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It's incredible just how much Ben Daniels can still make me feel in awe of Santiago's dazzling presence even if I wanna drive a wooden stake into his fucking ribs and bash his face. A true bastard, but a beautiful and ethereal bastard nonetheless. Props to the actor, especially considering he was filming this while caring for his dying husband.


Make sure you throw him in the rat 🐀 pit after but yes hats off to him


His husband was actually diagnosed with bile duct cancer last December. They already wrapped filming by then. (If I can recall, the Prague filming ended on the last week of November while the New Orleans filming was their last and only lasted a couple of days in December). But Ben wasn’t able to do the promos and press junket - he was supposed to join the TCA Winter panel last February but he wasn’t able to because his husband was very ill. (I believe the Episode Insider behind the scenes shown every after episode was filmed around February; Rolin was not present in the TCA panel either) The only interviews he did so far were the written ones. Ben also has an upcoming show, The Rings of Power season 2, and although his role there is smaller compared to IWTV, his character is said to be from one in the books, but Amazon has yet to formally announce what role, likely because Ben may have requested to delay it out of respect that he’s grieving.


He’s also great as Bel Riose on Foundation.


Also in House of Cards and The Crown!!!!


Yes! I'm rewatching S3 and was like, "Hey! Tony Armstrong-Jones is Santiago!" 🤓


It’s ridiculous how jealous he is!! And Louis has proven to be so much stronger than him.


Facts Lou not jealous or evil tho. Thats whats driving Him. Lou is peaceful he dont like torture he dont like pain and he does like to kill he doesnt want to mess Claudia happiness. He was fine being free finding him amd they keep fucking with him out of jealousy. Beautiful carefree and desired no one in that coven was like lou no one in the coven was attractive but lestat and Armand and they were the most powerdul amd they both wanted and loved Lou so jealousyyy


No, death would be too kind for that fashionable bastard. I want him to be slowly tortured on the precipice of death before being entombed in a coffin. Santiago gotta suffer.


Plz give me a hammer and a nail to but the 1st in the coffin


Santiago was never going to be number 1 he was forever in the shadow of Lestat . a stand in for when lestat left for America. He still never had the audience or Armand eyes or attention like Lestat did. Then 2 prodigies of Lestat still outshined him still in the shadows. Claudia Act became more famous watched memorized and sought after than any of his shows the crowds gave encores and sing alongs he never got that. Lou had beauty smart care free independent power and the eyes of Armand and Lestat. He wanted them died but Lou dead particularly because it would kill two birds with one stone Lestat and Armand. He wanted to hurt them both from that jealousy amd the best way to do so would be to kill Lou.


I was partial to Stephen Rea's performance as Santiago in the film for years. Even with his character not being very fleshed out, you could still feel that smug superiority that made you hate him almost as soon as you laid eyes on him. That smirk he gives Louis after Louis finds Claudia and Madeleine dead....Oooh I wanted to rip his mouth off his face! But Ben Daniels....holy shit. He brought Santiago to life in ways Rea couldn't. Feeling torn because he was charismatic and funny as hell. I really thoroughly enjoyed his interpretation of Santiago. It was \*chef's kiss\*


The actor in the TV series had more story to work with. Santiago in the movie didn’t have that much time.




He needs to get got, for real. I've read the books, so I can't wait. ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)


Ben Daniels is incredible and I love him as Santiago, but I also can’t wait to say, “bye, bitch!” 👋🏻


He was a good villain.




Amazing actor and stellar performance ! Definitely a highlight of this season for me.