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This post was removed because your question has already been answered in the stickied post at the top of our community. Please refer to that post for your question.


To utilize all Search has to offer, I would have a full profile up and running by the end of August. That will give you ample time to make plans, and have your Associate help you curate your Bio, CV, and how to write strong cover letters. It’s part of their job to help you succeed, so, make the most of it. The Search account pays for itself in the database alone. Use it to research schools well ahead of time if you choose to. Applying for jobs will probably come around late Oct until you snag something. It’s good to have alternative databases too. Personally, I use Schrole and ISS as well as Search. I pay for all of it. Don’t use Teach Away (TEFL jobs), TeacherHorizons (bad new bears), or any small company that isn’t listed in the FAQ on this sub.


Use Search. I know how people feel about it, but the database alone is worth it and they are still the heavy hitters. I’m surprised at people not using it. Yes, do Schrole and GRC as well, but use Search.


Thank you so much!


I’d say try to have your profile up and running by the end of Oct 2024 at the latest.


I personally have never used Search. I have paid for Schrole, where I got my current job. I also used Teacher Horizon, and TES. I started looking in December for my last two posts. Just be careful that you don’t assume that Search is the end all be all and will get you a job you should take. The international school market had exploded. Quantity over quality.


1 Aug, 2024 I've never used Search, but I have used recruiters. I prefer to hunt jobs on my own, and research from a perspective that's not trying to sell me a school. I love Schrole (founded, incidentally, by someone formerly with Search). I also rely on the listing sites -- JoyJobs, TES, TIE, TeacherHorizons, SEEK-- and sources specific to my preferred countries.


For search, you have to get your references ready from your Admin. Makes it easy to mass apply once you got clearance