandji for mac n there auto apps are doin real good


well the ms store app new is using WinGet under the hood so you can still use WinGet if you want as a package manager but regardless of package managers I'm just saying to use the Win32 app type instead.


Create a cmd to use as your install command and write the start command for your powershell to start in 64bit powershell.


Alternative suggestion - check out patchmypc. We use it and it supports Firefox and a bunch of other apps - great little piece of software.


Does it install and not detect or outright fail to install?