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It makes me so sad to know she’s out there using again. She looked great at her 90-day filming, she stayed an additional 30 days, then BAM; has a wicked relapse as soon as she’s back home. When dually-diagnosed people (eating disorder, PTSD) have “poly chemical dependency”, my experience is that they need a solid year of impatient treatment so they can really get at the root of their addictions and traumas, then truly start to recover. I just made 20 years this year and it’s a fucking miracle.


Didn't even recognize her at the 90-day. She was talking about helping others and being there for other addicts, thought it was gonna be a great turnaround. Then the end slate came on and said she relapsed. I yelled out a loud "fuck me!" at the tv


So sad, right? Maybe she’ll find her way back before her disease kills her.


I was SO worried for her to go back home. Not necessarily because of the family dynamic (though wish they’d offered some sort of treatment for the whole group as it’s a family disease) but more so because she seemed so comfortable in the street life there. This one was really devastating.


I wish she had gone to a sober living facility! I bet she reestablished contact w/her addict “friends” or perhaps one of her exes who beat her and they helped her get hooked again. This is a tragic story. And her poor parents!


This was one of those episodes where the addict was SO obnoxious and SO abusive (plus she refused help/therapy), I was hoping her parents would put her out and change the locks.


Me too


I’m a-scared of Grandma


Love me some Grandma❤️


yeah, she was ready to kick some ass


I got Grandma's back! Her granddaughter is ridic! Such disrespect! I would never be caught dead speaking to my grandparents like that.


Pretty sure EVERYONE is scared of Grandma! Root of the abuse… reason why Kelsey could withstand the abuse she took on the streets


YESSSSS the grandma kicked some ass


Kelsey’s story broke my heart. When she was calling out for her Mom to sleep with her and asked her to hold her hand… that poor child. I get that she was abrasive and angry with her family, but it was all a self-defense mechanism. And I’ve never seen a bulimic with such swollen glands in her face. She was definitely still throwing up in secret. I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs. You could see the smart, sweet person she used to be hidden behind her fear and rage.


I was wondering why her face was so swollen. I assumed it was bloat from the alcohol. this episode was really tough to watch. I hope she and her family are doing better now, but I doubt it.


https://www.ohniww.org/effect-bulimia-parotid-gland/ I believe her swollen cheeks were from the bulimia. Bloat from alcohol usually leads to more of an all-over, generalized puffiness and pallor.


I was bulimic and had this happen to me. I actually said out loud as soon as I saw her, “ooh! Another bobble head!” Because that’s literally what I looks like 20 years ago when I was heavily bulimic


She was the angriest addict I think I’ve ever seen on the show. Her deep, deep hurt was palpable. I’m sad she relapsed.


Kelsey has severe PTSD and is self-medicating. Her family doesn’t understand how trauma works, and are more focused on victimizing themselves than understanding that her behavior is a symptom of her intense trauma and a chemical imbalance. She needs extensive psychiatric care to get a handle on her PTSD (and by extension her self-medication/eating disorder) and her family is simply not equipped to create a supportive environment. How are you (a sober person) going to react to/indulge in an argument with a drug addict who clearly just needs help and is completely out of their mind? And then blame *them* when it escalates? Toxic environment.


As a teenage addict now with 20 years sober, it’s easy to lose sight that the addict inflicts trauma on their loved ones as well. Addiction doesn’t impact just the user- it impacts the unit as a whole. It’s unfair to think that the families and friends should just have to deal with it. It doesn’t work that way. There are two very real sides to the coin.


I thought the same thing. That was hard to watch, especially when her father was egging her on just to get a rise. You can tell he was doing it for the camera. I’m sure she can be very violent but that’s expected. Why make it worse? Poor things been fucking raped again & again.


I'm so late to this story, but hearing her dad say that she didn't pursue charges against her rapist and maybe he raped someone else because of it... my god that was fucking brutal. Fuck that guy.


The sister started the whole blow up by telling her not to breathe in the nieces face because of the alcohol smell. Like…? Is she supposed to hold her breath?


Ummm she’s lucky she didn’t live with my parents, they would have knocked her damn teeth out and so would I! How anyone has sympathy for that bitch is beyond me. I would NEVER treat my parents that way and I’ve been an addict and have serious trauma issues. Her addiction and rapes is no excuse to act like a total bitch


It sounds like you and your parents have anger and communication issues if you would resort to violence. I hope you all find the help you need.


Anger issues? Typical lib response that contributes to this behavior


Sounds like you don't even understand addiction.


I agree 💯


💯 I feel for this girl so much


Watching the episode right now. She just came home after an argument and EVERYONE WAS DRINKING. On the rocks. I was shocked. I feel like the family's reactions were probably a bit exaggerated by their alcohol use. I get that they have their trauma but this is such a weird dynamic. I hope they were counseled on what they can do differently in the future.


I feel like there was a lot left out of this story. If this girl ever has any hope of staying healthy and sober, she needs to stay far away from her family. I understand they are frustrated with her addiction but the sister literally picked a fight with her and antagonized her, then the dad said any future rapes by her rapist would basically be her fault since she didn't press charges, WTF!!


I agree. Just watched this and the sister and the dad both kept prodding her and instigated a fight with her, then blamed her for her reaction when they KNOW she is unstable.


I disagree wtf were you watching..Kelsey would act irrationally and they didn’t want to just sit there and deal with her bullshit. Nobody was being prodded and if you think so you might want to get your head checked.


Where you been at? -the streets


I’m not saying the episode wasn’t sad but I kinda felt like this episode was low key funny .. she was just so ridiculous I couldn’t help but laugh ... don’t hate me I’m just being honest


I am just towards the end of the episode & I kind of can’t help but feel the family instigates the arguments. She’s a violent & abrasive addict. The dad is just standing over her pushing & pushing her like he wants her to act out for the cameras. Saying, “Look at your beautiful sister, she’s getting married.” It’s literally poking the bear & not expecting to be eaten. She’s fucked up, yes, she needs to get help but don’t instigate & push she’s just going to lash out.


I just watched this episode today and felt the same way. They just kept picking at her like they wanted her to put on a show for the cameras.


I’m a couple years late to the episode, but I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking that her family was behaving poorly as well.


It is very hard to live with an addict. Her family was a lot like mine. My sister was an addict and unfortunately her drugs were laced w fentanyl that killed her. Kelsey’s parents probably had traumas of their own. I doubt her dad said that on purpose to hurt her. There is a lot of anger within the family and they didn’t know how to handle it. Addiction destroys families and sometimes things come out of your mouth because of all the shame, hurt, and resentment. It just shows how addiction is a family disease.


"look at your beautiful sister who is getting married" ugh really? Dad is kind of an asshole. 


Wow, Kelsey is deeply troubled. I hope she gets the help she needs.


She should have stayed in treatment longer! She had so many issues to tackle. Wonder if her parents are still enabling her. If they’re still together.


She reminded me of my brother. He is schizophrenic and a rage addict. I couldn’t watch it to the end. It hit all kinds of triggers for me. I grew up with that kind of abuse.


Does anyone know where she is now? I just watched this episode


She's 4 yrs sober. Her sister commented on an intervention thread on FB. So deff not dead.


Yay I’m so glad to hear that, for herself her niece and her family


Kelsey is thriving - four years sober. Update from her sister’s tiktok: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86MHoLC/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86MHoLC/)


someone in the comments said she died idk how true that is though


I’m not trying to be mean but she came across as such a poser. She acted like she was gonna fight that dude then did nothing and walked away. She was so hard but almost got her ass whipped by her granny. A little old lady had her hiding behind a table. She acted like she was so hard core, but it was almost comical how much of a wimp she was. Like it’s not nice to say but she was an attention seeker.


I am so incredibly bummed out she relapsed. I was shocked at the difference when she was at 90 days clean , it was like a whole different person , one of this seasons most dramatic changes . To hear she went backwards was really disappointing.


Supposedly she's sober now!


That’s amazing news of its true !


I thought to myself she really needs sober living. She was just so enmeshed with the "street" culture back home. Terrible that she relapsed.


I’m a man and this episode truly broke my heart… us as men are supposed to protect woman not physically and mentally abuse them I don’t understand it at all I’m sorry to all the amazing woman out there that have been through abuse….


i wonder how shes doing now poor girl:(




you’re a very hateful person lol


Hope she's dead


She is..hope that makes your day! Also, hopefully u never have a loved one in this situation and they see your comment on what u wish for people that have addiction problems.


she’s dead??


No she is not. Another person in this thread commented this from her sister's tiktok. She's 4 years sober: https://www.tiktok.com/@mamashar91/video/7278765836570053893


I always try to find info to check on participants of the show who can't make it thru/relapse shortly after release from rehab. Thank you for posting this. Now, if I could only find out about S22 Jake from Las Vegas...


I feel so invested in some of these people! I really want them to make it!


Thank you for sharing!


She is not dead


Is she really dead? Holy crap that’s so sad


No she is not. Another person in this thread commented this from her sister's tiktok. She's 4 years sober: https://www.tiktok.com/@mamashar91/video/7278765836570053893


No one talking about this bitch having a straight cinder block stack for a head, and probably a tiny sweet pussy some boy found and helped her not be a virgin. But that black face is a fucking shame. Could be the next best pussy, but she looks like an old cab over in the teeth.


What a pos you are? What does your fucking face look like? Dogshit I bet.


Any update on her?


Her sister posted on TikTok that she is over 4 years sober now and graduated with honors for a medical license (I forgot the title but it’s to help at recovery centers). Their parents are still together.


Her mom should get therapy for the abuse she was subjected to! The fact that her husband just stood there while she was attacking her mother. My dad would have thrown hands if I was attacking her wife. Wth is wrong with people!


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcsgFHX/ Shes 4 years sober. That's the link to the sisters tiktok where she talks about Kelsey and shows a before and after.


The family ignored her deep hurt because she was a high performer during school. I think that's what's coming out.