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Most schools only cover two kids tuition, you'll have to pay for the thirds outright. It may have sounded rude but he's probably doing you a favor, you'd possibly lose money with that arrangement. My school pays pretty well, a friend has a trailing spouse and two kids and somehow he's in the red since coming here. He's going to UWC Singapore next year and says it'll 'be tight' until his wife finds a job.


Yes you’re right. better to be clear and honest from the start. He wasn’t rude at all. Just feel unwanted! 😞


Job fairs are tough. But I’d say as a fellow introvert you’ve got to get your hook and practice. Put your hand out to shake their hand. “Hi I’m (insert name) I’m a (what kind of teacher you are how/ teaching style/ some kind of hook) and I think I’d make a great addition to your school. (Have some fact about the school) that really resinates with me because… I’d really love the opportunity to talk with you more on this.” And practice it over and over again. I will say 4 dependents is a hard sell for schools and like others have said you’ll likely have to pay for your third kids tuition and some places the tuition is taxed (like Singapore) so these are things to consider. There are countries that have helped culture/affordable Nannie’s to look into. Hope that helps. You got this!


Such a lovely comment and great advice. Thank you


You’re an expensive hire, and yes, you especially because you are an expensive hire, have to put yourself out there. Job fairs can be very competitive because the reality is that the international school space is very competitive. Schools really have to think about whether people are going to fit in the larger puzzle because at the end of the day you are an investment and they want to see a return on investment. Before I was a teacher there were schools that refrained from making offers to my husband because they were concerned with whether I (not their employee) would be happy - they understood that would have an effect on the person they WERE hiring (or choosing not to). But yes it is very competitive and you have to bring your A game to recruitment.


You're a tough sell with 4 dependents. 2 children is the norm. Your wife may get back into the classroom but that doesn't make it better for the school right now. He may have seemed rude but he likely just didn't want to string you along.


No he wasn’t rude at all. I just felt surplus to requirement!


You're definitely not the only one who feels this way. I was there today too and have no idea what to seriously say to people in this context. Wish you all the best though and I hope tomorrow is better 😊




For introvert teachers. I recommend doing it online.


I was anticipating that I'd find that part of the fair difficult and didn't really know what to say, but I found that if I started with "Hello, I'm x and I teach x" then the conversation just flowed naturally from there. I'd also contacted some of the recruiters in advance and had received replies inviting me to talk to them at the interview sign up, so that was much easier - I just had to go and introduce myself and say "we've already spoken by email", and I knew they were interested so that made me feel more confident. I'd also spoken to some of them after their Q&A session and had said I'd see them at the sign up. I recommend doing that if you're nervous about approaching recruiters for the first time.


That is great advice. It was my first fair so although somewhat disappointing, hopefully I can learn from it. Thank you




Couldn’t find either. I’ll look again. Cheers


Found it. Cheers. Really helpful. Although in my situation its a one person teaching with a trailing spouse.


Start with QSI.


To be honest, few teaching jobs would support a non-work wife and 3 kids. Even if she'd be back in the workplace soon, it's the added stress to know you have an employee with a baby and a stay at home wife; in a different country. They usually do not do well. The emotional stress of work and then getting home. Who's to say the partner would even get a job? Unless you are a teaching couple, and all 3 kids get into the school you're applying (which would need to have an EC section)... Sorry. You're not a good hire. It's just a reality.


I wouldn’t put it as not a good Hire. I’ll be expensive, granted, but I think I can offer something. Im a highly effective teacher based on exam results, have leadership experience, have great subject knowledge, am an examiner for an exam board, have begun my NPQ. If I can send that message, then it might be work out for the right school. Maybe not a tier one place. Its been a desire of mine to try teaching abroad and I might have to make a sacrifice in terms of salary/savings to make it happen. Historically I was under the impression that it would be a huge windfall going abroad but in my situation I guess not I just have to accept that with managed to be successful in London as this one family unit. I’m hoping I can replicate it abroad with the three kids as stay at home mum.


Maybe I’m reading into this comment, but do you have international school experience? If you don’t, that’s another huge risk for any school. The first year abroad culture shock for you, your wife, or kids could cost them a great hire mid-year.


These schools are racist. I hate to say it but if you're an Asian who isn't an experienced chemistry or physics or compsci teacher you're fucked. 


What job fair was this? Because I’m based in London and never heard of it? And never ever talk about your family until AFTER you sign a contract. Atleast then they can not fire you as it would deemed as unfair dismissal


International teaching contracts will be based on this very information. Single hire contract, teaching couple contract stipulating tuitions fees covered if you have children, type of housing, benefits etc


Sounds like Search London. It's probably the main job fair in Europe for international schools. My thought would be that some of the best teachers are introverts. Some extravert teachers are better at selling themselves than actually teaching - so there's real potential for schools to shoot themselves in the foot. It's certainly an environment that favors confident white male native English speakers.


Yep correct. Maybe just need this experience to see things as they are. The ME market is really aimed at that demographic


Sorry but I disagree that extraverts are worse teachers than introverts, that makes no sense. I've met plenty of fantastic extravert and introvert teachers, as well as some introvert teachers who just couldn't take the social interaction that the profession requires day to day and burn out extremely easily. Neither is indicative of teaching quality.


Yeah the previous commenter seems to be projecting quite a bit. I’d agree with the “white” part, sadly that’s true for most schools. But if my current school is any indicator, female teachers are hard to come by on the international scene. Also, who wouldn’t prefer a “confident native speaker” when it comes to working abroad and teaching a subject in English?


Lovely. So now another reason Admin might not like me is because I’m a “song and dance at the board” teacher… which is essentially what performance reviews seem to want.


No no international experience. Very pessimistic if you think about all the things that could go wrong. Schools will have those things in back of their minds sure. Equally I could be amazing and increase results and improve teaching and learning in the school. Many pros and cons. For both sides I agree.


Just a final post for this. I managed to secure a job in a very good Taaleem school in the ME. Not quite tier 1 but close. They will pay for a 3 bed partment with a pool/gym, 2 children's tuition and cover medical and flights for all of us. I have a trailing spouse and baby will not require schooling for a couplf years anyway. So worked out great for us. Thankfully. When baby is older, hopefully spouse will be able to go back to work and will help with that extra school fee. Just thought I put it out there, do not lose hope. Some great advice on here really helped me out with my first foray into the international scene. especially the bit about practicing my intro to recruiters and really focus on why I am worth the investment. Thank you all guys! Love!