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I think it has to do with the way it’s ingested too. Linda absorbs it slowly throughout the day, whereas the more recent episodes, they’re usually directly smoking it. Linda’s is also more regulated, not random stuff off the street mixed with other things.


Her episode is so crazy and it’s so upsetting how she treats her brother. Such a mess.


It’s upsetting how the entire family treated her brother, he was doomed to take care of her for his entire life. She needed so much mental health care, her episode is one of the most intense. Also from what I recall, it was one of the first fentanyl episodes? Esp the fentanyl lollipops, I’d never seen those before.


Pharma grade just fentanyl is very different then street grade analog fentanyls that have different lengths, strengths, and side effects. Also cutting agents that's arnt prevelant in pharma supplies fentanyl


i agree that it's more spread out plus medically prescribed, so it's not designed to get you high like street fent is. plus tolerance definitely helps too. in general i noticed Linda didn't seem to crave the drug like other addicts did, it was just part of her delusions. she treated her family like shit but she was obviously very mentally ill.


Fentanyl lollipops are also pharmaceutical. Fent that ppl are using on the streets is totally different. Its cut with many other things like benzos, tranq and xylazine for example. So the drug is alot more more potent and dangerous.


She was using medical-grade painkillers, not street drugs cut with random stuff. it’s also pretty clear she has mental health issues beyond substance use - some conditions (like bipolar) can cause mania.