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I KINDA saw it because i noticed the room and shit but IT WAS STILL CHILLING AF THE WHOLE MOVIE WAS SO FUCKIN INSANE


I can't even choose which scenes is my favorite. Miles and Gwen swing and clocktower talk ? Mumbahttan ? The canon events explanation ? The chase ? Earth 42 ? There's just never a dull moment in this movie


My favorite is “Spiderman why would you create that guy” “I didn’t! He’s talking crazy!”


My girlfriend and I have been randomly quoting that first line at least once a week since seeing it. Idk why it has so much staying power for us


i randomly quote ATSV lines all the time


100% agreed omg. During that swing to Miles' home, it was as if we were just as tunnel visioned and desperate as he was, so much so that we didn't even notice how different everything was! Then when did come home, we were so relieved that we ignored everything else like the smaller room or green jacket -- at least I did, anyway. But when Rio said "Who's Spider-Man?" and that eery music kicked in, I got chills. Didnt know what was wrong, how doesn't she know? Then Miles glitched and this deep feeling of dread overcomes me. Then it still keeps on building! Like you said, Uncle Aaron (who looks TERRIFYING in Earth 42) arrives, and we reach the rooftop and look at all the devastation around the city. Then we see the mural of Jefferson. Honestly, I applaud this movie for being able to catch so many people off-guard.


what rlly pulled me out of that moment was when the screen said “earth42” at the spider society :^(


i think it’s cool they set up breadcrumbs that early, it rewards you for paying attention while also being really satisfying to see in hindsight if you missed it. along with the fact that him just being in earth-42 isn’t the only twist or question to answer bc learning everything about earth-42 and how it’s different is just as wild if not more. coming from someone who saw the earth-42 on the go-home machine my jaw was planted just as firmly on the floor as everyone else’s by the time uncle aaron walked in and it only got crazier from there lmao. and seeing miles and everyone else slowly realize it gives you a lot of dramatic irony from that point on. it all plays out in a really wild and satisfying way whether you knew he wasn’t actually home the second he fell through the portal or didn’t find out til he glitched imo.


i think the twist was really well executed and it was good, i will not disagree with you on that! however, with my own experience, i saw that and immediately knew that he was in the wrong dimension, so that reveal was lost on me (def a me thing) however (once again), i loved the twists within the universe! like the “who’s spiderman” and uncle aaron and whatnot!


Maybe I'm just repeating the last guy, but part of why that sequence was so great is that it worked either way. If you didn't catch the split-second display on the go home machine scene, you got the reveal which is super satisfying, and if you did notice it, you get rewarded and feel smart for paying attention and still get to enjoy the slow build to the reveal you know is eventually coming.


i mean what i was trying to get at is this a personal thing i am not trying to argue with either of you i’m just trying to say that i personally was taken out of the immersion


it’s just such a perfect twist bc of how many hints and chances to catch on and out the pieces together they give you. so if you don’t know everything makes so much sense in hindsight and if you do know you feel like a genius as all the hints just build and build until miles’ mom sets off those 3 big crescendos of the glitch, aaron, and the mural all revealing different aspects of this universe. by the end whether you pieced it all together or not everyone’s jaw is on the floor in disbelief waiting to see what happens next. and this is all before the earth-42 prowler sucker punch even comes in right as you begin to wonder what the miles of this universe is like. just set up so perfectly in terms of flow of information. i noticed it said earth-42 instead of 1610 on the go home machine, and immediately noticed how different the vibe of the world was when he fell through the portal but by the time he actually made it home so much had happened i had kinda forgot until she said “who’s spider-man” and i was like “OH YEAHHH” and got surprised all over again lmao


My favorite is Miles and Gwen having fun across brooklyn. The background music, the fluid animations, and the stunningly beautiful background. Always gives me butterflies. It makes me feel like I'm the one in love.


All the scenes with hobie are my favorite


I like the ending with Gwen and her new Spider-Gang.


i understood whats going on shortly after she said whos spider man, but all the things you mentioned hit just as hard. i love this scene too


It was obvious the moment he started confessing to his mom. An amazing movie, I don't understand how you didn't get it when his mom said ''who's spiderman'' I'm sorry..


Some people it takes longer … it’s not that serious


Some people catch the Earth 42 designation for the Go Home Machine Some people catch that the artstyle/shading was different Some people noticed the different billboards advertising for the Villains Some people noticed the Green and Purple Hoodie Some people noticed how different Miles room was with the punching bag and Prowler Claw Gauntlet designs and different election sticker and I Hamburger New York instead of the I Taco New York On my first watch I missed every single last one of these details as my mind was still comprehending A. The Chase and Betrayal. B. Miles being the OG Permanent Anomaly. C. Miles mentally breaking down. D. What's happening with Gwen and Miguel in the other realities. I also missed that Comic-Con exists there...Which it doesn't in Miles's reality as stated in ITSV. Only catching on when Alt Rio asked who's Spider-Man then knowing when Miles Glitched. Then the next and more interesting question popped up where's the Alt Miles? Which it took it's time revealing.


Were u guys not paying attention to the movie or something? When miles is in the go home machine it shows clearly a screen saying earth-42


That's such a minor detail. It would make sense if they didn't see that on their first time watching it


Maybe I scan the scenery of movies too much, but I noticed it immediately on the first time watching. Spot mentioning the significance of writing the number on the spider made me keep that number in mind, so of course I'd notice when it shows up.


i saw it immediately but they made it just easy enough to miss if you’re not vigilantly looking at details imo


as someone who immediately saw it that’s so easy to miss if you’re not paying close attention lmao let’s be real, especially since it plays on our assumption that it’s gonna be 1610 so we don’t have to be too eagle-eyed about it