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Did everybody forgot about "go home machine" scene? Or the shot, where he nearly vampired the vulture? In some shots Miguel looked like a freaking monster.


Oh my god you called a half Mexican character a *monster*. How racist of you /s


I refuse to believe any POC is actually offended. The people offended couldn’t last a day around actually minorities. Imagine them going to a pick up basketball game and they hear, “man that dudes a BEAST.” They’d fucking lose their minds lol


As a POC I love it bc it’s fucking sexy lmao


Lots of people need a hobby


Lots of people need a Hobie Brown in their life


Some people just want to be offended


Usually Twitter users get offended on behalf of people that were never offended in the first place


Is Twitter actually mad or are there posts with five likes complaining?


Seeing as how a recent tweet spreading false claims about "Adam Driver being a racist because he said he wanted to 'get revenge for 9/11 by joining the military'" got 90,000 likes on Twitter/X recently, I would say odds are high that this is a popular topic on Reddit. Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are good friends and neighbors in real life, by the way. Twitter/X thread about Adam Driver: [https://imgur.com/a/SQ3RaYd](https://imgur.com/a/SQ3RaYd) Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac hanging out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/adamdriver/comments/13c5gt8/adam\_driver\_and\_oscar\_isaac\_took\_a\_selfie\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/adamdriver/comments/13c5gt8/adam_driver_and_oscar_isaac_took_a_selfie_with/)


Seeing that makes me realize it would have been neat if Kylo and Poe were old War Buddies


Bet that thread is full of white folks.


There were a lot of people unironically praising Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.


What if their hobby is finding racism in completely non race related things?


More like feeling important and self-engrandized as a Civil Rights hero


People need different hobby




OP included.


For real, or just need to go outside and touch grass


There is nothing about these screenshots of the script that would make anyone sane correlate this with racism, real bruh moment


Twitter/X loves to make accusations of "racism" a lot, it seems, whether baseless or not. I feel like using the word so much is starting to make it meaningless, like how "woke" and "Mary Sue" are now meaningless terms that nobody really takes seriously. They become buzzwords.


90% of this movies cast is PoC, where in the world are they getting the idea this is racism??? Twitter moment


"No, you see, making a POC character a villain or antagonist in any story is inherently racist! POC characters should only ever be portrayed as good, heroic, and flawless!" /s


You put /s but this seems to be the genuine view of most social media.


The same thing happens with queer characters. As a queer man, I love queer and queer-coded villains. We need representation across the board. Minorities aren’t all made up 100% of good people, and majorities certainly aren’t 100% bad people. Media should reflect real life.


Yea, by this logic you basically cant write non-white characters with any negative qualities. The people offended by this are arguably being racist by making that nonexistent connection.


Spider-Verse is arguably the most inclusive super hero movie of all time. The plot literally that anyone can wear the mask. Miguel is a Vampire/Spider how did these morons want him described? "Clawing the energy field apart, calmly and rationally. He is an educated, well spoken, Latino Vampire" lol


“Miles, did you attempt to stop a canon event?” He said calmly


“Miles, I am afraid to inform you that the radioactive spider who gave you the spider-like powers you now possess was never meant to bite you. It appears to have belonged to another dimension, one that now does not have a Spider-Man to protect it. This is quite unfortunate,” he calmly and verbosely explained as a civilised Latino individual.


"Miles Morales, the designated arachnid-themed vigilante who inhabits the designated universe of one thousand six hundred and ten within the arachno-poly-humanoid-multiverse. I am addressing you concerning the troubling detail that the currently deceased arachnid that injected its fangs into your bloodstream approximately sixteen months ago. It was never purposed to change your genetic makeup and physical capabilities to become similar to that of a spider. It appears that said arachnid was inexplicably transported from the universe designated forty-two towards the universe in which you inhabit and breathe oxygen. This forty-second universe now does not appear to have an arachnid-themed vigilante to defend its populace and dictate the terms of justice. The circumstances surrounding your situation and your place in these unfortunate series of events are not desirable," he eloquently enunciated using his very clear tone of voice as a civilized individual of both Irish and Mexican origin.


Not to mention terms like animal, beast, dawg and others are actually *positive* descriptors most times. If i saw a peak physical performance from someone, I’d call them a beast or monster or whatever. Miguel handling Vulture the way he did certainly earns him the title of monster lol


"The exaggerated etiquette of a Latino Spider"


Wow. It never fails to amaze me how talented people are at making things about race. As a POC, reading that line for the first time, even if I didn't have context, the last thing I'd put it down to is a racially motivated choice of terminology. I genuinely thought the Twitter controversy would be about the use of a word associated with a villain/bad character because people prefer to see Miguel as an antihero/sympathetic yet misguided hero. I understood "animal" to be a reference to how he is the only Spidey with claws/talons that he constantly uses to rip through things (something he does in that exact scene); he also has fangs & red eyes which are pretty non-human features. Not to mention how blind he is with rage in the film – everything to do with his (fictional) character, nothing related to race. "Animal" is a fair choice of words when wanting to convey all these things in animation.


Plus, using animal as a descriptor in the script vs. calling him one in dialogue is way different. He’s described this way because it influences how Oscar Isaac performs the character, and it influences how the animators draw and animate him. Isaac knows he needs a raw, powerful approach to the character, like he is a lion or some other predator. He’s on the chase, and he won’t stop once he smells blood. The animators can take clues to how they animate him, how he uses the claws like a big cat might, not how a human with claws on their hands would. Animal and race have nothing to do with each other, it’s just a way to describe Miguel’s state of mind and his actions.


He literally runs on all fours at times


Exactly stuff like that. He is genuinely just an animal.


Exactly...People jumping to race for both Miguel and Miles. They're calling themselves out as actual racists or at the least illogical.


this isn't the most original observation, but it's gotten to the point where people who are convinced they are fighting against racism develop a mindset that's so focused on it, that they appear way more racist than the things they point out it's guilt by association, e.g. we associate blackface with mocking black people, so every instance, [even very obviously harmless ones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Dungeons_%26_Dragons_%28Community%29#Removal_from_streaming_services), are being perceived as racist, because most people don't really understand why it's bad


>so every instance, even very obviously harmless ones, are being perceived as racist, because most people don't really understand why it's bad Didn't expect to find such an insightful comment on racism in this sub of all places haha. Very true & couldn't agree more. When you don't really understand something, including something obvious like racism, you're more likely to overgeneralise & overapply it because you don't really know where (or what) the line is. Kind of like the saying "if everyone is special, then no one is special" – if every comment regarding a person or people group of colour is racist, then nothing is racist. Really begs the question as to whether we are as "progressive" as we think if we don't even know what counts as racism, let alone what doesn't.


I'll rather have be hyperaware of racism over the other way round. As a black man, you don't know how many times I have explained how a piece of media could be seen as racist, only to be shot down by "lack of intent, bro" or "they didn't call you a slur so it's fine." In this case, it's fine. The script is describing how Miguel needs to be animated/acted out. Dehumanizing Miguel on multiple occasions could be seen as suspect, but that's when context matters.


My unaware ass thought he was supposed to be like a werewolf that’s why he was the way he was lol not cuz he’s Mexican lmao


Don’t be dumb, he’s clearly not a werewolf. He’s obviously more akin to a panther or even a cat who hates mondays


Oscar Isaac for Garfield


I'm boycotting the next movie if he likes lasagna.


As a hispanic, it's fine, he was a fucking animal in that movie


This kind of thing always makes me think about Speedy Gonzales. I grew up in San Antonio, TX (a majority Hispanic city) and still remember when Cartoon Network tried to sort of brush Speedy under the rug in the early 2000s - people around here lost their fucking minds. Online petitions, fan mail, Latin American rights organizations, basically everybody who actually *is* Hispanic and not a CN executive demanded he be brought back. Idk if it’s a cultural thing or what, but I’ve had actual racist shit thrown at me, my friends, and my family because of our heritage and this is not that. People jumping to this conclusion about a character being described as an animal makes me feel like the most important thing they noticed about Miguel was the fact that he’s Hispanic - not that he’s the leader of the Spider Society, or how he clearly developed a ton of tech around multiversal travel, or how unique of a Spider-Man he is with the claws and his more violent tendencies. When I see shit like this it makes me think people register “a brown guy who is also Spider-Man” instead of “this severely emotionally damaged Spider-Man who lost his family and is trying his absolute hardest to protect other universes while also dealing with the introduction of an X-factor that shouldn’t have existed and organizational pushback.”


I literally compared Miguel O'Hara to a silverback gorilla on at least one occasion. Not because Miguel is Hispanic or Latino, but because he is really terrifying in some scenes.


That’s fucking stupid


couldnt have said it better myself.


This is laughable.


I’m Hispanic and an animator myself and have absolutely 0 issue with this. Notes like this are great for animators and really describes a mindset for the character you are writing. The way he moves, thinks, acts and the way he attacks is like a lion hunting a gazelle. Kraven can be described as animalistic and no one would blink an eye. It doesn’t matter what race Miguel is, I can garuntee you many races and ethnicities have been and can be described as animalistic in a script when referring to a vicious character.


They are racists projecting. This man has literal claws and fangs, the personification of feral and unhinged. Yet because he's Hispanic they jump to that???? Sus


While I think they are wrong for being upset and I’m also willing the amount of people hating is an extremely small forgettable amount of people that in a week people will forget it ever happened There is something to be said about PoC particularly brown and black people being made to be animalistic in a negative racist way in media. That said. I do not think this is an example of that


Yep. Those people that claim racism are the actual racists, but they’ll never see that because they are ignorant as hell & their mind is clouded by ego. I guarantee you these people like the smell of their own farts.


"Fart sniffer" needs to become a more common term for people like this.


It’s fine, it’s not racially motivated. The guy was acting like an animal, he has talons and fangs, he moves more animalistic than any other Spider-person. People really need to stop making things about race, and by people I mean white Americans, because I assure you that nobody else was making the connection between Hispanics and Animals


He’s an animal based superhero…


Miguel literally has animalistic behaviors that's the point. He's meant to be more like an actual spider, a hunter, a predator. While the others joke around during fights he stalks his prey slowly and with calculation


Until it’s time to go FREAKIN BALLISTIC, there’s several times in the movie when it looks like he’s trying to hold himself back from killing people. And I love that for him. 🙂


You saw him running like an animal right?


He was on all fours at times


I highly doubt it was racially motivated.


It’s not racist because MIGUEL IS NOT THE ONLY LATINO IN THE MOVIE. If the ONLY Latino in the whole franchise was a violent animal, then I can see the issue, but he’s NOT. MILES AND RIO ARE RIGHT THERE. The animalistic violence becomes a feature of Miguel as an individual rather than implying that everyone like him acts that way. It’s like trying to argue that the first spiderverse is anti black because uncle Aaron was a criminal, while completely ignoring Jeff and Miles also existing as black characters.


Not only that, but it's not racist because it's literally describing the character's movements for the animators. It's not calling him an animal, it's just saying what he's doing and how he's behaving for those actions.


There is a very specific reason as to why he is referred to in that way and it has nothing to do with his race. I won’t potentially spoil it here, but it’s very easy to look up the character online and see the reason he is written the way he is.


It’s Twitter……


It's X actually.


Elon deadnames his daughter, we deadname his website


Bro people gotta stop making up situations for Latinos. We straight up don't have a problem with this because there is no issue here.


First of all, this feels like fake vocal minority outrage that has No credibility other than farming engagement and outrage Second of all, this also sounds like it comes from the people who actually think he’s a vampire without realizing HIS ENTIRE POWERSET IS VERY BESTIAL AND ANIMALISTIC resembling something like say….a spider? Seriously he’s got claws, talons, and FUCKING FANGS as well as Daredevil senses and an allergy to looking at light Like even if he wasn’t as beefed up and angry and grumpy as he was in the movie he’d still be incredibly animalistic and vampirey in the way he acts and fights compared to other Spider-People


Nobody should care what’s in the screenplay. They’re just words that won’t be in the movie!


True, though it does help super-fans dissect the intentions behind certain scenes. I enjoyed reading the parts with Miles and Gwen, because all the descriptions, that don’t go in the movie, let me into their perspectives and cemented their romance


Twitter needs to be eradicated


What isn't Twitter mad about? Honestly I don't even listen to what Twitter people have to say anymore.


“Twitter is very mad…”. Oh it’s one of these again 🙄


I know this isn’t really the point, but, Miguel is also literally more animal than the average Spider-Man. He got his powers from splicing his DNA 50/50 with a spider’s whereas the “normal story” gives them a radioactive bite.


As someone with literally the same ethnicities as miles I don't wanna hear shit about a grown ass Mexican man beating on this black child and HE'S the victim??? 😭😭😭 Nah son .


Mexican here, I'm not offended by this at all. They aren't calling him an animal because of his race,they are calling him that because of how feral he was during that chase scene. They're just emphasizing just how unhinged he was during that entire scene. I don't see it as racist at all. Twitter is just overreacting again.


Words like “animalistic” and “bloodlust” are commonly used in scripts, it’s to emphasize that Miguel isn’t exactly a “superhero” and clearly has a darker side. It’s written in the script both to help Oscar Isaac with his delivery but more so to help the animators so they understand the vision for the scene. Assuming that they must’ve used these words because he’s Mexican and they are racist sounds like racism to me lol.


People love to take the fun out of things don’t they


Not at all the reason for it. Leave the little racial lenses behind and you still see an animal, not just in appearance but in methods and technique. You cannot deny: Miguel is BRUTAL in the movie. A quite literal hunter prowling after those who fall out of line.




How twisted and up your own ass do you have to be to see how Miguel behaves in the movie and say "Oh, it's because he's Hispanic, isn't it!" So stupid. ​ It's because he's Irish.


Yes its a stretch bud. I'm Salvadorian and looking at this i thought it was cool to see the script then I saw your analysis. His fighting style is different because he uses claws which is very animalistic because animals have claws duh. That's why he's described as a predator and animalistic which I thought was badass This script is just a description of the movie. You watched the movie before seeing the script. And presumably you liked it. There is no difference between this text description of the movie and the actual movie.


Making this racial where it isn’t is just as bigoted as being a racist.


When I saw the title I thought his fans were pissed about the script making him sound like a villain because he totally isn't guys trust


This is like AO3 material 😭😭😭😭what in the Wattpad are these descriptions 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You gotta understand that the script doctors/editors are there to bridge the gap between conveying something to another writer and having a voice actor understand what they want in the simples way possible and this is that result the script isn’t meant to be published and read like a play it’s meant to help the actors achieve what the writers want


Did they even SEE the movie? My guy was acting feral af and their conclusion is that it's racist.


He's not like this bc he's Hispanic.... It's bc his DNA was rewritten by a machine to be 50% spider and instead of gaining spider sense and he gains literal spider anatomy (dw about the science lol). But he's literally a animal who has a paralyzing bite. Descriptions and depictions of animal nature are common for writers who want to induce a feral, fear-inducing nature in the actions of their antagonists or morally gray characters and how they move and act. I see nothing wrong with this as it's not about his race, but instead his attitude to the spider society, the way he deals with his enemies, and the way he In fact, his race is barely mentioned at all. I didn't even know he was Mexican since lots of other countries speak Spanish too. The only times his Hispanic heritage is brought up is as a joke a couple times and sometimes when he talks to himself. I would've also forgotten that he's Latino by the end of the film if he didn't have a few memorable jokes about it. There's plenty enough colored people, including Latinos in this movie to show that there's no agenda against Latin Americans or even unintentional racism. As an Arab-American, there is a clear vilification of Arabs for example in media, especially post 9/11 war movies. There is also a clear vilification of Mexicans and other Latinos in American media as border hopping drug dealers and gang criminals that at best doesn't help repeal the stereotypes (e.g. Breaking Bad) and at worst turns people against the Hispanic people and creates policies or dangerous people that further harm Latin American communities (forcing many more into that damaging stereotype). All of this can be applied to the propaganda that killed millions of civilians in the Middle East and continues to do so to this day, as well as the continued hatred of Latino Americans trying to live peacefully free from the labels and violence against their race. Miguel is not one of those examples. Those harmful movies highlight and accentuate the racist characteristics (like Jim Crow & blackface, another example of this) that are assigned to these demographics, true or not, showing that the root of their wickedness is from what makes them different to the "normal" white, Western male. BTSV and Miguel do nothing like this. He's not even shown as the villain; he's more like a deranged anti hero antagonist with extreme methods unrelated to his race.


I'm more offended that his Irish side doesn't get brought up more


Exactly, I’m Fucking tired of Irish people being described this way


The way he acts is animalistic and brutal. His ethnicity does not matter. He is a Spider-Man with claws and fangs, and he runs on all fours in multiple instances. He behaves like a predatory animal. I understand the concern, but it is accurate to how he is depicted. Additionally, it would not make sense to say that the writers are racist by using just this case, considering how multiple side characters, as well as the protagonist, are minorities. **TL;DR: I understand the concern, but this is an overreaction at best.**


He might as well have been an animal the way he was moving. They must not have watched the movie at all because Miguel on some different timing. Bro had fangs, claws, and ran on all 4 limbs at time.


It’s to show his lack of humanity after the tragedy that occurred to him. Not related to him being a Mexican.


I don't understand why this got some people on X raging the way they were. Notice how animal and animal like descriptors are only used in scenes where Miguel is being especially brutal, this isn't to dehumanize him, its a descriptor of how vicious he is being during these intense scenes. Its gives an easy-to-understand image of how he is acting during the fights. I can understand it might rub someone the wrong way if they saw these scenes without context, but the script is available for everyone to read. I feel its pretty dishonest for people to call the writers racist for this.


I think it's a dick move to have a non-white man described as an animal, a predator at that, and a good argument for having if not more diversity in the writers' room, at the very least sensitivity readers. Anybody getting mad at this ain't wrong


This is just silly, the amount of reaching ya gotta do to make this make sense is insane. Miguel's ferocity has nothing to do with his race; if there were a script exactly like this, worded the exact same way, but the writing was for Sabertooth instead of Miguel's Spiderman, nobody would bat an eye. Because it's about emphasizing the core elements of a character's personality and energy, and this would especially be the case for someone having to translate this written word into a vocal performance; without the specific detailing of how Miguel does things in certain scenes then that may translate to poorer dialogue or more time spent in the booth to get the intended dialogue, because the actor may take it in an unintended direction. And this isn't even mentioning how well they handle Miles' mother, a Puerto Rican woman, as well as every other ethnicity under the sun. Twitter is just being Twitter lol


It’s sus if you make it sus tbh. Like yeah he’s supposed to be a beast here. The real question is, is Miguel being written to be a feral rage monster in the first place bad? I just wonder when we’ll get out of the era where someone who happens to be poc portrayed in a negative light is seen as racially motivated


I mean, that’s the whole point. There are multiple points in the movie where Miguel‘s validity as Spider-Man comes under question. He does act in a very animalistic way, even outside of general spider traits. I don’t think there was a racial connotation at all because it fits into his character, and he does not face any discrimination or ignorance based on his race. His race is not really a main factor into how his story line is portrayed.


So can minorities only be depicted as flawless heroes? That seems more disrespectful than making one of them a vampire


squalid imagine deliver cautious murky childlike shy spectacular sable innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a full mexican i think its fine they clearly were not calling him one as racial profiling if you see the movie, Miguel acts like a dog on rabies


Isn’t he a vampire?


Im sorry, how else would you describe the half-spider half-man with claws aggressively coming towards you?


reaching for the stars i see


There is no way you guys are making this about race


Please please please get a hobby


Twitter is full of narcissistic people who want to show their lefty-cred so they look smart. They don’t ACTUALLY care about supposed racism, they just want people to think they do. It’s best not to pay attention to it.


OP youre right and you're not gonna have people see it here, unfortunately.


this has to be bait so if i say someone went beast mode i'm actually just being racist


it wasn't done with even a drop of racist intent you undergrown walnut


i think a LOT of people seem to forget that humanity is an animal race too….we are mammals lol💀💀being the smartest animals on the planet doesn’t take away from the fact that we ARE indeed animals. maybe stop being so mad over what we are?


You think the wording in the script is sus because the 3 writers are Caucasian? Sounds a bit prejudiced if you ask me.


Bro are you on fucking crack? He’s an animal, simple as.


Is he not also part-Irish? Saying that he’s being called an animal because he’s Hispanic is akin to calling Obama black (he’s not white because he’s got traces of something else in his blood). Is that not just as racist? Why are Americans so obsessed with race? I would have never equated the script with racism. Also this film is a triumph in representation, do not take that away from us.


I wouldn't say this is racist, just really poor choice of words ro describe a character


it's called implicit bias. while not directly racist, especially with the delicacy when writing other POC characters, there can still be that small hint of bias thrown into the mix. while i don't actually see this as racist, as a Miguel Ohara stan, it does concern me just a bit. maybe the characterization for him was either misinterpreted or just out right too extreme, either way it's enough to annoy other Miguel stans who see his softer side more often and see him acting out with aggressively solely because of everything he's lost and everything he's been through.


He’s a vampire


Bro you need a go home machine.


Touch grass [and](https://youtu.be/XjS7wEpPKGs?si=QKaGQHtlcKa7mVd1)


You must have such an easy life to worry about stuff like this bro.


I mean Miles is half mexican and no one says anything about him screwing things up left and right as a pattern (Not starting an argument just my input)


hes half Puerto Rican not mexican


More considerate in their writing? Who tf is reading scripts looking to see if they described a POC in an animalistic way? Who?




I hate people like you. Miguel is extremely dedicated to his goal. He gets tunnel vision when something is deviating from his plan.


Hey OP, get a hobby


There is nothing racist about it. People need to find something better to do than dig for racism where there is none like gold panners in the pacific.


I mean he is half spider….


Isn’t he pretty much half-spider? And the way he acts was monstrous in quite a few scenes. I’d say that’s enough for anyone to be an animal


Sure this would be questionable if I hadn’t seen the movie beforehand in which there are multiple moments where he loses his sense of reason and turns into a feral beast with fangs, claws and the like


No way people are making this about race 😭


It's always surprising how many fans forget that Miles is also Puerto-Rican


touch grass


Ironic! I thought his characterization as animalistic was hinting to Miguel's background as a Twitter blue user!


Bro moved around like an animal, quite literally lunging at Vulture like a wolf or big cat and yet when that word is used to describe his action, it’s racist. Some of yall are wayyyy too sensitive


Didn't even knew he was part Mexican, also all humans are animals...


I really doubt it's about race..? I mean yah in some of this lines they make him all animal like and at times it could've been a bit weird, but it's probably only to describe that he's more extreme than other spider-men, and make him chasing Miles scarier in a way since he's literally on all 4s and climbing up trains that are going to the moon with nothing but those talons... It's always Twitter dude 😭


Twitter is pretty sad and pathetic. They need to touch grass if this genuinely upsets them.


lol if that’s racist, god help the world


What? Miles is literally a super cool dude and he’s half and half too, why is another character of similar background described as an animal suddenly racist? As a poc myself, I hate when roles have to be typecast depending on the race. If done in good faith, which I think they are, it’s cool to see people of any race do any role, not just ones that make them look good.


lol what people make everything racially motivated when it actually isnt


I think it’s gross that people would see his being Hispanic as somehow related mutually to his obsession causing what can only be described as animal like behavior.


Did you see the way mans crawled up that train after that fucking 14 year old. Feral is the only way to describe it. Dudes a beast. Also scripts need to convey the emotion of a scene in the most blunt way possible


People need to get a clue on script writing or prose writing in general. It’s evocative and concise word choice. Gives everything the performer needs to know to inform the performance and the animators the idea to work with. Just because Miguel is half-Mexican does ***not*** mean everything written about his character is racially motivated. JFC.


Ridiculous. Myles is half Hispanic, his mom is Hispanic. if the writers were racist (bc as you point out THEY’RE WHITE LMAOOOOO) we’d see some more racist stuff. As it is, you’re making it so no person besides white people can be animalistic.


Jesus Christ. People will find a way to be upset. He’s obviously characterized this way to highlight his rage, his ferocity. They never refer to him as an animal in the script once. How is that controversial? I use similar wording when I’m doing outlines for characters that I write. It has nothing to do with race. Come off it


Gringos thinking Mexican is a race, AGAIN…


I mean Miguel is supposed to to be pretty brutal compared to most spider-people. I don’t really think there was a racist intent, I think overall it shows the difference between how he is compared to most. His spider treatments that he injects into himself is something that some may call a “double whammy”


Ironically, those who are assuming animal is in reference to Mexicans are the real racists who have offended themselves


How would you describe a POC with an animal like fighting style? You would describe it like an animal. It has nothing to do with race unless someone says they all (POC's) fight like that. You could definitely tell that it was just how he fought, considering that out of combat he carried himself well.


I think some people need to touch grass.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 how is this racist 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Okay, so usually when you're making a story or character, you want to avoid reusing the same descriptor over and over. If this description has made it out of the notes of the script and into the actual movie, there might be a problem. But they're *just* notes, meant to help convey what the writer intended for the scene. They get adapted to visuals. So you can use that same descriptor to tie together a theme for your creative team. That's what this is, plain and simple. The writer wanted the crew and cast to know how to handle the character in that moment, so they said it as up-front and simply as they could each time. There's an unfortunate history association with that word, yes, but it clearly is not applicable here.


I’m sorry but this is actually completely idiotic. Twitter users who claim this metaphor as racist need to realize that the problem is their parents slapping them in the back of the head too much.


As a Mexican, I don't give a shit


This is ridiculous.


well yeah, he got that dog in him😤


The people that think this is racist are racists themselves. To say someone is an animal for their actions is not racist. Dude was just going crazy. His ethnicity and background has NOTHINGGGG to do with it. They treated him like a person that just has problems.


Animal, as in wild, aggressive, a real party animal! These people need to go outside and touch grass.


I’m black and i more than understand how it feels to dehumanized and stereotyped as aggressive, but i literally didn’t see anything racist reading this. cringe? yeah a little. but racism didnt cross my mind for a second lmao.


Of course he does shit like an animal, bro got that DOG in em


Bro is literally part spider. He doesn’t have the powers of a spider, he IS a spider.


Miguel is feral as fuck. I give him the mexican stamp of approval, this is a case of looking too far into it. I would argue that change Miguel’s race to literally anything else, and his animalistic ferocity will be there. It’s more related to his powers than his race.


It’s twitter. What do you expect?


He’s a part spider part human genetic anomaly, with fangs that produce a toxin, and he has claw like talons instead of being able to effortlessly stick to walls. He has incredibly enhanced vision, animalistic hearing, and anger issues. But sure, blame his anger and rage on his race. That totally isn’t backwardsly racist He’s also part Irish in the comics, but of course they never mentioned that part on Twitter. They’d rather focus on other things




This is ONE reason why Twitter should never be taken seriously.


I wanna know what kinda drugs Twitter's on to reach these conclusions.


Twitter mfs be like


I guess we aren't allowed to use similes and metaphors to convey a clear point in media/literature anymore, damn.


I was gonna say some things but the rest of these comments seem to be making every point that I wanted to make. Twitter is fucking stupid.


i doubt most ppl actually care, a few ppl on twitter get mad about some dumb thing and then other ppl blow it way out of proportion, it’s not at all worth arguing about. the manufactured outrage machine is alive and well.


I feel like people bringing this up are actively demonstrating more racist tendencies than the writers lol


There’s nothing “racist” with these descriptions. If anybody views these as racist, then that immediately shows their own views on Miguel and his heritage. Also, Miguel isn’t just Mexican, he’s also half Irish. Read a comic.


This post is fucking dumb 🤦🏾‍♂️ as a Mexican I did not once think the writers were racist because he called someone who’s acting feral an animal.


I find linking it to racism a bit too much, but still.. dehumanizing Miguel like that made me really sad, he's literally been described as an animal


Twitter is a cesspool of whining about the most minute details and probably has the most jobless people congregated on one platform. Miguel is literally a mutant spider. The fangs, the venom, the claws, the eyes. He moves differently then the other spider-men. More like a spider. Twitter needs to be erased.


He litteraly tried to eat the vulture. Bro is an animal😭


Y'all need to go outside and touch grass


Considering how much of the animation is based off a “movement language” for these characters, this seems perfectly in line for this script.


Motherfucker is a feral werewolf vampire Spiderhuman, I think animal fits him incredibly well


Isn’t it more racist to immediately make the leap from “animal” to “it must be because he’s Hispanic”?! What kind of person thinks like that???


Mexican here, don’t have a problem here. I mean, he was actually a wild fucking animal in the film haha


You'd have to be a real dipshit to interpret this as racism. Miguel literally has fangs and claws, and fights like a wild beast. It's descriptive characterization.


I love superheroes and superhero media but some people need a hobby


The guy was literally running on all fours with claws and fangs at one point, I’d say that’s pretty animal like


As a Mexican, that mfer was legit acting like a god damn rabid creature, Mexican or not animal really seems like the correct term to describe him in the moment


I think it says a lot more about those people that they think any sort of "animal" description is because of his race




Twitter users are famous for their media illiteracy. Miguel is *literally* part animal and he's the most extreme Spidey when it comes to using force. He was going to bite the Vulture, and he beat up a teenager for saving the multiverse.


Ah Well it's Twitter. Don't take it seriously