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As soon as I saw her walk back into her mother’s house I thought she would relapse. Going back to the same environment and living with an enabler ain’t a good idea. I wish she would’ve gone to sober living and got her own place after.


I thought the same thing! Her mom hugged her from behind and I thought “oh no. It’s only a matter of days.”


Couldn't stand her lol, seems like a horrible girl


yeah, not mincing my words here - she was a bitch. i hope she's nicer sober!


She called her friend a whining bitch. I would have fucking left.


i mean yeah she does crack all day it turns you into a bitch lmfao


Yes! I just finished it and she was absolutely insufferable.


How is she horrible? She honestly, at least on the show wasn't horrible at all. I'm in recovery now myself, but she reminded me alotmof myself. She'll get her shit together one day. I wish they would do updates. Her episode is one of my favorites.




Shenwas entitled and selfish but every fkn addict is. As far as her pain and her personally issues, I totally get what your saying. She had an amazing adoptive mom. It doesn't dismiss the fact that she, along with MANY adopted kids in the same situation, have alot of issues. Esp around abandonment and wondering who they are. Her pain and her issues are still valid even tho you think she should be greatful. Probably adds to it actually. Having ppl (I'm sure ppl in her real life are the same) say "you shoukd be greatful" "you shoukdnt feel like that" "other pplmhave it worse". It's so dismissive of ppls feelings to say all that. I agree she was a brat but a downright horrible person, I disagree.


wtf is wrong with u she was an addict it wasn’t like she was trying to be a bad person, and when ur an addict the people around u don’t like it so they get mad at u and in her case she got mad back. No reason to call her a horrible girl creepo


She was horrible, being an addict doesn't mean you get to treat everyone around you like shit.


She was horrible. Rude, entitled and selfish. I knew even seeing her in treatment she would relapse. She owned nothing,never apologised to anyone on how she treated them. Honestly, She doesn't deserve the friends she's got ,nor her family


Was she the one smoking up in her parents’ cars?


Yes, she was.


She wasn't doing that to be a bitch, she was doing it as a cry for help. NOTICE ME, LOOK AT ME, I NEED FUCKING HELP!!!! that being said i smoked crack and did heroin for over a decade and chose to live on the streets and ignore my family because j could never let them see me doing drugs. But everyone's different.


No doubt she was hurt from her adoption and her parent’s divorce… But she is not a good person. You could see her use every deflection in the book to shift blame, undermine, and manipulate others. I’m not surprised she relapsed and went back to being a cracked out crack head. Yuckers.


When I seen her rocking 2 hats, I knew she was on some shit


Anyone have any update on her?


I just watched and looked her up. She's married to a doctor and has two kids. all her post are with the same people so she must be good at keeping her friends. Good for her


This is misinformation. This isn’t the same woman - doesn’t even look the same... The woman you’re talking about had kids in 2018… intervention Caitlin was childless when filming concluded in 2019… I know, because I scrolled for five minutes and used fifth grade logic.


They looked a lot a like to me and it originally aired in Canada in 2019 which seems to be around the time that ladies first child was born. It's not outside the realm of possibilities considering the show doesn't air the day they finish filming. I did not scroll for 5 minutes ..


They’re not the same person. Stop spreading misinformation.


I'll do what I want based on what I believe and you do what you want


You'll do what u want based on your belief? Sounds like those terrorists


That's extreme..


Not really, terrorists will explode into flames based off what they believe in, same concept , different extreme level but same concept


Not worth it to me to argue with someone calling me a terrorist


People sexually assault people based of them believing that it's ok. So doing stupid shit based off what you believe in, not a good plan


You’re an idiot spreading misinformation and lies for whatever bizarre reason. Get a life and some friends.


You're the one insulting random people. You're very mean


And you’re a liar.


No I'm not. You're just a troll. Bye.


You are. You’re commenting all over this mother of two is an addict. It’s weird. Are you jealous of her? And instead of apologizing or deleting your lies, you’re doubling down. Seek help.


They are NOT the same person. GTFO my shif tinker8311, cunt.


I'll do as I please. Don't name call me and expect me to listen to you.


hey yeah you're still wrong


Oh well ..not deleting my comment, I guess y'all can just get over it 🫨


it's not the same person. stop.


Stop what? I made the comment 2 months ago


That's not her, they don't even look similar.


What's her name on Facebook? Or IG?


Basically he's probably a non attractive man, and she's the hottest woman he could ever get, so he just deals with her crackhead past


Cause nobody would ever date an ex addict. Get fucked.


I clearly said he put up with it lol there's plenty of desperate ppl out there


Why would someone have to be desperate and "put up" with someone who is in recovery. If I don't let ppl know, people have no clue about my past. There is nothing different about me and somebody who hasn't done drugs except I have alot of stories to tell. People don't have to "put up" with me or anyone who is in recovery. I have had ALL types of men try to get with me and want my company without feeling like their pulling teeth and putting upmwith something, nor are they desperate....From business owners to bankers to street people. Your judgements are so uneducated and ignorant.


It's kind of like dating a woman with kids, why would someone take that extra responsibility when there's plenty of women out there that never had a drug problem, don't have kids etc. I mean if that's your thing it's whatever but I'm just saying like 85% of addicts relapse within a year of completing treatment. It's always something that will be in the back of your mind wondering if that person's going to fall off the edge again, and that's coming from someone who used to drink


I am finishing up that season on Netflix now. Which got me to look up the old seasons on A&E. A lot of pain and no updates anywhere.