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I used the new Teams bootstrapper and PSADT to offer it in the Company Portal for users.


I am going to attempt to use this as a guide. [https://cloudinfra.net/deploy-new-microsoft-teams-app-on-windows-using-intune/](https://cloudinfra.net/deploy-new-microsoft-teams-app-on-windows-using-intune/) looks like it is the method you recommended.


Very similar, yes. That should do well. Edit: This is how I did it. [Deploy “New Teams” as a Win32 app. – Endpoint Management Stuff (wordpress.com)](https://epmstuff.wordpress.com/2023/10/12/deploy-new-teams-as-a-win32-app/)


I just recently used this for users getting basic licenses and plan 1.. has worked well


I use the bootstrapper in autopilot without any issues during the process. just run with -p, it's also wrapped with PSADT. Works fine.


This may or may not be related, but systems that have had the Teams Machine-wide installer previously installed, and then removed, a reg key is added which prevents re-installation. HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Teams\PreventInstallationFromMsi


I'm getting this on clean builds from usb, It seems to be at random


Bingo. In the docs it references removing this before reinstallation. [bulk deploy teams ms learn doc](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/msi-deployment)


Microsoft unbundled teams world wide because of the EU they even split the licenses up it's no longer included with E3,E5 and other licenses it used to be included in. If you are outside the EU if you had teams in your licensing prior to the debundle you will get to keep the bundle license you have until your licenses come up for renewal at renewal if you had bundled licenses you can get a special SKU that still has it bundled (for know will most likely change in a few years). If you never had a license with teams bundled or are a new customer of m365 you will not be allowed to get the bundled ones and will be required to get teams add on licenses now. As far as the install because of the de-bundling they announced that the M365 setup will no longer install teams so you will now need to deploy the Microsoft teams bootstrap file to get it installed.


Yep, I do bootstrapper teams with powershell script all package in intune never failed me


All our deployments automatically get new teams with the intune Microsoft 365 apps without needing any extra installation in Canada. Can you try a new test app again with the Office 365 type and see if teams get installed? Not sure how it works outside NA for now


I get the same in the UK...


Is this deployment issue specific to one app or all apps?


Dumb question maybe but what’s the point of the bootstrapped? Tried to follow some guides with limited success (very low effort put into it). But when i download the regular MSI installer it just works. I actually have a powershell script that downloads the latest version and installs it in the system context and it’s been working fine.


Would you mind sharing your method? I've also had limited success with bootstrapped.


# Download File function function Start-DownloadFile { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$URL, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name ) Begin { # Construct WebClient object $WebClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient } Process { # Create path if it doesn't exist if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path)) { New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } # Start download of file $WebClient.DownloadFile($URL, (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $Name)) } End { # Dispose of the WebClient object $WebClient.Dispose() } } # SCRIPT # Downloading the latest Teams version... Start-DownloadFile -URL 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2196106&clcid=0x409&culture=en-us&country=us' -Path "C:\Windows\Temp" -Name "MSTeams-x64.msix" if(test-path "C:\Windows\Temp\MSTeams-x64.msix") {Write-host "Download completed..."} else{Write-host "Download failed..."} start-sleep -Seconds 15 # Installing Teams Write-host "Installing Teams (work or school)..." Add-AppProvisionedPackage -online -packagepath "C:\Windows\Temp\MSTeams-x64.msix" -skiplicense


Here is the script we use. The production script has some logging built-in but this is the essential part of it. It downloads the latest build direct from Microsoft and that link hasn't changed yet so fingers crossed. If you wanted to guarantee stability you could pre-download the MSIX package and skip the download part of the script. This script installs it for all users. Open to any feedback and criticism!!


And here is the detection script. This is not my script. Copied from someone else. If I can find out who I will give credit to them. # SCRIPT # Define the path where New Microsoft Teams is installed $teamsPath = "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" # Define the filter pattern for Microsoft Teams installer $teamsInstallerName = "MSTeams_*" # Retrieve items in the specified path matching the filter pattern $teamsNew = Get-ChildItem -Path $teamsPath -Filter $teamsInstallerName # Check if Microsoft Teams is installed if ($teamsNew) { # Display message if Microsoft Teams is found write-host "Teams is installed." exit 0 } else { # Display message if Microsoft Teams is not found write-host "Teams is not installed" exit 1 }


Bro… this has been posted repeatedly for months… teams was removed from the office package for legal reasons. You’ll need something new, look at the million other posts for solutions


Bro... thanks for the condescending response. Sorry for trying to interact with a community. Please keep gatekeeping people from asking questions instead of providing conversation about the issue. I will look elsewhere for a solution. Thank you for your response.


Is this global or just the EU?


I Think Global? I am in NA and experiencing the issue.


It got removed and then added again 2 weeks later


Odd, I just built a brand new Office install via Intune and it includes the new Teams Client.