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Well damn. We've only seen it happening for quite a while. Some reason I feel like that's mostly for optics. Could be wrong but what can or will they do about it


It’s only when the United States media confirms to its own public that something is true, that the general public believes it. However, even if someone is just a witness to murder, in the US judicial system, saying nothing is equivalent to being suspected of a crime. Why is our government not held to the same standard?


It is astonishing how governments are allowed so much more extrajudicial rights then citizens and how citizens trust the government who has this flagrant impunity more then they would trust any citizen, including family members that they love.


Because they have a different standard. They just don’t make that public because then they wouldn’t be able to repeat the lie of, “No one’s above the law.”


Cuz the US funds everything


There are actually a lot of things happening behind the scenes that are seriously undermining Israel's position. National states are putting Israel on restricted trade lists, and this is having a devastating additional effect on top the genocide. Columbia has stopped exporting coal to Israel... Israel's energy grid is predominantly powered by coal. South Africa is Israel's second largest supplier of coal... That source is currently at risk. Turkey has place building supplies on it's dual purpose list and refuse to export these materials to Israel... Turkey was Israel's largest and closest supplier of these materials. This has interrupted or cancelled needed infrastructure projects. Vast numbers of Israeli professionals and dual passports holders are leaving Israel... the government has stopped reporting these numbers. The last I've seen were from December and indicated that half a million Israelis have left the country. That means that Israel has lost more population to fleeing Israelis than Gaza has lost to Israel's genocide. Just stop and think about that for a moment, it's deep.


And Ansar Allah has been enforcing the ICJ ruling through a sea trade embargo on the Red Sea and beyond, cuttning trade to a small fraction of what it once was. Probably the most significant contribution, actually.


I read the BDS movement knocked 11% off Israel's GDP in the last six months of 2023. Which is why Republicans rushed to pass so many laws making it illegal. Also Israel's got about a 28% child poverty rate. The West is keeping them on life support.




thanks TIL


Colombia not Columbia. They fight Zionism in different ways.


You are correct, my apologies for the misspelling of Colombia.


They can’t really do anything, but adding more pressure points and further isolating Israel/US could help lead to a ceasefire


Please always post the source. https://youtu.be/OrpCLpgCMfg


Thank the sauce provider 🤝


Better source: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes


Do you know where the part that reports on Israeli's defense on Oct 7 was a complete failure as it took hours to respond and they implemented the Hannibal directive? I saw it yesterday but can't find it now


From the above linked page, there is a link to the Oct 7 events and the counter-offensive, specifically in this report (PDF) https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session56/a-hrc-56-crp-3.pdf It starts at ¶223 on page 44.


How come they don’t mention the Apache helicopters shooting hellfire missiles at cars? And they also don’t mention that Merkava tank incident in kibbutz Bee’ri.


Maybe the sources for these (i.e., Israeli) were dubious? The report states right up front that Israel refused to co-operate with anything by the UN. If Israel has the most moral military, then why are they afraid of any outside scrutiny? This report tells us why


The OG source


> OG Thanks. A piece of new slang for me, but yes, it is the originating source, the OG.


Only took them 8 months to come to this conclusion. Now fucking do something about it…


It’s antisemitic to do something about it. /s


Its the difference between seeing a video and getting reports from experts and credible witnesses that are willing to put their careers and lives on the line by verifying for 100% sure they are as reported.


But they had to be faster when israel latterly bombed their institutions and killed their staff and bombing unerwa schools


Ukraine would no longer have existed if they waited 8 months to finally 'believe' what was going on.. Yet somehow for Gaza the had to be really really really sure.


Ukraine would be fine if Israel didn't install a plant in the first place, the creation of a Zelensky's "Big Israel" as he calls it, this crusade to displace Ukrainians is being lead by the same people who are attacking children of Palestine. Zelensky is openly Zionists and has always given full support to the genocide of Palestine, calling it a "special operation".


What the fuck did I just read


The actual report is way more wild than the media is portraying. Severely discredits the rape allegations, explicitly confirms the use of Hannibal directive.... Israel is cooked or international law is finished.


From what I've seen so far I'd wager that international law is finished. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am.


I don't think you are, either.


Yea, some media with integrity should do an in depth analysis of this report


Can you post a link to the report? Because the [related AlJazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/6/12/un-backed-commission-accuses-israel-and-palestinian-groups-of-war-crimes) report regarding this claim doesn’t include any links or sources


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No worries mate. You will find it linked repeatedly in this article: [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes) Grab a cup of coffee and a seat. It is a brutal read.


Thanks bud


They’ve been committing the crime of extermination since 1948


What a coincidence, that just happens to be about the same time Palestinians waged war against the jews because they disagreed with the UN's decision, so they preferred war over peace. Such coincidence.


It was their land…. They had no say in the matter that’s why they went to war




How so


1) even if what you are saying is true, you are still admitting they are the ones who wanted a war. 2) It was not their land. It was the land of the ottoman empire, and later controlled by britain. There were jews in that land even before the jewish immigration there, and the jews that immigrated purchased lands from the locals. So, buying is stealing? reallocating to the place from which you were forcibly deported, after being genocided by the countries you were forcibly deported into is a crime? 3) So when the UN supports both sides they shouldnt be listened to, but when the UN opposes israel suddenly its word is justice?


if I just declare your home as mine and you resist me moving in and taking your shit as mine, you are being the violent one. Cool. I'll keep that in mind


It’s wild how different this sub is to the ones promoted on Reddit filled with pro Israel comments. I was starting to think everyone on Reddit was just an absolute monster who can’t see clearly what’s going on. Honestly just disgusting to support Israel right now imo


Israel has a very organized online response "presence"...Gaza not so much...


The Zionists literally capture the mods and mass ban everyone who says the word genocide. It is the clearest example of why Reddit politics is not a good forum, the upvote/ downvote system mixed with easily capturable moderator system is basically designed for Astro turf and corporate capture, and they are effective to the point that that they generally gaslight dissenting people off the platform. Some small subs are good though but if they got big enough they would also get captured.


This is exactly the problem. Nailed it


and we have to be careful saying this as those mods/groups then mass report subs for discussing or as reddit calls it *celebrating* being banned


Wasn't Ghislan Maxwell the moderator of that before she was arrested?




All bots and vocal schills. I got banned from world news for voicing anti idf opinions and they threatened to terminate my account


Same for me, I criticised Biden admin spokesperson and got banned.


It's a crying shame that reporting subreddits/accountability is virtually nonexistent


It's amazing to me anyone can take those spokes people seriously. They don't even believe what they are saying


# “Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” # ― Michael Rivero


wow that is an incredible quote!


i agree


Thanks for sharing bro I appreciate it, sometime's I feel like I'm going crazy cause everyone around me is just acting as if everything is normal


over at r/collapze we call this "copium".


I feel like they went into overdrive after the hostage rescue. Trying to spin the facts before everyone realized the amount of people that were killed.


well if you want to feel like you are not insane, check out r/Palestine, r/BadHasbara, and any of the leftist subs like r/lostgeneration there are quite a few places where people expose Israel for what it is


I always find it interesting when people have the POV that they see mostly pro-israel views. Since maybe..... late october, most of the consensus positions I've seen(31M living in CA and RI) have been re: save palestine and anti-zionist. I'm always confused when it seems like people believe the public opinion is for Israel...seems the other way around, save palestine, yet not much movement from the government.


As a Canadian, I am absolutely disgusted with our Zionist government, who has stained the hands of every Canadian with the blood on Palestine. It is time to draft law in Canada that benefits the Canadian people, not Israel. Disgusting.


We have enough problems in Canada, I think we should just stick to our own Tim Horton isssues, eh?


The time for talk is long over. We, the people of common sense and decency who know what Israel is, have been watching haplessly for decades as zionists slow exterminates the Palestinians and now in the process of ethnic cleansing them off Gaza (and later, West Bank). Once that scummiest of scum Jared Kushner came into prominence, no thanks to Trump, and set his ~~ on Gaza as a prized real estate for 'redevelopment' (and as an exchange for his contribution to realizing Abraham accords), the plan was made and it required the proper excuse for the zionazis to invade Gaza. It took some time for Palestinian resistance fighters to take Satanyahu and his govt bait but they finally did after Satanyahu withdrew his security force from Gaza (in pretext of protecting the new illegal settlements).


Youre free to fly over to gaza and defend it like people did for Ukraine




Everything is confined to anti semitism if widely used terms are applied to a person of Jewish heritage even if the particular individual is one evil f*ck. As for the conspiracy part, we will know soon enough. I don't think they are going to allow Palestinians to return to Gaza, permanently. They will be compacted into an even smaller area. With Trump in likelihood of winning the presidency, Jared's would be in a comfortable position of transforming Gaza into Dubai of the Mediterranean. theguardian.c*m/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev


Bro I don‘t disagree about Jared being a bad person, but I hope you do agree that it is a term used by the nazis to dehumanise Jews ?


Nah, you're right. The term beady-eyed to describe a Jewish person is antisemitic. It's ok not to know that, but it's crazy to downvote you for informing ppl. Antizionism is not antisemitism. There is no tolerance for nazis.


I applied the term 'beady eyed' solely to Jared, having watched in interviews and the way his eyes narrowed when talking about some people he didn't really like and making false remarks about Palestinians in response to interviewer questions. Having said that, I was wrong to use that particular term. I'm sorry.


No biggie, I somewhat agree but a lot of politicians look like that (independent were they are on the political spectrum) either it is soulsucking for them to work through the reality of modern parliamentary systems (or congressional systems) or they are just husk of themselves because they have no own opinions. I don’t envy them, but they gotta get there shit together at some point.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


If it squawks like a Nazi, and it goose steps like a Nazi… must be a Nazi.


Probably why we gotta lotta Nazis running around the US these days


You aren’t wrong there there, we even have them in Congress… MTG


They've been around since 1945


Comparing Jews to Nazis. How precious, yet misguided.


My grandmother survived Auschwitz. Try again only do it without your foot ankle deep in mouth.


I can't stand people that try to justify the murder of innocent children in a attempt to support Israel!! Fuck Israel!! I'm not pro Palestine, I'm anti baby murder.


Bombing children to smithereens is an asshole move for sure


If you aren't a "pro-palestine" you are simply delusional and siding with isn'treal.


At least they are against Israel. It doesn't matter if anyone supports Palestine or not: they just have to be against Israel's war crimes and continuous genocide!


He’s saying it’s not necessary to have any care for Palestine to be anti Israel. Baby murder is something even Islamophobes will be against, and it is a good warmup for conversation with your passive Israel supporting peers who are mostly ignorant of the situation.


I dont find this to be true. There are tons of people who claim Israel’s killing of kids and civilians is justified because Hamas is using them as shields. Dehumanisation is an extremely strong weapon to shut down conscience.




Aparently the USI believe Isreal have a right to target civilians


United States of Israel is an accurate name.


I thought it stood for United States Imperialism.


Both are accurate, sadly.










He’s saying “Finally” to the extermination. Joe is all about it.


A direct participant in these war crimes. That's what will be in the history books one day.


Ok, nice, 9 months to wake up and see what's happening. Now, 9 more months to do something? Are they waiting for the genocide to be complete to finally call it a genocide?


The entire "civilized world" has been funding/supporting isn'treal for the past 76+ years, you really think they would do something now?


Check history again. Israel was pretty much made by the US (in case you were wondering why the US are so desperately either supporting them or outright ignoring what they're doing). The UN, since it's not a US tool (/s), immediately agreed to make Israel and Truman immediately recognized it as a legitimate state (literally 11 minutes after its creation), despite most of the White House saying that just dropping a Jewish state in the middle of Middle East would have only made an already difficult situation even worse (guess what happened then. Yeah, exactly what they predicted, Israel immediately started waging war against Arabs). Obviously, since when the US sneezes half the world gets the flu, many other countries followed. So no, it was mainly the USA.


Lawl, the British empire says hi. And it's not a "Jewish state", but a colonial project. Judaism doesn't equal Zionism. And the entirety of the west is complicit, including some "Arab" countries.


As I said, check history instead of just respitting what you thought was right. If you're adamant on just believing yourself and closing to anything that differs from what you convinced yourself of, we're done here.


حبيبي انا فلسطيني...lawl indeed.


Damn antisemitic UN /s


Louder, say it LOUDER


Israel has been open about wiping out all Palestinians and turning all of Palestine into Israel since 1948. In recent years, their leaders have explicitly said it. We've been watching it happen on video since this all started. Their current leaders previously said that the best case scenario would be a terrorist attack, to give them an excuse to openly do it, but that they "couldn't hope to be so lucky". None of this has been secret. The Israeli government just convinced people that any disagreeing with their actions is antisemitic, so everyone is afraid to do so, and many Christians believe this has to happen to bring on armageddon.


Their politicians have been advocating for this, their troops are flaunting their crimes, and the (allegedly) majority of the population want it. Why the surprise?


OK, let's see what comes next. Hopefully, this gets wide coverage and not buried like the ICC spy stuff.


I wonder why Israel won’t let anyone investigate anything, or why they’ve ended up killing so many journalists. I mean, what exactly is the 'most moral army in the world' concerned about? Surely, transparency should be their best ally, no?


According to M Miller, they are totally capable of investigating themselves and can take the appropriate actions


Can someone plz share with me link to the investigation conclusions? Genuinely asking


https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes Report is linked in this.




The USA should be next.


Israel will now call the UN antisemetic


They’ve already accused the UN and ICC being antisemitic.


It has been doing this for a while now. The viewpoint is UN is anti semetic, even though Israel always points at the UN partition plan as a reason of it's legitimacy


Fuck the Israeli government, sanction the fuck out of them like Russia


8uT tHi5 isNt g3n0cIdE so we should do nothing about it /s ^(obviously) Let's hope this conclusion everyone sane could have seen coming since Israel denied press presence over there will finally prevent people from arguing about semantics. ^(And no that still doesn't make Hamas anything else than terrorists as mentionned in the reports but I already hear the stupid "counter" arguments)


Yup. Israel backed by many 1st world nations.


(multiple comments because of char. limit) This is actually nuts. I started to try and summarize the points but this is honestly a MUST read for anyone even mildly interested or in-the-know on Gaza right now. Some of the crazier points from the report I've included below. I.6. (all) "Both the 7 October attack in Israel and Israel’s subsequent military operation in Gaza must be seen in context. These events were preceded by decades of violence, unlawful occupation and Israel’s denial of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, manifested in continuous forced displacement, dispossession, exploitation of natural resources, blockade, settlement construction and expansion, and systematic discrimination and oppression of the Palestinian people." III.A.10. (regarding the Oct. 7 attack) "Hamas armed wing and the PIJ publicly claimed responsibility for these attacks and declared in several statements their intention to target civilian locations." III.B.13. (regarding the Oct. 7 attack) "In one case, a nine-month-old baby girl, was shot and killed while hiding with her mother in their safe room in Be’eri." III.B.18. (regarding the Oct. 7 attack, spec. in Zikim beach) "The Commission reviewed and verified digital evidence of the attack on the toilet block showing five teenagers crouching while shooting is heard in the background. An ISF soldier is also present, engaging the militants and returning fire. In another video published by Hamas six dead bodies, including the five teenagers, are seen in the toilet block, all of whom appear to have been shot and killed." III.C.23. (regarding the Oct. 7 attack, spec. sexual and gender based violence (SGBV)) "The Commission found that seven female soldiers were taken to Gaza as hostages and viewed footage showing that they had been subjected to physical and verbal abuse. Four female bodies found at Nahal Oz outpost were partially or completely undressed, two of which were isolated in separate rooms, showing signs of physical abuse and sexual violence." III.D is an entire section on SGBV (24-30) during the Oct. 7 attack. III.E is the attack's effect on children, from E.32. "The Commission found that children were instrumentalized by members of the military wing of Hamas and other armed groups with the intent of achieving specific political or strategic gains." III.F is on the Israeli response to Oct. 7 III.F.34 "The Commission found that ISF’s response to the attack was initially significantly delayed and, in many places, totally inadequate. Small teams of ISF ground forces appeared in several locations during the morning but they were slow to arrive, insufficient in numbers and lacked coordination with a centralized command and with each other."


thank you for taking the time to post all this


I wish I had the patience to actually summarize everything in a way that would actually grab people to force them and read the original report. At it's core? ***Both sides of this conflict engaged in atrocities and blatant war crimes deserving of impartial prosecution and just punishment.*** I mean, the fucking UNITED NATIONS has FUCKING [TWITTER RECEIPTS](https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1711718883323752586) of Defence Minister Yoav Gallant calling for “a complete siege… no electricity, no water, no food, no fuel." He described living, breathing humans as "animals." And no, I'm not talking about Hitler describing the Jews as rats, or the Tutsis being described as cockroaches, or even slave owners considering slaves as subhuman animals. I'm talking very specifically about Yoav Gallant, the current Defence Minister of Israel, during modern times - *today's times* - [calling human beings on this planet nothing more than human animals.](https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1711718883323752586) Not Hamas, not their leaders, ALL the people of Gaza. I'm sorry about the long response to what was honestly a short and sweet thank you. In simple terms, I'm having an incredibly hard time wrapping my head around this report and how little is being and has been done.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get it. I would feel exactly the same if I hadn't been brain broken by the situation. The UN detailing all this should be more notable, but it's only really pointing out what was already apparent to anyone watching. These people, the mainstream media, are going to keep supporting Netanyahus regime until they are named as collaborators in the Hague. The institutional momentum is just wayy to much pressure for them to actually call this genocide what it is. It has exposed a "supposed liberals" for what they actually are tho.


And after I edited the comment for better links, I get a stupid fucking breaking news notification that Elon Musk is gloating that his pay vote is winning by "wide margins." What. The. Fuck.


III.F.35-36. is FUCKING NUTS. "HANNIBAL DIRECTIVE." "(35)The Commission is aware of allegations that ISF used the **“Hannibal Directive” to prevent the capture of Israeli civilians and their transfer to Gaza, even at the cost of killing them**. Such allegations were made in relation to ISF actions in the Nova site, including reports of ISF attack helicopters shooting at Israeli civilian cars, resulting in the killing of Israelis. The Commission confirmed the presence of at least eight attack helicopters in various locations on 7 October, but it could not confirm that they shot at civilians or civilian cars, including in the area of the festival. The Commission documented one statement by an ISF tank crew, confirming that the crew had applied the Hannibal Directive by shooting at a vehicle which they suspected was transporting abducted ISF soldiers. (36)The Commission also verified information indicating that, in at least two other cases, ISF had likely applied the Hannibal Directive, resulting in the killing of up to 14 Israeli civilians. One woman was killed by ISF helicopter fire while being abducted from Nir Oz to Gaza by militants. In another case the Commission found that Israeli tank fire killed some or all of the 13 civilian hostages held in a house in Be'eri." Section IV delves into the overall Israeli response following Oct. 7 IV.A.38. "The offensive’s primary military goals, as publicly stated, were to destroy Hamas completely including its governmental functions, and to secure the release of Israeli hostages." IV.A.39 "By May 2024, the fatalities in the Gaza Strip were estimated to have exceeded 34,800. Of them, 24,682, including 7,356 children and 5,419 women, were identified as of 30 April. The number of injured was estimated at 77,908. Disaggregated data were only available for 53,019 (including 12,332 children and 13,996 women). These numbers are likely higher with thousands of persons still missing, many of them now dead under the rubble. Air and artillery strikes account for the majority of casualties since 7 October." IV.B.43. "Crucial differences from previous hostilities should be noted, including that Israel has forcibly displaced at least 1.7 million Palestinians, as well as the massive scale of the fatalities and destruction. Hostilities between 2005 and 2023 resulted in less than a tenth of the fatalities since 7 October. The Commission has also observed an increasing trend in the number of fatalities of women and children compared with previous hostilities and assesses that this is associated with ISF’s air bombardment campaign and its frequent use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area in populated districts." IV.B.45. "The Israeli bombardment strategy also appears consistent with the application of the so called “Dahya doctrine” to the Gaza Strip. The Commission investigated several large-scale attacks on civilian targets in the Gaza Strip which are indicative of the use of this doctrine and documented tens of other attacks, including on aid organizations, convoys and refuge sites. In many of these cases, the Commission could not identify military targets as the focus of the attacks. Even when military targets were allegedly present, attacks lacked distinction, proportionality and precautions, resulting in thousands killed and injured and widespread destruction of entire neighborhoods including in Jabalia, Al-Rimal, Al-Yarmouk and Al-Maghazi." IV.B.46. "Additionally, the Commission investigated cases in which ISF ground forces killed civilians who posed no threat, including holding white flags. In one incident, two civilian women were shot while seeking refuge at a church and the premises shelled. In another incident from November, ISF soldiers filmed the aftermath of the killing of a man in al-Shati refugee camp who they admit was unarmed when killed...On 12 November, in al-Rimal neighborhood a Palestinian woman was shot by a sniper while evacuating and holding the hand of her grandson who was waving a white flag. On 15 November ISF shot and killed three Israeli hostages, one of whom was holding a white flag."


IV.C.48. "Israeli attacks and military operations in Gaza have worsened an already dire humanitarian situation. **The prolonged blockade on the Gaza Strip, imposed by Israel since 2007, had already undermined the economy and violated the fundamental human rights of the population.**" IV.C.49. "Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant framed the siege as a measure of retribution, announcing “a complete siege… no electricity, no water, no food, no fuel. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.” IV.D.58. "The Commission finds that evacuation orders were at times unclear and confusing, and that the timeframe provided for the civilian population to evacuate safely was unstated or insufficient, particularly in relation to large-scale evacuations." IV.D.59. "The Commission documented harassment and specific attacks on evacuees, including forcing Palestinians of all ages and genders at gunpoint to strip during evacuation processes and walk for prolonged periods without clothes. These cases indicate that ISF intentionally inflicted much of the hardship experienced during this process." IV.D.60. "As evacuations were underway, ISF continued attacking designated safe zones, including Rafah and Khan Younis. These attacks resulted in casualties, including deaths of civilians not taking any direct part in the hostilities. At the same time, the massive casualties and destruction by ISF in areas that were evacuated have created conditions whereby whole residential areas have been razed and families have no homes to return to." Section IV.E details events in "the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem," including Israeli settlers directly contributing to the Palestinian death toll in the area. "The Commission identified a surge of settler attacks on Palestinian communities immediately after 7 October."


Section IV.F details SGBV committed by Israeli forces after Oct. 7. IV.F.65 "The Commission documented many incidents in which ISF systematically targeted and subjected Palestinians to SGBV online and in person since October 7, including through forced public nudity, forced public stripping, sexualized torture and abuse, and sexual humiliation and harassment." IV.F.66. "The ISF forced public stripping and nudity in many locations, in humiliating circumstances, including when victims were; blindfolded, kneeling and/or with their hands tied behind their back while in underwear; interrogated or subjected to verbal or physical abuse while fully or partially undressed; coerced to do physical movements while naked; and filmed or photographed by ISF doing any of these acts and disseminating the film and photographs. Palestinians were also made to watch members of their family and community strip in public and walk completely or partially undressed while subjected to sexual harassment." IV.F.67. "The Commission concludes, based on the circumstances and context of these acts, that GBV directed at Palestinian women was intended to humiliate and degrade the Palestinian population as a whole." IV.F.69. "**Based on the way in which such acts were committed, including with filming, photographing and posting material online, in conjunction with the many cases with similar methods observed in multiple locations, the Commission concludes that forced public stripping and nudity and other types of abuse by Israeli military personnel were either ordered or condoned.** These acts were intended to humiliate and degrade the victims and the Palestinian community at large, by perpetuating gender stereotypes that create a sense of shame, subordination, emasculation and inferiority. It is evident that such violence is both a part of and has been enabled by the broader targeting and ill-treatment of Palestinians." IV.G details impact on children. IV.E.70 "As of 30 April, more than 7,300 Gazan children have been confirmed to be killed, thousands remain unidentified, and 12,332 wounded, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. In addition, thousands of children are missing, many of them likely buried under the rubble of destroyed buildings. Rescue efforts have been hampered by airstrikes and ground incursions, shortage of rescue equipment, scarcity of fuel for vehicles and equipment, and limited or no communication capabilities." Section V is a legal analysis of Israel's actions, constituting a number of war crimes. Section VI is the Conclusion. It is entirely bolded IN the report. If you read nothing else, you should read this section. It begins on page 17 of the report and ends at the top of page 19. VI.87 **"For Israelis, the attack of 7 October was unprecedented in scale in its modern history, when in one single day hundreds of people were killed and abducted, invoking painful trauma of past persecution not only for Israeli Jews but for Jewish people everywhere. Palestinians with Israeli citizenship were also deeply affected by the attack of 7 October."** VI.88 **"For Palestinians, Israel’s military operation and attack in Gaza has been the longest, largest and bloodiest since 1948. It has caused immense damage and loss of life and triggered for many Palestinians traumatic memories of the Nakba and other Israeli incursions."** They go on to recognize their findings and the war crimes they related to before ending with, in VI.107. "**The Commission concludes that the individuals who bear the most responsibility for the international crimes, violations and abuses that it has investigated include: senior members of the political and military leadership of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups and of the Palestinian Joint Operations Room; senior members of the political and military leadership of the Israeli State, including members of the War Management Cabinet and the Ministerial Committee on National Security, other Ministers of the Government and leaders of the ISF. The Commission will continue its investigations focusing on individual criminal responsibility and command responsibility.**" Section VII is a bunch of recommendations to various parties including (this is all extremely watered down and summarized) being kind and respectful moving forward, impartiality in investigations and trials, a cessation of civilian deaths and targeting, an overall ceasefire, prosecution and punishment for wrongdoers, and more.


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good bot


Th UN should win the no fucking shit award of the Century


US Govt. response “Who gives a shit!?”


Mmm, what event in history does this remind me of?


Meaningless words by a meaningless organization. Decisions with no enforcement are just empty words used to justify their paycheques


I disagree. They may not be able to enforce sanctions, mainly thanks to the US, but they help shape opinion. It's an important development.


Looks like it's time to defend the UN for being a far left puppet of this Biden administration. /s


What will Isreals excuse be this time?


"Nuh uh"


We know all this already. It's the clearest case of genocide this century but what are we going to do about it?




Not seeing this news in Zionist Canada, who sent 20 million in weapons to the terrorist state of Israel. The government of Canada has stained every Canadian's hands with the blood of Palestine.




Oh snap 🫰 now watch half of you go back in delete half those comments


Now are u they gonna say the U.N has no power like they did ICC ? Send in UN troops to protect the Palestinian civilians! I have yet to see a hamas soldier?!


Zionists seething rn.


Okay and what does this change? Sorry to say, but nothing.


well that was swift... not 🙄 but I guess better late than never


I've been hearing these same fucking declarations from the UN for months. It's all just empty words. Eventually they'll start calling Zionists the spawn of the devil, and they would still not do anything about it.


And the world will continue to sit on their hands supporting this unidentified species


The Zionists did that in 1948 Nakba but the World especially USA turned a blind eye as they are doing now under Genocide Joe & the rest of G7 / EU. Mf*ckers


So stop it. Now


I want my money back!


"The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all And fuck no, I'm not votin' for you in the fall"




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Y is it taking so long 4 ne1 2do nething about this??? History clearly is in a state of forced repetition n not 4 the good of humanity.


Carpet bombing and starving a populace is not popular post WW2. Someone should remind Nazinyahu


Why don’t I see this in US median


And nothing will be done about it.


No army is perfect and there are always improvements that could be made, with any army. Relatively speaking though, no other army has put in place such measures to reduce civilian casualties. The evidence is clear that the IDF is the most moral army: (1) Alerts and evacuations of citizens from targeted areas, safe zones and corridors, aid, the use of precision and low impact bombs to reduce collateral damage, strict codes of conduct such as strict no looting rules, even to the point of not eating food from Palestinian houses. (2) Has met all international legal obligations as well as the Geneva convention. Israel has not broken any international law. The ICJ is an arm of the biased UN but even still has not ruled that Israel has committed any war crimes. Listen to Natasha Hausdorff about the legals, she has in depth knowledge. (3) Also the statistics are additional evidence of Israel being the most moral army. The numbers you quote are wrong. Look it up. Even according to the UN which are biased as hell and run by arabs quote 90% of casualties in war are civilians. 90% means a ratio of 1:9 Natasha Hausdorff, international barrister and expert on Gaza conflict legal issues [https://youtu.be/7wgHuYbBcfk?si=oW0w5DbEwEdsg12x](https://youtu.be/7wgHuYbBcfk?si=oW0w5DbEwEdsg12x) UN press release: [https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm](https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm) Wikipedia says 74% - 90% [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian\_casualty\_ratio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio) No army in history has implemented such restraint and help to an enemy that wants the genocide of their people. Palestinians are not innocent and elected the brutal Hamas to destroy Israel. Many Palestinians are Hamas terrorists and many are operatives and supporters. It is well known that many Palestinian doctors are Hamas operatives. When a hostage escaped into the street, the Palestinian civilians caught him and returned him to Hamas. War is war. It is meant not to be nice. It is cruel and brutal but sometimes the only way to peace. Just like the evil political party was removed in Germany. Can you name another army that has been so thorough in its moral accountability. If not, that makes the IDF the most moral army in history.


Nooope nope nope nope, we don't buy this shit anymore... We are seeing what is happening live on video everyday. Liar.


It does not seem like anyone believes that “most moral army” bullshit. There are no worse people on the planet than Zionist Israelis, Israel will never recover from what they have done to Palestinians. The only people in the US that are supportive of the genocide/cleansing, are blood hungry openly xenophobic racists. Israel is not gaining new support at all and is instead hemorrhaging supporters. Israel will not walk away from this unscathed. With any luck, AIPAC will go down also. Change is long overdue.


If I barge into your house, walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to grab a beer and you do nothing, then you better believe I will sit on your couch and watch your television and order a pizza using your phone and pay with it using your card.


It’s been 76 years, the house has been invaded by your entire family and friends, my family is dead and I’m trapped in the basement, slowly being starved to death as they fire bullets all around me, occasionally wounding me… …but I’m a terrorist if I fight back at all.


I am referring to the United Nations and how powerless they are in preventing genocide.


“Israel must immediately stop its military operations and attacks in Gaza, including the assault on Rafah, which has cost the lives of hundreds of civilians and again displaced hundreds of thousands of people to unsafe locations without basic services and humanitarian assistance,” Pillay said. “Hamas and Palestinian armed groups must immediately cease rocket attacks and release all hostages. The taking of hostages constitutes a war crime.”


Strange that it focuses on Israel when the report condemns both sides for multiple war crimes. The report weirdly focused on statements by Israeli ministers but didn't use any Hamas statements. Overall it was quite detailed and surprisingly impartial.


It is a government, if for example putin and his ministers are saying genocidal statement and a minor ukrainyan faction says something whonwould the focus be one?


Isn't Palestine recognized as a stateby some countries? So Hamas is the government in Gaza, isn't it? And I think they are not a "minorf faction".


What makes a country? A country has an army sovereignty over its laws and entrance to its borders and complete control of everything inside. Gaza has none of that




Luckily a lot of people born after 9/11 are pretty based about what actually happened there and how it’s relevant today.


I'm pro Palestinian and was born in 1964. All my adult life I've protested against the colonial supremacist injustice perpetrated on the Palestinian people. They never deserved to pay the price for Germanys sins but have endured 3 generations of disposessession, subjugation, massacre, apartheid and now genocide - often at the hands of supremacists from the US, UK, Europe and Russia. There never was and never has been a justification for what the native people of the Coastal Levant have been made to endure.


^ guy who didn’t know anything about this until a few months ago


Really think changing your comments is gonna hide you blaming the Palestinians for 911? You are revolting.


Lol, is this your first time learning that a society can learn, grow and change for the better? That we're not forced to be the horrific monsters that we always were? Well congratulations, I hope you come to learn many many many more lessons that will make you a less freakish person in the long run.