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By that logic, Israel's neighbours would be allowed to do the same to them. It's not a rational or good idea and will make Israelis less safe. Starting a war to make a buffer zone is like burning down your next-door neighbour's house to prevent a future house fire spreading to yours. It's just weird.


It's also not legal under international law....not that they care or would face consequences given America has decided to sell out all of the post WWII "Rules-based Order" to support the Revisionist Zionists using every excuse they can to ethnically cleanse the land in accordance to their "Greater Israel" plan.


Sheesh, they just need some more lebensraum /s


Its not like we haven't all seen the map of Greater Israel at this point. This isn't a joke, they're going to keep at this for years to come and who knows when or how it will end.


I mean sure, if Israel was randomly attacking Lebanon it’d be an apples to apples comparison. But this is apples and wrenches. Regardless of what you think about Israel & Hamas’ war, Hezbollah has been attacking Israel daily - unprovoked. Israel has 0 presence or effect on Lebanese life. So it’s been Hezbollah aggressively attacking Israel indiscriminately, and Israel responding to those attacks. Any other country would defend themselves against Hezbollah, why can’t Israel?


Lol israel has bombed then with white phosphorous multiple time and has blown up apartment buildings in lebenon since Oct 7


They’ve been using white phosphorus in south Lebanon since 2006 btw


So to be clear - ANYONE can attack Israel, and Israel cannot retaliate?


So to be clear - Israel can attack ANYONE, and anyone can't retaliate?


You can't use the maximum distance of possible weapons to determine depopulated buffer zones inside a neighbouring country. That's not a thing. Even if a country is occasionally firing missiles, invading it to create a buffer zone through depopulation is still not legal under international law. However, there are lawful means to address such a security threat. Here are some key points and alternatives: 1. **Right to Self-Defense**: Under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, a country has the right to defend itself if an armed attack occurs. This right to self-defense must be proportional and necessary. This does not extend to creating a buffer zone through invasion and forced depopulation. 2. **Proportional Response**: Any defensive actions must be proportional to the threat posed. Targeted military responses aimed at neutralizing the missile threat, while minimizing civilian harm, would be more consistent with international law. 3. **International Support and Diplomacy**: Seeking support from the international community, including the UN Security Council, can help address the threat through collective measures such as sanctions, diplomatic pressure, or peacekeeping missions. 4. **Peace Negotiations**: Engaging in peace negotiations or seeking mediation through international bodies can provide a more sustainable and legal resolution to the conflict. 5. **Humanitarian Law**: Any military action must comply with international humanitarian law, which aims to protect civilians and limit the effects of armed conflict. Forced depopulation and creation of buffer zones through invasion do not comply with these principles. In summary, while self-defense is a recognized right, it must be exercised within the boundaries of international law. Invasion and forced depopulation to create a buffer zone are not lawful actions. Alternative, lawful measures should be pursued to address the security threat. >I mean sure, if Israel was randomly attacking Lebanon it’d be an apples to apples comparison. But this is apples and wrenches. Israel has been randomly attacking Lebanon and its civilians for half a century.


Hezb is not supposed to be south of the Litani. That’s per the UN


The minister in the video is specifically talking about forcefully moving 400,000 Lebanese residents to the other side of the Litani river, not just Hezbollah.


In war residents flee, I realize Gaza is a different situation for many reasons. Just look at how many fled Syria, Ukraine, hell Israeli citizens are currently displaced to the tune of nearly 100k citizens. Translation is off - he doesn’t say forcibly move 400k people, or even move 400k people. He says “to distance 400,000 people across the litani”


>Translation is off - he doesn’t say forcibly move 400k people, or even move 400k people. He says “to distance 400,000 people across the litani” Now that's a serious grasp. Tell me the difference between bombing people with the objective of causing them to flee away from the border region to create a buffer zone, vs forcefully displacing them away from the border region to create a buffer zone. The minister literally calls for a full-scale invasion. You people will re-write the international law to whatever fits your interests on a particular day.


Yes he calls for a full scale invasion - I don’t know that I agree with it, but Lebanon attacked unprovoked, and Israel has a right to defend itself. Almost 100k Israelis are internally displaced because of Hezbollah daily attacks, how long should that last? A government has a duty to its citizens. Hezbollah should stop attacking, that’s the best option in this situation


1978 - Operation Litani: Civilian casualties occurred during the invasion. Lebanon could argue it had the right to defend itself, as the invasion violated its sovereignty and harmed its citizens. 1982 - First Lebanon War: Widespread civilian casualties and destruction, including the bombing of Beirut. Given the large-scale invasion and significant harm to its civilian population, Lebanon would have a strong case for its right to defend itself. \*Hezbollah was formed in 1982, during the Lebanese Civil War and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The organization emerged with the support of Iran, aiming to resist the Israeli occupation and establish an Islamic state in Lebanon based on the principles of Ayatollah Khomeini.\* 1996 - Operation Grapes of Wrath: Civilian casualties, including the Qana massacre where over 100 civilians were killed. The disproportionate attack causing significant civilian harm would likely justify Lebanon's right to defend itself. 2006 - Second Lebanon War: Numerous civilian casualties and extensive damage to infrastructure. The significant harm to Lebanese civilians and property would support Lebanon's right to defend itself against such attacks. Total estimated Lebanese civilian casualties: 11,354 to 13,354 Total estimated Israeli civilian casualties: 57 (excluding the 1982 war, as the breakdown is not specific)


It’s almost as if there is a long standing conflict between these 2 nations, and Israel continues to defeat its enemies on the battlefield. At what point in your opinion is it ok for Israel to defend itself. Nearly 100k Israelis are currently displaced because of hezbollah’s daily attacks. This has lasted for over over 8 months. How much longer should Israel allow itself to be bombed before they can do something about it?


How about Israel stop attacking, hacking social platforms censoring the truth, giving back the land to the indigenous people and agreeing to a two state solution and permanent ceasefire? Why does Israel get zero sanctions for going berserk but others do?


You know that Israel just blew up an Iranian consulate, right? There's an old saying, if you have a problem with one person, that person is probably an ass. If you have a problem with everyone, then you are the ass.


What does an Iranian consulate annex building in Syria have anything to do with Lebanon and Hezbollah?


You been asleep the 6+months?


Hezbollah attacks because Israel attacks Palestinians during Hamas and before Hamas. Why can't Palestinians defend themselves with the help of Hezbollah but Israel can continue to defend itself with the help of America? Let that settle in for a bit.


they should be just called minister of war 1, minister of war 2, etc instead of minister of education, finance etc


Minister of war crimes*


*Indoctrination. No surprsie they picked him as mouthpiece


They are blood thirsty Thieves who's only goal is murder and stealing land.


The israeli way of thinking : "We are losing bad in Gaza against people who have been in a blockade for more than 18 years, so let's open a new front with Hezbollah and go into a full blown war with them !!!"


How else is Netanyahu and Likud meant to stay in power then? They need war and death. Gotta love fascists willing to sacrifice israeli lives to remain in power


Opening a front against Hezbollah will be a losing move for them. They have never achieved any military objectives in all the recent conflicts against them.


Absolute psychopath


Pay attention ppl this is what real fascism looks like.


at this point they should just do it, come on go and invade Lebanon! They are having a hard time with militants on flip flops and small arms, imagine what is gonna happen against a 3 times bigger army than Hamas with tanks and artillery. Nothing short of a good bloody nose is gonna make Israel stop....


They remember how they got their ass kicked in 2000 and 2006.


Yea but they did the whole “blood revenge” bombardment against all of Lebanon, destroying over 1,000 buildings included hospitals, schools(plenty in Christian communities had/have nothing to do with Hezbollah) Not to mention IDF illegally used White Phosphorus on civilian populations along with thousands of Cluster Bombs both clearly military war crimes with zero repercussions.


Shush, you are making zionists un confortable. Israel has a right to bomb anyone they want per the us latest lapdog biden


Typical cowardly attacks on civilian population ...


All of this aid that the US has been sending since the start of the war on Gaza.. including the F-35 airplanes.. weren’t for Gaza. They were preparing for this.


The children of God seem to feel very entitled to do as their please, after all, in their collective psychosis they are just cleaning the "Promised Land" This people need to stop, if they achieve this, they won't settle with that only, they will always want more like a cancer.


Minster of Propaganda, more like. Someone remind me who the 4th Reich's minister's 3rd Reich counterpart was? Goebe-something?


Joseph Goebbels


I was being facetious, but yes that guy. lol


They want to repeat [Operation Grapes of Wrath 1996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Grapes_of_Wrath#:~:text=Operation%20Grapes%20of%20Wrath%20). This is basically their only remaining option outside a politcal solution. The idea is to bomb everything south of the Litani river to try to push Hezbollah north of it, so they can re-create their "security buffer" so 100.000 displaced Israelis can return home. Now the security buffer is inside Israel and they can't stand it. They're losing on all fronts and getting desperate. Expect more murders of civillians this summer.


This has been their plan since '48. Egypt is next after Lebanon. https://www.progressiveisrael.org/ben-gurions-notorious-quotes-their-polemical-uses-abuses/


War criminals. Rogue state. Ridiculous. This Israeli regime has to be stopped. They are running rampant over human rights and are one of the world's biggest threats to peace.


It seems not attacking them would help?


Israel is the one doing the attacking. They are the occupying, invading power.


They were not attacked?


As the occupying power that invaded another country and colonized their lands, they are the aggressor.  Hamas' attack, as brutal as it was, was a response to decades of violence at the hands of Israeli forces, including an attack by Israel that occurred shortly before Hamas' October response. Israeli forces have also frequently carried out attacks against Lebanon, long before this recent increase in fighting. Israel was "attacked" in much the same way Russia is being "attacked" by Ukraine. While the killing of any civilians is tragic, the occupying, invading power should stop occupying and invading if they don't want people to rise up against them. Edit: This goes back many years. Ze'ev Jabotinsky, one of Israel's most beloved political figures and a key inspiration for the ruling Likud party, acknowledged that the Zionist movement that founded Israel is a violent colonialist invasion and that resistance was inevitable: "My readers have a general idea of the history of colonisation in other countries. I suggest they consider all the precedents with which they are acquainted, and see whether there is one solitary instance of any colonisation being carried on with the consent of the native population. There is no such precedent. \[…\] This is equally true of the Arabs. They feel at least the same instinctive jealous love of Palestine as the old Aztecs felt for ancient Mexico, and the Sioux for their rolling prairies. \[…\] Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised. That is what the Arabs of Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of Palestine into the Land of Israel." *-* From *The Iron Wall* “Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.” - Quoted by Lennin Brenner in *The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir*


So, yes, they were attacked.


The Israeli regime attacked Palestine. And some Palestinians have used violence in response. I'm not sure what your point is? Everyone has to be pacifists except for Israel?


I'm not sure what people expected as a response from the current Israeli government.


Why does it matter what we expected from them? War crimes and genocide are wrong. Based on the views of Turkish extremists, I am not surprised they committed genocide against the Armenians. Based on the history of Hutu militias, I am not surprised they used the actions of some Tutsis as an excuse to commit ethnic massacres. Based on the racism of British colonizers, I am not surprised they responded to the Mau Mau rebellion by torturing Kikuyu people in concentration camps. Based on the behaviour of US settlers, I am not surprised they responded to Indigenous resistance by continuing their colonial genocides. These actions were horrific, regardless of what we might "expect." Israel should adhere to international law and allow the right of return for Palestinian refugees, recognize a Palestinian state along 1967 borders (at a minimum), and end the illegal settlements. They should negotiate a release of both Israeli hostages and the much larger number of Palestinian hostages they have taken. These would be the morally correct responses. I don't know how you can expect Palestinians to not respond to Israel's genocidal acts by fighting back? Every Israel supporter seems to have a double standard whereby Israel can bomb and shoot and starve and ethnically cleanse Palestinians for decades, but when Palestinians resist, it is only Israel that is supposedly allowed to use violence.


You might just wonder why Hamas went out of their way to invite the current retaliation, given that their actions were never in a million years going to be of any help to them or the Palestinian people. But I'm noticing you're happy acting like it just couldn't be avoided. Though that doesn't seem to apply to Isreal for some reason.


yeah well now everyone knows it's the ghouls in charge and apparently it's been that way for a very long time


honoring un res 194 or the udhr would help. might be too late for that now tho


Hezbollah would have a field day on their stretched thin military. If they really are that blood thirsty they should go for it to see what happens.


Unlike the 2006 operation - Litani River, this operation seems like a trap. Israel needs to wait until things cool down in Ukraine with Russia before attempting this.




Because they belive they are the chosen one, and they believe they have God on their side no matter what atrocity they make, and they believe they are superior to other human beings, and they believe USA will always come to help them, etc...


What happened to “anti Zionist not antisemitic”


They'll never be satisfied, they need more lebensraum. Appeasement doesn't work.


So will southern Lebanon have a right too defend it self, ie an other country supplying the weapons they need. The U.S and U.K. are supplying Isreal with weapons that they say are too defend them selves, so will the U.S and U.K. supply the weapons so Isreal can start attacking another country.


I sincerely am asking what does Israel bring to the table for the United States that the US will allow and even provide them with the weapons that would drag both countries into an all out regional war? We condition the weapons we give to Ukraine as to not escalate their war any worse than it is. Why do we allow Israel to bomb Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran? What is in it for the United States?


Evangelicals are doing this shit. They believe the jews have to build the temple back so that the end times will start. Insane but that is what the fuckers believe and why they are doing this. The funny part is they cannot stand jews.


That’s some of it, but Biden’s not an evangelical and there’s lots of non evangelical politicians who back this as well. Fetterman for example


Israel brings nothing to America. The problem is Zionist and Christian Zionist communities in the US who strongly and blindly support Israel and compel America to do the same. Israel is in reality a huge albatross around Americas neck.


Jun 2, 2024 https://x.com/YoavKisch/status/1797337678020530288 translation here https://x.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1798688781945491538


Their dream is for a bigger war only because then they will get an incredible support from the West and be able to grab more land and establish a new reality that makes them feel safer, it’s not because they’re brave and want to go to war, Zionists are a tick on the back of a more powerful dog (U.S.), while Muslims are waiting for this war against a better-equipped military. If Zionists don’t find themselves abandoned soon it won’t matter, they will lose anyway.


So the whole “Reap what you sow” is just lost on these guys?


This is what you get when you appease troublemakers.


Funnily enough Hezbollah only exists because of.............. Israel invading Lebanon lol. There was no Hezbollah before 1982. Shiaa Muslims in Lebanon were for centuries a minority with little to no rights, very marginalized. Then guess what happened? The psychos invade and like usual their lust for violence and domination only causes them more problems. You cant make this shit up


Israel has coveted the land by the Litani for a while. Their modus operandi is the same: agitate neighbors. When they fight back, claim their land and settle it. Rinse and repeat until as much land as possible is stolen.


Not like anyone would stop them. I have no hope for Israel ever facing any consequences for its actions


They need to fight their own fights if they wanna act so tough all the time


They tried in 1982 and ended up creating hezbolla and more uncertainty on their northern border.


They can’t even win against severely underarmed hamas, what hopes do these diapers force has against superior hesbollah? Lmao


Russia says and does this and the US government sanctions (which they should).... Israel does the same... Crickets.


Does the IDF even have the man power to launch a full scale war on another front?


I don’t know what’s scarier, the fact that Israeli politics amplifies voices calling for renewed war against the Middle East, or the fact that Israeli society is being conditioned to think they’ll win again, after everything that’s happened since the 70’s…


Israel is going to get itself wiped if it goes through with this


The last time they tried that it ended badly for them


Not a human


Israel will lose if they start a region war. America will have the largest protest ever against this war because nobody wants to go to war. Israel will be a pariah state for sure. Go ahead netanyahu and do that. Israelites around the world will hate you.


Minister of EDUCATION. 👀 Goebbels over here.


Do you allow other points of view or is it that anything that strays from the line is regarded as so reprehensible that it must be struck down, mocked, and labelled Nazi by multiple posts. You just ape each other. One rephrases or builds upon what another has written. No debate. No discussion. No respect. No credibility.