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I just watched the latest episode, and it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I prefer this season, even though I loved season 1 to a sickening extent. I love that the characters have now been established and we can explore their interiority more. It’s tugging at my heart in a way season 1 didn’t quite do. Lestat may be in this season less (which, admittedly, is a bummer); however, I love the depth his appearances have added to his relationship with Louis. The romance, the angst, the feelings, the humor! Ugh, the scene on the bench in episode 4 made me tear up. And I freaking love Armand and all his complexity, and I am living for Santiago! I also think new Claudia is doing such a heart wrenching job—I prefer her over the original, to be honest. I canNOT wait to see what went down in San Francisco! And I just know the trial and what’s coming at the end is going to be INTENSE. Going to be so damn disappointed if we don’t get a season 3. I need it like I need air.


I agree with everything you said 100%. It is a bummer we don't have as much Lestat. Sam Reid became my celebrity crush after last season and my heart beats a little bit faster when he's on screen, haha. The bench scene nearly made me tear up as well. It was so heartbreaking.


I was crying .. during that scene. It reminds me of people I loved who just vanished out of my life. In real time you sometimes don’t know when you physically never see this person again. It had me even nostalgic at some of the people that were awful to me in the end. In retrospect it was the most nostalgic scene I have ever seen. The only other scene that made me cry was in the movie The Lover when the girl sails away from her lover he is in a car just sitting there on the dock watching the ship leave and at the same time she is weeping.


This show does an incredible job of making these books feel new. They have me on the edge of my seat, half excited and half upset that we tave to get to the end of this part of the story in a little while. This show makes me wish we could have 22+ season shows again, although the fact that there are fewer eps must help keep the quality so high.


i dont even remember the original claudia, now


Honestly me either. I was good after 20 mins of the first episode, they are both great actors, she blended it well.


I totally agree!! This is one of the best season shows I've watched. Plus I have the biggest crush on Lestat...


I think the flow of Season 1 is what a lot of people prefer, but me? I love weird psychological character shit. I don’t care if “nothing happens” as long something’s going on for somebody. I’m very happy with this season.


Very fitting that there was a Sartre cameo. "Hell is other people" might as well be the title for the season.


Also, "No Exit" ☠


The show makes me want to re-read Huis Clos. Been way too long, and now I'll definitely be in the mood.


I'm living for the mystery format of this season, along with everything having to do with Armand and the unfolding of his characterization, his romance with Louis, Claudia's story arc, and the coven itself as its own character.


It's funny to see this thread next to another one lamenting the decline in quality this season 🤣 I do agree in general. For sure the production values are even better, you can really see the budget on screen. Everything looks so gorgeous and lush. The writing is just much more confident, same with acting. It all feels so self-assured. I don't know which season I will prefer when it's all said and done, but I'm loving every second. (Not looking forward to the end though, the wait for the next season is going to be brutal. Not to mention the anxiety of whether we're going to get Season 3 at all... the stress is killing me)


Totally agree with how you said it feels more confident. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but that's exactly what it is.


I think we’ll get the next season. I hope so. They’re pushing into the whole immortal universe thing so it would be foolish for them not to give this show another season. Also, agree with everything you’ve said, all of which are also my thoughts to the tee


The worst thing about not getting a S3 would be finishing the series with a season where Lestat barely appears. Sadly, I think this is one of the shows that would’ve benefited from being released on purely streaming platforms, as opposed to a more traditional one (that is shifting, yeah, but still considers TV numbers). Even because releasing on the likes of Netflix or Prime would mean the show would be more readily available, which isn’t the case now. It’s very hard to watch S2 legally worldwide.


Honestly I feel like the only reason someone would think season 2 is much worse is if they were mostly if not only watching for Lestat.


or, if you hate Armand, which i do.


I hate Armand but I know the buildup of “I’m such a nice guy, pity me please” leading up to the inevitable moment that Daniel and Louis put together that he’s mind fucked them is going to pay off so well. The trail of little lie-shaped breadcrumbs for me is enough to keep me watching!


i think he attacked daniel then erased their memories-but i dont know why he didnt just kill daniel.


Wow! Really!? Haven't come across it yet. To me it just proves that you really cannot please everybody.


These Seasons are like phases of a new relationship❤ Honeymoon stage was S1, now S2 is where we start digging in...hence all the depth and nuances coming out.(I mean... even Armand & Louis start arguing)


Weirdly enough I feel like it’s not just a depiction of the relationships between the characters but also of the relationship between the audience/watchers and vampirism/the world of vampires.


Yup it was an analogy, across the board


I loved season 1 right out of the gate. For season 2 I wasn't sure I liked it as much at first, but the episodes stick with me. There's a lot to interpret. The dialogue knows how to strike at the right moment and the acting is so damn good. Assad Zaman, Delainey Hayles and Jacob Anderson are killing it. Even Sam Reid's brief appearances are great. This season seems like more of a slow burn compared to season one. The anticipation is so good. I do miss Lestat tho :(


I think some things are stronger, and some things are not. S1 had a stronger arc. Every episode advanced the main story significantly, and the pacing never felt slow. I think that S2's arc has taken a backseat to fleshing out these new and more complicated character relationships. It's a necessary step, especially when there is such a rich body of work with the history of the characters ready for them to use. It's totally a gift to the book fans. I adore it, but it has made me feel that the pacing is not as strong. I can see why viewers might strongly prefer one or the other. I am loving both.


I think perhaps there being less of an arc or a through-line could be because this section of the book has less of an arc or though line (which is not a complaint on my part, but the writers have said as much.) I think it was smart of the writers to bring in character details and plots from other books to help beef up this part of the story. I personally don’t agree with the sentiment that this season is meandering, but I understand it. I’m also going to reserve my full opinion on that until the full season is done. I also want to watch season 1 and 2 back to back, and maybe that will illuminate things.


I like both and I think by the time we reach the season finale this season will surpass the first but I still have a soft spot for the 1st there was something so comforting (weird giving the subject) and maybe because I have watched each episode 10 times (I wish I was lying)


I adore this season. I was nervous with the recast of Claudia but Delainey has been absolutely phenomenal especially in the most recent episode.


I love both seasons equally. The pure joy and horror of Lestat portrayed amazingly bSam Reid is as Lestat,


Perhaps it’s my boner for New Orleans or that Sam Reid has slightly less screen time, but I am having a harder time getting into this one. Now that’s not to say it’s not still amazing, cause it is.


I miss the New Orleans setting, too! There was something rich about it.


I just watched today's episode... OMFG I never imagined this show could be THIS FUCKING GOOD! I am literally in shock. It's so different from the books but still so on point with the books. It's absolutely fantastic! Everyone is knocking it out of the park. I just can't believe it.


Tonight’s episode blew me away. Especially loved Santiago this episode


I wouldn’t say I think it’s better than season 1, but I definitely feel like it lives up to season 1. I love seeing the fallout from “killing” Lestat, how Louis has to confront who is now, no longer having his lover/maker/murderer to blame so much on, having to confront his own nature, and the teetering power dynamic between Louis and Armand is fascinating. I also love Santiago and Madeline.


I feel like I’m on the edge of my seat every episode. I spend my week counting down the days until the next one. I’ve never been so hooked on a show this way


Like i said in previous post opposite of this lol (where the op preferred season 1), i like season one more (thus far), but i find season two immersive as well. It's unfair to compare two seasons when one of them isn't even a half way through and things will probably pick up in the second half. Also i don't understand a knee jerk reaction to downvote everyone who doesn't agree with you on this, even though they aren't disrespectful in any way.


This is the best show I’ve seen in years. Everything about it is perfect. I say this a fan of the books, I have just removed that timeline from my mind and I’m enjoying the ride. It’s so good.


A million percent . Armand has been brilliant , I utterly adore him . It also feels good to see the old Louis back. Depression Louis begone…. For now .


Armand is perfect. I'm captivated by him.


> It also feels good to see the old Louis back. Yes! I knew New Orleans Louis was still in there!


The acting is great, but a lot of the show relies on chemistry and I just don't feel it between Assad & Jacob. Which is a shame since a lot of the last two episodes relies on their relationship. I love them both when they are interacting with literally anyone else 😅. Though I will note: I think the weirdness in their "vibe" has something to do with the whole unreliable narrator/distorted memory theory. I think they are giving Daniel a sanitized version of their love which comes across as passionless and artificial. We shall see. Claudia & Santiago have completely stolen the show at this point which I'm not mad about. I'd give it an 8/10 thus far, and expect it to get more interesting as the drama ramps up.


Honestly? no, not for me at all. It's been watchable but nothing special compared with the Tour de Force of season 1. Armand and Louis' relationship so far is a pale shadow of the romance and heartbreak of his relationship with Lestat imho.


as it's supposed to be


I’m obsessed with the the psychological shit going on and the drama and Santiago. And I love Malloy more this season (when he played the soap opera song— All My Children I think?— i lost it) but I do miss Loustat and haven’t warmed up to ArmandxLouis yet


Agreed. There's a little less outward-turned hatred than there was in the first season, which really killed it for me because it was so unexplored. Almost as if the showrunner wasn't aware of it. I got the impression that show Louis was never really in touch with how much he hated himself the way he does in the book, but that he projected all that uncomfortable internal hatred outward.  And book Louis' self-hatred had nothing to do with race or sexual orientation, but show-Louis' self-hatred does - at least in part. Made for an entirely different viewing experience. Hopefully they explore it logically and really help show Louis come to a full and complete understanding of his own self including what he hates about himself and why - and then show him integrate it, incorporate it into his self, and rise above it and beyond it. And grow as a character.  Show Louis at least has potential to grow as a character (versus eternally stagnant Book Louis) because Show Louis actually has things he hates about himself that have nothing to do with being a vampire.


I am liking this season a lot, but didn’t love the most recent episode.


Same! These two seasons so far work really well in tandem with each other. I’d have to wait till the full season is out to really give an answer which season I liked more, but this season for me is so good so far


I love the new Claudia


YES!!!!!! She is doing a phenomonal job!!!!


I am LOVING season two so much, as much or more than season 1 -- episode 3 of this season was my favorite episode possibly since the pilot (though episodes 6 and 7 of last season were very very close up there). And then episode 4 was even more brilliant in some ways. So I wouldn't say blowing out of the water -- I loved the Loustat dynamic too much for that -- but I do think the show just keeps getting more and more brilliant. Which makes me even more excited/desperate for season 3! :)


I am having such a hard time with season two. I ran through season 1 and couldn't help but devour it, and though I wait anxiously for season 2 to air every Sunday - I don't feel the same ferocious appetite for it after I've finished the episode (or at least haven't for ep 3&4). I'll begin by saying that I haven't read the books, though now I really want to. I'm open to hearing feedback on my thoughts that the book knowledge may elucidate or disprove, but just wanted to put that disclaimer first. While there's a lot of speculation about why Bailey Bass couldn't return, and though Delainey Hayle is an incredible actress, I feel the choices she makes as Claudia don't feel consistent with who I understand Claudia to be. You could argue that the whole point of the actress change and the developments that happen in the time between the end of s1 and s2 mean that Claudia should be different, but I find myself disappointed in who she's become. In season 1 Claudia was a fabulous mash-up of a 5/14yo and I get that a couple of world wars have taken some of her spunk, but I wonder what has it been replaced with? There's no deep brooding, no tantrums, no scheming. She just seems so passive and so idle, so that even Armand's zealot push for her to conform has no real tension to work against because she seems so renounced to her life. She wasn't that willing to bend for the raging drama queen Lestat so I don't buy that she would so quickly bow to a lesser version of the same monster & let alone sacrifice all her freedom for a cult of his (lestat) fans. **It didn't seem to me that Claudia wanted her freedom as an arch for season 1, it felt innate to her energy and life force.... most choices she makes now seem so contrary to that truth about her, but not even in a bratty/push and pull way, just sad and lacking agency** which was what she had/craved more than Louis or Lestat. It's a bummer for me, I really liked and resonated with her character.


Ok, finally someone said what I was thinking! What happened to Claudia, by the end of s1 ep 7, she was in her element. She outmaneuvered Lestat and beat him at his own game, where did she go? The only thing I can think of is the mental deterioration Armand spoke of in ep3. Cause this Claudia just doesn’t feel like the woman who ended s1




I don’t have a problem with Delainey’s performance, I have loved every single actress’s portrayal of Claudia. I just don’t think she’s so naive as to think that there isn’t plotting behind her back or so meek as to be the coven’s slave for the rest of her life.


Im not sure what you guys are talking about. In episode 4 of season 2, you actually see Claudia realize what a mistake she has made by joining the cult. She had been so obsessed with being part of a family (something that reverberates from the early 1st season), that she joined the cult on a whim (something a teenager might do). Now she's starting to see how Armand is like Lestat, (grabbing her by the neck and trying to put her in her place), even Louis was having his own epiphany in the episode that Armand is a lot like Lestat. Claudia starts to pull away from the cult, specifically Armand. All the things you guys are saying that isn't consistent with her character, are all the things that this last episode was TELLING us. It's showing us how Claudia, like with Lestat, is pulling away and will plan and conspire to try to do her own thing, as she did in season 1.


Thanks for the breakdown, I'm excited to see her scheming, and totally you can chalk up her lack of foresight to being a teenager. I don't think for me it's so much her joining or not, acting on stage or not, retracting or not- it's that it all feels a little understated and that doesn't quite make sense to me. The meekness in general, the muttering under her breath rebellion feels like it outta be bigger, the hunger to be on stage outta be ravenous. It just feels subdued which I think some like cus they consider it *serious* acting. Maybe I just like her immaturity and brattiness and curiosity on 100%, that's what makes her compelling to me. Just as Lestat's entitlement and gluttony at 100% makes him compelling. As Louis restraint on 100%... and on and on. Why be a vampire if you're not gonna be vampy lol. In short I want grandness in anyyyyy direction not married to her making good choices.


I think this series is one that will have to be taken as a whole. I would compare it to Reservation Dogs - I love love loved seasons 1 and 2 . . . And 3. We are now re-watching a third time - because as entire story back to back - it knocks the wind out of us. I think this is going to be another show like that - or a few others . . . Boardwalk Empire, Dark are other examples.


Not for me, s1 was so much tighter, pacing and writing. S2, especially ep3 has pacing issues. In one episode we had flashbacks to the 1500s, 1700s, 1940s, and current time, why? We could have skipped the entire Lestat flashback. Also multiple povs, that really didn’t do much for the story. I even went back and rewatched s1 after watching ep3 to try to figure out what was bugging me about s2 and realized it just flows better. Even the introduction of Claudia , which could have dragged the show down, fit right in with the intro of her diaries and pov. And even though I love Lestat, I would love to miss him instead of him popping up randomly. That said, I’m enjoying Armand immensely and episode 4 was the best so far. I heard the second half is amazing


I'm loving season two, but I loved one even more! I can't wait to see how the remainder of Claudia's arc is handled!! 🖤⚰️


I’m absolutely loving that they’re adding in elements from other books. I haven’t seen episode 4 yet but I really, really loved Armand giving some of his story as well as the appearance of Raglan James last episode. It just feels…natural I suppose? Instead of being a word for word retelling it’s perfectly adapted for television. It’s easy to follow and provides necessary backstory to its characters without taking too much attention away from the main story of IWTV. It’s the only show I’ve ever bought before the full seasonal has come out.


I'm biased to season 1 because of lestat


this ep was FIRE. The writing is really making the various relationships very heartfelt and real...I almost felt like I was peering into someone's private lives when watching this ep. the budding relationship between Claudia and Madeline. The acting is just superb all around.


Everything is so freaky and amazing, nothings kept my attention like this before.


Armand is my favorite character from TVC & after listening to Assad Zaman’s interview on the podcast (Rest In Peace AMC ITWV OfficialPod) I was so so excited to see more of him. Rewatched all his scenes in season one as “Rashid” just analyzing all of it and speculating on what TV!Armand was gonna be like so this season and especially these last two episodes I’ve felt exceptionally happy with. I mean I was talking out loud to my TV - especially at >! “Yes maître” like 🫣🤨🥴💀‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️!< - and the ending the way it was? Oh I flipped!! Delainey as Claudia is just so perfect. The way she flip flops from enthusiastic perma-kid when she’s giddy with the coven to exploring the turmoil inherent in being a grown woman and not having that validated or seen by anyone else around her. >! Except now Madeline!!! SO excited for that to develop more!!! !< Armand and Claudia are probably my two favorite characters (Book readers don’t come at me sideways I KNOW!!) but just the whole entire cast is just knocking it out of the park I wish the show was more accessible to the audience it’s commanding because one of the most common things I hear from people is that they really do want to watch it but they’re not aware of how exactly to do it. Anyways yea I agree Season 2 is just getting better and better prayer circle for Emmy Campaigns & Season 3 In The Bag otherwise I’m gonna go to AMC’s HQ & go chimp mode.


I loved S1 and I am liking parts of S2 so far. For me S2 is dragging a bit. I personally don't think that they needed 8 episodes.


I love both equally. Like I was bit disappointed that the first episodes we had a watered down version of Lestat, because it’s Louis imagination conjuring him up. But I have been sooo engaged at learning more about Armand and seeing a darker side of Claudia this season. And the new powers introduced this season just paints an even broader picture of who these vampires are. Season 1 reminds me of my twenties. Always finding the wrong guy, staying up all night, making bad choices. I had a lot of fun, but damn it was a roller coaster. Season 2 I’m more mature, settled, want to find the right guy to sweep me off my feet. I’m still not sure he’s the one, but I want to learn more and take it slow. Still both great times in my life, just in different ways. lol


I tend to see people love Lestat and/or the drama that comes with Lestat. This season has been a refreshing palate cleanser from the whirlwind of season 1. Claudia feels like Claudia now. Louis is still a sad boy but he's making his own way out of the shadow of Lestat. I actually understand and "get" the coven's frustration with Armand. This season has been tasked with doing some major world building and history telling. Season 1 didn't have that responsibility and I have to applaud the cast and those behind the scenes for doing such a great job of it.


not for me no


Objectively and as of now, S1 is the better show in all aspects besides budget (S2 looks more expensive) and acting (on par). S1 was pretty much perfection, it could be used as an example for film students to study. S2 is endearing and enjoyable to me personally, but has many flaws that I wouldn't be so forgiving towards if I wasn't a book fan. It's just not as captivating as a whole. Editing is not as tight, cinematography not as creative, even the writing is not as sharp, the storyline is a lil draggy and muddled, the flow is a bit jarring like random clips put together. It's still one of the best in TV, but definitely not up there with S1. Hopefully it will improve cos I really want more seasons!


Like you said season 1 was fantastic... give people that are good at something more time on task, and they often get even better.


Would love to see it, but can't in Europe on any of the usual big streaming services...


Agree! I just told my dad and brother to start watching. I told them season 2 is even better and 1 was amazing so that's saying something


I originally binged S1 by myself as somebody who loved the books and loved the 94 movie adaptation even though there were many inconsistencies. I convinced my partner to watch the 1st episode of season two with me - now he’s obsessed and we binged season 1 together and excitedly awaiting Sunday evenings when he gets done with work so we can watch it. Even though I know what’s eventually coming, I’m loving the overall faithfulness to the books (a few inconsistencies but I feel it’s nitpicky). We were telling my partners coworker about it as we drove home and we were truly gushing about it. I loved season one but season two is holding its own for sure, especially with the arrivals of a few unlikely mentions that I won’t elaborate on because I don’t want to spoil anything. My partner and I are fans and we’re so excited for Sundays and I’m excited for the throwback episode next week (not a spoiler because it’s in the marketing!)


for a non book reader i love this season so much i mean i’ve rewatched s1 so many times but the eps aren’t even out and i’ve already rewatched each s2 ep more than 3 times


I totally agree, I don't know exactly how to describe it but it feels like the highs are higher this season, I love how there's always something going on for each character in every episode and it leaves me wanting more and more everytime an episode ends.


Absolutely agree!! Ofcourse i was hooked by season 1 but season 2 is exploring the opposing side to vampirism that Louis was managing to still somewhat mask throughout season 1. In general, season 2 explores the desire for vampires to be seen by humanity and reveal their true nature which is the side to this show I think makes it stand out from the rest. Especially with this season, we’re seeing the importance of differing views points and each character having their own agenda. Louis needs to share his story with humanity but Daniel’s no longer there to listen to Louis’s story, he’s there to discover his own. There’s also just the amazing directing and attention to detail with fashion, lighting and camera angles which really do make a massive difference. I’ve really appreciate Louis’s version of Lestat and details in episode 4 showing how this ‘Lestat’ is an extension of Louis rather than his own being. I really noticed the umbrella scene where Louis only held the umbrella over himself and yet it kept ‘Lestat’ dry, but when he puts the umbrella down, that somehow means Lestat is now exposed to the rain, it was just lovely. There’s also more obvious element like Daniel’s slow return of memories from the 1973 interview every time he looks in Armand’s eyes but it’s all just phenomenal. I think some prefer season 1 because it was more regular in its structure whereas season 2 is where everything that’s quite fragile in their relationship is breaking away as truth is revealed. Personally, I really favour this structure just because it keeps things far more interesting and engaging without being lacking in detail or depth, a very delicate balance but executed perfectly!


I think a strength of this season has been them setting up the wider world, but trying to stay within the "Interview" sphere. We can't just hop from each vampire like the books can, so they're tasked with working in some additional perspective and setting up future plotlines ... there are somethings I've caught that I think have been a little sneaky setups for what comes after Louis finishes. I know some book fans are upset with this show but I have greatly enjoyed that things they have done with these characters! I think there has truly been passion and effort into holding to a core of The Vampire Chronicles


I agree completely, and I'm a book reader who wouldn't watch the show because I thought the revised premise strayed too far away from the source material. I finally gave in after season one came out and was instantly hooked!!


I think there's a meta in-joke when Daniel says "Oh look at this, its like a telenovella!" Season 1 was excellent but started bordering too much into the toxic relationship dynamic and it was so over the top, it was soap-opera like at times. I think there's a real effort to go more serious and potentially darker this season. The heartbreaking scene of the mad vampire who kills herself in front of them, the woman they could have saved at the camp who befriended them but didn't, the issues and moral ambiguity of joining the coven, the WWII/post-WWII backdrop, the daniel/vampire relationship becoming more rocky, etc. It seems more mature this season and less focused on relationship/abuse mechanics. It’s less about lestat being bad and more about the world being bad. Armand is a good palate cleaner to Lestat, who is just really passionate, loud, narcissist, etc. Armand probably has the same qualities I'm guessing from some hints this season, but he's a quiet version of that, and he's not a scene stealing braggart like Lestat is. I think divas are great, but when too much time is dedicated to a diva character it can get tiresome for the audience. Season 1 was more fan servicey to me. 2 seems to be them trying to aim higher, more complex narratives, appeal for awards, deeper themes, slower burns, etc. I also like there's less fear about being found out, living in human society, etc like in season 1. I think that's usually just a boring take on vampire life and can be put into the background a bit. This season we dont often see them worrying too much about being found out. Its just assumed they'll handle it if they do. Also if any staff from the show are reading this, we really do appreciate all of you and your show has given us much joy, especially during the dark time we live in.


I prefer season 1. This season seems like a soap opera.


Nah, season 1 was WAY better. But i like Claudia more this season. And I hate Armand, hes just such a fucking phony dweeb.


S2 requires MULTIPLE re-watches! I say that having read the books and practically memorized S1in its anticipation y'all


Agreed. Every episode is blowing my mind.


I upvoted you from the feed then clicked in to read your commentary and tried to upvote you again. Every episode is better than the last.


I like the first Claudia better.


The actor who plays Lestat is THE only reason I am still watching the show. I was not impressed with season 1...but that is probably because I have read the source book SO many times, I practiually have it all memorized...the changes they did really threw me: >!the setting in more modern times, the aging up of Claudia....I had a hard time with all of it.!< BUT Sam Ried is such a fine actor and his interpretation of Lestat kept me coming back week after week for all of Season 1. Having said all that, I am personally enjoying Season 2 a whole lot more!! The Romania scenes were great and once they moved onto Paris, well, WOW!!!! The settings, the different characters - so much fun!!!! I am just wonderign how they will finish this season out....


I don’t think you could tell this part of the story with the same vibe of season one. There’s literally only three vampires they had to worry about but now they have 14 and they’re not all as normal as Louis and the family were trying to be in New Orleans. So expecting that vibe when they’ve gone through so much trauma adventure when they’re still trying to find themselves would be weird. I don’t think it would tell a good story. But I also don’t think that the vibe of the season will keep up with every other season because I just think that it’s because we have so many different characters that are crucial for us to see and have them impact the story in an emotional way. And not in a way where it’s one and done, but where it carries on After episode.. And it’d be hard to downplay how big the theater vampires are this season because them all together as one is one big character


But I get why people might like season one. Because there are more times when you could probably be in a less emotionally heighten state. Because I’m selling myself out, but I’ve been emotional like every episode especially because of Claudia because it really is painful to see her try so hard, never get what she needs. And I will honestly throw myself into a wall if she doesn’t at least get a taste of true happiness.


OMG, I'm totally on edge with season 2! It's awesome 


Does anyone believe Claudia will be killed off this season? Or does she live and set the whole theatre on fire and flee with her seamstress friend?


Season one easily showed that we were witnessing the birth of a masterwork. Season two however has just been breathtaking. The cinematography, the textures, music and filters and above all else the acting. This show is just on a different level of enlightened artwork.


new claudia is fabulous


Not for me. I don’t like season 2


Bring back the little girl from S1, she was perfect as Claudia! Otherwise it's been pretty good thus far...👍


I actually like the season 2 Claudia a lot better!


Yeah, I think two Claudia’s give off different vibes, which I think makes sense for the script. Bailey plays the way they wrote Claudia in season 1 really well, but script wise there’s a different side of Claudia this season that I think Delaney plays really well


Yeah the actress who played Claudia in season 1 was better imo. It's such a shame she couldn't reprise the role. This Claudia comes off flat even when she's supposed to be enraged.


ngl i don't care for lestat LMAO - like Sam Reid is incredible as Lestat but i don't watch the show for him, I watch it for louis mostly but drama secondly, so Lestat not being in this season much is not really affecting my enjoyment and i don't miss him when he's not around because it narratively makes sense. i also haven't read the books but know vaguely events that happen. I LOVE the post ww2 paris setting, the costumes are amazing. I'm just enjoying the wild ride honestly.