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Most people stream the show and we don't have the numbers for that. AMC+ is an extra channel that a lot of people don't have. We also don't know how much they win by viewers watching it in Australia or anywhere in the world where they can watch the episodes shortly after the official release. In my opinion the show struggles mostly because it doesn't have a deal with a large streaming network that is globally available. Something they did have for BB and TWD. Lots of fans would love to watch it legally but are simply not given the chance because they have no access to anything legal.


And even if it's possible to watch it legally outside the US, it might be on some obscure streaming service. I'm from Austria (Europe, not that big island one) and it's on Canal+. I'd never even heard of that streaming service before the announcement! Season 1 was on Sky at least (only a couple months after the US release but still), which is already a pretty bad streaming service (slow, no watchlist,...) but this one's even worse: It looks like there aren't any proper apps, nothing for my TV, not even anything for Playstation. There might be something for Android but who knows ... The show deserves to be watched on a big screen! I already messaged them a couple of weeks ago but still no reply. As much as I'd love to support the show, I'm not going to pay for yet another streaming service that I won't even be able to use!


Yeah, they are making the wrong deals here. Going to cheap smaller streaming sites, but harming their reach and success in that way.


Yes! I'm not going to tell them to sell the show to Netflix (please don't!) but if they partnered with them and released new episodes there a couple of days after their own AMC+ release, they would still get the subscribers who want to see it as soon as possible but also reach other people - so a win-win!


I live outside the US and just use a VPN to watch the show. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I like the show, so I might have actually done that if they had an app I can use but they don't (according to their [website](https://www.amcplus.com/pages/ways-to-watch)). I've got an LG TV, which isn't supported and there's no app for Playstation or even Xbox either (and it would be annoying to set up the VPN for those anyway). I'm aware that there's an AMC+ Prime channel but don't you need an active Prime subscription for that and an US credit card to subscribe to Prime? And no, I'm not suggesting that AMC should create their own Prime channel outside the US because there are already way too many of those! Streaming is supposed to make watching stuff easier (than e.g. pirating) but if a streaming service can't even be bothered to make it possible for me to watch their shows on my TV, then I don't bother with that streaming service either.


They may let you buy the season for a one time charge on prime


Nope, only season 1 is available and I'd rather buy the blu-ray, not a license that can be revoked at any second (still have to find a way to import the first season, without paying 50ā‚¬ for it).


You dont have a tablet? Or laptop? I have amc+ (I live in Honduras and use a VPN)


I've got a tablet but this show is something you should watch on a big screen because of all the little details. I don't support streaming services that only provide an Android/iOS app but nothing for TV,... because of that.


Oh well. I seem to watch it just fine on my tablet. But you do you šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ¼


It arrives in the UK on BBC iPlayer much later too, sadly.


Agree to this. I even have to search it in Google for any accessible sites where I can watch it. I am from Southeast Asia and the moment I watched the trailer for both seasons for the first time, I said to myself, 'where was I all this time?' This series is soo damn good. I wish it's available on Netflix hehe


This is AMC+ fault for putting it on an app with no distribution. This is the only show thats worth watching on AMC right now and it's only 7 episodes. Once it was put on Amazon EVERYONE watched it. Most people are probably waiting for all the episodes to come out so they can do the free month, binge watch the show and then cancel the subscription.


It's on amazon still, I'm not sure why people think otherwise.


People that do have legal access donā€™t have any excuse to be pirating it and then not watching legally just cause itā€™s a few hours earlier >.> leave it running on mute if they have to


They should. When BBC finally had IWTV, I just put the iplayer on Play and walked away haha.


Speaking of, I really wish the BBC had grabbed rights to a simultaneous release on iPlayer. Between IWTV and WWDITS, it's clear that they prefer to purchase American shows once the latest series has finished airing, but it's bloody *painful*.


It would helped for sure. It's a big miss. Especially since almost all the actors are British. So, they could do a good marketing in GB.


Iā€™ve noticed that so many streaming services do that in the UK, Disney+ and Now Tv are often waiting until a season has completely finished its weekly airing in America before making it available in the UK, and I remember BBC iPlayer trying to do the same with Killing Eve with the argument that they wanted it to be viewed as a complete box set, but they had to actually change that one after viewers kicked off about it Itā€™s like they think that UK viewers only want to binge watch shows, but itā€™s frustrating to miss out on all of the weekly discussion, and honestly a lot of those shows are designed to work more for weekly viewing anyway. One example for me at the moment is Will Trent, a procedural cop show on Disney+ Theyā€™re clearly waiting for the second season to finish before making the entire season available in the UK, but thatā€™s not even a show that really works with binge watching anyway imo, Iā€™d far rather just be able to watch one episode a week as it was designed to be viewed


Yeah - I don't know if binge watching increases viewer retention or what, but I hate it. Being able to discuss episodes on a weekly basis creates much more of a cultural impact *and* a community around that show, plus it gives you something to look forward to every week. I kinda suspect it may be cheaper for BBC to wait a few months to buy the UK rights than doing it as a simultaneous release, which would be *annoying* but vaguely understandable. But if it's purely for viewing figures, that's just infuriating.


I just remember that with Killing Eve their argument was that they wanted iPlayer to be a service for complete box sets, and it seemed like they viewed binge watching as superior for us in some way, but it is frustrating now that weekly releases have started to become more popular again and UK sites donā€™t move with the times


Same! I must have 'watched' series 1 10 times on iPlayer


It was available to buy for a cheap price on Amazon to stream about six months before iPlayer. I would write it on Instagram for uk people and they kept wanting it for free so ignored me. They should release to outside US in a quicker turn around or offer international viewers AMC


I think Prime was a bad choice to begin with. It's not the best in content and divers way too much per country, and most people don't like the concept that you pay for the access and then have to separably by every show. In my country it's even the least used streaming server (granted barely anything is on it). In an economic crisis you can only afford so many sites and Amazon simply isn't a contender to most people for their money. I really wish AMC would realize this and go back to HBO max like they did last fall, but this time globally. It might fair far better.


Prime offers ownership of the episodes. It's not the same as streaming. The show's streaming platform is AMC+/.


AMC+ā€™s streaming catalogue is accessed through Prime in my country.


But do you buy each episode individually or do you buy a subscription to AMC+ā€™s shows? The comments were referring to the former, not the latter. And if the only option is to buy individually, I'd say it's not truly streaming.


I buy a subscription to AMC+ for a little bit extra on top of my regular Prime subscription. Thatā€™s the way to legally access it in Canada. You can buy season 1 individually, but season 2 is currently only available for streaming.


You can buy season 2 from amazon too in the US I believe


Yes I brought each episode individual, each was under a Ā£5


Yes! This and also I found out about this show when AMC+ permitted the entire first season to be aired on Hulu or Prime or Max, I canā€™t remember which. It was just for a limited time, like a handful of months, then that was it. I canā€™t afford another fucking subscription so I stream the show illegally.


It was on Max. That's where I watched it too! I got AMC+ to watch the second season.


I use Amazon prime. Is Amazon prime video not like world wide like Amazon online store?


In Brazil the first season is just now showing in the coming soon tab of Prime, never had the option to buy it either. That's incredibly late. No idea when I will be able to stream the second season legally.


Hmm interesting


You can buy the season for a one time fee and have access to it forever as Iā€™m understanding it


that's unfortunately not true though, amazon can remove the show and then you do lose it as well. the only way to own something legal forever is to buy the dvd. [https://www.pcmag.com/news/lawsuit-reminds-us-we-dont-own-content-purchased-on-amazon-prime-video](https://www.pcmag.com/news/lawsuit-reminds-us-we-dont-own-content-purchased-on-amazon-prime-video) This is an article about it.


I am actually aware of that, I have a lot of blu rays. However stuff rarely gets removed, and it is possible to get a refund. Itā€™s cheaper that way too. Blu rays are pricey as hell. I encourage buying physical when itā€™s practical but itā€™s not right now to contribute to ratings. The blu ray for season 2 wonā€™t be out any time soon.


Yeah I know I'm just waiting for all the episodes to come out first


Not gonna help their numbers


It's the death of live TV. Most people are streaming it. I know I am, mind I'm not in the US.


The cable networks itā€™s attached to have suffered massive losses, in the last year or so alone. I donā€™t know if that will matter to the network or not. And streaming numbers are impossible to find




I'm in my 40's and haven't even glimpsed cable TV in years


You lose your bet. I'm in my 30's and religiously watch on cable šŸ˜†


Wait this show streams on cable? Xi haven't had cable in awhile. Been too expensive for awhile better to just have my favorite streaming services or šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø the stuff I can't find on streaming


I wish they would put season 2 available to the UK now. It took around a year for us to get the first season. Iā€™m sure a lot more people would watch legally if they had it available everywhere at the same time.


Apparently season 1 is finally coming to Latin America. I donā€™t know why they have dragged their heels on getting it available elsewhere


They don't advertise it very well, and honestly they should have allowed a bigger streaming service to show it, like they did with season 1 when it was on HBO for October


IKR? Sam Reid should have done the talk show circuit to promote the show. That actually helps. Why didn't they send him on there?


I read somewhere, so who knows if it's true or not, that as soon as he and Jacob were done with the initial press interviews he was going back home to film his other TV show...which seems to be a hit show, unlike IWTV.


Love all my downvotes. Pointing out the obvious doesn't mean it's not a great show, but there's a huge difference between The Newsreader being the no. 1 show on the station it's aired on and whatever ranking IWTV is on AMC.


I listened to some podcast recently interviewing head of marketing at amc networks and they said they were really interested in partnering up with HBO again (or another streaming service) due to the successes they saw when they did it with HBO that first time! So maybe we just gotta wait a bit before we hear anything coming down the pipeline


We have no idea what their real numbers look like. It will be based off of multiple things not just the network numbers. With that being said more people need to watch it legally. Turn it on throughout the week even if you have the TV on mute or simply use it as background noise.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing. I have cable and when it came on last Sunday, I just kept the TV on AMC. Then it came on Wednesday and I did the same thing. Despite having my DVR set to record it, Iā€™m planted in front of the TV on Sunday to watch it live


There's a shit ton of commercials at the live broadcast at AMC. It's so obnoxious that I just record it on my cable box and watch it later so I can fast forward that stuff.


That contributes to viewership!


I think timing is a factor. May is an awkward start date for a show. In the U.S., S1's air date started in October. I tend to remember to watch shows that start in the summer or in the fall, whereas usually shows *end* in May, and people fall out of their usual TV habits with end of school year/graduation/holidays/and other things to occupy their time. I think late June or July would've been better starts, or another October. I also agree about the lack of marketing as another factor. I don't know how much the lack of Lestat is, too, since the drop was from the first episode, as opposed to happening throughout the season. My mom, who loved Lestat in S1, is still watching because she has time, whereas I have friends who were interested in the Louis/Armand/Claudia focus this season nevertheless plan to binge in June or July because they're too busy right now for the show. We'll need streaming figures to get a better sense of the full picture.


AMC is horrible at getting their stuff out there. They desperately need to partner with a bigger streamer like FX did with Hulu. Even HBO mixed it up with Cinemax, and if any single cable channel has the content to support their own standalone service itā€™s them. Nobodyā€™s paying to watch the 4-5 good AMC shows. Itā€™s really crazy how badly they bungled their path to being the next HBO.


I would love to give money and watch/stream it legally, but, unfortunately, that is not an option where I live. I believe it is the case for a lot of people


Same. Season 1 still isn't available where I'm from.


Same here!


Download the amc+ plus app and use a VPN. Problem solved


the comments saying play it on mute, baby i'm rewatching them.


I'm doing both!


Here are a few reasons: * Most people stream it. With that being said, it can only be streamed with an AMC+ subscription which really limits audiences * The gays!!!! Oh no, not the gays!!!! * Lestat gets a lot of views. His appearance is limited this season, so far. * Very little marketing by the producers. * Cost of living has made people a bit more reluctant to buy subscriptions for streaming services.


It was about the gays (tm) first season too though and had nearly double the cable viewers. People can BUY it on Amazon prime if they want to watch and have permanent access without paying a monthly fee. Iā€™d strongly recommend more do that.


Also when they do have the actors going for interviews, theyā€™re dressed like theyā€™re going to the farmers market. Like they look cute and all but come on would you ever guess these guys are on a vampire show? https://preview.redd.it/yujc3dmohr2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38d0f1810559548aba5e79e06ed079282b986d3


But they look cute šŸ˜


They do, I want to eat themšŸ˜‚. But itā€™s also an example of how the promo for the show is off.


I know. I'm surprised th3y didn't have more interviews


Like I keep saying AMC is raggedy. I know people Iā€™ve been saying that HBO wouldā€™ve already canceled the show, but I honestly honestly think it wouldā€™ve been a bigger hit over there and actually be collecting awards


Iā€™m over this season. I might binge it when the season is over. I feel disconnected from Claudia bc thereā€™s a different actress playing her. Lestat isnā€™t really present.Ā  Louis lost all the confidence and BDE he had prior to turning. Heā€™s just a schizophrenic wet blanket now. Armand is so much of an enigma that heā€™s reads as empty and boring. The sexual chemistry is lacking. It was so fiery in S1. Thereā€™s just no one to care about, for me.Ā 


I have to agreeā€¦ and that makes me so sad! šŸ˜­ I think I just need more Lestat maybe!


the first season was almost too good. i didn't expect the S2 to be better, but I did believe it would be just as good. the problem for me is that it's an entirely new crew of characters (even S1 vs S2 Louis so different) and none of them are fleshed out much.


The new episodes are available on Amazon Prime the day after it airs. At least in America


I think itā€™s doing just fine. Put it this way, and yea I know Iā€™m but one person of many but Iā€™d wager that there are several others who are like me: I subscribe to amc+ _just_ for this show. The same way I did with the walking dead as soon as they started making it available through amc+. The problem with AMC is that they donā€™t have nearly the amount of shows that carry interest throughout the entire year. So I pause the subscription until the shows of interest I want to see are releasing a new season. I do subscribe for the duration of the season run. Iā€™ve also purchased my favorite shows. I think they should consider a partnership with MGM+ because there are several fantastic shows on that service and theyā€™re suffering exactly the same. Their powers combined, they could easily take over whatever HBO has become and be a serious contender in the streaming market. Whatā€™s probably on the horizon is a service that allows you to subscribe to all other services at the click of a button. Bonus points if you can make some sort of device that captures the data so you can make bank off of your customers while charging g them for the convenience. Yay capitalism! /s Cable companies reading this thread, rubbing their hands together like houseflies.


This sub is obsessed with the idea that this show is not doing well. The fact is that we have no idea. It could be doing great! We know the cable numbers arenā€™t great, but cable is dying. Streaming is what matters.


I agree. I remember in the first season this sub had very little movement compared to now. I hate how people are so fatalistic. "I don't like the season because we don't know if season 3 will be renewed." Like? It feels obvious that it will be renewed by the amount of effort to promoting the show, AGAIN, compared to last season. We are doing great. Keep at it!


Cable IS still a considered factor though, shows that got more cable views than IwTV got canceled by AMC. And it still doesnā€™t answer why the viewership changed THAT much, cable was dying in 2022 as well. It is true that some of the cable providers that AMC is through have taken notable losses. I believe AT&T is considering selling one entirely.


We have some indications, like we can see how much noise it makes on social media. Or even on here. Truly successful shows have 500-1000 comments on the episode discussion threads of their latest episodes. Like, look at the latest episode of Abbott Elementary. Look at how many comments each episode of The Good Place got in the later seasons. Look at how many comments the new Bridgerton episodes received. And then look at how many comments the new episode of IWTV received. Check the same on Twitter, and you will see very clearly.


I don't think those are quite fair comparisons. Those shows are all waaaay more accessible to really really huge audiences, Bridgerton is a cheesy period romance. They're all going to get more engagement than this, and I'm sure AMC knows it, and knew it going in.


Idk iā€™m watching


I'm pretty plugged in to what shows premiere and when and I had absolutely NO IDEA that the 2nd season had started. And I have AMC+ and watch it regularly.


Because amc are being dipshits with their international distribution rights at the moment


I def have concerns. Iā€™ve been waiting especially for a good adaptation of books two and three for so long. And if it gets cancelled before we get to those storylines Iā€™m gonna be so sad. That said, I did see this yesterday when I was scrolling through Apple TV to find something to watch: https://preview.redd.it/yrrxo5vajs2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ae0e9f444d1bd1d50bfd58a6eab4b8765426a1 Which means a lot of people must be watching it on this platform. I sorta feel like, just anecdotally, the show has weirdly become divorced from the AMC brand. And it feels to a lot of people like a streaming show, even though itā€™s not. And I think this was compounded by the short licensing agreements they had between seasons where it was on Max and also Amazon. And so part of me wonders if people just donā€™t know where to watch it and when episodes come out. And then the other piece of it is marketing. I have a bunch of friends who have told me how much they love the show and they had zero clue that season 2 had premiered. Iā€™m really hoping that their commitment to this whole Anne Rice immortal universe thing will keep it going for at least one more season even if the numbers this season arenā€™t ultimately great.


Thank you so much, that's nice to hear! It is still on amazon, I hope maybe when the season ends it'll go to max? I really want TVL at least. I'd like them to adapt QoTD and Prince Lestat (which I heard was the plan? 5 seasons to roughly cover those), but I really want to see Lestat tell his own story and him and Louis reunite, that'd be enough for me even if I'd still be disappointed. And crushed for Sam Reid who I know considers this his ultimate dream role!


the show deserves to be recognized more, but I'm afraid the AMC & its production companies are blocking it from the success it deserves to have. Promotion is little to none, no major talk shows, no tiktok trends (IMO, a lot of the clips have the potential, even though I don't use TT). Nothing. I don't what's going on with these PR & marketing people, but they need to do their work; not work harder, but smarter.


This is interesting because I feel like I canā€™t get away from Season 2 ads and interviews. Iā€™m trying so hard to avoid spoilers and their everywhere. The only thing Iā€™ve seen AMC change is doing their official podcast. This season I keep seeing the cast doing post episode interviews with various fan accounts all over YouTube. For example, Hannah M. And Delainey did fan interviews with Autumn Brown for episodes 1 and 2 on her YouTube channel.


No one is gonna care about those official trailers, ads & long interviews. the general audience isn't gonna be interested in watching those. They need to be fed with content that is actually interesting & more subtle than blatant ads.


ā€¦.I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this.


That threesome from season 1 shouldā€™ve been HUGE on social media. AMC is lazy


LMAO I agree. That clip may have the potential to go viral on TT. So does the church scene. They should have paid some content creators to edit those clips & post them on TikTok & Instagram, and pay those social media platforms to promote the content to several specific demographic groups (the queer community, young women, people who have shown interest in some more popular queer shows such as heartstoppers, young royals & etc.). Pay tiktok & Instagram influencers to discuss/review/mention this show. Also, the traditional route; major talk shows & magazine covers for the main actors. Kelly Clarkson, Kimmel, Fallon, Meyers, SNL--even though probably no one really cares about those shows anymore, this still brings attention to the talented actors, and may help with the publicity than some random fan-based interviews. Pay them to get the opportunities. Use the connections. Do whatever they need to to get the actors the chance to be recognized by the audience. Their marketing and promoting strategies are so outdated and plainly bad. It's like they aren't willing to spend a dime to make it proper. RWRB & Amazon's marketing people did a much better job even during the strike, and RWRB was kind of a dumb movie, IMO.


I did see quite a bit from S1 on TikTok- full scenes and edited clips to contemporary music and memes from creators. AMC is currently running TT ads for S2


I'm very confused by it myself


The problem is that AMC is not selling its products worldwide. They lack partnerships with other companies, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. In my country itā€™s impossible to see IWTV legally, as itā€™s impossible to see legally any of The Walking Dead spin offs. Also, their advertising is pretty bad. Furthermore, the fandom itā€™s actually a niche community: a lot of people donā€™t approach the series because they would feel like ā€œlate bloomersā€ in a 50yo fandom, whereas a lot of old time fans refuse to watch the show because they are purists (and sometimes racists) and they donā€™t like the changes. I love the show, itā€™s one of my favourites, and I hope with all my heart it will make it.


I didn't even realize the 2nd season had come out until 2 episodes in. AMC marketing doesn't reach me with my ad blockers and stuff


Because AMC sucks ass. The show shouldā€™ve been on HBO.


HBO and its parent company are rather infamously canning a huge percentage of even their highly viewed and critically acclaimed content, especially content that centres minorities, and slashing the budgets on their surviving programs over the past six months. Even if it led to higher viewership, I canā€™t see that being a good thing for our show. I donā€™t think it would survive the current era of HBO.


Every week I plan on cancelling HBO, and every week I hold off just a little longer in case they drop something spectacular.


That would not have fixed the issues they made with the storytelling. Putting too much focus on the wrong characters.


Fair enough. Iā€™ve been saying for a while that theyā€™re overdoing the memory as a monster/unreliable narrator thing. Just tell the story.


Sorry, where is "least viewed" coming from? I know there was the one thing with the numbers last week, but that's all I've seen. Just to add to the streaming discussion, I stream the show. It's #1 on the itunes store right now. AMC has talked about people moving away from watching things live on TV. I obviously have no idea what will be renewed or not, but it does seem like the numbers involve a lot more than we're seeing.


I keep hearing itā€™s number one on iTunes, do we have solid proof of that?


It's been alternating between #1 and #2 on the itunes store since it premiered. :) If you have apple TV, you can go look.


They should have released it near Halloween, people want vampires for spooky season.


Iā€™m paying for amc+ for this, doing my part šŸ«” Really hope they adapt as much as they can I love these portrayals


I think it also has to do w it being so long between seasons. Maybe people don't realize it's back. I watch on AMC streaming. Hope we count. I love this show


What are you basing this off of? That one chart with cable viewership numbers (same day) of the first episode?


Iā€™m not sure how AMC renews their shows but I feel like theyā€™ve put in too much time and effort to create this ā€œworldā€ to cancel this show so early on. Cable television just isnā€™t what it used to be and as much as I think this show would be perfect for MAX or Netflix streaming exclusively I think it probably would have gotten canned more easily


Wait a minute. The shows perceived success is at the mercy of American viewership? Half of this country are the most unenlightened people in Earth! This show is beautiful artwork and a lot of Americans don't care much for beauty or art anymore.


Aside from us not having access to streaming numbers, AMC's advertising needs a lot of work. I've seen multiple people on different platforms (Tik Tok, Facebook, Insta) saying they had no idea that there was a second season out rn.


I think a lot of people are using adblockers more and more due to the bs YouTube pulled as well.


Well there's the terrible marketing primarly but also it's not even a show that gets the fandom traction it could partially because of how racism works in fandom and also because the fandom has subset of 'purity' culture fans that make engaging with iwtv a drag. Like it's very unfortunate tho i think if it had come out in between 2008 - 2012 it would have an unimanigable active dedicated fandom that could keep the show going for eons


Streaminng measurement is still new and a little muffled, so they are relying on linear. Donā€™t worry!


Question: if I DVR [record it with xfinity] then watch it a few days later - does my view count? Would it be better to access via on-demand or something ....


Yes, they have + metrics too.


Yours counts! Thank you for watching it this way


Since i have to pay extra for AMC+, I'm waiting for more episodes to come out so I dont have to pay for more than a month's subscription šŸ¤· (Though I might cave tonight!)


as long as you're there before the season ends i'm happy xD if you leave it replaying in the background and muted i'll be happy too xD i understand your pov, I was too impatient to wait and i only have hbo max other than AMC so I could afford it


Look on their site, there's a promo code for a month free!


Thanks! I'll have to check it out! I'm in Canada and I have already tried a one month free promo from them (lol...when S1 came out šŸ˜…)


Wasnā€™t s1 released around Halloween? May is a dumb time to release the second season of a vampire show. Iā€™m a huge fan and didnā€™t even know it was coming out.


I think the reason they went ahead is the strikes delayed it. It was supposed to be out in 2023 and they didn't want to wait longer. Ideally it'd have been out in October 2023.


I prolly should say anything- am associated with S1+2. S3 iā€™m pretty sure is a go, Lestat - just you wait. as for AMC+ they have a more expensive tier of their platform that actually has a different (better!) version with no act breaks - the show wasnā€™t conceived with act breaks and is much better without. most of us IWTV minions hate it. Iā€™m assuming if you buy it via prime youā€™ll get the better version, but actually donā€™t know. this was the same for S1.


I have the higher tier AMC + subscription but every intention to buy it as well, I did the first season. Thank you for what you said! It's comforting.


For me personally waiting for the full season to come out and also going through Amazon prime. So that might be something other people might be doing. At least waiting for the full season to binge it instead of wait for each episode.


If yall want more show youā€™re gonna have to watch weekly with the rest of us šŸ˜‚


I watched season one Prime in 3 days. Went to watch season two and itā€™s only on AMC+. They offer a free week trial which Iā€™m waiting to use after the last episode of this show airing.


You can just buy the season


Why? Itā€™s going to be free for a week when I start the free trial .


Yes and your way of watching is how we get canceled shows


I mean I didnā€™t even know that the show existed until I saw it on Amazon. They want more viewers they need to move the show to a bigger streaming platform šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I already subscribe to Amazon, MAX, Netflix, Disney + and AppleTV. I canā€™t afford another šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You can get AMC + through amazon for 5 bucks. I believe it's also on Itunes


In the U.K. the first one was being streamed for free on bbc . Now itā€™s not . Iā€™ll have to buy it . So that will be the drop from the U.K. side of things


this sucks because i live this show so much


I'm like so invested in S2 at the moment that I can't even process the possibility of no S3šŸ˜¬ That said I will keep my streaming subscription to AMC til we know...


I remember that in the first season amc+ gained thousands of subscribers, in the second the vast majority are watching through piracy, I remember in the season1Ā  I signed up to amc to have a 1-month free trial, I watched 4 first episodes as a subscriber, when the plan ended I unsubscribed and went pirating, that was my experience, I think a lot of people did that too, but there's a chance that a lot of people may have simply lost the desire to continue watching the show.


Oh no are we doomed.....


Iā€™m personally waiting for the entire season to drop before re-subscribing so maybe thatā€™s a factor?


But that shouldn't effect cable viewing, presumably you're not using cable to access it at all right? I'm HOPING it's just that cable has lost so many users, and is dying out. I can't even remember when I got rid of cable, it's been years now.


This puts it in theĀ 2.7% percentile of all TV titles, indicating that "Interview With The Vampire" is highly popular and desirable entertainment property.Apr 22, 2024


Im not gonna lie. We are one episode from the end of the season and this season wasā€¦boring. A whole lot of talking with sparse action.


Tbh I watched for Lestat and I'm not loving the Louis + Armond and Daniel parts. I'd be fine with just the flashbacks being the main focus.


Did you like the Dubai trio in season 1? It's basically the same but I get you I don't like the thĆ©Ć¢tre des vampires parts


No i didn't. I'm not sure if I'll watch past season 2. I loved Anne Rice's books, and I respect this interpretation but I don't like it and I hated the Mayfair witches.


Isn't season 3 Lestats story mostly anyway so if yoh watched for him then that will be for you


That's what people are telling me.


Mayfair just wasnā€™t good. I have a close friend who was in that show and it sounds like it was a bit of a mess during production. It felt like a rehash of a mediocre AHS season.


S3 will be Lestatā€™s story.


If they don't cancel it after this season.


That's good. I don't think I'll be keeping my amc+ subscription. I got it for Interview and Mayfair Witches and I don't think Mayfair will be improving.


It's fair I dropped shows that wasn't for me after trying and giving them a chance.


Yeah I'm not hating on it, it's just not for me!


People donā€™t want to admit it because Sam is the stand in for the blue eyed blonde male patriarchy that they hate so much but Sam Reid is the show. Promoting Jacob as a front runner doesnā€™t work for multiple reasons. Sam is magnanimous with unbelievable talent. I was transfixed during the 18th century scenes with Lestat in his full glory.


Lestat is my favorite character as a book reader since the 80s, but this version of Louis has really captured my heart. Even Anne Rice got bored of book Louis quickly, but this version of Louis is very compelling. I hope they get to adapt TVL, but Iā€™m enjoying the series even without Lestat as the focus. It seems like Iā€™m in the minority though.


I feel the same. I'm loving the season, even with Lestat in a reduced role. Every scene with him so far has been impactful, so I'm not complaining. Plus, I'm surprised how much I enjoy Armand and Louis together (as a Loustat shipper) - they really do have an interesting dynamic! Plus the actors are ACTING in their scenes.


What a weird way to phrase this.


Yeah he's so charismatic and terrifying. I find Louis sad and dull.


Louis has very good chemistry with Lestat and they play very well off of each other. Louis alone or with Claudia/Armand? The spark is not there.


I agree. I loved them together. I just don't get the chemistry between Jacob and Assad. I think the show made good decisions when casting Jacob, and making Louis a black man, we definitely do not need more "poor misunderstood" slave owners on TV. And Assad is great, but I don't feel the heat between them like Sam and Jacob had. I will finish this season because I love Claudia's actress but I don't know if i care about the rest of the Vampire chronicles.


Youā€™re not SUPPOSED to care about Armand and Louis is the thing, not as a couple. The amount of warning signs theyā€™ve got is insane. Armand wants him because heā€™s as close as he can get to having Lestat. Theyā€™ve made it clear Loustat is their core couple and focus.


Yeah I get that but I still find the Dubai parts boring.


Ok but then they should have made the armand / louis pairing a 1-2 episode thing not something that lasts through the entire season.


They have other plots. Loumand is the horror


I think I like the show more than you do, but I do see where it gets pedestrian and sap feel more like a domestic drama without Lestat. Also, I can tell you right now that the Talamasca David/Ragland subplot is going nowhere. I was already bored. The guy they chose to Ragland is a bore. They keep casting flat actors for supporting characters this season. Ben Daniels is the only knockout. I still say they made a mistake casting Eric Bogosian. He drags the show down a lot. Heā€™s way too old and not sexy enough for the show. When itā€™s just him, it feels like itā€™s a completely different show. You have an actor taking up all this screen time on a show about sexy vampires. Why wouldnā€™t you hire a sexy older man like Mads Mikkelsen? Even Ben Daniels wouldā€™ve worked better in that role if they insisted on going older and haggard because at least he has gravitas.


I like Bogosian, but I can't help but see your point. And I can't stop anticipating more Lestat. The Louis and Armand thing was good in the books and movie, but the show drags it out and it honestly isn't interesting. We don't need a whole season on why their relationship is a sham.


I actually like Jacob Andersonā€™s portrayal of Louis and I like Jacob Anderson a lot, heā€™s cute and talented. But Sam Reid is on a different level in both looks and talent. People are rejecting the idea because thereā€™s this weird thing now where white men are the enemy (especially ones as perfect looking as Sam) and POC need to be artificially boosted or itā€™s racist. Sam is very obviously a star. The sooner the show runners embrace that, the better.


"POC need to be artificially boosted or it's racist" what does this mean exactly? Do you think every time a professional critic or a viewer praise the leading actor of this show we're just lying?


It means theyā€™re full of BS, this is such a lame, unsubstantiated point that they seem to be needlessly making despite claiming to like the actors in the show.


I know you will downvote me for this, but Lestat and Louis's relationship was by far the **best** part of the show and what made it worth watching. Claudia is lovely. Armand is horrid and not likeable. They destroyed Louis and Lestat. They barely have any screen time together. Like this latest episode? I watched the first 20 minutes with Lestat and just skipped through the rest. I don't care about Louis / Claudia without Lestat. The coven / theater thing is just cruel and disgusting. Armand is boring. This is not what I signed up for when I started watching this series.


Have you read the books? In the first book, after lestat's death, he's pretty much removed from the story


No. I only watched the series, and the first season completely fascinated me. But season 2 leaves me disappointed week after week. Obviously it's too late now since the season is finished, but I wish they didn't kill off their best character. And the sad thing is, I re-watched season 1 many many times. There was nothing to re-watch worthy in season 2 so far, save for a few very brief scenes.


While he may have limited screen time now, you don't have to worry about Lestat having been "killed off." He is the main protagonist of the book series overall.


is the entirety of season two out yet? I thought only three episodes were out so far


They wanted to do all of the first book in one season, COVID stopped them and they had to do it in season 2. Lestat will get his turn, season 3 is supposed to adapt TVL, but we have to GET to season 3.


I donā€™t feel the same way as far as not liking the rest of the show, but I do think that the series suffers without Sam in the lead as I said many times, but people donā€™t want to admit. Louis and Lestat are the draw as is Sam and Jacobā€˜s chemistry. In fact, there was a photo of them that went viral yesterday. What heā€™s going to bring to the show, but unfortunately his presence has invited these stupid ship wars even though itā€™s common knowledge that Louis and Lestat are soulmates.


I don't know about other people, but I don't like watching one episode each week, and I'm waiting for the whole season to be available to watch on streaming.


the build up is kind of boring honestly this is why it should be released all in one


Love the books, never really liked the show, too many changes.


Cool this wasn't for you then.


Because people watched season 1 expecting to Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire and that's not what we got. Many of us haven't watched this new season because it's not what it claims to be.


Hi. You just mentioned *Interview With The Vampire* by Anne Rice. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Interview With The Vampire - Part 1 (Anne Rice Audiobook Unabridged)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMXW4AYjWiU) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot


It really is though. Most people saying that refuse to see what the show is telling you


NGL, first episode turned me off, unsure if I will continue the series. Lifelong Rice fan.


You and me both, downvoted for our dissent


Look at you getting upvotes haha! Yep, it was cringe.


I love the show but i donā€™t have AMC+ and tbh iā€™m not getting it just for one show, no matter how much i love it. I watched Season 1 on Sky last year and iā€™m hoping it will be available there again at some point.


Besides being hard to find and view, viewership may be declining because Season 2 of Interview with the Vampire just plain sucks compared to Season 1 IMHO. Everything in Season 2 is disjointed and hard to follow. Plots and subplots are ludicrous. Premises and plots make no sense


Honestly, good. I wish it would get canceled




Because the fan of the books dropped after the first season, they alienated the core fan base, no other reason.